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interesting morning
I'm a numbers guy
i know exactly what i tipped his crew
and why that amt
so as i wondered
what to bring those
Chris supports
i know i need 8
breakfast sandwiches
and as i wait
i hear an air gun
from a diff
auto joint
I'm just listening
what will happen next


i met a man
i have a story to tell you
i don't have time ask me about polaris
not astronomy

now chris
ask me what happened
i have a story to tell
it hasn't ended
i don't have the time


My story is about Gratitude – Condensed

It’s about my sister who on July 5th, 2018 became septic and admitted to the hospital and ICU with double pneumonia. The sepsis reached her heart and infected the valves. Without the pneumonia resolving, she would die if they did the heart surgery. Without the heart surgery, she would die anyway. Her heart was being weighed by a Goddess, but I was calling all the shots from down here, working with the ICU team. The pneumonia resolved, her heart surgery was a success. All systems failed anyway. She was in the ICU for 30 days with renal failure, among other things, then transferred to another acute hospital for dialysis. Because she had been down so long, she could no longer use her arms or legs. All told, she was hospitalized over 7 months and would have to relearn to walk again. I am so grateful.

It’s about me, hearing she had been admitted to the ICU two days later because her friends didn’t want to tell our family because on the way to the ER she told them not to, because we would worry. Packing, I drove the 8 hours to be there and called my boss on the way down. I wanted to be there for her. Talk to her, love her, and make her know I was there. It isn't the only thing you can do. It's the only thing that matters. While she was intubated and medicated so she wouldn’t yank it out, I would watch for signs, and talk to her and tell her what was going on. Her brows would waver when she heard my voice, when she could not move anything else. Her hand would tighten when I began to pull away. The heart rate monitor would get lively. I earned some silver streaks in my hair where I never had it before. I was so grateful.

It’s about a great man I worked for, that said to me, “Go be with your sister, and we’ll figure everything out.” While I was with my sister, he was paying me from July to September to be with her. Then he retired and I was laid off, and went on unemployment to stay where I needed to be. He made it as easy for me as he could. He actually made it happen.

It’s about my 84 year old momma with Alzheimer’s who was sick of her fucking, horrible, twisted life. She was well into it. On a clear minded day after a fun visit with her sister and my dad, whom she recognized, on September 4th, 2018, she disappeared from her life by running away and hiding. She had never done it before. LAPD helicopters combed the desert day and night along with ground patrol, my family and neighbors. I was with my sister in the hospital when my dad called to say he lost my mom. I am grateful I was with her so we could be together that night. And I do not know if I could have searched with the rest of my family on foot in that desert neighborhood for my mom. Because what if I found her dead. What if I found her alive, and she didn’t want to be found. They did find her the next day, a neighbor did, in his shed a few houses away. We don’t know when she died. Waiting 24 hours for a lost mom in the desert was a hard thing. I was so grateful it didn’t go on for days. She was one of the best things in my life. My mother’s eyes were blue.

In the months that followed, many miracles occurred. No more dialysis, no more diabetes, no more complete immobility. We worked with her to move again. Starting with fingers. She was transferred to a state-of-the-art rehab center and we made her move her toes and sit up and roll over. Those three months were hellish and brutal and effective. On February 25, 2019 they called me and told me she was ready to be discharged. If she did not have a 24/7 caregiver, she’d have to go to a convalescent hospital. I had made all the surgical/drug/life-saving decisions for her the entire time. They expected one more thing from me. I am grateful that they knew me well enough at that time to think I was up for the difficult months ahead.

I packed for a long stay. My dad took my cats. I took my sister to her home March 1st of last year, and in 4 months, we learned how to get her house organized for someone that could barely get out of her wheelchair and use a walker. We shared her king sized bed. I bathed her, dressed her, got her up, put her to bed, and another million things, and we powered through everything and made it happen. We put together 37 puzzles for small motor control. I sang with her when her voice was wrecked until she could sing again. She can walk blocks now with her walker, she can sit in cars and go places again, she has her life back entirely, and she’ll walk again. I’m grateful we bonded even more instead of becoming mortal enemies.

Last July, I picked up my cats and went home. My house had sat there empty and cold for all those months. No plant was alive but a few things outdoors my neighbor sprayed with a hose. After one more trip down in October for 10 days to care for her while her caregiver was on vacation, I was home again until Christmas. I had made the drive 11 times, and put over 10k miles on my new car. I was unemployed. My world had changed entirely. I was grateful to be home, and had no idea what to do next.

