Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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Farmer P

Farmer P

Nothing wrong with that.. 4 sets of 25 will cut you up..
That preacher 21's is the same philosophy..
Will work great for you...
I recommend doing sqauts every other day and the first exercise.
If you havent done them or its been awhile
Start at 50..!!!!!!
I mean it...
U think a mule kicked you dead up your ass with both feet.
No joke!!!!!!!
Heed my warning!!!
But after you heal from the first time then its game on mfer! Might take a week..
Only do 5 reps for 5 sets.. If you accomplish your sqauts then move up 5 pounds for your next workout...
Never more than 5 pounds tho. The body can adjust to 5pound increments.. That is the secret.. At least big muscle groups can...
In 3 months u should be able to squat, dead luft, and bench you weight and poss 1.5 times your weight...
Diet is everything..... 70% depends on the right diet.
I can eat 7 chicken breasts in 1 day if i cook it in the crock pot and tear it into pulled chicken..
Add some bbq sauce ..
Eat it with cottage cheese and you got a cray cray diet .
1/2 dozen Eggs and whole bell peppers for breakfast...
Peanut butter by the jar for snacks...
Supper is ham/pork loin and green beans...
Only drink milk and vitamin water....
Protein shakes.. Straight out of bed....

But thats me....
Not everybody can afford it or even care to put there self thru that....
I just sold my squat machine two weeks ago and my wife's eliptical (she never used it anyway she belongs to a gym and a cross fit type place) cause my oldest daughter needed to move back in and we needed a place to put a bed. My buddy that I work out with has a smith machine we do squats on but It kind of hurts my neck so I don't like doing them. I'm kinda scared to do any heavy lifting with my back. I don't have any major issues with it and I want to keep it that way. I just do a lot of core strengthening to keep my back strong. Lots of crunches. Talking about all that food is making me hungry yum!


yeah you get that vibe. sounds like they were dealing in fl growing in co, and im assuming they got busted because of whatever the shady business they are eluding too in the artical was.

im not sure what the teller community clean up is about..
"This was the first search warrant executed by the "Get Out of Teller" (#GOT) program. "


yeah you get that vibe. sounds like they were dealing in fl growing in co, and im assuming they got busted because of whatever the shady business they are eluding too in the artical was.

im not sure what the teller community clean up is about..
"This was the first search warrant executed by the "Get Out of Teller" (#GOT) program. "
I thought they were just pissed at John Tellor and just wanted the Sons to leave town.. :)


I’ve lived here 25 years and work alone. That’s the key. These guys going down are part of networks.
Im 100 on that, as well as I do too..
But it sounds like they are pissed and have hired Wyatt Earp to hunt your asses down.. That is what would haunt me..
When 12 DE lights kick on at 6p and go off at 6 am every day, it will show spikes and dips on a graph that will say we got something on a timer, that pulls a lot of watts.. A simple algorithm would do the snooping and bring up possible targets that could be investigated from there with available man power..
If you got 12000+ watts and they just declared war on you, and you want to raise your kids, then gigs up!
I never met any old big time dealers... The smart ones play 5 years and move... Recoup with their earning, and open a 7/11, etc...............
the name of their initiative is enough for me!
Im leaving!


Im 100 on that, as well as I do too..
But it sounds like they are pissed and have hired Wyatt Earp to hunt your asses down.. That is what would haunt me..
When 12 DE lights kick on at 6p and go off at 6 am every day, it will show spikes and dips on a graph that will say we got something on a timer, that pulls a lot of watts.. A simple algorithm would do the snooping and bring up possible targets that could be investigated from there with available man power..
If you got 12000+ watts and they just declared war on you, and you want to raise your kids, then gigs up!
I never met any old big time dealers... The smart ones play 5 years and move... Recoup with their earning, and open a 7/11, etc...............
the name of their initiative is enough for me!
Im leaving!
Thad’s why I run half lights during the day and half at night lol. They haven’t used utilities to get warrants around here in a long time. And the bust seem to never be local white folks. The last 3-4 years it’s always people of Puerto Rico or Cuban decent. I see it everytime I go to the grow store. There’s just as many employees speaking Cuban as there is English. And 7 days a week there’s a Cuban food truck parked outsitde.:D
Farmer P

Farmer P

Thad’s why I run half lights during the day and half at night lol. They haven’t used utilities to get warrants around here in a long time. And the bust seem to never be local white folks. The last 3-4 years it’s always people of Puerto Rico or Cuban decent. I see it everytime I go to the grow store. There’s just as many employees speaking Cuban as there is English. And 7 days a week there’s a Cuban food truck parked outsitde.:D
Move over here to Cali and you can legally grow 6 of these.
Farmer P

Farmer P

I was talking to a guy quite a while back who was sitting in his car in Texas smoking a joint and a cop walked up, saw his California plates and told him he could get 10 years for that here. I doubt it's still that bad now, but fuck that. I'm like Event. GTFO.


so, my day is started out rather bad. hah.

broke my down stem/quarts bangar to the 2foot bong.. so figure back up you know the new one.. sure enough i bust the f ucking glass bangar.. so go me. laughs.

but i guess it was a blessing in disguise for the simple reason, the banger bowls just fell off in my hand with little effort.. so they were ready to be replaced.. and i did not burn my self.. this sucks man. im a clutz. so some take a dab for me thx in advance.
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