Curmudgeonland...home Of The Old Farts Club

  • Thread starter yooper420
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G gnome

G gnome

I can identify with that in a big way. Someone I thought was a good friend lost his damn mind and really threw me for a loop for a while, I didn't know if I'd be able to continue with my auction after that shit but, after taking a week+ off I finally went back to it but, it hasn't been the same for me since.
I've needed/I need to have some help with other stuff too, (which I've tried to make clear to everyone), but the main objective is and has been to raise the money for a treatment that might turn this disease around and, in a very real way, save my life.
Things were going along ok but, I was almost completely out of stuff at the time and I was offered cuts to put up by someone that I had known from here and, before I had really even responded to him at all, he posted a pic saying it was for my auction.
Suddenly I've got a message from my "friend" saying if I accepted anything from him he was done with my auction and it quickly became clear that he'd be done with me too. No discussion, no treating me like my opinion, situation, or even my friendship means shit, just an ultimatum.
After a hell of alot of going in circles trying to make him see reason I got so frustrated that the stress just had me wrecked and he knew full well that being put under stress was really bad for me too.
The really screwed up thing, (to me anyway), is that his whole issue with the guy has to do, mainly, with what he was doing with cuts after they had been given to him. He brought up that he was trying to do this and that with a cut that I gave him and my only response was that I really didn't give a shit at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given it to him!
He was completely insistent that he still had ownership of something after giving it away and once I realized that he truly believed that I knew it was time to give up and just put him in the rearview.
So yeah, that's the short version, lmao! Sometimes you just have to know when to let go.

Only pops can type something that long w/o 1 grammatical error haha
G gnome

G gnome

I can identify with that in a big way. Someone I thought was a good friend lost his damn mind and really threw me for a loop for a while, I didn't know if I'd be able to continue with my auction after that shit but, after taking a week+ off I finally went back to it but, it hasn't been the same for me since.
I've needed/I need to have some help with other stuff too, (which I've tried to make clear to everyone), but the main objective is and has been to raise the money for a treatment that might turn this disease around and, in a very real way, save my life.
Things were going along ok but, I was almost completely out of stuff at the time and I was offered cuts to put up by someone that I had known from here and, before I had really even responded to him at all, he posted a pic saying it was for my auction.
Suddenly I've got a message from my "friend" saying if I accepted anything from him he was done with my auction and it quickly became clear that he'd be done with me too. No discussion, no treating me like my opinion, situation, or even my friendship means shit, just an ultimatum.
After a hell of alot of going in circles trying to make him see reason I got so frustrated that the stress just had me wrecked and he knew full well that being put under stress was really bad for me too.
The really screwed up thing, (to me anyway), is that his whole issue with the guy has to do, mainly, with what he was doing with cuts after they had been given to him. He brought up that he was trying to do this and that with a cut that I gave him and my only response was that I really didn't give a shit at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given it to him!
He was completely insistent that he still had ownership of something after giving it away and once I realized that he truly believed that I knew it was time to give up and just put him in the rearview.
So yeah, that's the short version, lmao! Sometimes you just have to know when to let go.

Think u mighta just killed the thread, pops...hahah...either that or u inspired some major introspection hahaha

Anyhow, im off to get the bidness....u fellas have a good night


Back to guns.....this is what i have my eye on.......for squirrel hunting
I think the drum mag will come in handy for those pesky grey squirrels
I'll take a M14/M1A over it any day. I kinda like an FN-LAR or a good old Armalite made AR10, too. With the 14, if'n ya run outta ammo, she makes a fine nine pound club. Top it off with a Leatherwood ART scope, and she'll keep heads down for a pretty good distance.


Knew a ol man that grew taters in car tires. As the plant got taller he added a tire and back filled with dirt. Come winter if he needed taters he would pull a tire and what taters were on the surface. They kept real well.
Tried the tires, too. Shit for luck. You couldn't winter 'em like that here in Yankee land. You guys bury water lines down 12 inches. We gotta go 48. Some say 42, but they're the ones that get busted pipes.
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Back to guns.....this is what i have my eye on.......for squirrel hunting
I think the drum mag will come in handy for those pesky grey squirrels
Good choice. The good thing about squirrel hunting with that cal. Is that you don't have to waste all that time cleaning and skinning them.
I'll take a M14/M1A over it any day. I kinda like an FN-LAR or a good old Armalite made AR10, too. With the 14, if'n ya run outta ammo, she makes a fine nine pound club. Top it off with a Leatherwood ART scope, and she'll keep heads down for a pretty good distance.
I'd agree with the ar-10. That's next on my list.
These are sexy.


Someone with more experience than me can confirm, but you might reconsider if you are thinking about starting corn indoors. Have to sow direct when the soil warms. Also, it's wind-pollinated so it should be planted in blocks, not rows. Wind pollination is one of the biggest issues with GMO's and more specifically roundup ready corn.

Fun fact, use an old toothbrush to remove the silk from the corn when prepping to cook. Good Eats has a good episode on modern maize.

Yep I looked up all my seeds and the requirements for each before i start them to make sure i don't fuck anything up.. Few years ago i tried just throwing seeds in dirt cause i was thinking.. There seeds right they belong in dirt.. Well turns out some seeds won't germ unless its 60+ some even 90+!!!!! So needless to say no one ate good that year lol

My plan is to start big seed trays filled with my special soil mix then i'll move those in and outside bring them in when it cools down at night yada yada then i'll transplant them into the garden come june or so.

Picked up Burpee's Sweet Corn (early Sunglow Hybrid) 63 days to harvest.

Seemed like the easier of the variets to grow.

Pollination i'll have to look up tho see if theres anything humans can do to intervene ;)

Thanks tho appreciate the schooling :D


Good morning OFC. Well, for the most part, I`m recovered from the trip yesterday. Took the puppy on his first long truck ride all by myself. About 140 mile round trip, not too bad, all considered. Already had coffee and a bowl, will repeat shortly.


Just got goose bit. Pinched the fatal shit outta the side of my leg. Ever see a 12 pound goose get foot launched five feet in the air and land flat on their back? Horny old bitches are completely out of control this spring. I foresee some neck snapping in their future!


I kinda feel sorry for 'em. Had three, but a coyote attacked the flock and the male tired to fight him off and was eaten for his troubles. Old gals want some dick. If they can't fuck, they'll fuck with you!
Cat, dog, goose, rooster; bite me and get foot launched.
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