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Living dead girl
No worries, oscar, truly. It was gross and disgusting (read: slimy), but it didn't hurt and didn't leave me with any hang-ups later in life. I didn't become the party girl who goes on to strip and then goes on to be born again. Now, you *know* something pretty bad happened to those girls, and they don't talk about it.


So Gino fingered a little girl, and the little girl fingered him for the fingering? :)

I joke, but if this happened he should be gang raped.


What did they expect to happen when they try to start their own government in a place like that.......that's like fat mike and gino "sticky fingers" going into a mafia meeting and saying " hey guys we think the way you run shit sucks and we will take it from here" ahhhhhhbhb BANG FOOLS you dead........I THINK THEY GOT SO WRAPPED UP IN ALWAYS FIGHTING OVER NUTRIENT BS THEY STARTED TREATING OTHERS WITH THAT SAME LOUD IN YOUR FACE TACTICS ONLY THIS TIME ON THE WRONG PEOPLE AND IT BACKFIRED .......PERIOD.....people in those type of countries are not gonna let some strangers walk in and act like they run shit......they are cuttin peoples throats by doing that and if they couldn't see that then they need a little more street come trying to take money out of peoples pockets you better bring a gun.....


It seems to me that there's a lot of "I hate Advanced Nutrients, so I believe these allegations are true."

That's pretty evil if you ask me. That's basically saying you're hoping a little girl was abused because that vindicates all your evil feelings towards a particular company.

Maybe you don't know anyone who's ever been falsely accused of something like this. I honestly hope not, because it destroys the real victim's life (the one falsely accused) regardless of whether they're found guilty or not. There are no real consequences for lying about something like this, which makes it an easy way to destroy someone you want revenge against. Look at the Duke Lacrosse case. Think those guys will ever be completely free of that stigma? No.

It doesn't matter whether Gino is innocent or guilty, or whether a mountain of evidence proves he's innocent. Certain people here will always believe he's guilty because they WANT him to be guilty and for no other reason than to "prove" they were right all along to hate Advanced Nutrients.

To that point, let's have a little example. Imagine your best friend gets accused of something like this. Is he/she actually guilty? Of course not, right? Or are they? If you're any kind of a decent friend to them you'll stand by them and insist they're innocent. If you don't, they and you are not a good friend. Now if they're found guilty and there's conclusive proof... sure, I wouldn't defend my closest relative in that case. But until that point most decent human beings stand by their friends and defend them. Partly because they're decent human beings and that's what decent human beings do for their friends, and partly because they don't want to believe someone they called a friend is capable of such an act.

Now, let's say your closest friend turns out to be guilty of this kind of horrible act. Does that make YOU a bad person for being their friend? Of course not. It simply means they were able to hide that part of who they were from you. Bad people do that every day. If they didn't, they'd all get caught right away. If you stood up for them and defended them before you learned they were truly guilty, does THAT make you a bad person? Again, no it doesn't. It makes you a good person who stands up for their friends and believes in their innocence until they're proven guilty.

There is absolutely no difference between this scenario and what's going on with Gino and Advanced Nutrients. Maybe he's guilty, maybe he's innocent. But Advanced Nutrients is right to stand up for him and defend him until it's proven one way or the other. That doesn't make AN evil. Even if it turns out that Gino was guilty of this that doesn't mean that AN knew anything about it. Bad people keep their darkness hidden from everyone else, that's how they protect themselves from the good people in the world.

Using this as an excuse to hate Advanced Nutrients is like using Adam Lanza as an excuse to hate autistic people.

It's additionally worse given the very real likelihood that this whole thing is probably just an attack on Gino and/or Advanced Nutrients.

And shame for saying they deserve something like this for trying to help the poor in Bulgaria. What kind of a demented mind thinks that it's just for a man's life to be destroyed because he was naively trying to stop a bad government from continuing to oppress people without "bringing a gun" to the negotiation?


First of all, shame is not on me. And I don't dislike advanced nutrients, I wasn't even speaking anything about the girl. I simply was saying "what did they think would happen if you go to a country like that and try to take other peoples positions" so all that shame on me shit, you can miss me with all that bs......I don't care if the guy is guilty or not, everything I said was getting at the point that you can't just create your own government and threaten to remove those in power and not expect it to backfire on you!!!!!!!! And they deserved something to backfire for being so careless and thinking everyone is going to take something like that laying don't go bashing my name.......I didn't say 1 word about him touching that girl......


Indoorherbs coming thru like your someones father or some shit.....we don't need you to tell us how to feel about a situation....if you got charged in the past for touching a boy or whatever you did, well then that's your bad luck,,,,but all that lecture shit is not needed......


you will never bs me into believing that pos is a innocent pedifile.




I can honestly say I have only used one or two of their products, but now I will probably use none. If he did do this to a child, then he should be hung, but big mcdouche should fire his ass first. Innocent or guilty he should not work with this company until his court has a verdict. Stay the hell out of a corrupt countries business! Who the hell does he think he is anyway? Go to another country that welcomes your support.


