Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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Just a few pics from this morning. Looks as if she handled her feeding. Might have a little clawing going on. Seems like the top leaves are curled up a little bit. Since I am just learning, I am not for sure how normal this is.
I dont see an clawing....I do see the new growth praying...which is a good sign

as for the solo cup rig.....might work....although you wouldnt use coco in an RDWC.....but yeah cool experiment
as for the stunted should use bloom formula to pull the plant through....high P/K....which promotes root growth in young seedlings



you inspired me to try something new
we will see how it goes
Musturd Habenero and Bhut Jolokia
in coco in a mini DWC


I dont see an clawing....I do see the new growth praying...which is a good sign

as for the solo cup rig.....might work....although you wouldnt use coco in an RDWC.....but yeah cool experiment
as for the stunted should use bloom formula to pull the plant through....high P/K....which promotes root growth in young seedlings
Bloom formula to promote root growth. Interesting! Ok I will give it a try tomm. By the way, the plant that I followed your advice on is doing magnificent! I don't know but I would swear it grew since I went to work at 7am. It looks as tho its producing side shoots faster or at least that is where I really notice new growth, and well the leaves have grown, and , aw fuck the damn things growing is all I can say! I realize something right now. I followed bad advice right off the bat. I should have had them seedlings some kind of nutes, no matter how small, along time ago, when I seen the catacomb or what ever that first leave is called turn yellow on both side. I now know it was essentially sacrificing its bottom leaves for the top. Coco has no nutrient value, and so it has to be provided right from the start. And I should have never straight watered coco, as it ruins the properties that make it coco...

Since yesterdays plant we will now call skunk 1 did so well, I followed your advice and did the second. This time i used 3 instead of just 2 gallon but with the same nute and ph value. I am gonna try to make sure I get my 20% runoff with 1 everyday watering till they require more than 1 feeding a day as I completely understand why coco must be watered everyday. What makes coco so wonderful for growers can be their demise if not used correctly considering how coco can hold the nutes if not rinsed away with new often, and this holds even more true, when there young and under hid lights as it will make them uptake water faster in return allowing the coco to dry out and cause salt build up. So as frightful as all that sounded, just following the water ever day to 10-20% runoff and a good flush once a month due to my fabric pots and I should be good.
Wisher619 that sound about right? I went did some studying like you told me to. Read Breaking the myths of coco coir... and a few other articles. I am a little gun shy about just wasting my time just reading anybody's posts since it seems harder to unlearn bad information and can cloud the new persons judgement, in this case mine lol.... I'm sticking with you buddy. LOL hope you was wanting a friend ....... :(


hahahah yeah man you got the concept of coco down.....feels good that someone gets it....
I always run into newbs that will argue to death what they want to believe....I always tell them to follow what they will and if they run into problems...look up the advice that I gave.....
I am in no way an expert....but the advice that I do always what I have done and been successful at....never any theory or bs like that....always will find many people on here that are awesome...and others......that are FULL OF SHIT!!!!!......
you will also find alot of people that wander through posts and give advice....just regurgitating what they have read without ever applying it themselves......
I appreciate the confidence you are growing to have in me....
In my eyes we are all in this together...helping someone get through there grow .....for paying it forward to those who have helped me along they way in my path....


my advice for watering/feeding would be to fill your gallon of nutes......then get a paint quart measure cup.....and measure out like 8 oz.....and pour into the top slowly....allow it to drain down into the coco.....once it soaks in move on to the next plant....once done go back to the first...another 8 oz slowly....maybe 4oz at a time soak 4 more.....until you start to get a dribble of fluid out the bottom.....then remember that amount.....then the next day you will know exactly how much out of the gallon needs to go to each plant......
when the plant starts to grow....and really take off....that is when you start to up the waterings to 2-3 times a day
I personally run mine every 4 hours
because that is about when my media is about 50% moisture loss....
the more time you spend with the plants
the more connected you become...then they start to telepathically speak to you
and whenever you need anything
just give me a shout


my advice for watering/feeding would be to fill your gallon of nutes......then get a paint quart measure cup.....and measure out like 8 oz.....and pour into the top slowly....allow it to drain down into the coco.....once it soaks in move on to the next plant....once done go back to the first...another 8 oz slowly....maybe 4oz at a time soak 4 more.....until you start to get a dribble of fluid out the bottom.....then remember that amount.....then the next day you will know exactly how much out of the gallon needs to go to each plant......
when the plant starts to grow....and really take off....that is when you start to up the waterings to 2-3 times a day
I personally run mine every 4 hours
because that is about when my media is about 50% moisture loss....
the more time you spend with the plants
the more connected you become...then they start to telepathically speak to you
and whenever you need anything
just give me a shout
Sounds good. I appreciate it!


So here is today's pics. The first 2 are the same plant skunk #1, that was just giving its first almost real feeding last night. The second 2 pics are of my second skunk, skunk #2 and she was fed night before last.. And the last pic is my runt, and my photo. I'm about 2/3 full strength for what stage it recommends. It recommends 5 ml of all 3 flora grow nutes, but I have only giving them 3 ml of each and 2 ml of calmag to the skunks:)

The photo and runt are being fed as instructed, with bloom nutes from the bottom with 3ml of bloom, 2ml of micro, and 1 ml of grow.

