Do you Live in CO, WA, or CA?

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How many growers it takes to start a dispensary?
How many growers it takes to screw in a light bulb?
All farmers can come together as we are a community! 5k from 4 playerz can start one dispensary. Save money and open another until each player has their own... i got 5k
Yeah talkin about colorado just need some partners with 5k or 7k to put our name in the cement b4 it drys up... a red card has everything to do with cultivation, no red card equals no growing and no sell/buyin of meds

Keep dreaming bro, It takes about 250k in CO before you even start paying employees...


To clarify for ya tyystick....

"Centers" here must grow 70% of their weed. The other 30% can only be bought from another Center. YOU CANNOT SELL EXCESSES TO A CENTER WITH A RED CARD ANYMORE. 1284 stopped all of that in July 2010 and "legitimized" the dispensaries, even though they were never a part of Amendment 20 in the first place. They horned in, got the right to sell, and the patients right to sell to each other was taken away to do it. It ISN'T like Cali where you can still waltz up and dump your "excess".

Recreational retail will be the same. they are giving the folks who already have their foot in the door with an MMC priority...and word I'm hearing is that they may not issue licenses to anyone else. Whether we will see a full blown moratorium against issuing new licenses as we've seen historically..I dunno. Bottom line, just cus ya got good weed and the cash to play doesn't mean they are gonna LET you play.

Again....patients cannot dump excesses at the dispensary in Colorado and no other provisions are allowed for sales....medical..or recreational. These laws weren't passed so folks could set up and make tax free cash and the State is gonna do all they can to ensure they get their cut.

As far as it "crashing down"...... ONLY the commercial side is in jeopardy. Colorado has TWICE now place MJ legislation in our Constitution...and those laws and our right to grow/possess can ONLY be revoked by another vote of the people.

Thank you for the clarification- it is true I hadn't tried since HB1284 was passed. Now I'm doubly pissed off!

I must still respectfully disagree with you on the 'crashing down' part; all a right wing neofascist has to do is 'invite' the Feds in and your rights under the state's constitution suddenly don't mean shit. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I know how crafty those who want to tell us how to live are with their poisonous lies and slick manipulations, and I don't trust the situation until and unless cannabis gets moved off schedule 1.


I have not had a road trip in years, you are right but if I go it would go to see potential places to live that's why I like all of your advice.
Washington sounds like Seattle / Bellevue would be the places to see.
Colorado, Boulder sound awesome but it's crazy expensive, Fort Collins I hear a lot of nice things about. Not sure where else to go around Denver.
California, All around not too sure where to go, I'd like somewhere warm, safe, and not overly populated, affordable.

LOL What would be the California equivalent to Fort Collins be?

There isn't one. Why do you think they're all moving here?!


*face palm* Please guys just tell me why you love or hate where you live.

Skiing snowboarding hiking climbing fishing kayaking biking .... People from all around the world always know of New York, Los Angeles, and Vail or Aspen. As a person who finds great peace and a sense of restorative power from the mountains, I have found it difficult to live anywhere else. We have a little big city, in other words, there are great pockets of culture and novel experience to be had, but maybe not as prevalent as San Fran, LA or Manhattan.

I moved back to Denver from CA in about August 2008, just about a month before the economy tanked big time. Local CO economy seems to be thriving- new businesses, major construction and constant infrastructure repair.... though there are panhandlers all over the place now, like in Evergreen and Conifer, relatively affluent towns named after trees which lie 40+ miles outside the city. Large swathes of California on the other hand are not doing so well. All in all I feel I made the best choice.

And I personally feel that Coloradans are rather warm and welcoming folks for the most part. We have our fair share of shit kickers drunks and of course the aggressive football fans who live life vicariously through their favorite teams... Tornadoes and gunfire seem to be our only natural disasters...

The art scene is really developing strong, Denver boasts the most densely populated Arts District in the nation, and Boulder Valley School District always ranks amongst the top in the region.

What I miss most about CA is the great local produce available at farmers markets year round. It's the main reason a lot of my friends still stay there. I'm finally in a place to grow a fair portion of my own food, but I haven't had a good avocado since being in CA. I just don't trust the economy, and don't have the money to weather that storm out there. The lifestyle I'd like to lead costs about 3x as much as it does here... But I didn't look all that hard either considering the direction the economy was heading at the time, CA just seemed like the wrong place to be


Natural Therapy has hit it on the head. The only things I'd add are that some of the finest drives on the planet are right here in Coloado, whether you're looking for great scenery or a workout for your sports car, and I would add floods, blizzards and forest fires to the natural disaster list. Show me someplace *completely* safe to live.. and I'll show you your grave.


The big difference between co and ca if you are an outsider looking to move somewhere to function in an above board fashion (at least at the state level), is that you can sell to shops as a sole proprietor in CA. You can't do that in CO. You can become a caregiver in CO but its highly restrictive.