Living dead girl
I personally am in some agreement with indoorherbs. I'm old enough to remember McMartin Pre-school, that shit destroyed lives forever, its tentacles reached even farther with all these 'psychologists' helping people 'recover' memories of abuse that were later learned to basically be implanted memories.

To those of you who can't keep your own emotions in check, this is my one warning--keep it in check. We understand that this is a highly emotionally charged issue, but emotions should not be what rules the day, reason is. Keep it civil.


I personally am in some agreement with indoorherbs. I'm old enough to remember McMartin Pre-school, that shit destroyed lives forever, its tentacles reached even farther with all these 'psychologists' helping people 'recover' memories of abuse that were later learned to basically be implanted memories.

To those of you who can't keep your own emotions in check, this is my one warning--keep it in check. We understand that this is a highly emotionally charged issue, but emotions should not be what rules the day, reason is. Keep it civil.

I understand what your saying, but for indoorherbs to come on with this big lecture and story and then at the very bottom make a section saying "shame on you clockworx" and single out my name when I said nothing about the girl incident and was only speaking about the political side of the story and them take my figurative speech and use it as literal and call me demented is out of line. I did not directly or indirectly assault another member of this great community. This is going to be a topic that that gets members banned. Advanced nutrients and sex crimes are the two worst topics a forum could have so when advanced nutrients owner is charged or accused of a sex crime,.....well, I think we all know what to expect. So if another member is coming on and taking peoples opinions of the topic personal and then directing negative comments at them, then I think they are the ones that need to keep their emotions in check, NOT the person who was directly named in someones post........but I will leave this topic now as nothing positive is going to come of it......


Living dead girl
Oooohhh... interesting. I hadn't seen those other posts.

I still believe in not trying someone based simply on an accusation in the court of public opinion, however. I still believe in a justice process, however flawed it may be.

Clockworx, I'm sorry that you felt that you were being lectured. I will edit the post to remove the portion that is calling you out.


I still believe in not trying someone based simply on an accusation in the court of public opinion, however. I still believe in a justice process, however flawed it may be.

I'm with ya Seamaiden..

Ive seen this over the years MANY times from BigMike

Im not an AN hater , about half their products are kick ass

and BigMike has done ALOT of good for the MMJ community

Bigmike in the video says himself that pedophiles have a certain look about them , I'm not one to judge , but lookn at Gino I'd say he fits the profile if there was one ,,lol


It seems to me that there's a lot of "I hate Advanced Nutrients, so I believe these allegations are true."

That's pretty evil if you ask me. That's basically saying you're hoping a little girl was abused because that vindicates all your evil feelings towards a particular company.

Maybe you don't know anyone who's ever been falsely accused of something like this. I honestly hope not, because it destroys the real victim's life (the one falsely accused) regardless of whether they're found guilty or not. There are no real consequences for lying about something like this, which makes it an easy way to destroy someone you want revenge against. Look at the Duke Lacrosse case. Think those guys will ever be completely free of that stigma? No.

It doesn't matter whether Gino is innocent or guilty, or whether a mountain of evidence proves he's innocent. Certain people here will always believe he's guilty because they WANT him to be guilty and for no other reason than to "prove" they were right all along to hate Advanced Nutrients.

To that point, let's have a little example. Imagine your best friend gets accused of something like this. Is he/she actually guilty? Of course not, right? Or are they? If you're any kind of a decent friend to them you'll stand by them and insist they're innocent. If you don't, they and you are not a good friend. Now if they're found guilty and there's conclusive proof... sure, I wouldn't defend my closest relative in that case. But until that point most decent human beings stand by their friends and defend them. Partly because they're decent human beings and that's what decent human beings do for their friends, and partly because they don't want to believe someone they called a friend is capable of such an act.

Now, let's say your closest friend turns out to be guilty of this kind of horrible act. Does that make YOU a bad person for being their friend? Of course not. It simply means they were able to hide that part of who they were from you. Bad people do that every day. If they didn't, they'd all get caught right away. If you stood up for them and defended them before you learned they were truly guilty, does THAT make you a bad person? Again, no it doesn't. It makes you a good person who stands up for their friends and believes in their innocence until they're proven guilty.

There is absolutely no difference between this scenario and what's going on with Gino and Advanced Nutrients. Maybe he's guilty, maybe he's innocent. But Advanced Nutrients is right to stand up for him and defend him until it's proven one way or the other. That doesn't make AN evil. Even if it turns out that Gino was guilty of this that doesn't mean that AN knew anything about it. Bad people keep their darkness hidden from everyone else, that's how they protect themselves from the good people in the world.

Using this as an excuse to hate Advanced Nutrients is like using Adam Lanza as an excuse to hate autistic people.

It's additionally worse given the very real likelihood that this whole thing is probably just an attack on Gino and/or Advanced Nutrients.

And shame for saying they deserve something like this for trying to help the poor in Bulgaria. What kind of a demented mind thinks that it's just for a man's life to be destroyed because he was naively trying to stop a bad government from continuing to oppress people without "bringing a gun" to the negotiation?


Warning: This email is about a false allegation of an adult nature.

