G4 - Julius Caesar - 2x600 and 1x400 on Lightrail

  • Thread starter LEBDOG
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Chillin' in the Shade...
Killer new glass LEB! Hahaa I know what you mean as I don't smoke out of my custom Wicked Sands tube too often cuz cleaning it the next day is a chore... :bong-hits: Plus I smoke so much I'd prob have to clean it a couple times a day, so I end up blazing a smaller tube daily. Someday I'll get a nice bubbler, but for now I can't wait to upgrade my room...


Today was cool, my buddy opened up a coop in Orange County and I went down and checked out his place and operation. He's gonna run 8K over three 4x8 Trays. He should have a lot of light. I hope he does well in this route. I just can't get over vertical lighting and Undercurrent (blue) DWC. This is just the ticket to me.

Having overhead light only seems so limiting to me these days looking at BadFish and JackMayOff's grown. I am looking at expanding my operations these days and you could almost call me fixated with the new Current Culture setups! There are so many I'd like to thank for their inspiration here. It cracks me up now these days when soil guys tell me there's only 1 right way to grow.

Tonight I will get some updated pictures of my clones of the JC. They are all rooted now and ready for transplant to the 4x4RW blocks they will veg in for a few weeks. I am able to use my grow room setup now more efficiently which makes use of the 400 in the middle and those small trays for the veg cycle. I may entirely shut off the 400 in the middle this grow as the penetration is so minimal, it's probably just a waste really during flower. Because my last grow grew so tall, I plan to veg 1 week shorter than normal for me to reduce the ultimate plant height. The idea behind this is so that I can keep my lights close over an even canopy through flower.

I am excited for this grow now as it's just about under way and the ugly work is done, and now it's just time to watch the grass grow for a while.


G4 - New Nutrients

G4 Clones:

Here are 16 of the best clones taken from a selection of 27. 2 of them aren't the best, but they are alive and well and we will see how they do with another few weeks of vegetative growth. I have them under a 400watt Mh on a light rail sweeping above them. I just removed them from their incubator and put them under Mh today. I will lower the light tomorrow to just over them to try and squat squat squat them down. This brings me to the next photo.

G4 Nutrients:

So, I decided to give the advanced nutrients a try. I am gonna run a nutrient schedule for a 15 gallon reservoir even though I actually have a 25. Additionally to all these Advanced nutrients, I will run Floralicious Grow and Flower. I believe that the Floralicious gives my plants a healthier hue than without it. I will also run CalMag from Botanicare as my base mineral supplement since I use RO water exclusively.

I have about 24 hours to figure out exactly how I will implement these new nutrients, but have faith it won't be that difficult. I will start with Advanced's calculator and go from there! Wish me luck!



I clean and store my old hydroton in my cheap old pots. That's why you can see it pictured there in my clone photo.

To be clear, I will again be running SmartPots. I can't confirm they grow better (since I don't have much prior experience), but I can confirm they hold the hydroton better keeping your trays and reservoir cleaner through your entire grow! This alone to me is worth the cost increase. Plus I just washed my old ones just to check it out and they came out great! Perfectly reusable!


Chillin' in the Shade...
Plus I just washed my old ones just to check it out and they came out great! Perfectly reusable!
I love my Smart Pots!!! :D LMAO, I'm not sure if they do better either cuz I didn't overfeed or over water this round, but I'm going with coco and chunky perlite with 2 gal Smart Pots in Round 5... Just curious how you washed them... Plain tap, or detergent in a washer? :wondering

BTW, nice set of clones LEB! I'm very interested in the Julius Caesar... :cool


hey Leb nice grow, I got a couple JC going myself we will have to compare..I got a question about that feeding chart...does that chart compensate for the different types of meters .5 and .7 scale?:swear


Updated Nutes from Advanced - Excited for G4 to commence!

I love my Smart Pots!!! :D LMAO, I'm not sure if they do better either cuz I didn't overfeed or over water this round, but I'm going with coco and chunky perlite with 2 gal Smart Pots in Round 5... Just curious how you washed them... Plain tap, or detergent in a washer? :wondering

BTW, nice set of clones LEB! I'm very interested in the Julius Caesar... :cool

Plain tap in a community washer. Hanged to dry...

