Do you Live in CO, WA, or CA?

  • Thread starter Megas
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sky high

sky high

Anyone I've talked to about "licensing" with the State over the last year+ has told me that the State generally just blows them off and tells them they won't be issuing any licenses...or gives them a date 6 months down the road/etc. when they will be issuing licenses. Thing is..that date always moves....and nobody ever >really< gets a license from what I've seen.

Improvisation is always possible. It all depends on yer circumstances. For me, working for 1/2 the cash and taking the same risk doesn't make sense anymore. I got spoiled. Not ashamed to admit it.

Will be interesting to see where it all goes.....
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

we need to get chips ahoy in on an edibles contract or somethin... haha make some real $$.... get back up in the mountains HAHA.
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

Man go get some turns in!! Ton of people. I've seen 8ths go for 50 up on the hill! Haha.

Just want to feel back at home, which is up there. Soon enough!!
sky high

sky high

313 don't need a 650K house by any chance? I'm ready to cash in and get the fuck out. LOL. Moved here to ski but have trashed the bod so badly working to afford the lifestyle I don't even ski anymore... All it is now is a HUGE savings account/retirement fund. Still gonna make a bundle when we cash it all in...even in this shit economy. Definitely time for a change.


Premium Member
438 don't need a 650K house by any chance? I'm ready to cash in and get the fuck out. LOL. Moved here to ski but have trashed the bod so badly working to afford the lifestyle I don't even ski anymore... All it is now is a HUGE savings account/retirement fund. Still gonna make a bundle when we cash it all in...even in this shit economy. Definitely time for a change.
Were waiting for you...Will be awesome, the girls can garden, well cook up a storm, eat better than kings...


Premium Member
650k??? 1/2 of that would buy you a very nice chunck of land hereabouts....
Live a good life on the rest. Both of us worked hard all our lives, especally our wives, same situation as you, I stayed home and devloped the farm, wife worked a well paying job, enough was enough, quit, retired.
Youve been thru a lot, I lost my father suddenly 3 weeks after moving here. Somehow this place really helped heal my loss.
The stary nights, clean air, sheer ever changing beauty, local farms producing the best food in the world, the weather, a new start, lots too keep you guys busy and hopefully the healing will begin.
We would love to have you, will help in anyway, doors open..


Premium Member
Just imigane the wife waking up and not having to go to work. My honie is sittin by the fire sippin coffee, then she better get her ass in that kitchen and do my dishes!!!LOL
Still better than workin everyday!!!


Living dead girl
NORML's state laws section is garbage. So if I grow over the legal amount of bud I'm entitled to keep I can sell it legally to a dispensary unlike CO or WA correct?
Yes, they are, and the fact that they try to offer un-updated county-by-county information is, in my opinion, wrong on their part. They should have things set up to include, at the very least, newsfeeds that would alert someone using their site to the fact that a law or ordinance may have changed. Court rulings are one thing, but then we have the stuff occurring on the county level that aren't necessarily always addressed fully in court, or that stand until there's an opposing court ruling.

As for the meds, you can more easily donate, and you can accept compensation for the costs associated with its cultivation only, or at least, that's how I understand it. I have never set foot in a dispensary, but I have facilitated patient-to-patient donations through the group I work with. No monies are ever exchanged in this set-up, though, only direct patient donations to other patients, of excess meds, that's IT.
To dumb it down ever further, if I moved to CA and I start growing again, lets say I'm growing Forum Trolls x U Mad Bro and I find I don't like it. Can just call around to dispensaries see who wants it? What scares me is if I get pulled over and I have like 3 ounces which is more than your legally able to have for yourself and your like well I'm taking them to a dispensary to sell... WTF happens then? I'm still confused on the amounts you can legally possess I see 1 ounce being nothing but yet you can grow 6 plants?
Technically, yes you can. There are those that will 1099 you, though, and that's an issue because that's a federal tax schedule. They're claiming you as a vendor, basically. When you do that, again as I understand it, you have to present proof that you are either a caregiver as defined in California law, or that you are growing for yourself.

As far as limits, again, to reiterate, what you're talking about applies *if* you're carrying a state ID card, as issued either by the recommending doctor *or* the county as required by state law. There is nothing in the law that compels you to carry a card.
Does anyone have a legit link for these laws?
Yes, it starts with the state's own website. I hope you're ready for a LOT of reading! There are several sections of code that you'll need to go through, but most pertinent here are the Health & Safety code, starting at 11362.7, IIRC (gotta double check that code, it's been about a year or so since I had my head buried in this stuff)(BTW, I've already written a great deal, on this site, that answers all these questions. Have you tried searching this site?)
I'd like to legally be able to grow outside in my garden without the worry of being swarmed by a jack ass swat team who shoots my 20lb dog because it was a "threat". That's one of the reasons I am trying to stick close to the laws in all this too. Obviously there is still a lot more to what makes a place great place to move then all this.
Well then, it's all about location, location, location, and not trying to blow it up. Know the state and the local laws.

