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wow incredible i don't use AD Nut but if I did - I would spill them out in the sink right now........


I just want to chime in a bit here: First fuck AN if this is true. There is no place in any industry for sick people that prey on children.

Next, on to sunlight supply: They can eat a fat one! I hate that these people make 99 percent of their money off of cannabis grows yet try to act like they are doing something different. I am personally banned from selling any of their product due to being a caregiver and a partial owner in a hydro store (I never signed anything saying that I would not be a caregiver but my partner did and it came back to bite us in the ass royally)..... wack company regardless of their products.
sky high

sky high

When I was in the hydro industry I heard a story from more than one person about the >origin< of the funds that started Sunlight Supply....and they didn't make the cash selling tomatoes if you catch my drift. Anyone else hear this story?

But this AN thing.... wow. Folks who do those kinda things to children should be eliminated from the planet >instantly< upon admitting/be cornered by the truth.


Living dead girl
Folks, I went ahead and merged this thread with the other one posted yesterday.


Farming 🌱


Anyone who preys on the innocence of children MUST DIE. There is no cure for that. And even if there is a cure for that who fucking cares. Kill'em for what they did. Even better than that let the parents do it. Them nut bags in the middle east are dead on when it come to justice with this shit.


Farming 🌱
Anyone who preys on the innocence of children MUST DIE. There is no cure for that. And even if there is a cure for that who fucking cares. Kill'em for what they did. Even better than that let the parents do it. Them nut bags in the middle east are dead on when it come to justice with this shit.

Come on man Gino Has a Cool Hummer ??.... Your so right on about this shit, ever Fucking day I watch the local news some sicker mother fucker is on there being charged with some sick ass crime with little kids, just this week A Fucking Man and Wife raped a 1 year old girl, then video taped the shit, I mean Just Kill them sick FUCKS !!!!!!!!!!

Suspects in rape of 1-year-old arraigned


Michael Emory and Stevie Foehl were each arraigned Tuesday on multiple charges in Kent County's 63rd District Court.

Ottawa County authorities were investigating Emory earlier this summer for an alleged sexual assault of a teen when they say they came across video in his Comstock Park apartment that showed him and Foehl engaging in sex acts with the 1-year-old girl. Ottawa County turned over that evidence to the Kent County Sheriff's Department, which issued a warrant.

Emory, 25, and Foehl, 27, were found in Spartansburg County, South Carolina and arrested Aug. 16. with the assistance of the FBI Fugitive Task Force and local authorities. They were extradited back to Michigan and were in the Kent County Jail by Friday.

They each face multiple charges including first-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Both were ordered Tuesday to have no content with the victim. The judge said investigators have not yet been able to identify the child, but that the suspects probably know who she is.

Bond was set at $1 million each. Emory and Foehl are expected back in court Sept. 11 for preliminary


As we wrote yesterday media first against 51-year-old case was registered in the Sofia University Fourth of having committed indecent acts with a child of his family friend. The child told the grandmother that Yordanov repeatedly took her to one of his buildings in South Park in Sofia, then take off my pants and make him fondle his p*nis. The girl explained that Yordanov dipping his fingers into her private parts. Likely to meet their low desires man filming "exploits" with a cell phone, then showed photographs of his friends, according familiar with the case. original post:

Gino's affair with Velislava Veleva (Велислава Велева ) (mother of the 7 year old daughter)

AN's invested company

Balkan Plant Science Bulgaria Ltd part of Advanced Nutrients Group

Maybe read about some good about Advanced before you read the bad:

Articles from Bulgaria related to Gino (use google chrome and hit the translate button):новини/крим...я-на-марихуаната-насилвал-7-годишно-момиченцепърво-в-пик-арестуваха-известния-бизнесмен-джино-за-педофилия-news75893.html

Crime articles from Canada related to Gino:


I just had to share this open letter from Big Mike. See, I own a shop and we sell the Advanced Nutrients products but I was having doubts over the news about Gino and all the issues in Bulgaria. Now I ask myself how can they even be regarded as criminals in a country where they fight for what they fought in Canada and help feed the hungry in this 3rd world place?!
Anyway, I believe I am not the only one who started thinking about stopping the distribution of these nutrients.

Now, however, I am absolutely certain that I will not only continue to sell these products, but I will try to show my full support to Big Mike and his company as I am absolutely against foul play.

Here is what I received in my mailbox this morning directly from the AN owners (a transparent company as transparency goes)…


Farming 🌱

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
Warning: This email is about a false allegation of an adult nature.

Moreover, because of the subject matter we thought It's important that you see and hear this directly from us.

Straight to the point, several months ago Gino and myself were viciously attacked and ended up victims of an attempted political character assassination by a Bulgarian political organization using their government connections to destroy us. Let me explain...

It all started with our Holiday Hero's campaign. It's a campaign that feeds needy Bulgarian families, refugees and orphans during Christmas and Easter. We fed 2,000 families (10,000 Bulgarians) this Easter.

Why did we do it? Because there was not one organized corporation charity program in the whole country of Bulgaria, I am not kidding, NONE. So we decided to start one.

Unbelievably we got HUGE resistance, regardless we pushed on and did what we had to and it was a phenomenal success. We got massive national media coverage.