I have been getting feedback from my homies about the Raskals OG and Hawaiian OG I just harvested. The homies say that the Raskals is right there with the best OG's they have ever had. The Hawaiian OG is so exotic with a wonderfully fruity floral scent. Because the HOG really got the light this time it's danky as heck! I trashed my mother for the HOG and this is the first time this is biting me in the A$$. Oh well, I got my hands full just sorting out this G4.

Today I picked up some Liquid Big Bud (don't want to use powder ever again, we'll see.. - just my preference). I also picked up some B-52 to complete the Advanced Regimen. I am very excited to get this show on the road now.


Tonight I will exhaustively clean up my grow room and get the new smart pots going in there with hydroton and my double height RW Cube wick I use for insurance.


hey Leb nice grow, I got a couple JC going myself we will have to compare..I got a question about that feeding chart...does that chart compensate for the different types of meters .5 and .7 scale?:swear

This is a very good question. I do not know. I am not really using the chart for the PPM, but more as a guideline for these nutrients. As I get my nute program cleared up in my head, I will put it in an excel chart and upload that.

I have used GH with pretty good results for about a year now and just wanted to give someone else a try. Advanced seems like the logical 2nd step. How this grow works out will determine my nutrient path for the future...


well as long as you read EC you dont have to worry bout the metric/standard .5/.7 scales
ec is ec... I only ask cause i did a advanced nutes grow with .5 scale meter, and AN is made in CA which i believe is on .7 scale...so shit was fucked so to speak...everything was 300ppm hotter than it was supposed to be...whooops....o well ya live you learn...good luck man, not that you need it..


G4 - Veg Day 1 (Handwater)


Today is officially Day 1 of veg. I will call any time before this cloning and pre-veg. This first shot was actually taken a few days ago when I filled the new Smart Pots. I didn't put the small troughs on the irrigation system, but hooked up the main system to RO water and only Clearex for a couple days. I like to do this to watch the system work and clean and clear out any residual junk.

When I got home this afternoon, I pumped out the entire reservoir and setup the first nutrient tank with Advanced. This time around I ran ADV Sensi A&B with GH Floralicious Grow, Botanicare CalMag & GH Diamond Nectar. My initial PPM is 450 which seems cool. I setup an 5.8 PH and hand watered their first feeding. I will setup the flood irrigation on this drip system in a few days as the plants root better. Until then I will continue a daily to twice daily hand watering.

I won't setup the plants in main tank on drip/flood until they hit flower. Over the next few days I will top all the plants for their first and only time. Many of the plants already have several small internodes growing.

Here is how the plants sit as of tonight on Veg Day1:


Chillin' in the Shade...
Nice! That first shot was dope... There I am lurking in the shadows... :giggle


Topped Plants (all on right and only 3rd from back on left)

Tonight I was able to top all of the plants on the right side and only the tallest plant on the left. I will probably wait at least a couple days before topping the rest of the left side (let them root and grow a bit more). The 400 right on top of the plants seems to be holding them down good right now and I won't ever let the light get more than 12" from the plant tops. This gives me about 4" of margin in my canopy.

I plant to use super cropping and pinching to keep the tops even before the second week of flower. From that point on I will only be able to tied down tops and branches as I refuse to super crop beyond the end of flower week 2 ever again.

My primary goal for this grow, is go obtain an extremely even and well trimmed canopy. My secondary goal is to obtain equally good results or better than I've obtained in the past, now using Advanced Nutrients. If there is a final goal that would be to obtain at least 2lbs of A quality nugs from this system where I have only been able to obtain 1lb of A in the past (mostly due to poor or no trimming and a very uneven canopy).


Before Washing SmartPots

PS: As far as washing the Smart Pots, (before I washed them) I had let them dry entirely after the grow, and them scrubbed out the inner root and muck with my fingers and a sponge. This took quite a while and I forgot to mention this (to avoid filling the washer with too much crud).
They were't very easy to clean and I don't think the washer alone would do much at all. Those roots were quite locked it there. After washing them and weighing the amount of time it took to manually clean and then wash them, I won't to this again.