I'm not talking out of my ass here, I've already gotten involved and through that been forced to learn exactly what I'm talking about. Before I ever did that, I consulted attorneys, and I keep one on retainer specifically because I am a homeowner who has a lot to lose and prefers to operate within the confines of the law. While I may not be popular among all my neighbors in my county, I am conforming to the law in all respects.

What I haven't done, to reiterate (this is my disclaimer!), I personally have never moved medicine to a dispensary, nor taken money through a cooperative or similar structure in return for medicine supplied. Legally, I'm not even supposed to talk about giving meds away to other patients. You dig? Talk to an attorney, local to where you want to be. There's a lot to know and it's really good to have a full understanding. I spent some money on law books, Black's Legal Dictionary, and ink and paper for printing out the California state codes, as well as what's pertinent in and to my county.


Living dead girl
Alright, I was incorrect about which portion of CA H&S code to look at first. Start with 11357, and you'll be led to other sections, including vehicle and criminal codes.
sky high

sky high

You have to teach him to fish chicken,the water will help him find peace!

Ah....the >>peace<< you speak of is why we are only looking at properties that have a year-round creek flowing through them. (and designated water rights) I don't foresee catching any fish there....but I do have a vision of a small deck for daily yoga/meditation jutting right out over the ever-flowing water surrounded by lush vegetation/gardens.

Just imigane the wife waking up and not having to go to work. My honie is sittin by the fire sippin coffee, then she better get her ass in that kitchen and do my dishes!!!LOL Still better than workin everyday!!!

I can imagine that scenario....I'm just having a tougher time getting the wife to imagine it. She's a planner and a financial kinda person and has been in the office environment for 30 years....whereas I've isolated myself for 20 and simply hate fuckin with everyone else's problems. :rolleyes: Unraveling 30 years of plans that have ended abruptly is harder than it seems...unless..that just take a HUGE hit on everything you own and sell it fast and walk away. Breaking the old HABITS is even getting a paycheck....

Hopefully we will join ya @ some point. We've talked about making some offers on land so we have a compass set where we are going...but the fog is still pretty thick and it's a goddamn HUGE amount of prep/planning/work to get there even in clear weather.
Big Hempin

Big Hempin

How many growers it takes to start a dispensary?
How many growers it takes to screw in a light bulb?
All farmers can come together as we are a community! 5k from 4 playerz can start one dispensary. Save money and open another until each player has their own... i got 5k
sky high

sky high

If yer talking about might wanna look at some of Texas Kid's posts.

>IF< you were allowed to break into the game at all, the costs, mental/physical/financial/(spiritual?) will be far greater than 20K. I'll guess TK has more on his attorney's retainer alone than 20K... :eek: It's harder than just having the cash or thinking it's as routine as screwing in a light bulb, guaranteed. TK?
Big Hempin

Big Hempin

yeah i'm guanteed about that 20k... for a dispensary or a smoke shop... store rent, off location growing rent, growing licensing (MMJ RED card/ mmj sales tax/ etc..) and supplies for customers is all about 20k on the safe side 25k... can open a business at home or self deliveries
sky high

sky high

Must not be in Colorado. The Colorado regs/licensing fees/etc have not yet been set other than for existing MMC's from what I have seen.

A Red Card has nothing to do with 64's cultivation or retail model unless you already own an existing MMC and then you get first dibs and a max $500 licensing.

Please let yer fellow Farmers know where you are when you get things legal and up and running. Good luck
Big Hempin

Big Hempin

Yeah talkin about colorado just need some partners with 5k or 7k to put our name in the cement b4 it drys up... a red card has everything to do with cultivation, no red card equals no growing and no sell/buyin of meds
sky high

sky high

Been here in Colorado long, Big Hempin? Why aren't you up and running already? How long is the State telling you it will be before you can get the license needed to get things running? (I'm guessing others here are wondering this as well)

megas...sounds like ya need a road trip. CO...CA..WA would make a nice trip.


I have not had a road trip in years, you are right but if I go it would go to see potential places to live that's why I like all of your advice.
Washington sounds like Seattle / Bellevue would be the places to see.
Colorado, Boulder sound awesome but it's crazy expensive, Fort Collins I hear a lot of nice things about. Not sure where else to go around Denver.
California, All around not too sure where to go, I'd like somewhere warm, safe, and not overly populated, affordable.

LOL What would be the California equivalent to Fort Collins be?
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