Curmudgeonland...home Of The Old Farts Club

  • Thread starter yooper420
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If you read what the "experts" say, it doesn't work. I've got jars and jars of proof. I'll try and find a couple of pics from the last indoor grow.

Marijuana is a weed. It will happily grow in the cracks of a sidewalk if given a little water and plenty of light.
I agree.. he'll I threw an old clone out back on a pile of leaves and a week later Damn thing was still alive. ..


Deer season is 6 days old. I haven`t hunted the hardest that I`ve ever hunted, but it`s good to see deer most every time that I`m out. The last 3 years the deer were few and far between due to the winter kill and the fucking wolves. Yes, good to see deer, just not shooter bucks. Gotta say that this deer season`s completely foreign to me as it`s the first one in about 30 years that "Trapper" and I have not hunted together. His health is causing him problems.
Time for a bowl, so join me if ya wanna. Puff, puff, cough and pass.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

@Hippie When I first started growing I was using MG and I got pretty decent results considering what I had for a setup at the time, then when I became a "more serious grower" I felt like I needed to move away from it and use more expensive stuff, because we all know things don't work unless you're throwing needless money at them. lmao
When I was younger and seeing what some of the older guys were doing it was always Miracle Grow they were using and the weed was always top notch. MirAcid during flower always seemed like the shit too back then, seemed to really bring out that flavor that I remember so well but, maybe it wasn't that, I had a good friend who was an older guy and a long time grower who told me it was and I've always just believed him. I remember he always talked about giving them epsom salts with the MG too.
Never did get any MirAcid to try, couldn't find any around at that time and then got away from the MG altogether.

To hell with what the "experts" say Hippie, keep on rocking your MG brother.


morning ofc, hope all are well. grandson shot a 7 or 8 point yesterday evening. we followed the blood trail till dark. he lost my phone (no biggie as it is about 5 years old) so as soon as the sun rises i'm back in the brush looking. mom and brothers seem to think as cool as it is it may still be ok if we find it this morning. not sure if i'm gonna hunt. i tried to shoot targets yesterday and couldn't hit shit. i'm blind in my right eye so i'm shooting left handed and i'm shooting all over the place. one thing is i have to pull the trigger as it is tight and i'll have something done about that real soon. you folks have a great day. peace
Yard dog

Yard dog

Morning ofc. Nice an cold here. Almost freezing. For ole Dixie thats cold enough.
Thinking of converting my veg to m.h. bulbs, I have a few sets of lights. They run hotter than my t5 setup but the mh will be easier to cool with a homemade cooltube. Plus the extra heat exhausted will help in the winter. Currently my veg is 6 feet long 2.5 feet wide. Thinking about making it smaller at the same time.
Found a great honda for sale, hoping I can make a deal today or tomorrow. Needs a clutch,quoted at more than $600. Good thing I am a mechanic, only pay for parts.
Maybe I will take a few grow pics tonight and post em


Good morning giggy, Yard dog and the OFC, how`s everybody this morning ? Hope your gardens are green and the sun shines on your behind.
@giggy, I`m right eye dominant, but shoot left handed. Means I have to close my right eye while shooting.
@Yard dog, A Honda ? 2 wheels, 3 wheels or 4 wheels ? Inquiring minds wanna know.
Now it`s "wake n bake" time in Curmudgeonland. A cup of coffee and a bowl of medicinal herb and here we go, puff, puff and pass.


Morning folks,got the flower room cleaned and re caulked yesterday.Im sitting in my spot now,its raining lightly but I've got a nice dry spot with a view of the valley now I just need a shot,lol,been chasing this bastage for awhile but he's gone nocturnal on me,well see.Amazing you can post from anywhere now with a smartphone,crazy shit!
Well back to the Zeiss's now,wish me luck!


got one 3 years ago on thanksgiving night. They can't hide for 2 weeks. they get tired of hiding when the dick gets hard. Don't give up. I see more deer when a joint is lit. I think the smell attracts them.
I believe it. Last two deer I killed, I was smoking a Dunhill full of Black Cherry tobacco. Funny, if they catch a whiff of human scent, they bolt. I could see 'em smelling the tobacco, and they'd walk right up to the blind trying to figure out what it is. Fatal mistake for them, and lots 'o jerky for me!
Cigarettes and coffee? Not so much. I hunted in the west side of the state. Found a nice tree on a hill and had a panoramic view of the area. A dude walked in a couple of hundred yards away and set down. He never knew I was there. Pretty soon, I smell a coffin nail. Shortly after, the smell of hot coffee. I watch the deer moving down the trail. They smell him. They stop. They make a 50 yard half moon hike around the dude and go right back to the trail. He never saw them.
I'd tell you that I've seen deer crawl, too, but you'd think I was crazy or high.
Yard dog

Yard dog

@yooper420 it is a coupe, very good car, and basic which is what I want. I got turned down for the loan this am.. ive never been declined. I have had a very hard 18 months since my wife had to stop working. Damn credit score dropped from 735 to 590. Damn it has been a rough year.
I'm telling you guys, the weekend ain't cutting it anymore.
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