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i hope aquaman is doin ok.
ask him about his pop inlaw.

ვილოცებთ მას და მის ოჯახს


This is where I go when the time happens for my friends. The only friends I have that love me for being me. They want nothing but our love and attention.
And we love them for who they are with no complaints no animosity just pure love.
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I'm sorry for whatever happened to u, the first time... when u took the pics. thank you diesel. thank all 4+ of you. diesel isn't new an having the guts to rip his heart out and show it to us...


dozer isn't mine, but we all feel the loss, equally; clearly. i, too have had a loved one, go into cardiac arrest, in my arms... and thing two, was in the car, with us... to tell me, you've experienced this deficiency: levity; keep your cool... goosfraba... remember the tires... we all fit... and you have room, for more... you'll know it, when u c it, again.


remember the story about the property manager and pussycat theatre? 30k, from a busted toilet.. i knew i was on the right path, when Larry the roofer, took me into his vault of all things, precious to him... a living, breathing, Dickens', page... counting his silver and making sure tiny tim was okay.. ripping his heart out and sharing it, with only me... and among his, stil boxed, toyz n treasures... and i had to ask permission for each, photograph, or felt the need to... dood how many people see a human heart? as history, tic tocs n grains n gravity ground us? stereoscope? no patina, on the brass? u fuckin kiddin me? i break everything i touch and just made charas, as before jesus roamed, ifished in unnamed rivers? I'm not touchin shit! not that i don't appreciate that u own a museum; my suggestion, actually... needs to b shared. the brass i seen behind glass, only... doesn't shine, like that...

when i told ltr that they could also b arranged in an hourglass... telling his life story... he said his grandfather, started collecting em... and his mother, continued.
when he shared his family with me... well... i ain't never seen a team of mules, pullin a cart, on private property.

told him just one of his still n box toys... could finance the sportster, he wants.

won't order matchbooks... only where they've been. he says the won't ship, with match heads... but u can buy pot seeds n absinthe...

the one guy i know, who's wifey, could translate the dybbuk box... has had his own problems, this last 2 decades...
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my oldest young best friend

financed a drug addict and felon his first car... first hit of Egyptian eye, first mushroom trip, first 8ball, in front of a green n red, 7/11 sign. it was summertime, in hb.

and a beautiful, first surf chick i met... who took in a stranger, answers with, you didn't scare me...
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i need my friend. he calms me. he lost his most prized, postseason, last night.
and he is one of mine.

i don't usually crawl up the bums of users because I'm not hear 4 date paper.

but a stranger I've never met, offered his condolences and when i went to click, 'stalk", i noticed... you're a veteran, sir, thank you for standing between bullets, for strangers, as a child who's "parents", sent him... and more than that... thank you for stopping, to check a box; help a stranger... ♡... the middle finger emoji, is on the fritz, again.
diesel, send up the heat.


some trails... u have to allow your friends to walk alone n say goodbye, in their own way. so service for uploads, but services, for a pup and an old friend.
a big step, even for john Glenn.

fascinating day. cut a eucalyptus... ltr's options... or MINE... diesel...

busy, today & tomorrow. sorry, triage...
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ok... when i finish batting, phx townies, again, for ltr... tomorrow...
we are gonna have a long talk about how to properly approach, car cleaning professionals... about purchasing dexter crime scene, industrial strength products, to get hair, blood, shit, piss, vomituousness and the smell of death... out of your hoopty, without raising any alarms... and if i get asked, for one more autograph n selfie... n whether I'm single, over a body, in the desert... I'm going to seriously, lose my shyt.
it's been an unusual, evening.
I'll go to the town sheriff, myself, if he knows what they used to get the skank stank, out if a specific, blue dress n the smell of snatched up cigars, so to speak because it's costing my an arm, leg and 5 spicy, Louisiana chicken sandwiches, just to hide the smell of mosh's plants, after jr, crosses the street, by himself... i swear to god, i can't keep this up. it's killin my corona, budget.
at least the shyt i took, after desert, sushi... was more like a platform dividing contest, that i think i won, with a gainer jackknife, combo#4, when i heard the voices say, 9.5 9.5 9.75 10.0 10.0 & hyde's got my total, before the swimmers, even surfaced n he's goin... 54° water... 12" down... u might survive...
think it over: u know i have the uv light, to keep us outta the pokie...;P
it'll b so bad, though, if we get pulled over.