No hate or beach protection. Just the facts. And Coloradans hated outsiders long before MMJ. Skiers from Texas skiing in scotch guarded jeans were hated long before out of staters showing up to grow weed. What's ironic about all of this, as DeLae pointed out, is that very few people are natives in CO.


"There is no fanatic more intolerant than the newly converted." The natives I know- and I know lots and I'm related to more- are really pretty friendly to 'outsiders' as long as they behave, contribute and clean up after themselves. We're a pretty easy going lot, which sadly encourages some to attempt to take advantage of our good nature, at which point shit hits the fan and they find out we're more than capable of protecting our interests.

One long standing burr under our saddles? Californians, New Yorkers (and others, but in my personal experience these two seem to be the worst) who come here and then whine incessantly about how it isn't like wherever they fucking came from! If you liked it so much, why are you here?!

And everyone hates Texans. "Dubbya"... Need I say more?
sky high

sky high

I hear you tyystick. I am leary of the Feds....but I'm also aware of how many LARGE grows there are in Colorado. I gotta believe my little dank factory for personal use...with no weapons and no cash (dammit to fuck!) on the premises wouldn't be worth their time.... and if it is... hey...I've weathered MUCH WORSE STORMS than a pot bust. Such shit doesn't even warrant thought here anymore after losing my son. I will survive that shit..should it happen. Have 2X before...and a buncha other close calls. I refuse to live in paranoia and fear. Been there, done that. Not goin' back. The bitches have no reason to come. I don't give them any. They aren't coming for nothing.

Some great fruit/veggies here from both sides of the State...but the Western Slope it the tits and ass of it all, IMO. Right out there by the Chickenman Ranch there's a 6000 ft vertical difference from the valley floor to the top of the Grand Mesa. Fuckin b-eautiful stuff.. Ski in the in the afternoon and have a glass of wine from Palisade and some P-bud and some organic peach or apple pie from Paonia for dessert... I have the munchies!


I would add floods, blizzards and forest fires to the natural disaster list. Show me someplace *completely* safe to live.. and I'll show you your grave.

Oh yeah, forgot the fires... I was born during a blizzard so I guess I just dismiss those naturally. The winters these days almost make me forget how cold and brutal they used to be


Oh yeah, forgot the fires... I was born during a blizzard so I guess I just dismiss those naturally. The winters these days almost make me forget how cold and brutal they used to be

Yeah, how long has it been since the front range saw 25 below zero, anyway? It happened almost every year when I was a kid, now...? Fuggedaboudit!

Blizzards are a disaster only for the foolish and unprepared. You're foolish to drive in one, and unprepared if you can't live out of your pantry for a few days.


I hear you tyystick. I am leary of the Feds....but I'm also aware of how many LARGE grows there are in Colorado. I gotta believe my little dank factory for personal use...with no weapons and no cash (dammit to fuck!) on the premises wouldn't be worth their time.... and if it is... hey...I've weathered MUCH WORSE STORMS than a pot bust. Such shit doesn't even warrant thought here anymore after losing my son. I will survive that shit..should it happen. Have 2X before...and a buncha other close calls. I refuse to live in paranoia and fear. Been there, done that. Not goin' back. The bitches have no reason to come. I don't give them any. They aren't coming for nothing.

Some great fruit/veggies here from both sides of the State...but the Western Slope it the tits and ass of it all, IMO. Right out there by the Chickenman Ranch there's a 6000 ft vertical difference from the valley floor to the top of the Grand Mesa. Fuckin b-eautiful stuff.. Ski in the in the afternoon and have a glass of wine from Palisade and some P-bud and some organic peach or apple pie from Paonia for dessert... I have the munchies!

I used to live in Grand Junction, which likely explains the bad taste in my mouth for the western slope. That place really was Oscar's trash can on a beautiful Sesame Street, although I hear things are improving.

I hear you on weathering storms. I simply can't imagine what it's like to lose a child, that does put the rest into perspective, doesn't it? To be truly free is to exercise that freedom- and to tell those who would take it away from us to fuck off.

I got the hell out of town every time I got the chance to enjoy the amazing country around it- and if I could live near or up on the Mesa, I'd be there! Cedaredge struck me as a nice little town... and I hear they distill some tasty tequila up that way, too.

AAAHHHH!!!! WHAT AM I SAYING!?!?! Colorado SUCKS! It's ugly! Don't come here! Geez Sky, you keep spillin' the beans about this place and soon it will be overrun with coastal refugees! :eek:


I'm really surprised their is not more pro California people or the demographics on the board are more folks from CO then CA.


