current season

  • Thread starter SPARECHANGE
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and i whispered in the darkness
i don't believe I'm supposed to tell
at this TIME.
all i can say is your uncle billy is somewhere else
you will see your people again
anything further
you wouldn't believe me anyway


and ginger's eyes are brown
i could see them
glistening with tears
in the darkness


and she just said

as she uploaded a song

now you have music for your swim

her uncle Billy just died

I'm sorry i haven't made coffee yet

i would disagree

coffee's ready


anyone sea the souperball last
anyone sea the hahahahalftime dancers
yeeehhhehessss ma'am
hot, hah
can you imagine what incarceration must feel like may i raise my hand now
how many women raperd
one in three
how many humans with an std
one in three
i c it two
how many women
were center stage
think they're good looking
think that or their talent or money
buys them anything
is two out of three
the odds were never in
anyone's favor
you think them goddesses
up on that stage
pity them
they live in prisons


and yet they live in a place where money
is worthless
on the upside
they have no idea how close to heaven
they really live
i would guess they cannot see over their walls
because shakira is a midget
just like diesel
the rrock

the rrock

godfather og (Pacific seeds, cali, version) night train haze (also- pac seeds) northbound train; equilibrium genetics, cali), atf (dutch seed shop's version of feminized [50/50]); harvested male pollen n crossed with one of ea. current strains. gonna cross the godfather and ght, as well; will have to use that silver nitrate equivalent, that's been collecting dust.
also have some c2, cbd glue tide clones 24:1, also from equilibrium (thank u for doubling, regular seed content and allowing for $ negotiating). aft, got with em. the cbd didn't work for us, as expected and was a shame cause they were "big gals"... we'll see. atf, was a 2015, fav of mine.
i go with 2x 3000 watt, LED's (more blues) and a 10yr old, custom LED, i had, in storage (red, dominant)... the diff, was night n day. stretch vs bulk so i put in that 3rd, in the 4x8, vivosun. i no longer regret not goin gorilla (only item i cheaped on), for those genius, extensions... i just don't veg, anymore. one side, scrog. the other: sog. some strains do better, lettin em loose.
over the 7k watt, shock/sucker, values? me, too... they all burn 600s. sigh. i have the perpetual goin and no longer veg, beyond the seedling n cloning "rooms" (prop trays, but "rooms", sounds pimp!). i had some N storage issues. no burn... i chased it down, but as they don't burn... I'm less concerned, about dark green, this season. I'm still getting the appropriate percentages in returns, based on strain data.
i go for turnaround/turnover, vs size.
i use general hydroponics' eco growers, but i converted them all to rainforest/aeros. i prefer my results, with aero (3x the everything) and not having to run pumps n stones. i wouldn't mind smaller reservoirs, or at least, shorter, but it's done. put em on turntables... that don't often require spinning. i do rotate pots for size, or delayed finishers and then, stall out the prop ROOMS, as needed, when space, becomes an issue.
1600ppm diox. i tried 12, to not have to tank fill, as often, but the diff, was again: night n day.
dehumidifier... i may have been overserved. i went with 4k sf... it's a waste of wattage in a place where limits, matter and can b inconvenient, if not costly; doesn't oft get used.
humidifiers- sometimes. rh is currently around 50. temps, low 90s.
the ghost train got a lil disgruntled about sprouting, with various hemispheres (my guess- i ended up not needing to double check n just dropped humidity).
know how some strains are made to be abused, and delayed? i should've abused black domina (shoulda manifolded, or at least, f.i.m.'d/topped)... it made me gunshy, with the godfather... i saved seeds n took side clones, but they may never stretch enough to b more than a zip on a stick. i have topless, remorse, with em. may only get to 12" tall. i was experimenting, with a custom version of mr nebula's, manifold... hey, i like short, fat chix; they're low maintenance... but they spent too long, recovering from shock so really, i felt like it was a krapshoot.
i don't get better than 900par, even with the overlap effects, because they bleach, any closer, with these.