not to ltr: leave the gunz...


ok... when i finish batting, phx townies, again, for ltr... tomorrow...
we are gonna have a long talk about how to properly approach, car cleaning professionals... about purchasing dexter crime scene, industrial strength products, to get hair, blood, shit, piss, vomituousness and the smell of death... out of your hoopty, without raising any alarms... and if i get asked, for one more autograph n selfie... n whether I'm single, over a body, in the desert... I'm going to seriously, lose my shyt.
it's been an unusual, evening.
I'll go to the town sheriff, myself, if he knows what they used to get the skank stank, out if a specific, blue dress n the smell of snatched up cigars, so to speak because it's costing my an arm, leg and 5 spicy, Louisiana chicken sandwiches, just to hide the smell of mosh's plants, after jr, crosses the street, by himself... i swear to god, i can't keep this up. it's killin my corona, budget.
at least the shyt i took, after desert, sushi... was more like a platform dividing contest, that i think i won, with a gainer jackknife, combo#4, when i heard the voices say, 9.5 9.5 9.75 10.0 10.0 & hyde's got my total, before the swimmers, even surfaced n he's goin... 54° water... 12" down... u might survive...
think it over: u know i have the uv light, to keep us outta the pokie...;P
it'll b so bad, though, if we get pulled over.

not to ltr: leave the gunz...
Cheese berry in the tent is pretty stinky


it's more a nuisance, than anything. filters don't do shyt, when ur breathing diarrhea fumes, from the teepee. it's downright, offensive. guests prefer subzeros... ;P


buddy...I'm thinking or one of our peers, who had multiple, cali apartments, if ya get my meaning . dood grew trainwreck, only, for yrs, when pounds actually fetched, 5k... wholesale, i guess you'd say. and i gave it some thought, before i said to a mutual friend, "i am lightyears, beyond our buddy"... and while he backs with numbers, i couldn't count to- i said that, with confidence. dood was a pussy: never experimenting, evolving... never takin experimental, risks... never learning, anything new...
so it hit me: while i truly came to help- i haven't shopped for an updated, book, or pollen, book (i need to read, as i experience, 710, or I'll forget!)... nothin! where do we learn about cutting edge, zealot grows? u guys tell me something new, hourly... are the current experiment, observations, in current, books, or is it a yr, to press, unless ed, writes it? dood... the real library, is here... current... cutting edge, questions, being addressed... free, education... u need to find a way, to market that, before someone else... does. nobody ever asked me, whether I'd paid my dues, when i raise my hand... my idea, of heaven and i still, know nothing!


longtime navy buddy (not to infer i served), was back in the hospital, yesterday. i sent copies of "my best thingy", to 4 more... mostly non-pot peeps, to remind them what i owe, so to speak...whether they knew what kind of impact, words, community and relationships have; how they inspire me, qualities i admire... no, i didn't just switch teams, though it sounds gay ;P.

i just wanted to add him to THE LIST. he was, anyway, but sometimes i forget to mention him, to the powers that be.

so today, is a roadtrip... exch! just don't care for the monsters n townies, i gotta drive through/into/etc. i can't wait for the comments from the 100mph peanut gallery, about not speeding... maybe if i brake check their asses a few times, the only one with a no seatbelt script... won't b the only one, wearin one. taste the leather, taste the rainbow... taste the dash. maybe i won't b the only one with a broken phone, but we get belted! no need to invite the m.a.i.t. team, to lunch.

