Decarb Failed - Can I salvage anything from butter?

  • Thread starter Misanthrope
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I quit smoking it after I tried vaping. My lungs feel so much better.

We don't use it for edibles. Instead, we make tinctures. It's amazing how high I can get from a tincture and how long it can last. I was getting too stoned for comfort sometimes. So, we started testing each new batch. The first thing we do is take a half milligram dose and rate it for strength. That way, I don't get too high.
I hear that. I dry vape 90% of my herb. 45 years of cigs have taken their toll.


I thing your math is wrong on the NL, should be 100mg (0.100gram) of Bud for the 10% of 150mg/gram (15%thc). So the NL contributes 15mg thc to go with the 5mg from the CBD for 20mg total thx in the 10:1 Med Brownies.

It isn’t much, just decarbed in the junker toaster oven. It’s off by 60degrees at least so I did 300F for 35 minutes “Set it and forget it.”

During the bake off it should add to the decarb more. If even necessary.

Here is it going in, not much required. The larger purple stuff is the CBD.
Yup, I did my math wrong. I did my division for 200mg, not 20. At least one of us is on the ball today! I hope that it comes out well.


I tried a dab my son gave me once and fell flat on my face and I was confused AF when I came to and stopped coughing.
Dab wax is the most pure form of THC. It averages 70% THC content.


You are not going to friggen believe this. The weed brownies killed my damn oven.

Was basking at 350F and all of a sudden poof a puff of smoke and the temp drops and constantly says preheating.

Now I have some splainin to do. Good grief.


You are not going to friggen believe this. The weed brownies killed my damn oven.

Was basking at 350F and all of a sudden poof a puff of smoke and the temp drops and constantly says preheating.

Now I have some splainin to do. Good grief.
Talk about Murphy's Law!


I just finished making a batch of cannabuttter. While it was "cooking" I realized the oven was broken and never got up to 230°F.
Is there anything I can do to salvage the butter?
I do mine at 170 convection for 4 hours came out fine lasted me a year . I didn't know what I was doing everyone I gave it too said it was super strong , I had some parts when it cooled that seemed more heavily infused. I did cut it with Sam's club coconut oil. To make it more hard in fridge so it could cut up more solid.


Talk about Murphy's Law!
My thoughts exactly. Heating element fried. I finished it off in the oven in the basement.

Here is the twin bake.
Did the 1st half of the mix normally, then poured half the batter in the pan. Ground up the decarbed CBD 10:1 flower mix and Sprinkled on the batter evenly. Then covered with the remaining batter.

Decarbes Kush 100mg
DC7FCB0A 3F11 4B3C 913A A139F8725834

Decarbed cbs 180mg
D7A7E58F 2245 4EDD A89E 19A386D81179

AE36C50E ABED 4373 AAB3 5FD013A2A2C0

80CEC3BD D976 4B09 91C4 BA7B5B474722
E5C8AED1 5012 4E21 996C 51BA0DE8D5A1
8CF887A8 48C3 4E14 AB8D E9F1AC1F42B5

6CCDFE6E 5682 4C8A B482 93ACF63DFF2E


After the oven swap fini.

6D3FB9B8 2DE4 4132 A4E5 062C20C4F00F

Trying a quarter of a 25mg infused tincture oil mini brownis . Looked at some edibles I have and they are 15mg. I have taken half of one of those and a couple of hits, should be similar. Have taken a whole edible but it’s been awhile. I can’t recall I was on drugs.


Trying a quarter of a 25mg infused tincture oil mini brownis . Looked at some edibles I have and they are 15mg. I have taken half of one of those and a couple of hits, should be similar. Have taken a whole edible but it’s been awhile. I can’t recall I was on drugs.
They look good. Hopefully they give you the result that you were looking for.


They look good. Hopefully they give you the result that you were looking for.
Waited about an 1hour 15minutes and got a little better effect than half a gummy. But with that wait I felt like I was charging an EV instead of 93 gas n go in my HEMI and said fuck it I’m lighting up and burning rubber.



Living Soil Student
You must have eaten some edibles made by people that had no idea what they were doing.
ALL weed needs to be de-carbed before it becomes psychoactive. The question is whether you de-carb it slowly in an oven of specialized machine at around 250 degrees, or whether you use the 1300 degree flame of your lighter to do it.

If you use your lighter, the accepted scientific standard is that joints/blunts lose 50% of the THC to destruction from the heat. While bowls/bongs lose 60% to heat. Then, depending on how big of a hit you take, how long you hold it, and how efficient your lungs actually are, another 40-60% of the THC you inhale is sent back into the atmosphere when you exhale. Of the THC that actually hits your blood stream, daily users can get 22-27% of that to be psychoactively available. While first time and casual users can get between 25-33%. What all of that complex math equates to is that for every 100mg THC that you set on fire, somewhere between 2.8-9mg actually ends up affecting your brain. (With casuals getting up to nearly 15mg)

Much like smoking crack, the onset of consuming THC through smoking is nearly instantaneous, with a mean time of metabolization being 4.5 hours. Whereas consuming THC through edibles is more akin to taking LSD with a 45minute to 1 hour onset, and a metaboliztion time of more than 8 hours.

