First Grow.

  • Thread starter GoldNBoy
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Sounds like case of natural selection. The dumb ones die off, and the smart ones keep on keeping it was next door.
Right. This guy has been here for almost 4 months, and been arrested 4 times. And this is him "laying low"! After his package was intercepted, he said they froze his bank accounts & credit cards. Apparently, paying cash for a house, a couple of SUVs, 30 x 60 metal building, lights, ballasts, motorcycle, toys out the whazoo, etc, etc... raises a few red flags.


Living dead girl
@mendel -- go through this thread, when you get to the kitten you're going to want to do it yourself, maybe bring your neighbor's guard bull along to really get the point across. What @GoldNBoy has been going through with these people is insane.


@mendel -- go through this thread, when you get to the kitten you're going to want to do it yourself, maybe bring your neighbor's guard bull along to really get the point across. What @GoldNBoy has been going through with these people is insane.

Yea I saw that. I wouldnt put up with that kind of bullshit at all.


Good day for mending fences. The neighbor came by with gifts for my girls. I haven't treated him badly, sought revenge, or any of that. He said, he has expressed the wrong to his children. They are respectful & almost fearful of me. @DrMcSkunkins is right. Forgiveness is the right way.
My youngest adopted son has had some issues, as of late... well, for a while. His father saved my brother's life. So, when he came to me for help, I didn't hesitate. But, alas, not everyone deserves help. He had beaten this kid, to the point only a violent shell remained. His mother wanted nothing to do with the child. One day, his father left town. We took him in. He respects me, not because I fought for him, but for my skills with a horse. It took acts of Congress to get him in school. Once there, he kept trying his boundaries, the school's boundaries and so forth. He's a smart kid, but there are demons that'd do better in public. Eventually, he was expelled from school. We tried online schools, but he got into heroin. I choked out the guy he'd gotten it from, but the downward spiral had begun. He got a girl pregnant, the daughter of one of my oldest friends. Her granddad gave him a full time job, a total family privilege. He moved out. Eventually, domestic violence perpetuates itself, though. He beat her, & put her in the hospital. I wasn't very happy.
Months later, he's realized that my intentions were true. Including one key thing, I advocate for the child. Now, that's his daughter, not him.
I treat him just as he asked, as a man... But less, because of his actions. He's only 16, though. I can't condemn him for life, can I?


I spent my day working with young horses, and trimming feet. It was also "Thirstday," the day of the week Gardener #7 & I chose for day drinking. Another friend, (one of the gardeners, but I can't recall his #), has his daughters for the holidays. Our kids played all afternoon, on the playground he has built. I am talking a treetop castle, swings, monkey bars and a full obstacle course. Yesterday, he built a full size tepee, with lodgepole pines & lumber tarps. The girls would play, then warm up in the teepee for a bit.
I trimmed feet on 4, while two of my boys looked on. They are both wanting to learn the farrier trade. After that, I saddled one colt for the first time. Then, I put the first ride on one that should've been started before my injury. Both boys fancy themselves up and coming horse trainers. But, neither one wanted to step on a 6 yr old, for the first time. "It's okay. You two just stand in the corner, and watch." ( a Round corrall. ;)) I kept things calm & quiet. The horse didn't get scared or mad. I had a nice ride, and the boys could not believe it.


I did a portrait for one of the nurses that took care of me for the last two years. Thought y'all would like to see...


Living dead girl
Oh my God, what a talent! I deeply envy that talent.

Including one key thing, I advocate for the child. Now, that's his daughter, not him.
That's the rule my stepson has never been able to wrap his head around. I warned him, Yes, I will raise your daughter, but once that occurs a different paradigm is set into motion. I advocate for HER and HER ONLY. Not for you. Not for her mother. Not for her grandparents. FOR HER. And so I have done ever since, and for which he has never forgiven me and so doesn't allow me to have contact with her. Yes, she's my stepson's daughter, but I raised that girl like my own. If he's only 16, he is still a child himself. He literally won't be finished growing and maturing until at least age 25.
I spent my day working with young horses, and trimming feet.
I love working with babies. :D Started quite a few, never done feet, we always left that to our best farrier, Art Ware. I wonder if he's still alive. Now I need to know. He was one of the finest individuals I ever had the pleasure of knowing.