No surprise, I decided that I might like to do something simple, like tend some orchids and grow a little weed, and chill. Sit around. Mourn a bit. We missed everything about my mom’s cremation or service. So I retired in November at 62, drank a lot of wine with a friend from Utah, and found some THCFarmer people to hang with that had their own gardens and stories, and grow weed until I figure out what I want to do next. Again, so grateful. I just got my first SS check in January! And now the tale is told. I’m not looking for sympathy, I’m still working it all out. Story for Story.


another adventure
i will tell you four
how it ends
i have the time

let us away
dear friends
i must
to c
neighbor bill
by myself
but never alone

and today
i am strong enough
no notes
just the music
of pianists
in concert

holding it for a friend
my neighbor bill
i made the wrong call...
afraid of a phone

not today



a blonde and
a goatee
i roll
my friends
and you four
plus gods
the rrock

the rrock

My story is about Gratitude – Condensed

It’s about my sister who on July 5th, 2018 became septic and admitted to the hospital and ICU with double pneumonia. The sepsis reached her heart and infected the valves. Without the pneumonia resolving, she would die if they did the heart surgery. Without the heart surgery, she would die anyway. Her heart was being weighed by a Goddess, but I was calling all the shots from down here, working with the ICU team. The pneumonia resolved, her heart surgery was a success. All systems failed anyway. She was in the ICU for 30 days with renal failure, among other things, then transferred to another acute hospital for dialysis. Because she had been down so long, she could no longer use her arms or legs. All told, she was hospitalized over 7 months and would have to relearn to walk again. I am so grateful.

It’s about me, hearing she had been admitted to the ICU two days later because her friends didn’t want to tell our family because on the way to the ER she told them not to, because we would worry. Packing, I drove the 8 hours to be there and called my boss on the way down. I wanted to be there for her. Talk to her, love her, and make her know I was there. It isn't the only thing you can do. It's the only thing that matters. While she was intubated and medicated so she wouldn’t yank it out, I would watch for signs, and talk to her and tell her what was going on. Her brows would waver when she heard my voice, when she could not move anything else. Her hand would tighten when I began to pull away. The heart rate monitor would get lively. I earned some silver streaks in my hair where I never had it before. I was so grateful.

It’s about a great man I worked for, that said to me, “Go be with your sister, and we’ll figure everything out.” While I was with my sister, he was paying me from July to September to be with her. Then he retired and I was laid off, and went on unemployment to stay where I needed to be. He made it as easy for me as he could. He actually made it happen.

It’s about my 84 year old momma with Alzheimer’s who was sick of her fucking, horrible, twisted life. She was well into it. On a clear minded day after a fun visit with her sister and my dad, whom she recognized, on September 4th, 2018, she disappeared from her life by running away and hiding. She had never done it before. LAPD helicopters combed the desert day and night along with ground patrol, my family and neighbors. I was with my sister in the hospital when my dad called to say he lost my mom. I am grateful I was with her so we could be together that night. And I do not know if I could have searched with the rest of my family on foot in that desert neighborhood for my mom. Because what if I found her dead. What if I found her alive, and she didn’t want to be found. They did find her the next day, a neighbor did, in his shed a few houses away. We don’t know when she died. Waiting 24 hours for a lost mom in the desert was a hard thing. I was so grateful it didn’t go on for days. She was one of the best things in my life. My mother’s eyes were blue.

In the months that followed, many miracles occurred. No more dialysis, no more diabetes, no more complete immobility. We worked with her to move again. Starting with fingers. She was transferred to a state-of-the-art rehab center and we made her move her toes and sit up and roll over. Those three months were hellish and brutal and effective. On February 25, 2019 they called me and told me she was ready to be discharged. If she did not have a 24/7 caregiver, she’d have to go to a convalescent hospital. I had made all the surgical/drug/life-saving decisions for her the entire time. They expected one more thing from me. I am grateful that they knew me well enough at that time to think I was up for the difficult months ahead.

I packed for a long stay. My dad took my cats. I took my sister to her home March 1st of last year, and in 4 months, we learned how to get her house organized for someone that could barely get out of her wheelchair and use a walker. We shared her king sized bed. I bathed her, dressed her, got her up, put her to bed, and another million things, and we powered through everything and made it happen. We put together 37 puzzles for small motor control. I sang with her when her voice was wrecked until she could sing again. She can walk blocks now with her walker, she can sit in cars and go places again, she has her life back entirely, and she’ll walk again. I’m grateful we bonded even more instead of becoming mortal enemies.