Not only that, we also started lobbying and pushing the Bulgarian government to change their tax laws on charitable giving. Like other E.U countries already have.

Shockingly, right now it's cheaper for a Bulgarian business to throw product into the trash than to give it away because when a company donates it has to pay 20% value added tax for the products it donates, so it's cheaper to throw it in the garbage.

To make matters worse... because of this law 125,000 tons of food is needlessly thrown in the trash every year instead of feeding those hungry families trying desperately to survive. Absolutely sickening isn't it?

Furthermore, it's a known fact, Bulgaria is the most corrupt European Union government. I'll get back to that in a moment.

Meanwhile, Holiday Hero's received a Nobility Award voted by journalists in Bulgaria, it is the same as a Humanitarian Award in the states, it was the first year awards like this were given out and the feeling was euphoric. I gave a speech about Bulgaria's extremely corrupt government when accepting the award.

Reality is... it made us sick to see what is going on here in Bulgaria and how it has, and continues to harm, the Bulgarian people. We couldn't stand by watching and hearing about these injustices any longer. So we started a political party to replace the current government. Tentatively new elections will be held this spring 2014.

It started as a movement on Facebook called and has now turned into a full blown political party called Nova Bulgaria translated it means New Bulgaria.

Here's the really scary part, so to stop us they concocted a set-up and made Gino the fall guy and tried to take us both down in one-fell-swoop. So to counter this false attack we went on national TV Sunday morning on Bulgaria's most watched TV show. The Luba Show. On that show we clearly explained what was happening to us, for all to witness.

Now, I have to warn you, when you watch the Luba show the topic is of an adult nature and very emotional for both Gino and myself because of the horrific Machiavellian scheme they tried to perpetrate on us is probably the worst thing that can be done to another human being short of torture or death.

In fact, businessmen came up to me after they watched the Sunday Luba show and said "most people would have packed up all their bags, called it quits, and immediately left the country." Well like the words in the immortal Tom Petty song, "you can stand me up at the gates of hell but I won't back down."

In addition to that, right now our political movement has huge support from hundreds of thousands of Bulgarians including massive support from celebrities. We have a group of fresh young minds that know how to make the right changes in this country and are making the blueprint for a long term meaningful change.

Better yet, the leader of our party and potentially the next Prime Minister of Bulgaria is a 36 year old assistant dean of the Technical University of Sofia Bulgaria. And our parties second in command is a 34 year old who teaches for Harvard Business School here in Bulgaria.

Both are brilliant, highly intelligent, razor sharp and want to see real change take hold of the country they feel such strong love for, and so do we.

One last tid bit of info to leave you with... we also started and maintain a medical site for the last couple of years, and have been on national TV shows talking about and debating this issue, in a country that has seriously demonized this way of healing yourself for the last 50 years.

Well those are the facts and I thought it was important you saw and heard firsthand for yourself what happened to us over here, straight from us, and not some second hand source.

Thank You For Your Time,

P.S Here is the Holiday Hero's Video so you can see what we do here in Bulgaria, and of course this is all made possible by your support of Advanced Nutrients.

If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Advanced Nutrients
109-31063 Wheel Avenue
Abbotsford, BC V2T 6H1


Farming 🌱
Sorry dude, nothing in that E-Mail that Big Mike sent you, does a fucking thing for me, where in that E-Mail are you getting that Gino did nothing wrong ?? futher more Gino was arrested for what he did to that little girl, he also was a family friend of the kids parents ?, Fuck Big Mike's Bullshit E-Mail, I could care less if he Feed the whole world, Gino still can't run around having/doing shit with little kids :finger:


I think the bigger problem here is that everyone thinks it's ok for a company to package chemicals that will be used on plants that are ingested by humans.

I agree that that letter did nothing to make anyone feel better about this.

Maybe Rez/chemdog is setting up Gino like he is setting up Gypsy? :)


Farming 🌱
I think the bigger problem here is that everyone thinks it's ok for a company to package chemicals that will be used on plants that are ingested by humans.

I agree that that letter did nothing to make anyone feel better about this.

Maybe Rez/chemdog is setting up Gino like he is setting up Gypsy? :)


Living dead girl
And I think the bigger problem is that apparently an accusation automatically makes someone guilty, especially when we're talking about such an emotionally charged issue as sexual abuse.

I'm not saying whether or not this guy is guilty. I'm not passing judgement on the company. What I DO know is this--everything is possible. It's possible that he did indeed finger the little girl (something very similar happened to me when I was small, it didn't scar me for life or anything like that). It's also possible that the accusations are a lie. It's also possible, and quite likely, that simply being indicted in the court of public opinion is enough to ruin a person.

There are really only two people who know the truth. And God.


Farming 🌱
And I think the bigger problem is that apparently an accusation automatically makes someone guilty, especially when we're talking about such an emotionally charged issue as sexual abuse.

I'm not saying whether or not this guy is guilty. I'm not passing judgement on the company. What I DO know is this--everything is possible. It's possible that he did indeed finger the little girl (something very similar happened to me when I was small, it didn't scar me for life or anything like that). It's also possible that the accusations are a lie. It's also possible, and quite likely, that simply being indicted in the court of public opinion is enough to ruin a person.

There are really only two people who know the truth. And God.

sorry to hear about all that sea..
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