First Grow.

  • Thread starter GoldNBoy
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Living dead girl
I was one of those little girls, so my folks kinda had to feed the horsey beast in me. I should see if I can find one of my pix with me and my first killer pony, Gypsy. If you weren't careful, she WOULD scrape you right off using a low branch.


I was one of those little girls, so my folks kinda had to feed the horsey beast in me. I should see if I can find one of my pix with me and my first killer pony, Gypsy. If you weren't careful, she WOULD scrape you right off using a low branch.
Most ponies are the spawn of Satan. ;)
My horse colts are ready to travel, but I still need to get the 4 fillies ready by Tuesday. The buyer's from the other side of the mountains, and waiting for a bit to let his driveway dry out enough toget a trailer in & out. He's taking 2 colts & 2 fillies, but he can't seem to make up his mind, as to which ones. So, I can't cheat & just concentrate on a few.
C'est la vie.


Living dead girl
Do you have any handling help? I don't know what you focus on with babies, but my focus was head & feet, letting me touch everywhere and then getting them prepared to learn what we want when we start ground work. Mostly moving away from the pressure instead of into it, learning "ho" and other commands. I was able to do it daily because we only ever had one foal around at a time though.


Do you have any handling help? I don't know what you focus on with babies, but my focus was head & feet, letting me touch everywhere and then getting them prepared to learn what we want when we start ground work. Mostly moving away from the pressure instead of into it, learning "ho" and other commands. I was able to do it daily because we only ever had one foal around at a time though.
At least one of the boys will be here today, after he gets off of work. He's an ADHD, but horses are the one thing that really calms him. Plus, babies learn to tolerate a lot more stimuli. But, yes, you've covered the basics. I am only adding loading, and standing tied.


Well, the colt buyer set out to look at a colt. He bought 3 colts & 2 fillies. Colts averaged $1250, fillies $750. I'm happy. Good genetics sell themselves, though, really. The guy's wife and I were discussing art, & a colt sought her out. He put his head under her hand, and she melted like coconut oil.


Plant update: the GG4 cut was flipped a week ago. Next week I plan to take 2-3 cuts off of it. I soaked 7beans of the Mother of Thor in distilled water for 24hrs, one came up the next day. But, it was the only one. It came up while I was down in the canyon. It had begun to stretch, so I tied it up & put a fan on it. At the middle of week3, I topped it as delicately as I could. But, I didn't get deep enough, and the leaves came out gnarled. Retopped it at the beginning of week 4.
Last year's GG4 put off close to 3 pounds per clone, outdoor. I harvested each one at least 4 times, only taking finished solid buds. The stress on the plants could have caused a lil herm action, because the later buds have one seed each. So, on a drunken whim, I popped a couple of them. They are quite vigorous, showing root in under 12hrs, in distilled water.
So, out of 9 beans, I had 3 strong starters. The GG4 beans grew much faster, and were ready to go in cups all at once. But the MOT kept up, and they were moved to 1\2 gallon pots at 4 weeks. To save a penny, I added the starter mix from the other six MOT beans that didn't come up. Low and behold, a single MOT came up, the other day. It was in one of the GG4. I don't know if the GG4 is not 1\2 who knows what, so I cut it down. The second MOT baby is very fine & delicate. Keeping my fingers crossed, on this one.
Seeing a new seedling & talking with friends has given me the itch. So I skipped the soak, and 3\4 filled solos with starter mix, soaked them, dropped in two beans of Kona Koda x Chem 46, covered them with a sandwich bag & put em on top of the fridge. They both came up within 24hrs!
Seedlings are under 18\6 cfl, starters are getting 5 hrs direct sunlight & 18\6 cfl + halogen. MOT starter is a nice dark rounded leaf, and the GG4 looks just like the GG4 cut.
Need to put a new spark plug in the tiller, and get to hauling sand & horse crap.


couldn't bring myself to get greasy again this soon, so I saddled a 2 year old. I raised him, out of my best mare, "308". She's my hard luck horse, and wasn't supposed to be able to carry a foal, (granulosa tumor). He was born while I was laid up, and had to be sold at weaning. But, I was able to get him back through a trade.


