First Attempt At Mainlining

  • Thread starter kbellfoy
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This is my first attempt at mainlining. It's a white of plant before and after. I will bend down the offshoots when the small pair are a bit bigger. I'm afraid if I do it now they might snap! Hope it all works out. Any input appreciated
First attempt at mainlining
First attempt at mainlining 2
First attempt at mainlining 3


Nice and easy does it. A useful tool for this is the little bendabke hooks used for Christmas ornaments they make life easier in the beginning process so you don't need to actually tie anything to the plants themselves. Are you sure this is your first time growing.... Well if so you seem to have a good grasp on the processes, you must have done your homework first +1 rep @kbellfoy :bookworm:


Thanks KE iv gardened for years so maybe it's that lol. Great tip thanks for that and the rep :happy:


Pics of my mainline today.... top and side view. I topped it yesterday for 4 tops


Will ya stop putting your good pics next to my crap ones please sir lmao !!! mine look so dinky next to yours.....


Sure thing just gotta do them proper grab a few books grow for a while I'm 15yr vet so that is all depend on the circumstances such as how many real books you read not canna bibles either, they need to be on plant biology and botany author should have some form of degree one way or another but really their name should optimistically have a PhD behind it and after that it's just diligence patients and understanding of the fact failure is inevitable at some point no one gets around that...


Iv just done the final top for 8 and spread them. I'm not sure when to take off the bigger leaves I left on below the tops to help the growth? I know some lollipop em immediately.


Wow this guy again @kbellfoy I am sorry and for shame on him and should shame himself for even saying anything at all on your thread of that subject change type of thread jacking nature... From judging on what i have seen and where I see him post and what he has put up for content of his own, It's very obvious he is just a troll of sorts....

Trolling around high tier grow journals in so much excess in the areas I lurk about... That I have actually had this person ignored on all my profiles for a bit now and had to un ignore it just to see what or whom you were talking to or about so if you don't care to there is no need to respond or be bothered by such nonsense.......

@kyleclarkhu boy oh little minded boy the things I was going to say in my post for you this time....... but i will just be fair and only speak with honest intentions of getting you on track or out of the forms all together now.....

All i can say is that you are quickly heading for the grower blacklist here and since most everyone that i know wich are alot of the bigger more knowledgeable by experience growers have you blocked or ignored already and tell others to go about doing so if bothered by you including myself very much like i am rite now... So with that being said and now so many have you blocked...your pobably just be better off to go back and sit at the kiddy table on 420's crap forum where nonsense like this is tolerated and common or make a new profile if you can with everything different from what we see here then keep your mouth shut eyes open for longer than a second and perhaps we won't notice it's you....

You know what would be much better and real nice to see from you however? If you were to simply start making some halfway intelligent and thought out comments and or postings coupled with some extremely needed insight of how this place works and also a ton of major changes as to where, when, why and how you choose to post

That and monitoring how you word your posts and where you ask questions then after makeing sure your mom has approved your post and your old enough to view the contents of this site.....

Now most importantly and further more important the rest make sure when you go on someone else's thread when you do try and say something make sure it has something to do with the original posters thread plot and current conversation not just WTF ever you think is clever

Nuber one thing i and alot of others im sure as well want to say is pleaseee pleaaassseeee do not give out any form of advice on anything ever.... like at all until you get a ton of success in your life in the garden and repeat the process of the cannabis growing methods with photo proof of the job well done since you seem to not know anything about it but want to tell others about the process???!!!
I have seen you do this in other threads.....

So now after all that try to remember when you do say anything at all please make it understandable,posted in the correct place with a proper title and full details of the situation at hand...when you do this then and only then will you get any form of feedback or useful info and that is a big maybe entirely depending if we as a unit actually are able to stand helping out and talking with you after so many of the nonsense postings you made that just annoy why we would even want to talk to you if that's how you are going to contribute to the farm or rather not... then as why we would or should give you anything at all as far as advice about the subject you want to talk about when you jumped onto other people threads trying to as we say thread jack????? I want you to know . I am only saying this Because of the fact i dont know all the details of your knowlage and experience on how to use these sites but they appear to to be very slim to none at all plus you then putting these types of postings up that you make out to be and find so hilarious or fun or whatever it is you mite get out of it in some childish way or maybe you find the big hole you have dug to the bottom of with complete loss of respect or acknowledgment at the end of each day somehow fulfilling I your own twisted way any direction you want to view this message it's simple and easy to get the clear view of what is being said so i bid you a due and back off for the reblocking of you ● pieces


Thank u KE. Iv ignored him now. I didn't have a clue. Thank u for watching out for idiots like that :)


Yup I am the perfect ass hole for the job too i hold my tongue until you get in my buddy or my own business and screw around then I will be pleased to announce a full blown ass whopping to anyone willing to receive it or deserving of it lmao naw he just has got to go I wish I was a big enough ass to call the big dog in and use the B word but let's see how he does from here no one has checked him yet so perhaps it's all he needs to go oh shit people are serious here let me try that again hehe waiting for the sic one and the development photos doll you have made us wait for a while now quit club hauling :^)


Top view. U can see the 8 tops iv made. It's ready to be trained to its ring. Fuck me I'm proud of it.....I just hope to god it's female now !!!!
Screenshot 2015 07 23 13 28 18


Don't forget to up pot. With mainlining root growth is much stronger and faster. Plant looking good! You can make holes at the edge of the pot and tie her down. Open her up as much as you can so the light can hit the lower growth!

Keep it green!

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