Curmudgeonland...home Of The Old Farts Club

  • Thread starter yooper420
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Im bout to do the same......idk wtf is wrong w my eyes.....feel super dry and irritated. ...never had allergies b4 but i think that might be whats the problem is. Really bothers me when im out in the bright sunlight.

Gotta pull my boat up to the new place tomorrow. Gonna load the boat and my truck up w as much as i can fit this evening to head over there first thing tomorrow
Have a safe trip. Tell muf to go fuck himself.


Premium Member
No like blues now i got to go listen to some metal.
Well my friend if you can get by the bluesy opener and have patience you will find a guitar/axe slayer that can shred with the best of rockers. Check it and then tell me you still don't like the blues......... :D Alvin was arguably better than Clapton and David Gilmor IMHO........... And I love the shit outta Clapton and Gilmore both.
G gnome

G gnome

Well my friend if you can get by the bluesy opener and have patience you will find a guitar/axe slayer that can shred with the best of rockers. Check it and then tell me you still don't like the blues......... :D Alvin was arguably better than Clapton and David Gilmor IMHO........... And I love the shit outta Clapton and Gilmore both.

Quit tryin to push ur "mod" music on us!!!!

Get it? Mod?


Someone with more experience than me can confirm, but you might reconsider if you are thinking about starting corn indoors. Have to sow direct when the soil warms. Also, it's wind-pollinated so it should be planted in blocks, not rows. Wind pollination is one of the biggest issues with GMO's and more specifically roundup ready corn.

Fun fact, use an old toothbrush to remove the silk from the corn when prepping to cook. Good Eats has a good episode on modern maize.
I do 10'x10' blocks, with beans or peas and cucumbers or pumpkins. They work together.
G gnome

G gnome



Same idea, I just don't care for squash. Planning on pickling lots of cucumbers and peppers.
The Old Hen grows cucumbers that would make a donkey blush. My gardens were straight organic, not because I'm a hippie, but because I'm a cheap prick. Got lots o' maple leaves, grass clippings, and chicken shit. Never could grow spuds worth a shit, though. I got back just about what I sowed.
G gnome

G gnome

Cpl year old pic...
The Old Hen grows cucumbers that would make a donkey blush. My gardens were straight organic, not because I'm a hippie, but because I'm a cheap prick. Got lots o' maple leaves, grass clippings, and chicken shit. Never could grow spuds worth a shit, though. I got back just about what I sowed.
Ive never grown potatoes but apparently the trick is to bury the stalks of the potato plants as they grow to maximize yields


Well my friend if you can get by the bluesy opener and have patience you will find a guitar/axe slayer that can shred with the best of rockers. Check it and then tell me you still don't like the blues......... :D Alvin was arguably better than Clapton and David Gilmor IMHO........... And I love the shit outta Clapton and Gilmore both.
Not a fan of clapton but do like floyd. Never said anything about his axe work just said i don't about the style of music. There is a lot of axe slayers out there hell adam has one on his team on the voice that can rip the shit out of it. And i did try to listen to it when you posted it. I have a wide taste in music but blues, southern rock and modern country just don't do it for me.

Let me add for the most part there are a few songs in there that i do like. In blues let's go with patches.
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Cpl year old pic...

Ive never grown potatoes but apparently the trick is to bury the stalks of the potato plants as they grow to maximize yields
Knew a ol man that grew taters in car tires. As the plant got taller he added a tire and back filled with dirt. Come winter if he needed taters he would pull a tire and what taters were on the surface. They kept real well.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Mendel might or might not come back. Got his feelings hurt and I can't blame 'em. Somebody we thought was our friend changed big time.

Life goes on. Hope he shows up at the cup. I'll buy him a Hamms, if I can find the shit.
I can identify with that in a big way. Someone I thought was a good friend lost his damn mind and really threw me for a loop for a while, I didn't know if I'd be able to continue with my auction after that shit but, after taking a week+ off I finally went back to it but, it hasn't been the same for me since.
I've needed/I need to have some help with other stuff too, (which I've tried to make clear to everyone), but the main objective is and has been to raise the money for a treatment that might turn this disease around and, in a very real way, save my life.
Things were going along ok but, I was almost completely out of stuff at the time and I was offered cuts to put up by someone that I had known from here and, before I had really even responded to him at all, he posted a pic saying it was for my auction.
Suddenly I've got a message from my "friend" saying if I accepted anything from him he was done with my auction and it quickly became clear that he'd be done with me too. No discussion, no treating me like my opinion, situation, or even my friendship means shit, just an ultimatum.
After a hell of alot of going in circles trying to make him see reason I got so frustrated that the stress just had me wrecked and he knew full well that being put under stress was really bad for me too.
The really screwed up thing, (to me anyway), is that his whole issue with the guy has to do, mainly, with what he was doing with cuts after they had been given to him. He brought up that he was trying to do this and that with a cut that I gave him and my only response was that I really didn't give a shit at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given it to him!
He was completely insistent that he still had ownership of something after giving it away and once I realized that he truly believed that I knew it was time to give up and just put him in the rearview.
So yeah, that's the short version, lmao! Sometimes you just have to know when to let go.
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