You can see the lil branches on skunk #2 which is really all new growth since its feeding 48 hrs ago. I did water tonight with the exact same nute strength as their feeding. I prob went a lil more than 20% runoff but I wanted both plants soaked and on the same schedule. Tomm I will keep precise notes on how much it takes with both plants to water every day. I would think that the more roots you have the more water it will use and that kind of gives you an idea how your root growth is across your plants( Same genetics of course). Anyway i think the girls look fine. It is starting to get exciting cause I know in another month, they won't be so little, and I will have more to stare at lol... Haha, there ain't much to stare at, but that ain't stopped me....

Got me some bifocal safety glasses from work and they are awesome to look at the plants with... I thought I saw a lil flying thing go into my coco. Can I go buy aquarium sand and put across the top of the coco to keep anything from burrowing in there?
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lookin really good
yeah you can put about a 1" layer of sand and that will stop gnats and such
you are bow off to a great start
I just noticed my photo in the solo cup experiment has a root coming out 3 of the 4 drain holes about a half inch. I wish I had faith in my self to take this photo out of the coco, and put it in my GH PowerGrower bucket. I won't even lie to you,, I want to so bad.... but the smart thing to do would be to buy me a 1 gallon smart pot and just wait to take clones and practice then. I want to use this thing so bad tho... How hard is the process and how successful is it, and how long to wait to do it?
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well what you can do is get a bucket of room temp water....tap will be fine.....take the plant out of the cup and soak the roots in the bucket while lightly separating the roots from the coco....once most of the coco is gone....drop the plant in the hydroton
but...if this is a fem seed and you want it to be a mom...I wouldn't go with fabric pot...I would get myself a nice 1 gal square pot and up pot to that...with coco.......and let her chill
I would save that bucket for a clone.....and practice scrogging out a single plant to get a heavy harvest
my first few years growing by myself was really trying to put into practice everything that my mentors tought me...but by my self with no help....and finding out what works best for me.......
the only thing I haven't tried yet is sogging...which is gonna be my next adventure......topping the plant from 6" down to 3" then growing to 12"and flipping to flower......a shit load of plants all plants end up double 12" tops.....Sea of Green


well what you can do is get a bucket of room temp water....tap will be fine.....take the plant out of the cup and soak the roots in the bucket while lightly separating the roots from the coco....once most of the coco is gone....drop the plant in the hydroton
but...if this is a fem seed and you want it to be a mom...I wouldn't go with fabric pot...I would get myself a nice 1 gal square pot and up pot to that...with coco.......and let her chill
I would save that bucket for a clone.....and practice scrogging out a single plant to get a heavy harvest
my first few years growing by myself was really trying to put into practice everything that my mentors tought me...but by my self with no help....and finding out what works best for me.......
the only thing I haven't tried yet is sogging...which is gonna be my next adventure......topping the plant from 6" down to 3" then growing to 12"and flipping to flower......a shit load of plants all plants end up double 12" tops.....Sea of Green
(I would save that bucket for a clone.....and practice scrogging out a single plant to get a heavy harvest)
That is exactly what I was thinking too.

(the only thing I haven't tried yet is sogging...which is gonna be my next adventure......topping the plant from 6" down to 3" then growing to 12"and flipping to flower......a shit load of plants all plants end up double 12" tops.....Sea of Green)

Interesting! I see the potential!


sea of green is very commercial and much more appealing when you don't have a mandated plant count....a shit ton of plants with 1 or 2 tops is way more efficient then 1 or 2 or 6 that are vegged out for basically ever to get enough tops to get the weight that you want.....where you can fit basically 1 plant per sqft.....and each can produce between 1/2 to 1 major


sea of green is very commercial and much more appealing when you don't have a mandated plant count....a shit ton of plants with 1 or 2 tops is way more efficient then 1 or 2 or 6 that are vegged out for basically ever to get enough tops to get the weight that you want.....where you can fit basically 1 plant per sqft.....and each can produce between 1/2 to 1 major
I agree. Well I am glad you get to go before me. But one thing you make me realize, the learning never stops. But to me that is the fun of it.


Well just a couple pics from today. Put my photo in a 1/2 gallon sq pot while I wait for the 1 gallon to come in. Added some coco and then a layer a sand over all my pots. Other than than nothing different. Just feeding them twice a day, as soon as they wake up and 12 hrs later. Decided to do it twice a day because my humidity was dropping to 30%. My leaves felt a lil course...
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they are lookin really good
I seen a little tip burn. I didn't really do more than add 2 cups of plain RO water to the gallon of nutes just to take a slight kick out of it, and I am gonna just keep on keeping on that way for a few days and start to pull them 2 cups back,. The way I see it, a man has to know how far he can push his ladies. Now I kinda know. 22 days old today. I like the way the photo is coming along. I am more excited for the photo to get big enough to start topping and training, She gets to veg as long as it takes them autos to finish.


I don't know why that happened,,,, Anyway.

I seen a little tip burn. I didn't really do more than add 2 cups of plain RO water to the gallon of nutes just to take a slight kick out of it, and I am gonna just keep on keeping on that way for a few days and start to pull them 2 cups back,. The way I see it, a man has to know how far he can push his ladies. Now I kinda know. 22 days old today. I like the way the photo is coming along. I am more excited for the photo to get big enough to start topping and training, She gets to veg as long as it takes them autos to finish.

Photo(Delicious Candy) is 11 days old.
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