FF's journey into The Third Dimension

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Cheers Hazy...got the cannazym in there and some H202, but will throw some Zone in later on when I repot to the 10l. Can't believe that in winter and in the shed that I'm in that I'm still having nute temp probs....sods bloody law....


1 cap full of hydrogen peroxide allways works 4 me put it right in bucket with strate water after flush wait about 1 or 2 hours then add your reg feed in 1 or 2 days roots will b white white dats wat id do peace:yes good luck lookin good:yes


Thanks for the tip H&W. Unfortunately today the two DWC ones were showing brown patches on the leaves, fading green and just looking not very happy - so I repot them in 4l coco pots. I've left the aero one because the new roots above the nute level are all pristine white and will see if I can keep that one going. Might repot into a 10l pot to give more root space so that they don't hang into the nutes as much.


Sorry to hear that FF. Hopefully they'll rebound nicely in the coco though.

What do you suspect? Was it the nute temps staying too high that did it?


What do you suspect? Was it the nute temps staying too high that did it?

Thanks for keeping a watchful eye over me PGW :) Totally nute temps....I haven't measured them for a while but they were 22-24 consistently. Was hoping I could compensate with the H202 but no joy.

The aero one is looking great - lots of fresh white roots still and really munching on the nutes. I think if the cuts I took take I'll flower it v. soon in a 10l pot and find out gender. I think one important factor, for me at least, is not having the roots sit in nutes. Might put the nutes in a smaller pot with the fogger, and then put that in the 10l bucket to keep the roots separate.

It's a real joy to maintain though...much less nutes than DWC, no bubbler, stable pH....and all I need to do to upgrade is cut a 3" hole in any box!! I hope this continues to go well so I can do this as standard...


Yeah that's a great "find" FF.....the fact that the fogger is so stable, that is. I would have guessed that it would have been more fussy, not less. Looks like you have your first great discovery in this experiment!


Premium Member
I'm pretty sure H2O2 and Cannazym is a no-no. The H2O2 knocks out any zym/zyme product.


Yeah, you're probably right - should have used the hygro, which is okay in low h202. Ah well, they're happily sleeping in coco now with lots of trichoderma on their knees scrubbing furiously ;)

Stackin Paper

Shame ya had to pull and transplant them FF m8, i only ever had the roots go brown once on me in hydro but that was down to the system not circulating properly, fuckin stank like rotten eggs after a few weeks.

How they looking from going from hydro to coco anyway, any shock at all? Nothin that a bit of Rhizo won't sort out:nod


Day 27 since germination

Yep....it's totally sods law - I have very cold air being drawn into the room with my tents in...because I have negative pressure in this room....and it should keep things on the floor a good few degrees cooler, but it doesn't. It does create the conditions for mildew so I can't f'king win....I think hydro might be a no-go for me until such time as I can afford a chiller.

Anyhow, here's some photos.

3D1 and 3D3 are the transplants from DWC. They don't seem to be shocked at all and are rocking along. 3D2 has been transplanted into a bigger 10l pot so there's more room for the roots to hang without sitting in warm nutes.

Also photos of the damage caused by warm nutes and lockouts to some of the leaves on 3D1 and 3D3. Group shot too, with two of Bity's Snoe Sleepaa's vegging nicely at the back.

Clones haven't taken yet...might have taken them a bit too early.

EC of the 3D3 is 1.6, pH 5.5
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They look good man! Nice secondary growth goin on.


hey FF how does this strain stack to others you have grown?vigor?plant structure? first time for me running any of SUBS work(vortex). they are on par with most strains i grown. wish more peeps documented their grow. as i am having hard time finding any grow logs.


hey FF how does this strain stack to others you have grown?vigor?plant structure? first time for me running any of SUBS work(vortex). they are on par with most strains i grown. wish more peeps documented their grow. as i am having hard time finding any grow logs.

Hey Adam. You should know I'm a relative novice, only having been growing since July this year.

