Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

  • Thread starter EventHorizan
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so the sickly leaves away... should i cut the bad tips of the green leaves with brown tips too?

shiuld i get some bottled water without bubbles to tide me over till the ro unit comes?
no to the water
this isnt because of you
those roots looked really bad on those when you first got them

and yes all sickly leaves away and some...if the tips are bad then snip the tips
we want those girls to work on the roots
bicky studs

bicky studs

no to the water
this isnt because of you
those roots looked really bad on those when you first got them

and yes all sickly leaves away and some...if the tips are bad then snip the tips
we want those girls to work on the roots
thanks again m8.
lights are off so ill do it wen they come on at feed time.
im gunna work on my dtw n stuff keep my mind off water.... plant probs:speechless:


its not hard, its fun. i understand you just want your bought light to produce.
im in it with passion. this is my hobby m8
Both dimmers are the same on the constant current a and b series. A series you can only adjust from 700ma to 1400ma, b series has a greater range. B series you can also dim using volts and you can also hook up a PWM dimmer. It dims by flickering the led on and off super fast. What ever the percentage is would be the on and off time of the lights, so 50%would be 50%on 50%off. You can dim under 1%with PWM.

And damn you guys throw down pages like crazy! I'll never get caught up!


everyone should try over ripe SD oil, shit will fuck you up.. safe to say im a fan of the SD hah.

yo, @Farmer P how did you manage with the party. you and your wife have a good time.

heh a improvement over the original i must say hah.



playyeedd him haha.. damn. didnt they have to pay to ship it back?! I think it shouldn't get much below like 65 in there at lights off..
Thats about where mine gets at nights lights off mid to upper 60s, but his is in the shed outside of the house un heated soo his prolly dips in the mid 50s lights oyt at night and gets up to maby low 70s lights on, he does have a little heater but its not automatic soo thry probably dont get out there at like 3 in the AM to cut the heater on to warm them up at night. I just imagine the temp varys quite a bit in there. Idk his ole lady messed him up. That hps setup was gonna keep his tent a lil wamer as well but thats out the window now. Lol idk. Im glad i can do whatever i wanna do. Haha


@EventHorizan , soo i took your advice and did as directed this morning and made a new batch exactly how u told me w 20ml for ole yellow seperated and added ro till 700ppm for the purp. Gave them both a good feeding this morning a few hours ago. Jus snapped a coulple pics. Nothing new really w the plants. Ole yella still got a few claws n couple yellower tips and the purp looks great besides a couple slight yellow tips very slight. Lol
Ohhhh and am i the only 1 that NEVER needs to use silica to get ph up? Even when i mixed the 20ml/g my ph was dead on. Lol 5.8
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Farmer P

Farmer P

One of the best movies ever!
I thought it was a litte dumb, but worth watching for certain parts and the whole idea. It does seem like people are getting dumber. I'd say it might be close to a possible future if the schools don't start shaping up. I was reading about how in 6 whole schools in Baltimore not a single student could pass a basic math test. Ridiculous! How about a big ass soda to go with those big ass fries lol.


Idk man I thought my aurora were solid seeds. My grow right now is seeds from here and all is going well. But I don't find it impossible blue dream seeds were made available. And for $30 not much risk
Of course they were made, clone only cuts are the sluts of our world, they get em, knock em up and babies on the way! Of course it won't be the same pheno though.
If you want the cut that made the name you gotta get the cut... that real one


I thought it was a litte dumb, but worth watching for certain parts and the whole idea. It does seem like people are getting dumber. I'd say it might be close to a possible future if the schools don't start shaping up. I was reading about how in 6 whole schools in Baltimore not a single student could pass a basic math test. Ridiculous! How about a big ass soda to go with those big ass fries lol.
When I watched it when it first came out, I was like ha then like ten years later I was like oh shit this is real life!