Oh my God, what a talent! I deeply envy that talent.

That's the rule my stepson has never been able to wrap his head around. I warned him, Yes, I will raise your daughter, but once that occurs a different paradigm is set into motion. I advocate for HER and HER ONLY. Not for you. Not for her mother. Not for her grandparents. FOR HER. And so I have done ever since, and for which he has never forgiven me and so doesn't allow me to have contact with her. Yes, she's my stepson's daughter, but I raised that girl like my own. If he's only 16, he is still a child himself. He literally won't be finished growing and maturing until at least age 25.

I love working with babies. :D Started quite a few, never done feet, we always left that to our best farrier, Art Ware. I wonder if he's still alive. Now I need to know. He was one of the finest individuals I ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Thank you. I draw a bit in the winter, to supplement my income. This one took about 8 hours.
The adopted boy is probably the most adult 16 yr old, I've been around. He was forced to grow up fast. He'll be all right, as long as he stays away from the needle.
I've been working with feet since grade school. My dad insisted I learn it. He said I would be able to make a living anywhere I went. It takes some skill & stamina, and most people won't even attempt their own. Pays good, because of it.


Living dead girl
He had that right, at least in my world. My back's taken it hard enough as it is, but the knees took me out of the game entirely, can't even ride my scooter anymore.


The people are what got to me. I put shoes on a horse for a guy, just before the county fair. He called me to do the same the next year. The horse hadn't lost the shoes, and he was walking around on a year's worth of growth. Then there's the check bouncers... Trim a barn full, 40 head, at $25 each. A hard day's work, and the check bounced like a super ball. Then he goes on the road, and I couldn't collect. It's always something.


Living dead girl
People can be *such* assholes, similar things happened to us when we were boarding others' horses.


Been busy. The kittens knocked a reflector over on the GG4 cut, and burnt one side of it. But, it is finally starting to make regular leaves , now.
I built 2 solar heating units, well mostly. It has been too cold to paint. I hope to install these two this week, while it's warm. It's easier to maintain open water, than it is to thaw frozen tanks.
Also drew some dragon drawings for a friend.


I wanted to test the newest heater. Past units gave me 150*F+ on clear days in Dec & Jan. My goal was 175*, knowing some of the older units had over heated (200*+) when the circulation fans failed.
There were a few thin high clouds, but I set it up at sunrise. By 11:00, the highest temp I'd gotten was only 100*. :( On top of that, seven 1.5" x 1.5" single battery solar packs weren't able to recharge enough to start the fan, once they'd gone dead. :mad:
I kinda had a tantrum, at 11:30. Then, I smoked, and calmed down. I laid down for a nap at noon, in an effort to reset. At 1:00, I got up less than refreshed, but able to function without throwing things. I spent the next hour & a half cleaning up & setting up my drawing station. I decided to check on the simpler units. They are syphon units, and are prone to losing suction in a number of ways.
On my way out the door, I thought to check on it, one more time. First thing I notice is the fan isn't going. :mad: F#cking melted another one! I even put the fan on the intake side.
Plan B. I will take it apart, and replace the fan with a magnetic drive. That way, it will just run constantly. When the sun isn't shining, I fear it will cool, rather than heat. :speechless: I'll rewire the solar packs to run a taillight, or something. Those little bastards get hot. Set it up to come on at 4 am and burn for a couple hours inside a tin can. Hmmm.


Well, it is time. I cracked seeds for my 2017 garden. I had planned on ordering Sweet Afghan Delicious & Super Skunk, but didn't. Instead I'm trying a few strains that are said to do really well in my area.
It's time to head back down into the canyons. My old friend found lease pasture for the cattle we released back into the canyons. The snow has been decent there, and should make for an interesting few days. Steep & slick added to fast & wild... Could be REALLY interesting.


I hate taking trips, & leaving others to care for my plants & animals.
I just started a few new strains: Mother of Thor & Apollo 13 x Bubba Kush/paki. The latter I'm calling "Apostan", for short. The GG4 cut is still going, & will be ready to take more cuts soon.


Living dead girl
I hope he knows what a gift that is. :) The MoT is the only other strain besides Shut The Fuck Up that I've seen get growers truly stoned.

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