Moreover, because of the subject matter we thought It's important that you see and hear this directly from us.

Straight to the point, several months ago Gino and myself were viciously attacked and ended up victims of an attempted political character assassination by a Bulgarian political organization using their government connections to destroy us. Let me explain...

It all started with our Holiday Hero's campaign. It's a campaign that feeds needy Bulgarian families, refugees and orphans during Christmas and Easter. We fed 2,000 families (10,000 Bulgarians) this Easter.

Why did we do it? Because there was not one organized corporation charity program in the whole country of Bulgaria, I am not kidding, NONE. So we decided to start one.

Unbelievably we got HUGE resistance, regardless we pushed on and did what we had to and it was a phenomenal success. We got massive national media coverage.

Not only that, we also started lobbying and pushing the Bulgarian government to change their tax laws on charitable giving. Like other E.U countries already have.

Shockingly, right now it's cheaper for a Bulgarian business to throw product into the trash than to give it away because when a company donates it has to pay 20% value added tax for the products it donates, so it's cheaper to throw it in the garbage.

To make matters worse... because of this law 125,000 tons of food is needlessly thrown in the trash every year instead of feeding those hungry families trying desperately to survive. Absolutely sickening isn't it?

Furthermore, it's a known fact, Bulgaria is the most corrupt European Union government. I'll get back to that in a moment.

Meanwhile, Holiday Hero's received a Nobility Award voted by journalists in Bulgaria, it is the same as a Humanitarian Award in the states, it was the first year awards like this were given out and the feeling was euphoric. I gave a speech about Bulgaria's extremely corrupt government when accepting the award.

Reality is... it made us sick to see what is going on here in Bulgaria and how it has, and continues to harm, the Bulgarian people. We couldn't stand by watching and hearing about these injustices any longer. So we started a political party to replace the current government. Tentatively new elections will be held this spring 2014.

It started as a movement on Facebook called and has now turned into a full blown political party called Nova Bulgaria translated it means New Bulgaria.

Here's the really scary part, so to stop us they concocted a set-up and made Gino the fall guy and tried to take us both down in one-fell-swoop. So to counter this false attack we went on national TV Sunday morning on Bulgaria's most watched TV show. The Luba Show. On that show we clearly explained what was happening to us, for all to witness.

Now, I have to warn you, when you watch the Luba show the topic is of an adult nature and very emotional for both Gino and myself because of the horrific Machiavellian scheme they tried to perpetrate on us is probably the worst thing that can be done to another human being short of torture or death.

In fact, businessmen came up to me after they watched the Sunday Luba show and said "most people would have packed up all their bags, called it quits, and immediately left the country." Well like the words in the immortal Tom Petty song, "you can stand me up at the gates of hell but I won't back down."

In addition to that, right now our political movement has huge support from hundreds of thousands of Bulgarians including massive support from celebrities. We have a group of fresh young minds that know how to make the right changes in this country and are making the blueprint for a long term meaningful change.

Better yet, the leader of our party and potentially the next Prime Minister of Bulgaria is a 36 year old assistant dean of the Technical University of Sofia Bulgaria. And our parties second in command is a 34 year old who teaches for Harvard Business School here in Bulgaria.

Both are brilliant, highly intelligent, razor sharp and want to see real change take hold of the country they feel such strong love for, and so do we.

One last tid bit of info to leave you with... we also started and maintain a medical site for the last couple of years, and have been on national TV shows talking about and debating this issue, in a country that has seriously demonized this way of healing yourself for the last 50 years.

Well those are the facts and I thought it was important you saw and heard firsthand for yourself what happened to us over here, straight from us, and not some second hand source.

Thank You For Your Time,


If he spent a little more time writing an honest feed chart that didn't cook peoples plants like gasoline , and a little less time policing the net for people talking smack about AN , the company would stand ahead of the pack on it's own

I can only assume the charts are written so that someone will use more nutes to increase their sales is the thought pattern , but when you fry the fuck outta your plants using a product at the recommended dosage the first time you use it , your probably not going to use that product again .. so how does it make good business sense for AN to suggest such astronomical feed rates ? suggesting that the better grower you are the higher feed rates you can use .. LMAO .. every experienced grower I know uses LESS as their experience increases

oh yeah , PH perfect .. who's really having success with that..

Bring it back to the basic's Mike , grow some weed yourself again , and I don't mean your beaster genetics either that can handle 5000ppm

sorry for the rant , back on topic of Gino


I thought smoking was supposed to enlighten the mind...yet we still have childish, presumptuous hate and condemnation being thrown around here on our site. I understand being disgusted by the charges, but they are just that, charges. I love how everybody seems to always preach innocent until proven guilty, yet the instant a high-profile celebrity is arrested or an aggressively violent crime is committed, whomever is charged by the police becomes instantly guilty in the eyes of the public. I'm indifferent to AN, I think their products are exactly what they state, yet I think they are obviously 1000% overpriced. However, it's their god-given right to charge what they please. After all, it's their business, isn't it? What a shame this spiteful incrimination is. Wait until a verdict is reached to protest.
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