@Farmer P
the trick i have found for best yield is more to do with the moisture/larf i think.
i get good returns. just need a proper cure for decent oil.

i take some bud cut it up in to chunks.. then i take the dry larf ( 40-50 percent is good moisture for my qwiso ) i put the bud into the freezer over night if you think about before hand. grab a second mason jar while you are at it and put it into a second empty jar in the freezer to get cold too. i also put a plate in the freezer, i use the plate to keep the jars cold ( not sure if this is needed but seems legit hah, probably over kill but whatever ).. but larf freezes so fast a hour or two is more than enough if you need oil stat.. but it really needs to be cured. hhah that is like so damn important :( take some 91 ISO from wally world or 99 if you can find it. and let it freeze; now i just keep my spare ISO in the freezer so its always cold if i need it. cleaning, or oil etc..

then i take the two jars out of the freeze. i take the empty jar and put 3 assembled in the USA coffee filters and make a cone using the mason jar lid. so you put the coffee filters into the jars mouth, make a cone, and then put the lid on.

i open the mason jar that has the frozen larf in it. I then take the frozen ISO and pour it into the mouth of the mason jar, and let the herb soak up the ISO i go slow pour here. i fill the jar up so ist about 1/16" or some shit above the herb. then i put the lid back on, and shake the piss out of it ( this process reminded me of making tekilla ya shakers as a kid, you know you take tekilla ya, ice, lemons, and a larg mason jar and shake the shit out of it. and as the ice melts you add more.. it taste really good , but its more work than making oil.. not made that stuff since iw as like 17 probably hah, sorry random thought )

i grab the frozen bud jar, open it up and take the ISO out of the freeze.
i pour the cold ISO onto the herb.. ( man this ADD sucks having a hard time to focus with out good meds. laughs )
anyhow, i originally would shake for 10-20 seconds.. but to be honest i do not really do that i go by touch now.. let me explain..when my hand gets a certain temp i stop.. silly i know but whatever. you can get 3 washes, first two smoke, third to eat i guess.
iv not really fucked with the other washes, not enough weed to worry about yet. heh.

then i pour the ISO into the top of the jar using the coffee filter to strain the meds.
then i take the content which will look almost like watered down antifreeze of all things to my eyes at least. and pour it into two pyrix dishes you can get from wally world sold in a kit.. of all things the wally world oil kit is how they should market that shit.

you use the pryix dishs as a waster bath. i use my finger to make sure the water b ath does not get to hot.. luke warm i guess.

and put a fan on it and wait. i have not tried to let oil evap on its own with out any heat so i have no clue what that would do to the property of the qwiso

i can say this plemon oil even tho it not good.. smells great. A, i do not liek the taste of the plemon,. B, a proper cure would go a long way to good oil.

man this was so hard to type out for me with out being medicated.
i guess ill try to gut another bat dab hah.

hope this helps some.. sorry for the lack of any chronological order.. i was all over the place in my mind typing this down.

life, enjoy the fall, then dust your self off and get back on the horse i guess.

i can remember the first time i got bucked off a horse my asshole friend told me to get on her.. she was a 3 year old green broke if you could call her that. laughs, anyhow.. it was about 3am, jan.. dirt frozen like concrete.. he told me to get on her. first time i was ever on a horse and she toss me into the air a good 8 feet hah. or maybe not that high but you get the idea imagine a 14 or 15 year old getting bucked off a horse in the middle of the night.. no saddle or anything, just me getting on her back and with in seconds i was air bound and let me tell you that dirt hurt hah.

well make sure you are medicated for the party. probably the only way i could deal with so many people :P
Farmer P

Farmer P

@Farmer P
the trick i have found for best yield is more to do with the moisture/larf i think.
i get good returns. just need a proper cure for decent oil.

i take some bud cut it up in to chunks.. then i take the dry larf ( 40-50 percent is good moisture for my qwiso ) i put the bud into the freezer over night if you think about before hand. grab a second mason jar while you are at it and put it into a second empty jar in the freezer to get cold too. i also put a plate in the freezer, i use the plate to keep the jars cold ( not sure if this is needed but seems legit hah, probably over kill but whatever ).. but larf freezes so fast a hour or two is more than enough if you need oil stat.. but it really needs to be cured. hhah that is like so damn important :( take some 91 ISO from wally world or 99 if you can find it. and let it freeze; now i just keep my spare ISO in the freezer so its always cold if i need it. cleaning, or oil etc..