Last July, I picked up my cats and went home. My house had sat there empty and cold for all those months. No plant was alive but a few things outdoors my neighbor sprayed with a hose. After one more trip down in October for 10 days to care for her while her caregiver was on vacation, I was home again until Christmas. I had made the drive 11 times, and put over 10k miles on my new car. I was unemployed. My world had changed entirely. I was grateful to be home, and had no idea what to do next.

No surprise, I decided that I might like to do something simple, like tend some orchids and grow a little weed, and chill. Sit around. Mourn a bit. We missed everything about my mom’s cremation or service. So I retired in November at 62, drank a lot of wine with a friend from Utah, and found some THCFarmer people to hang with that had their own gardens and stories, and grow weed until I figure out what I want to do next. Again, so grateful. I just got my first SS check in January! And now the tale is told. I’m not looking for sympathy, I’m still working it all out. Story for Story.

I am grateful to hear your story<>when did you start growing Pot Cat?


My story is about Gratitude – Condensed

It’s about my sister who on July 5th, 2018 became septic and admitted to the hospital and ICU with double pneumonia. The sepsis reached her heart and infected the valves. Without the pneumonia resolving, she would die if they did the heart surgery. Without the heart surgery, she would die anyway. Her heart was being weighed by a Goddess, but I was calling all the shots from down here, working with the ICU team. The pneumonia resolved, her heart surgery was a success. All systems failed anyway. She was in the ICU for 30 days with renal failure, among other things, then transferred to another acute hospital for dialysis. Because she had been down so long, she could no longer use her arms or legs. All told, she was hospitalized over 7 months and would have to relearn to walk again. I am so grateful.

It’s about me, hearing she had been admitted to the ICU two days later because her friends didn’t want to tell our family because on the way to the ER she told them not to, because we would worry. Packing, I drove the 8 hours to be there and called my boss on the way down. I wanted to be there for her. Talk to her, love her, and make her know I was there. It isn't the only thing you can do. It's the only thing that matters. While she was intubated and medicated so she wouldn’t yank it out, I would watch for signs, and talk to her and tell her what was going on. Her brows would waver when she heard my voice, when she could not move anything else. Her hand would tighten when I began to pull away. The heart rate monitor would get lively. I earned some silver streaks in my hair where I never had it before. I was so grateful.

It’s about a great man I worked for, that said to me, “Go be with your sister, and we’ll figure everything out.” While I was with my sister, he was paying me from July to September to be with her. Then he retired and I was laid off, and went on unemployment to stay where I needed to be. He made it as easy for me as he could. He actually made it happen.

It’s about my 84 year old momma with Alzheimer’s who was sick of her fucking, horrible, twisted life. She was well into it. On a clear minded day after a fun visit with her sister and my dad, whom she recognized, on September 4th, 2018, she disappeared from her life by running away and hiding. She had never done it before. LAPD helicopters combed the desert day and night along with ground patrol, my family and neighbors. I was with my sister in the hospital when my dad called to say he lost my mom. I am grateful I was with her so we could be together that night. And I do not know if I could have searched with the rest of my family on foot in that desert neighborhood for my mom. Because what if I found her dead. What if I found her alive, and she didn’t want to be found. They did find her the next day, a neighbor did, in his shed a few houses away. We don’t know when she died. Waiting 24 hours for a lost mom in the desert was a hard thing. I was so grateful it didn’t go on for days. She was one of the best things in my life. My mother’s eyes were blue.

In the months that followed, many miracles occurred. No more dialysis, no more diabetes, no more complete immobility. We worked with her to move again. Starting with fingers. She was transferred to a state-of-the-art rehab center and we made her move her toes and sit up and roll over. Those three months were hellish and brutal and effective. On February 25, 2019 they called me and told me she was ready to be discharged. If she did not have a 24/7 caregiver, she’d have to go to a convalescent hospital. I had made all the surgical/drug/life-saving decisions for her the entire time. They expected one more thing from me. I am grateful that they knew me well enough at that time to think I was up for the difficult months ahead.

I packed for a long stay. My dad took my cats. I took my sister to her home March 1st of last year, and in 4 months, we learned how to get her house organized for someone that could barely get out of her wheelchair and use a walker. We shared her king sized bed. I bathed her, dressed her, got her up, put her to bed, and another million things, and we powered through everything and made it happen. We put together 37 puzzles for small motor control. I sang with her when her voice was wrecked until she could sing again. She can walk blocks now with her walker, she can sit in cars and go places again, she has her life back entirely, and she’ll walk again. I’m grateful we bonded even more instead of becoming mortal enemies.