ATM I'm growing Pandora's Box from Sub as well and it has been a great grower. The two phenos I'm trialling have both showed great uniform structure (xmas tree like, main cola with 4-5 distinct side bud sides - mine are both untopped). Both have been really vigorous, in that I took cuttings from them in early flower and mid flower, and all cutting rooted within a week!! What reveg??!

The 3D isn't a great comparison because I've been playing around with a couple of different hydro/aero methods. I also took cuts from them when I think they were too young/not sexually defined, so the cuts are either taking a bit of time to root, or won't....but that's down to me and not genetics. One of my 3D, 3D2, has been particularly vigorous growth....way outshining the other two in terms of sheer volume of rootmass. If it turns out to be female that will most definitely be the keeper mum. Also this hasn't been a good test because I've only germ'd 3 seeds to find a single female - and not proper selection that I really ought to. I'm still learning though....and I have limited space.

As for germination rates, I think I've had 100% success with Sub's seeds...but that's about 15 seeds total I think. I've given a load of females away to friends who were growing some real crap....the love needed to be spread, but I did it without taking cuttings (again, newbie mistake). All a learning curve.

Hope this helps. I'm loving Sub's stuff so far and I've not smoked any of it yet! (apart from some Ozzy, which was lovely). It germs well, grows well, and does exactly what it says on the tin :) (i.e. his descriptions). I have no doubt that the smoke will at least meet, or exceed, any expectations I have. One of my Pandora's smells like electric lemonade with a faint pooey edge - and it smell fan-fucking-tastic....can't wait for her to finish. Buy any of Sub's work...whatever happens you won't be disappointed, of this I'm sure.... :)


nice work . .

nice work ff, they some fine lil'plants on the way, i'll stay tuned . .


The 3D3 cut has rooted, so I've put 3D3 into flower today.

(edit: other plants in the group shot are, G13 Haze, Kushberry, G13 Haze at the back, Pandora's Box 1 and Pandora's Box test middle, 3D3 front right)
IMG 5056
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IMG 5054


Ya got em lookin tight FF! Keep up the great work brother!

Sonic Seeds

nice clean roots there bro , should be a good un


Thanks for the good words guys :)

So, guess what just happened to me? Ready for another installment of 'FF's Fucked Up Adventures in Farming' ? Good....so if you're sitting comfortably, I'll begin....

I'm sitting having dinner with the mrs, watching that twat Justin Lee Collins trying to get the cast of Dallas back together for a reunion. TV goes out. I check the growtent and everything is dark when it should be light. I check the fusebox - the sockets fuse has tripped, but I can't get it to stay up. PANIC. It's literally subzero outside, I have 3D3 on a 15 minute aero timer with roots exposed, I have clones that won't survive subzero for very long etc.

So, I call an electrician....who comes over, tells me that something connected is tripping it. I have to show him into my growroom (in the dark) and I start unplugging stuff. Eventually, after unplugging my computers, amps, and growing kit it worked.....and at 80 quid for 30 minutes, that was good enough. Paid him and he left. I then started to plug and unplug everything I could to find the faulty eq.

And so I open up the flower tent. The dripper setup that I was meant to fine tune today has overflowed the saucers on a single 15min in 24hr run and the fan that was sitting in the tray was PARTIALLY SUBMERGED!! DOH....That'll be the dodgy eq then....

So...that was a grade a DUMB move. Plants are all cool and life continues....apart from the fact the emergency sparky knows I grow dope. I hope he's cool about it otherwise it's gonna get real fucked up real fast. Should be cool....well, better be.

EDIT: With the CF off all I could smell in there was the Pboxtest, and so could he!! Industrial lemonade in the dark.... :O


Oh Shit!! Sorry to hear about that one! I'd be moving my shit to a buddy's house--if you have on you can trust, that is?


That sucks FF sorry to hear bout the misshaps, but congrats on the baby on the way. I allways try to save calling anyone here till its a LAST resort. Glad everything is up and going and still good. Good luck with everything.

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