couldn't help myself: yep, there's some bporn, but I'm trying to display the red/violet experiment and would have to dig, for previous season, bporn. guess it's been a couple, chops, with some red. worth doin. actually appreciate the effects, of both, but if i had to choose: RED!
there's an oil example, of a pound, or so, of saved, twice washed... it'd been on ice, for... i forgot about it. it was for topicals... there was enough chlorophyll, to wrench tummies (always lick the spoon, just n case..). if it's green, set it in the sun. yes, light degrades, but stomach aches, suck. you pick...
I'm all about the post harvest processing n cross pollinating, these days, but this season, did start, with a Google search for strongest strains, in the known, universe and the intent that eventually, like any couple... should prolly do the deed. so i am excited.
this season reminds me of the movie, "STITCH". i looked in the teepee, whenever and saw, "MODEL CITIZEN... MODEL CITIZEN... MODEL CITIZEN... lesbian couple/MODEL CITIZENS!!! and then... there was ATF. u know... i saw this coming. talk about peer pressure. and now, I'm paying for it, with crossing over the arm rest and takin some sog, tops... over to scrog's airspace (like that Chinese, island carrier, in international waters, and the lovely G, on our last roadtrip; first time on oil; apparently, first time in a speeding vehicle, with lots of shiny buttons and a frequently molested, no WOMAN'S land: the ARMREST! hush... doesn't matter how big it is; it sets a poor precedent.
give atf a lil action and a rolling brownout (seen secks drive, lately?) and those bioches, make a daily bid, for freedom. I'm not losing sleep over light burn, again. the groyos, reeled em in. "skanks!"... sigh... they're both, knocked up. their c1's r rockin n prolly gonna b the same, troublemaking, nasty chewbacca havin, skanks!
i did have some questions about triancandol and brix, with regard to hydro/aero, but u know how those zealots get... you have to know the secret handshake, or check your mother's fire policy, before talkin to em.
yes, there r lots of jet engines and intake n exhaust, Australian virg and I'm tellin ya, it does nothing. i know... i washed n changed flow direction. that's when i put another on the intake...
i regret, not leaving fans, filters n tanks, without, but not over space, so much as a loss of some mylar, reflectivity and more heat, retention.
yes i got another roll, but a deserving family, needed a room, more than i wanted to wrap those reservoirs...
i can get u the leaf S.T. figures, n anything else.
i like the buchner funnel, love the mbe2, for oil, but may revert to the rice pot, just so i don't have to sweat a max line, disagreements and there's more attrition, in the mbe2, from the lathe grooves/wax buildup. i should prolly make a bong cleaning mix, suprefreeze it n then, shecky shake... any tips? mechanic's, waterless, soap?
considering a dewar of liquid nitrogen, for a future oil run, but it would also mean- new lab gear. doubtful the current glass, could tolerate that kinda nutcrackin cold. any experience, with this? yes, I'd need new prophylactics, as well...
I'll take any tips n share anything i know.
knowledge, is power!
using gh trio, til the jugs r empty...
oh and i love the titanium (prolly another sucker, purchase- we all have to wash our clippers...) shears, but wish I'd gone with 2more long-unz, vs the bansai, smalls, 2pk. wasn't pricey, like they sound.
i did the top clipper search. i disagree with the results- prolly have at least 2 of ea and am sick of em all. i like the large, action grips, on these...
guages n shiny objects- prolly used, and most- now collect dust, but they all, admittedly, served their purpose, helping mitigate, rookie mistakes. what can u afford to part with, more? rotted bud, or $20? same, here, at the time.
I'll try to keep things, entertaining, but still have some cheese mazes, to complete, n my brain, from long term, legit, opioid use so i have no doubt, I'll digress and exhibit a fractured, thought process so please, bare with.
i was over 337 pounds, when the scale started telling me where i could "insert it", and that was last may. i was over a 600mg, morphine equivalent, between oxies (both) and methadone. i had been arbitrarily, tapered, to a 100mg, equivalent and had 86'd the methadone, already, by aug 15th, 2019. been off, entirely, since 9/1 and am down 52lbs. only withdrawal symptoms, were stomach upset and the trots; a small price, i felt. saw someone d.t., once. wasn't pretty.
so the ever altruistic, mr Simpson and his Phoenix Tears, zealots, saved my life, literally. I'm off, onto my own concoctions, these days, via cannabis oil and multiple strain, combinations (8+strain, oil ocktail, with exponential, entourage..). i was aggravated, chasing symptoms, strains and am/pm, versions, when EVERYONE, is different. so y remove and inject, individual, terps? sounds counterintuitive, no? y not, toss em all in! so that's what i did... it's impressive, to say the least: 10hr, full body, orgasm... i just looked at the lovely G and said, "Oh, yeah.... THIS, is happening!"... what can i say... thank god she believes in pity...! bless u, g! i know and i did, the next day, just like ur thinkin. ummm... perhaps she felt i was exploiting her charity? i did mention, it's the fat version of me, still, right? [makes sign of cross, kneels, thanks the lord for that evening, the extra roll of paper towels, the invention of the step ladder and my weak stomach for... whatever we got on the ceiling. never seen a weinerdog, run that fast. see... mind's still... ummm not there, yet.
yeah, this morning, i forgot it was a trial run for the white widow xtrm (day 1)... accidentally took too many, having had to dumb it down, from a 2 day, palsy issue, with the girl (mom just picked up the dog, that second, very strange, yet pleasurable, day).
ummm what?
oh- multiple strain, "ocktails"! please, confirm my findings... maybe find a friend, to share a straight jacket with. u can take turns... I'd love to see this, mainstream and to see dispensaries either do something, charitable, or listen to excuses as to why the premiums, for ailing, masses.
ever see someone stoned to death?
it was my first greenout.
we then, proceeded to combine 6, vintage strains (8-12mo cures;all), in a one rip, bong- i think i remember a total of 2 seconds of "after"... one of which, was us, takin a struggling buddy, to Laughlin, for a couple few. pfft... he knows me... the girl, warned him... the 15 second preview had a loop feature, cause i just needed "a second"... he had his own room... my key... let's himself in, i hear my gal's voice, so i continued, with the task at hand. the jig is up. again, he knows I'm a freak, but the last thing i expected, was for him to sit on the pointy, spread and start giving a playbyplay, over y he's ready to accept more $ (no... it wasn't a significant amt). u know... this is my life. what movie was it where a couple was in the throws of passion, the guy looks up n yells, "get the f out of here" n then, keeps plowin away? well, that's how the first part went. oh- 40yr old, vj.