Last July, I picked up my cats and went home. My house had sat there empty and cold for all those months. No plant was alive but a few things outdoors my neighbor sprayed with a hose. After one more trip down in October for 10 days to care for her while her caregiver was on vacation, I was home again until Christmas. I had made the drive 11 times, and put over 10k miles on my new car. I was unemployed. My world had changed entirely. I was grateful to be home, and had no idea what to do next.

No surprise, I decided that I might like to do something simple, like tend some orchids and grow a little weed, and chill. Sit around. Mourn a bit. We missed everything about my mom’s cremation or service. So I retired in November at 62, drank a lot of wine with a friend from Utah, and found some THCFarmer people to hang with that had their own gardens and stories, and grow weed until I figure out what I want to do next. Again, so grateful. I just got my first SS check in January! And now the tale is told. I’m not looking for sympathy, I’m still working it all out. Story for Story.
thank you
on behalf of us 4
your family
the fuzz
those you believe in
always watching
if one were to read it backwards
instead of a maze
of decisions
that must have been >32psi for you
when read back to front
reads more like a lifetime
summed by a handful of letters
and a direct line
as a crow flies
as if it is what you've been
destined for


i do not mean to diminish
the mass of your tail ;P
by saying more than
thank you


3 people plus g
interesting that the 3, like iii
blue eyes
no... four.
i know...
no shyt...
and when one calculates
consider the odds
and they all
effected my life
one time, or another
one way

and harry styles
adore you
is on sat radio
i don't pick the songs

i knew it was a recessive trait
those who eat breadcrumbs
Screenshot 20200205 130840 Chrome


saw mr Chris
saw neighbor bill
thank you 4,
for your assistance
all adds up

every cent...
one thing

bet that $
the bank owes, comes soon
too freaked about the phone,
to remind bankers
use your

it'll all come out n the wash
always does
always has
needs it most

true story

isn't that something

selena Gomez
lose you...

thanks to our beautiful butterfly

had an inspirational

story to tell

i bet
my life
mme penny
neighbor bill
took comfort
in a story
m butterfly

because that is our kittycat

that's who cat is
are her people
m butterfly
just showed we
where she came from
her forever young
beautiful heart


complete submission
draw a line on a map...
cat stepped into the sun
to share that... in code
another numbers person
remembers every grain
every mile... and cat... was never alone.


gotta check a box
hear a story
give a tailgunner a lift
dia lupa
lotta driving
on today's adventure
hate town
2 trips


the odds that neighbor
felt a need to walk his dog
off property
when he owns plenty
that i would run into him
still customizing for him
it's just not possible
you four
need to b playing the lottery.
just not fucking possible


it's got teeth alright
his current paramour
same last name as we
took fewer
what r the f'n odds!!!
20200205 140437


they cannot afford
compassionate care
wanna bet

his pup's name


if someone told me
about these daily
extreme adventures
and coincidences
i would say

u r a fargin

i have no tie
and a story to tell


and btw
all of these individual
fall in between, my returning to
a domestic
to shat my brains out
n between
200+ mi,
just today
ain't over so i can't stay
but omg
u wouldn't believe it,

cat- still freaked about response so...
but u know I'll open it, eventually
can't explain it
just how i am
of late
sources of bad news
could b- there's more than just your msg

but I'll get there
ain't leavin town, that i know of,
til wed, or thurs

if one happens
in the middle of nowhere
car's broke down/
it's a stranger in the middle of the desert
so to speak
may even have a baby n the back...
costs one nothing
roll er down a woman's inch
and say,

everything alright

i didn't count, but must have stopped,
at least 4x, today
nothing of consequence
to report

just give it a try
could b your significant other
and do we not
by example

maybe it's someone who hates u...
misunderstanding... stop for a welfare
perhaps you'll gain
a new
just never know

didn't someone infamous;P,
walk the desert, once
maybe spent some time
doin it



god dam
Chinese buffets...
and no...
ain't takin any pics
perhaps diesel, can show u
mr hanky


day ended with biggest payment
to date
a man who stood before bullets for
i don't care whether he cleaned toidys in texas, the entirety of his service... none of our children, truly knew what they were singing up for, day 1... none, thought they would not return.
bedridden... opioids, naturally... heart pills...
the man kicked all his meds, under med supervision... no med interactions... rode his motorcycle, with his club... for two weeks... kicked all his meds... said where n how much... not a snowball's chance: one must pay it forward.
my nazi friend went on n on... i said
to the choir

get it out there! 8+ strain cocktails!
so pist, ltr, went to the e.r., IN TOWN... over pain issues, last night.