i gotta order those brake pads. tires were scary enough and i haven't had the time. fuk. i should've made it. car gonna b heavier.
anyway, already got distracted. oh, i got lots more pics from CHRISTMAS TREE PASS, nevada; Laughlin area. fuk! got in so late, i forgot, i have one more batch of luminol to toss in there n u know what .... oh oh! my scorpion lights will fire up the gore sites... it ain't the land of all things that kill, for nothin... i gotta order a copy of wind river.... back seating this hotrod midget, may b my only chance to show him movies, like life as a house, the ultimate gift, secks drive, grandma's boy and badder santa and part 2. right? there's a... nm. there is. AND!!! if the batteries n the headgear, still work... no peanut gallery!!! his call, on the back seat. it ain't comfy for bad backs, like most sideby's, cept custom & the can-ams.
so i met a man
yesterday... some doods were lookin for classic cars... man, if ur a picker, or into classics... yes, seek towns, with 500yr old, demographics n red necks and you'll find cars of their eras... buried in weeds, on jackstands, or incognito, in their garages... and one of the pros (stickered, gorgeous, lifted, truk... ererer...) is from Belgium... and once he fills his list n returns... Belgium, will know about cocktail, oils... that was my price. history, through his hands, was worth, 'thank u for the directions... what's your number, name and I'll give you the commission, when i sell the car, if we like this one?"... remember the ranchero pics? remember how my mind plugs round pegs, into round holes? they liked the car and were looking for more... they came to the right place. I'm lucky... but not if u like random parcels, with 15 classic cars, hyding, within. none on my swatch... doods need to explore, without the trailer n expect some scratches. i woulda takin em, myself, but i was disposing of evidence; y'all know how it is in deliverance... my response to tellin him, one mile uturn was, "WE'RE NOT LIKE THAT, HERE"... i hate that that's the expectation... for so many, Europeans; prolly, well earned. dickheads need to realize- when one travels, abroad, or not... behave as if u represent a family and you're in someone else's home... assholes.
anyway, his list didn't seem like all too common cars n now i wished I'd asked for his #. i went by the classic car place, with both wheels up n complete, beautiful lines/cars... on my way to dispose of the body/ies... and he said he wasn't expecting, euros, that day. took his number... i did look for em. i figured our dirt n worse streets than most... where he was- might buy me that 15min pit stop krapper time, but no... they lost me.
u know me, if i wasn't already committed, Belgium, would have a new embassy, to tour these guyz, for a week. can u imagine? for me, "they're pretty"... for u 2, it's, "omg, is that all, original? small block? 472? 1600? candy apple? hemi? suicide shifter?", etc... and had i had the time... i may not know the name of cool cars, even... but i know what I've ridden in; touched... and what these fellas get to drive (start up neighbor's shinys, tomorrow) ??? man... i could've given u guys a car show, just touring others. besides... i can't even imagine takin my car to some of these places, much less, a trailer... and besides the buried, international (emotional connection, for a pervert, trucker) ... i forgot the name of the other buried car, at the deck job.

told ltr I'd been writing about our adventures in an unusual place... was glad he hadn't seen mallrats... he wouldn't like the idea of my 600lb life, having to draw stick figures n the back "seat", of a vw Beatle.

couldn't believe he smiled... especially, yesterday. ohhh... i got jokes... IF #3, turns up. i asked if i could read, the afterbirth... nope... just smiled, like he was proud, that i WAS PROUD. isn't that something? i reminded him stat it's the 3 flats n a week and the interesting people he n i meet, along the way, from mishaps... that MAKE the stories; that take mundane to adventure.
he said nobody believes people have that bad a luck... much less 4... (jimmy n "lucky billy")... meh ...

anyway, i got another toophless smile (forgot his teeth), when i got weird, likened his vault to his heart n his miserly, appearance, with his coin, obsession, to a Dickens, novel... i.e. my living in a Christmas Carol, page... another smile... i stopped counting... I'm a professional... those who live under the thumb of darkness, have no problem, guiding lost souls, out, typically... I'm with y'all on the nature/spiritual, links... I'd left the house n such a hurry... i realized i was in my pool shoes. it was a big day in the sc house, when they got their first hole n em... not to flashy, for the club... not so good, shuffling in slippers, on a trail, though; same, with fetching, firewood, apparently... but as i realized i was in em n forgot- i have spare, emergency, everything, n the car: more slippers, more flipflops; no boots!!! the voices said, "you're going to need a lil balance, today, sc",... and that's what pool shoes, do for me so... but they're bullshit, for trails.
either I'm lost, or finished, or forgot what i was sayin so...