So, the neighbor's kids may have run themselves out of town. They have been permanently kicked off of the school bus, due to their unruliness & the neighbor's two physical altercations at the bus stop. (He was arrested for both, plus once at the school.) The kids have been going to the church activities center. The center's program was set up to provide supervision, homework help & safe activities for kids whose parents won't be off work til 6:00. It's not the church for me, but this program is excellent for both kids and parents. Neighbor's kids were fighting. The adult that stepped in between them, is a peaceful,"God fearing" man, but a big guy, 6'4" & 285, also 65+ Years old. They turned on him, and beat him very badly. At least one of the boys, (I think both older ones, 5th & 6th graders), was/were arrested this time.
The whole county is pissed. All 6 kids were suspended from school. The city claimed they hadn't paid for overflow of trash (too small of a bin for 8 people). So, the city cut off service to them, (water, sewer & trash). The power company came & turned their power off... on Sunday evening!?
When the neighbor told me this, I chuckled & shook my head. "You know you brought this on yourself, right?"
He said, "I know. Now they tryna run us outta town! An they still got my money froze. We can't even go nowhere!"... At which point, I almost fell out of my seat laughing.
"You don't get it, buddy." I said. "The only way you leave is broke. Whether they take you away in handcuffs, or if you run away in the dark of night, they are keeping your money. the way, if you can't get your sh*t turned back on, they'll send in child protective service to take your kids."
His response was almost unintelligible, "Man, you on da real tip, D. Good lookin out, bro!"
I guess we had a good talk. :bored:


I guess, to clarify, he admitted to being behind on both the city & the power bills. Odd, though. I know the city guy would wait until he wasn't home to turn their water off, out of fear. City guy called the cops on him for one of the altercations. But, for the power company to do the same, just wreaks of treachery.
The money he wants back was taken partly in a very shady situation. He took $20k cash into the the local bank, right at closing time. Said he wanted to open an account, but failed to mention DEA already had a freeze on his accounts. So, they ushered him into a back room, and locked the front doors. They carefully counted out his cash, and called the police.
The other time that he had a wad of cash confiscated, was his 8:05 am DUi. Yes, drinking Hennessey & smoking a blunt, while taking his kids to school... with over $20k cash & a pound in the vehicle. Ran from the cops, managed to get rid of the pound, blunt & bottle, then parked. Got out of the vehicle, put his hands up, and yelled "black lives matter!" Refused the roadside & breath test, on racial bias. ...and the case has been dropped, but he doesn't get the money back, until he proves he had obtained it legally.


Thought it could never get weirder than it already was... well, it did. The neighbor calls me and claims his wife sold him out. "They" were coming to get him. Come quickly, grave danger sort of call, "they"were going to kill him. He specifically asked that I bring my "toy", and come now. Made it into his yard, and he called to get me to come to his back porch. "I'll turn a light on for you". Barely made it into the light, and it goes off... And the cops swoop on me. Oh f@ck. I'm:nailbiting: standing in someone else's yard, with a sawed off belly buster, and cops are on me. F@ck me sideways.
As fate would have it, brand new cop, 3rd day on the job, scared sh*ttless... Qualifications include past employment... Me. He had worked less than a day for me 2 1\2 years ago. I had saved him from a raging boar, with a bread sack. It scared him pretty bad, but said he quit because it was all too fast of a pace for him. So he became a cop. :bored::banghead: not to mention, he's a small guy. The regular vest is a bit much to carry around, but it covers his nuts also, so he's good.:banghead:
He & 2 other cops close on me, so I show hands and go to barking orders at this kid cop. Managed to send the other 2 to investigate, distract my lacky and pitch my piece.:smug:
Suddenly, it dawns on me, this was a setup, from the word go. The department's response time should have been closer to a half an hour, not waiting up the alley. When the cops left, the neighbor was surprised they hadn't arrested me. Oops.
Tried to get me inside his house, but not that dumb. I grew up in the"make my day" culture. Don't go anywhere you wouldn't mind to die, otherwise, don't go at all. I told him my daughters and their friends were having a sleepover for my youngest's birthday, and this is not the time.
The young cop came back & sat guard on my house... all night.
Today, was eerily quiet, for a day that wasn't quiet at all. Family & friends came to join the festivities, but the tension was outrageous. The neighbor was quiet, until my my mom saw him go by. "Someone is going into your garage." I step outside & around the corner to see him drop his pants.
"What the f are you doing?! Get the f out of here!"
An hour later he tried to force his way in the house. My 5'4" mother backed him out the door, around the corner and right onto the young cop's hood... Unarmed... Just because she's scary like that.
He's been arrested for trying to force his way in the house, a felony. But, the older cop wasn't sure the charge would stick, due to his lack of sanity. F@ck!


Even though you have to deal with moron neighbor dude and his 'idget' family, there can be a pinhole light of the end/ silver lining. At least the county is pissed off at them, the more idiot things he and his family do, the better case to get rid of them. Safety for the community, not saving the problem.



So, he bailed out 36 hours after his arrest. Official charges: 1st degree criminal trespass, burglary & possession of a controlled substance.
No mention of the lewd act.


I went out to the garden to get bigger pots. I discovered at least a dozen volunteer seedlings. This plant we love truely amazes me. We're still getting below freezing at night, and I haven't watered... But they are coming up anyway. A touch of purple, but short and leafy. Wow.
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