then i take the two jars out of the freeze. i take the empty jar and put 3 assembled in the USA coffee filters and make a cone using the mason jar lid. so you put the coffee filters into the jars mouth, make a cone, and then put the lid on.

i open the mason jar that has the frozen larf in it. I then take the frozen ISO and pour it into the mouth of the mason jar, and let the herb soak up the ISO i go slow pour here. i fill the jar up so ist about 1/16" or some shit above the herb. then i put the lid back on, and shake the piss out of it ( this process reminded me of making tekilla ya shakers as a kid, you know you take tekilla ya, ice, lemons, and a larg mason jar and shake the shit out of it. and as the ice melts you add more.. it taste really good , but its more work than making oil.. not made that stuff since iw as like 17 probably hah, sorry random thought )

i grab the frozen bud jar, open it up and take the ISO out of the freeze.
i pour the cold ISO onto the herb.. ( man this ADD sucks having a hard time to focus with out good meds. laughs )
anyhow, i originally would shake for 10-20 seconds.. but to be honest i do not really do that i go by touch now.. let me explain..when my hand gets a certain temp i stop.. silly i know but whatever. you can get 3 washes, first two smoke, third to eat i guess.
iv not really fucked with the other washes, not enough weed to worry about yet. heh.

then i pour the ISO into the top of the jar using the coffee filter to strain the meds.
then i take the content which will look almost like watered down antifreeze of all things to my eyes at least. and pour it into two pyrix dishes you can get from wally world sold in a kit.. of all things the wally world oil kit is how they should market that shit.

you use the pryix dishs as a waster bath. i use my finger to make sure the water b ath does not get to hot.. luke warm i guess.

and put a fan on it and wait. i have not tried to let oil evap on its own with out any heat so i have no clue what that would do to the property of the qwiso

i can say this plemon oil even tho it not good.. smells great. A, i do not liek the taste of the plemon,. B, a proper cure would go a long way to good oil.

man this was so hard to type out for me with out being medicated.
i guess ill try to gut another bat dab hah.

hope this helps some.. sorry for the lack of any chronological order.. i was all over the place in my mind typing this down.

life, enjoy the fall, then dust your self off and get back on the horse i guess.

i can remember the first time i got bucked off a horse my asshole friend told me to get on her.. she was a 3 year old green broke if you could call her that. laughs, anyhow.. it was about 3am, jan.. dirt frozen like concrete.. he told me to get on her. first time i was ever on a horse and she toss me into the air a good 8 feet hah. or maybe not that high but you get the idea imagine a 14 or 15 year old getting bucked off a horse in the middle of the night.. no saddle or anything, just me getting on her back and with in seconds i was air bound and let me tell you that dirt hurt hah.

well make sure you are medicated for the party. probably the only way i could deal with so many people :p
Cool I'll have to try it sometime. My friend made some qwiso and did it wrong. He filled his mini crock pot full of weed and iso and let it cook off slowly. Shit came out like black sludge. I didn't try it because it looked so nasty.
I got thrown from a horse at about the same age while riding double with my cousin. This horse did not like to be ridden so it kept going under low trees trying to scratch us off its back and then finally started running and turned sideways and stopped. We went for a good little flight lol. I landed on top of him with my hand on his head at impact. He got pretty hurt and I was fine. I kinda felt bad, but was laughing inside a little.


well just emailed sentinel, hopefully they have a good solution.. temp & RH range from about 10-15 points off each, pretty bummed. Im going to test out my titan controller tonight and maybe just use the sentinel for co2 for now..
Did u ever figure out the problem?
Well in that case hopefully events can set me up w somthing frm amazon or somthing. Actually i may have seen some calmag at the local garden n hardware store the other da . Ill swing by n make sure this afternoon
some calmag while not necessarily needed is good to have around.. Ive used 1 ml per gal before just to make sure there is enuf esp for Ca hoes.