then, there's the males... and you'd b right: they were treated, with every bit, the disdain, i felt for em... i borrowed some random soil, from a neighbor, and just like my xxx... i told em to pack their s and get the f out!.. only this time, i wasn't on the receiving end, and it didn't cost me over 500k (i included legal fees, child s and random tens of thousands +, i got hosed on because... sigh... still my pups mother
.. and some other "colorful metaphors".
i was just usin those boys, for secks, but uhh... i have a different, appreciation, for a particular, lotion, stocked station, from a best man, movie, now that i ahem... [coughs through the phrase... MANY times] express males, for my own, personal enjoyment. [looks over both shoulders... spits, with gusto, into a potted plant].
I'll tell ya why we don't use sulfuric acid/PH ADJUSTERS!!! on our junk and how that relates to barber poles, at the end of this season. TIS THE SEASON!

next in line, please! NEXT!
hhow did the equilibrium seeds turn out?I kinda lost track(interest) after pg2


sea how the sun keeps moving
tic toc
isn't one
200yr old grain


make me crazy
make me sane
proving or disproving
or disapproving


bath time

i have not forgotten a kitty kat i owe

hey cat

this moment
what u said to me
is the next thing u remember
cat food just fall from your mouth


our kitty cat can transform
if she were to live forever
we would pitty her
all of
her loved ones
leave her behind
for my beautiful butterfly
we lost our cocoon daughter
at 6mo
and had to choose
for our lovely kitcat
forever young

i believe you owe a fourstory
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don't forget to ask
for Larry the roofer
he needs a partner
and i break
i touch

Vfw post 2190

5134 W Tennessee Ave, Chloride, AZ 86431
(928) 565-9555

in a one square mile town
my best friend
built the foundation
and his kung foo is strong
i should know
I've had more daddy's
than most of the intelligent
at crazy Fred's dollhouse

i am human
and even i
have sat
in loser row



for a friend
the roofer

you four
are all me people
and we all
come from the same place
and depart
as something else
to nowhere


population 4
it can't all b coincidence

because i take my loved ones with
this- is how my lovely g
got to come
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comedy is

u know what spare
i thought about making some mac
and cheese

and i said g
you read my mind
i have had the munchies
all day
this shyt takes alot out of me
y they put anything but the caramel popcorn
in my son's xmas tin
is beyond me
but that's gone
lord u know the sees' is my kryptonite
its time had come
i tried to show restraint
i am just a man

and so i told my lovely ginger
i was thinking the exact same thing
because i got cottonmouth
and the munchies
and yes
YOU should
make us some fucking
and cheese
cause i got the munchies
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