it was midnight

yeah, asshole, how u supposed to shift, with a bum arm?
said his pain was a 10...
this, is a stoic man.
know what they gave him? ibuprofen
you're gonna say more, than i so...
anyway... topical. hasn't called. must b workin. also reminded him... i sleep soundly... not lengthy... i was prolly up, anyway, far as he's concerned. plus- i maintain a 24/7 policy, for friends. ain't like i gotta go to work, tomorrow...
isn't that something


quick version:
i met a man

he told me about his new side by side...
7 prostyle, 4 seaters n railz, passed him, goin up. told him: too steep, can't b done... he went up I'd imagine, in switchback, fashion n made it.
give an airforce vet the impossible... yup.

reminded me of easter, 13/14ish... late spring... marine, uncle, is takin us up, mt san gorgonio n cali. people with crampons, r walkin down, sayin it's snowed in... can't get through. pretty sure, my uncle, who forgot the water, in the hoopty... and every time we crossed a stream, "hey, uncle, sir: think we should fill up?"... my pack=90lbs; no lie... "nope"... sigh.
I'm fairly certain, my marine, took this, as a dare, or perhaps, a challenge. remember- i was already a pack a day, Marlboro, smoker... I'm leaning on every Jeffrey pine, bout every 20ft and i - was in great shape, as a surfer. however..., I'm in high tops and board shorts... packing through waist high snow... to a bald, ridge (no snow) & we had long lost the trail... the peak, unseen, for another 3, peaks n valleys... yup

so anyway, this dood (head), makes a joke about his hearing aid and his lovely, wifey... bluetooth... surround sound ! reverse sound! if someone lays out an S.B.D.... this man... will know... it was you, cat.

wha!!! i know thousands of deaf vets!!! and... i got the doc's number... even has a bullshit, filter (background noise, cancelling)... yup.

they leave...
chris n casey, once again... f'd me, at the register. i had to tell em 3x... bastards, wouldn't listen... no charge. sigh.
take care of the boyz... ahole! seriously- oh and turns out- cause i have road hazard... on my insurance... i dunno what my friend has- so i go to pay for hers and come to find out- he gave us such good tires- first 2 yrs, already covered. figures, he would do that... only this time, he lemme give back:
mr chris, ya seen my rears... ya know i got 2 yrs, they're matched... who knows where I'll b in 2 yrs... you can help someone else...


ha! payback!

so then, i run up to 1sq mile.
stopped to lend aid, twice- nope... no breakdowns... went to 32psi- still asleep. she works late. i had a story to tell... stopped by vfw. they're not usually there, so early

need a hand


i have a story to tell...
told em.

back home- kwrapper... supplies...

chris, i don't have time... i have to c a friend... i figure u trust me, now... let's work on tailoring, for your back
cbd, helps his back- perfectly, legit

bill... hospital... i have a story to tell...
penny, was in tears... thanks, to a cat's tale. ty, cat!!! i had hoped, we would inspire! u did!!!
this family, is dear to me.
truly, ms. cat:
thank you

ok so then, puup... reup... 2 stops- 1 is on cell... 2, trucker... left something on step, lookin for it: good luck, sir!

pick up tailgunner... forget his story, but he ponied up... i just forgot, temporarily.
ltr... no response...
stop by ltr's... still psyched about trump- great spirits, nitpicked maxine waters... he's fine... topical, for f'd up arm. u tell any doc, pain is a 10... they call u liar n addict... go with 7-8, people... even, if it's a ten. they ain't checkin 500pg medical histories, to see whether pills r your thang, or u never show up, for pain; just how it works. sorry, u can't b honest, due to mass hysteria and media, "CRISES!!!".

ltr, not ready to face my new pool stick... he's ok.

2nd vfw... topical shingles... ain't workin...

pass a neighbor, comin home

ring baring ring...

dood, what's up!!! want company? something is up... he works 90some hrs a wk...
it's his miracle buddy!!! no way! and btw, this, is the family, who gave the tyre, referral...
i emptied the fridge, naturally...
forgot, i had more personal, than i need, til the next run. no prob. should keep him riding n style, for wks.

we who believe in the miracle of cannabis oil... have only mr. Simpson and his rso, gift... to thank for it.

help a stranger
pay it forward
-mr Simpson


tunez... i need to chill.
finally got the artist n title for one i really like, but never, remember...
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