I dont think it fully matters but for OCD's sake it would kill me if i didnt get botanicare if all my other nutes were botanicare already haha... Id just look at the numbers on the bottle and make sure they are the same..

just for example botanicare is 2-0-0 and cali magic (general hydro) is 1-0-0
im sure you could use cali magic but it would be a different ratio.
Me too
Hey @EventHorizan , off work otw to the shop finally. Soo from what ive gathered with this sipps style of feeding. We are going to take a 5gal bucket and cut it down half the height of the 1gal pots.(no holes in bottom) im gonna get 2 frm lowes otw home frm work. Then we place the 1gal pots inside the 5gal bucket.
Soo we are going to feed once a day by pouring the feed into the 5gal bucket (not the garden pot) for the coco to suck it all up thru the bottom.
Then on tea days we literally feed the same as i have been (top down)?????
This keeps us from flushing all our goodies (tea ingredients) out when we feed correct?
When we feed how much do you think i should start with. Ive never fed like this before, can i pour the feed in with solo cups 1 cup at a time to make sure its sucking it all up? N if it dont get all sucked up should i just dump the rest out of the 5gal bucket?
Sorry for the 21 questions. I kinda wanted to try to cover it all in 1 post. Haha
my bad some of my links here are rather old on my phone. We already covered this..

hey guys.
went shopping today got some trays,coco,1gal pots some smaller 1s n a few other goodies.
got the msg from logic thismorning that the seeds are getting shipped, thats a week after the payment conf. but oh well at least they on the way.
anyway i got 4 clones 2 cinderrellas and 2 freddis best. not the healthiest ive seen but nice n small.
no we know this wasnt the greatest idea..

Soo being im using the sips method in my regulat planters would it help if i were to make a few more holes in the bottom of the pot or nahh, woupd it just end up draining out faster? Jus curious because it takes mine now ab +15min to soak up a half of a half of a solo cup? Jus curious. I got high now im thinking cuz im bored ay work. Lol

Turn one bean into an empire. Then send him his bean back. Haha

one of many theories out there.
most common advice is airstones n h202.
fake news

I probably won't make it, but one of my friends at work just bought an ultralight plane with a turbocharged engine and said if I come out on Sunday and help him put it together he will let me fly it. I've never flown a plane before so it would probably be kind of stupid to do. If I go I'll probably just taxi around the dry lake bed for a while. I have always wanted to fly a plane so I'm sure it would be tempting to take off. Maybe if there's no wind and he makes it look easy enough IDK.
Awe shit. Im down. We fly them mf till the wheel fall off..
ok thanks.
tap is ph7.8 ppm 210. (after sitting overnight no change)
atm im mixing a and b separate for 30-60mins then adding them together.
rhizo and zyme im diluting in water ...waiting 30mins then stirring into the a+b. waiting 30-60mins then ph- to 5.8.. feed plants 30-60mins later.
feeding everyday 2 hours after lights on. temps at 75-78 now so the pots getting a bit lighter.
yesterday i measured the run off straight after feeding, ph was high so i did 40% runoff, is that going to help or make things worse?

bottom leaves started to yellow n tips curling up n down getting brown...:(
ill post a pic soon
Well that is a lil over board.. Just mix in a.. Stir.. Mix in b...stir... Move to next mix and stir
Is that code for bong hits
And high five on self discipline!
Thanks.. No its code for more peanut butter.
Great idea!!!! N maby towards the end of flower get him to start some more seedlings that way they are already vegging when i get the ladies chopped down in flower??? Then we keep stuff rolling
If there is a will there a way

@EventHorizan , soo i took your advice and did as directed this morning and made a new batch exactly how u told me w 20ml for ole yellow seperated and added ro till 700ppm for the purp. Gave them both a good feeding this morning a few hours ago. Jus snapped a coulple pics. Nothing new really w the plants. Ole yella still got a few claws n couple yellower tips and the purp looks great besides a couple slight yellow tips very slight. Lol
Ohhhh and am i the only 1 that NEVER needs to use silica to get ph up? Even when i mixed the 20ml/g my ph was dead on. Lol 5.8
we will see in a few days.. Watch for leaf curl...
Its about time for fan leaf tech on ole yeller...we talk tonight.. And your friend should be running them lights at night for heat...
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