Grafitti Artist Banksy Sells Pieces For $60 on New York Street

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Money is money man, I'm sure the owner of that shity auto glass shop wasn't rich in any sense of the word financially or morally...and your right, its just a pile of bricks, so it won't be looked like shit anyway....I dont know anyone that wouldn't have taken it given the oppertunity....if you and I were there first with a truck and I said help me load this thing up and I will give you half, 250,000,,,,you would say no ?


As soon as I seen the piece was removable when banksy posted it I knew it would be gone in hours if not minutes.....they would have been stupid not to take it or just living so good where they didn't have to worry about money everyday, and out here we worry about money. I don't know how well you guys are living but its a grind in NY...everyday...


1% of the city are the filthy rich and the cost of living reflects more of their lifestyle then the other 99% who are saying " he's cares and donates more money to the arts then anyone" well good for you Bloomterd, here let me pat you on the back you fucking douchebag, your so modest.....Its not hard for a billionaire to toss a few greenbacks at art to improve their public image , but it seems he was never taught not to ring his own bell or you just look like a dick...


We think we found 2 nights 5pm Banksy piece.....we shall wait and see, a few of us are going there now to wait , but here are some pics of it covered for you guys, if it is his piece then you have seen it here first......76 E houston st
Fafdeee43d8e11e39d6522000a9f134c 8
Brace Yourself Banksy bac 007


Lower east side manhattan for those who aren't from N.Y right near "Billy's" and the Bowery mural....


the difference between banksy and other (graffiti artist) is that bansky is an artist with a message and would probably be a millionaire if he chose to do art the society correct version what makes him so intriguing is he has choose to do his art the way he chooses not the way society deems it should be... @clockworks - new york is by far a poor state with outrages prices on everything - hell it could cost you 25 dollars in tolls to drive a few miles - there is a 6 dollar toll every damn bridge and insanely over populated . I remember the first time I drove the GW and was amazed that there was a highrise directly above it... bansky is not a graffiti artist just a genius artist that writes were he pleases and that is the hype behind it....

the thing i don't get is he states society rewards the wrong people and that its not about monetary value for him as that lessons his craft but i bet you the man has a big ass duffle bag of cash hidin somewhere .....

And they couldn't arrest the man now if they wanted to it would be political suicide for bloomberg as he has the entire city in an uproar and excited to see whats next ....hope its a bansky usa tour as you can bet i'll find all the spots in philly ....

what i have noticed is graffiti comes in waves / era's and generally is not the poor of society back in the early 80's it was RAZZ and MR blint around philly doing mad pieces then a dude named credit xtc1 was his crew - well they all vanished to the likes of espo , met (insane talent ) i2i intoit crew and 10 years later they all made a return , turns out most got arrested and credit at the time was a middle aged investment banker .......


Banksy is already a multimillionaire, his book made 5,790,000.00 so far and is still flying off the shelves !!! And he makes millions on his art.....


If ever a dude deserved money for his works- it's the guy who never set out to make money with his works


I think people get caught up with the whole "he sold out" bullshit.....he's an artist, he makes a living off it, if anyone one of those trash talking haters had the chance to do what he is doing they would jump on it....I love how everyone tries to act like people owe something, are any of those people feeding his kids or paying his bills, no....In this world its every man for them self, if your broke and have no place to live nobody is gonna come running with a pile of cash to save you, people will walk by and point at you sleeping in a box. And most importantly, people don't even know his real name, how can someone say you sold out if they don't know who you are....
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