gotta start chores n have coffee ready n waffles n such, in bout 3hrs. no... it ain't saintly... I'm cheap and another man's woman is goin n we ain't in a bar. i warned him... somehow, this is gonna cost us... "she has her own money"... yeah and he's not going. it's not about who she is... i just know... I've had this luck, my entire life... ltr's eyes r going, obviously, faster than mine... somehow, this'll cost. never know how, til the end... it just will. say, he wants to go to Disneyland, Phoenix... maybe she didn't bring enough... maybe it's not n the budget... see what i mean? somehow... i just dunno how, yet. an extra 5min in tire changes... extra bathroom stops... not enough cigarettes... oh... perfect example: who brings the jackets n umbrellas n who always gets soaked, shrinkage & walking, pneumonia? exactly: cost! remember sir walter scott? amundsen? harrelson? bowling? nm... I'm just sayin... u bring a gal- things don't end well. besides, y bring food to a buffet? phx, is rampant, with sex trafficking.
nah, but she's harmless. these r my yen n yang friends, who take care of g, in the vfw kitchen, exercise my grip, with a handshake that's like havin ur hand krushed, by an excavator... and recently offered to take me under his wing, to educate me, on current, automotive tech. beautiful couple! still gonna cost us, somehow.
check headphone batteries. women talk... bring more duck tape so u don't get weird.
if i didn't know me better, that'd kreep me, out, too... nope... learned habbits... will keep me listening. i bet she n matt have a cool story, but i need to focus on dirt n asphalt n 2 live n my care so... duck tape. just tiny piece on wrist. they... i would not wear my watch. they do well; they're just not flashy. the day i can meet that man's grip... well, it's a goal. i meet his sad eyes, every time. yeah... I'd like to hear his story. student became teacher... part of his story... diesel tech... yeah, that's a smart mind. i wanna lil peek.
o and a grip o pics, but it was so panoramic- I'll need to pull stills, first.


omg. I'm am not a blogger. that's not what this is. always hated the word and the act n that just violated my mind... don't say that! (crocodile tears ; jk!)! I'm not a blogger!!! ewe. i feel dirty. slimy, like fuct roots. no... not what this is! and don't ever use that word n here! trolls!!


my buddy is teasin me about a 10hr drive, for a 30sec visit. don't freak me out!


i don't want his money. i want his backing n not like that sounds... the core of his being, is sales n nobody is listening to a crazy person say, "cocktails", unless ur gambling. if i could help his dad... a man who saw through the addict he was makin a steak for, when my friend was away in school... the world b a better place, tomorrow. mosh wound have the hamster toys on stilts, built (they burrow n then, toys stop spinnin... kaytee, was nice to me, but they can't make a bottle that doesn't leak (heavier bearings, boys; bigger... try another material that doesn't adhere to calcium, or opposing charge? glass? marbles... nm... porras porris porus poorus? i forget plus my eyes...), i cut n paste the website n carey, sells shit, to dung Beatles. freeway memorials- make 5 samples, sub out the work... carey curries influence: done. marketing...
I'm lost nm.
mighty could help his pancreatitis, though... and b a diode, for his sis...


got to tell my first panhandler to f off, while ltr, was present, yesterday... hate, townies... anyway, ever seen the look in a father's eye, the first time his son, hits a kid on a big wheel? yeah, i can imagine... the ol man, couldn't have been prouder. i think it was a real breakthrough, moment, for us... like when me n jimmy went to get tested, together. man those swabs, r much larger than they appear. so that's what 10" looks like... hmmm... watermelon, through a what? gallstones? catheters?childsplay!


ok... ltr is very private...
if she asks about the smell of black dahlia n corpse flowers... I'll say, "i may, or may not have allegedly hit a kid on a bike... that, being said... it was a trek, with full suspension n rock shox... i couldn't just leave it, lying in the street"... yeah... that'll work... the lady, wastes nothing... the brisket, was super fatty. monster, pieces... super fatty... c if they can borrow, ltr's, slicer... anyone know of any puppies, in the desert?


i saw a trike, motorcycle, the other day that was the exact yellow n had similar leather to the original, Patterson, bicycle n thought for sure, there had to b a relation, but the guy was so deaf, i couldn't understand his response.
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