On the other hand, for properly prepared edibles, there is no loss of THC to the heat or to the atmosphere. And while everyone is a unique biological entity, making exact dosages difficult to monitor, the absorption rate is at least 80%. Ultimately that means that edibles can deliver 17.6-21.6 mg per 100mg consumed for daily users, and casuals getting between 20-26.4 mg.

That's why edibles are driving up the number of hospital visits. People consume entire bags of edibles when they have no actual understanding of just how much more potent edible THC is. Many of those bags of edibles contain enough THC to get 8-10 people baked for an entire night out, but people eat them like they are potato chips.

I find that most long time stoners don't want to wait the time it takes for an edible to kick in, so they smoke while they wait. Which, of course, means that they are already high by the time the edible kicks in, and fail to notice it happening. Then, they get tired over the 4.5 or so hours it takes to metabolize the smoked THC, and sleep through most of the edible THC's life cycle.

Personally, I make tinctures. They are a happy medium. It takes 25-30 minutes before one can feel a sort of wave crashing over the brain, and it sticks with you for about 5-7 hours. It's completely possible to wake up exactly as stoned as I was when I fell asleep. And an ounce of weed made into a tincture can last a month or more. Where I was smoking a quarter pound per week when I consumed weed that way exclusively. Much, much more economical.

Not to mention that tinctures (alcohol based, because cannabutter, canna oil, and dab wax are ALSO types of tinctures) can be aged like wine, and kept forever, as long as you store them in amber glass, and keep them refrigerated. They get more potent over time.

And even though I am brand new to growing, I have been a stoner since 1982. And I have been an RN since 1994. No stranger to either THC, or the science behind it!
Right! Stopped at the shop earlier and saw these on the counter, on sale, figured they were the usual 20-25mg each right? Wrong 🤣
IMG 4093
IMG 4092


How exactly do you calculate the amount to put into the food if you don't know the thc percentage of your buds? I'm not really sure how to do it even if I did know. My wife really likes edibles and be cool to surprise her with some homemade ones. But I wouldn't want to mess her up too much. She can only eat about 25mg at a time. I can only get edibles in the shops. It's a 3.5 hour round trip for me to even get her some. Be cool to not have to do that anymore to.


Waited about an 1hour 15minutes and got a little better effect than half a gummy. But with that wait I felt like I was charging an EV instead of 93 gas n go in my HEMI and said fuck it I’m lighting up and burning rubber.
That's why I said earlier that the onset of effect would be dependent upon when the person ate, how much they ate, how full their stomach is, etc.. Also, brownies being dense, take longer to digest, even if the stomach is empty. And even going all the way back to my first post in this thread, I stated that most long term users just don't want to wait out the clock, and light up instead.

Brownies, and other dessert edibles are much better as party favors. As a medicinal product, the tincture is far superior to trying to get there with baked goods. Easier to absorb, and a much lower wait time.

However, for sheer speed, nothing can compare to smoking (or vaping). Then, it's only 53 seconds to peak plasma concentration.


Right! Stopped at the shop earlier and saw these on the counter, on sale, figured they were the usual 20-25mg each right? Wrong 🤣
For sure! Most companies are totally focused on delivering party levels of THC, not medium strength high. And you can almost totally forget about micro-doses for medical usage.

And if you were a casual, or first time user, and see 2 gummies in a package, you are automatically predisposed to assume that it's a single serving.


How exactly do you calculate the amount to put into the food if you don't know the thc percentage of your buds? I'm not really sure how to do it even if I did know. My wife really likes edibles and be cool to surprise her with some homemade ones. But I wouldn't want to mess her up too much. She can only eat about 25mg at a time. I can only get edibles in the shops. It's a 3.5 hour round trip for me to even get her some. Be cool to not have to do that anymore to.
I go by the dictated value on the strain to start. I mostly use buds from a strain that are 20-21%.

For example.

THC advertised at 20%.
I deduct 5% for decarboxylation.

So 15% is my median value of infused oil.

My 2 recipes for gummies put final dosage @ 4.4-5.2mg for my “5mg” gummy drops, and 15.5-18.5mg for my bears.

So far, the accuracy feedback from end users claim it’s pretty darn perfect for dosage values.

A buddy of mine has a huge tolerance level. He ate THREE of my “17.5mg” bears and was whittled up for 4 hours pretty good. An accurate 48-55mg dose was what he consumed. He says he’s had many 100mg edibles that didn’t even hit him nearly as hard.

I eat one of my 5mg gummy drops, and I’m feeling it. I ate a whole 17.5mg bear once. Yeah, I was fairly wrecked. LOL.
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