California SUCKS megas,there are 37 million people crammed into this state in comparison to colorados 5 million and im not counting the 5 million+ illegal aliens in california either.The fact of the matter is the less people the better quality of life,less expensive,more friendly,less stress,no traffic,and freaking legal recreational weed,what more could you want?OK,so the women in california put colorado to shame but who needs pussy when you can smoke weed all day long,jack off and save yourself the headache.
Fact of the matter is all these guys giving you advice arent from colorado either,they moved there from somewhere else and now they are trying to keep their little gem all to themselves,hypocrites every one,dont let them discourage you!
Colorado is the place you ought to be so load up the truck and get after it,Soon there will be more u-hauls in colorado with california plates than there will be coloradans(real native ones anyways),they will be strewn around neighborhoods everywhere.So get your piece before its all gone!
All the rest of us californians already got our mountain shoppers and were buyin up property as fast as we can so we'll all be their soon,cant wait to crack my first silver bullet;)...


IG @delae_632
I'm really surprised their is not more pro California people or the demographics on the board are more folks from CO then CA.

It's because Californians don't feel the need to defend their state the way CO folks seem to NEED to. People "from" CO have major beef with Californians but no one from CA gives a shit or even knows about it. It's a one sided war. CO is full of haters and elitists and they are obviously proving that quite boldly in this thread. I've been there, done it, and moved back.....I'll take CA over CO any day. Not one person from CA has chimed in with this "better act right or I'll get you" "pick up after yourself and I'll allow you to stay here" fuckin' bullshit. It's laughable and completely absurd.

This thread is a really poor way to judge things for yourself (unless you seek biased opinions). As you can see it's full of people from CO trying to hype how bad ass "their" state is while trying to deter you/everyone from moving there. Visit all three states, go to each state for a couple weeks at a time, talk to people face to face, check out cities you're interested in, research which states MJ laws you prefer, then make a decision. A weed forum is a horrible place to base a big move on. Moving is expensive...especially if you don't like the state you move to and decide to move again like I did.

Time for me to go smoke a late night J on the beach...legally. ;)

Haters Gonna Hate 23
sky high

sky high

Talk about hate. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'s those Colorado peeps "hatin'" again.... :rolleyes: Like the Republicans... you bring it...then you whine and call foul when yer given it back...

We get it. you came yer ass handed to you...and left with a sour taste in yer mouth.

get over it.

Every state has pros and cons. Period. Nothing else to say on that.

good luck


Premium Member
Talk about hate. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'s those Colorado peeps "hatin'" again.... :rolleyes: Like the Republicans... you bring it...then you whine and call foul when yer given it back...

We get it. you came yer ass handed to you...and left with a sour taste in yer mouth.

get over it.

Every state has pros and cons. Period. Nothing else to say on that.

good luck
Agree,you asked for what we thought, we told you , dont see no hate just whiners from peeps who are either jelous, or dont want to do things the hard way, fiqure it out yourself if you dont want our input.....


Ty, New Yorkers migrating into CO? I never heard that one before.

Texan and Cali peeps yes, but I ain't met a NY transplant here in the 13 years or so I been in CO.


IG @delae_632
Talk about hate. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'s those Colorado peeps "hatin'" again.... :rolleyes: Like the Republicans... you bring it...then you whine and call foul when yer given it back...

We get it. you came yer ass handed to you...and left with a sour taste in yer mouth.

get over it.

Every state has pros and cons. Period. Nothing else to say on that.

good luck
Agree,you asked for what we thought, we told you , dont see no hate just whiners from peeps who are either jelous, or dont want to do things the hard way, fiqure it out yourself if you dont want our input.....

The both of you including several others are guilty of turning this into a CO vs CA dick measuring thread. All I did was state facts. Did I hate at all? No....I just simply stated that you guys are haters and elitists (generally speaking) and it's true. Once again you have both proved my statement to be correct.

I didn't even move to CO for the MMJ industry. In fact I had no idea it was even blowing up like that until shortly after we moved there. I was in the outdoor industry out there supervising a warehouse and ended up hurting my back. A dispensary owner heard about the things I did with MMJ in CA and pulled me in. I was very reluctant to do so but needed work. I wasn't trying to get my piece of "your" pie and eat it too. I just wanted to work and climb. I didn't get my ass handed to me at all. I enjoyed my stay there immensely but in the end it just wasn't the right place for my wife and I. We weighed the pros and cons of both states and CA just happened to be a better fit for us. Making an informed, adult decision to move back to a state where you own a house on the coast, have friends, family and were born and raised is hardly getting your "ass handed to you". We told ourselves we would give CO a solid shot for a year and if we didn't fall in love with it we'd just move back to our home...we stayed for two years. Do I have a couple gripes with CO? Obviously. And I'm going to state those gripes in a thread where someone is seeking honest opinions. Are my gripes founded? Most definitely. They've been proven time and again in this thread.

Sorry If I offended anyone but I'm just telling it like it is.
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