Veg Day 5

I have been running both troughs on auto watering 2x a day right now. I also hand water about 2oz by hand to the tops of the plants (some are not rooted that well yet.) All the plants on the right side are showing some roots, and many of the left side are showing some.

As I watch these plants progress under 400Mh lighting they are seeming to thicken up fairly (really well to me - lots of internodes) well. All the plants are staying fairly squat which they didn't so well under fluorescent. This is why I am so particular on having the lights close with this strain. In general, I need to keep the lights close (closer than a 1K guy for sure).



The nutes are up to 600ppm already which is a bit high to me, but I am gonna roll with it this time since the plants seem to be very happy. The 2 small clones on the left side aren't doing too well after topping them, but if they don't pick it up quickly, I have alternative clones doing better or may just free up the space. I think that I may do a lot better with fewer plants with so many internodes already.

Shady, you're gonna have to help my trim up these guys canopy as it develops. I have researched it a bit, but am already getting apprehensive:')

Basically my Pre-Veg cut in to veg time a bit and I also want to run a shorter than 3 week veg to keep my plant size down a bit. Because of this, those counting the days may notice a slight shift in time. I will remove 1 or more day a week, per week, still counting the week as a whole on my nutrient schedule and in this thread.


Chillin' in the Shade...
Shady, you're gonna have to help my trim up these guys canopy as it develops. I have researched it a bit, but am already getting apprehensive:')
No worries LEB! everything looks great so far... I just read this article yesterday in the Urban Gardener Yield Issue. It's very well written and discusses my current approach to topping, trimming, and pruning. :cool I need to work on this method and perfect it:

Here's some very good info on other methods of training:



Thanks for trim links!

I have seen a few max yield and this urban garden cites... Have you been to the hydro store recently:')

Thanks for the links. They were very helpful, especially some of the diagrams. Because this is my first time cleaning up my canopy. I think I will remove all the lower branches not making it beyond 1/3 of the plants height (rather than 1/2 as that's too much assumption for me). I am hoping to keep a short plant height (short veg - 2 weeks) this grow and have mostly A grade nugs. This combination of height, light proximity and a clean canopy should really help that. Then I will get rid of several of the small (anemic, scrawny) branches throughout. Hopefully with a good clean up, I can save a lot of fan leaf maintenance down the line.

Just to note, the plants seem very happy right now with this basic veg nutrient schedule they are on. Only the 2 smallest clones show a slight nutrient burn at the tips of a few leaves.

I have my flowering trays setup for 8 plants each, but found this a bit crowded last grow. I didn't trim my canopy so this was the primary reason, but I think that I may relocate the four 3 gallon pots to under the 400mh light (over where the 2 troughs veg my plants now). This would probably give me the best results which using my available space to it's fullest. This will require inserting some kind of platform over the troughs (after veg) in the middle of my trays and setting up a drip system for them. I would want this 400w tray to be about 18" taller than the 600's trays to make better use of less lumens. I will see how this week works out and if I feel this is the best way to proceed. This idea just came to me tonight...


Nute Change #1 - Veg Week3

Plants are doing great (the big ones that is). The smaller 2 are seeming to suffer a bit with the nutes, but I may sub them out soon.

I found a tray today I will use over the top of the troughs after the flip. This tray will hold three, 3 gallon pots in the middle of my trays. I am figuring out a way elevate this tray making the best use of that 400Mh I can. Last round using the low troughs alone (as a test) produced junk. Being able to run real sized plants in that space in real sized pots, I expect much better results. I picked up some Final Flush today at Urban Garden (relatively cool store) in Woodland Hills to complete my ADV Schedule.

I will get some pics up as the lights just turned on a few minutes ago. I am running 6PM to 12Noon right now and will flip to 6PM to 6AM. I find these hours work best in my environment (cooler temps & less DWP meter reads - though I really don't care too much about that).
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