GrandDaddyPurple = This is my Journey with GDP

  • Thread starter SmokeMan
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gdp dosnt get any major color change without a temp drop!!!!!!!!!!!! just the tops will turn purple ive told you this a few times now!!!!!!!!!!! if you dont drop the temps you wont get any real color change untill your flushing in the last week!!!! its crazy how people think that gdp will turn solid purple all by itsself, LOL!!! and if its fox tailing thats on you ive never had my gdp or pre 98 fox tail!!!!!


When did I ever say I expected to get all dark purple? Anyhow I got a friend that has GDP that purples up with lil to no temp change. His looks all like your gdp needing all this special attetion makes me think. All I know is I am working with alot of genetics and I could care less if it is GDP or not. I will smoke it all up anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So dont bother wondering or caring. I dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think U gave me 1 gdp and 1 bubba...bottomline. My eyes and nose are not decieving me. One smells and looks almost exact like my pre98Bubba. The other has a slightly diff smell so I am thinking it is your gdp. All I know is ...My roor is waiting for a fat bowl:RastaBong:


i told you there was a mix up and you got both or 1 or the other!! you didnt figure it out yourself, i didnt have 2 say anything, and i dont believe your friend has a gdp that changes alot of color without a temp drop because no weed plants turn that purple without a temp drop IT DOSNT HAPPEN!! urkel, gdp, grape ape, purple kush, gorilla grape, magic merlin, and grape candy they all need temp drops 2 turn purple, yea they will get a little purple on there tops without the cold but most of the plant will stay green without the cold!!!! i dont think you understand purples strains!!! purple strains will change colors if the temps drop because they think its fall its in there genetics 2 turn colors in the fall, thats why i said i start my second ac around week 4-5 at night i make the plant think its fall so it starts a major color change and by week 6-8 its solid purple, almost every weed strain will turn different colors in the cold- purple, pink, red, lime green, and orange its in there genetics if theres no fall (temp drop) theres no color!!! your bad for not understanding or listening when i explained this 2 you the first time


look man, please dont flame me in my own thread, now I see why U get banned all the time. I dont appreciate you jumping all on me and acting like its my fault you are a lazy grower. Keep your cuts labeled and you wont have this problem. Also once again you are wrong about plants turning purple with temp drops.My blackrose is alreadfy turning with NOO temp drops so now what? Krowberry and a few others as well will turn with no temop drop, my AgentO cut turns purple with no temp drop, My pre98bubba turns purple with no temop drop. Dam must I go on???
Ya ALOT of strains dont purp without tmep drop, but not all.

Dont flame me in my thread again. Just move on. U got a attitude that I could care less about.


4evergreen you really dont know what your talking about unless you are some kind of plant scientist or something how would you be so sure the plant just dont turn purple? sounds to me your just being an ass and def a noob! and to think you have to freeze your plants to get them to turn purple is just sad...i did this GDP from coffee shop blue sky in oakland Ca and with the temps at 75-85 degrees you can clearly see it naturally turns purple...almost a solid purple sorry you must have gotten weak genetics or fake clones it happens bro go to coffee shop blue sky for real genetics stop getting fake ones...seems like you dont know purple strains


I had jumped in and typed a long ass post.
And site timed out. So I will just say there are lots of pics of my purple GDP>
And I run 80 degrees. If I drop temps they turn black. I prefer the nice purple.
So hopefully a mod will just delete his rude post.

Nice nuggy trebla.

And back to the smokeman show.


Thanks bossman, I would have loved to read what you wrote originally. But hey its all good, I dont got nothing against homie but man getting all mad at me like I did something wrong was wrong and out of line. I wish homie the best, Im not mad at him I just dont understand why he was so mad. Im just a grower reporting what im growing...

Here is some new pics.. For some reason they are foxtailing. I think its my day time heat issue. Temps are reaching 90-95 in the day time. Im gonna install a portable ac/dehumidifier to cool the room down in day. I got a dehumidifier in there now but I dont have a ac in there. Just the ac vent from the ceiling. it does get cold in there at nights. But I need something more for the day. So tomorrow im dropping 3 bills on a portable 12,000 btu unit. Good buy?

I see purp but not lots of it. I think temp def plays a big role with this GDP cut. And wow its crazy how they grow and look alot like kush or at least my bubba k. Not exact but similar, Also im growing in all coco. No soil. Im thinking of running her in soil next and see how she grows.


Since all of this discusion on temp and purple colors.
I decided to do a test.
I harvested 3 GDP yesterday. They hardly turned purple at all.
They were grown in the same temps as the dark purple ones from the previous harvest.
The only thing I did different was the flushing.
Normally at the start of weak 7 I flush with clearex. Followed by about 15 gallons of water though a 3 gallon pot.
Then each time they get thirsty they get another 10 gallons of RO .

This time I did everything the same exept minus the clearex.
And there is hardly any purple on them.
So IMO this shows that a good flush is more important for colors then temp's.
Just thought I would share.


Sorry everyone but the pics on the this last page are not a GDP! leaves are too dark green and GDP(or Cali purple strains) has never foxtailed on me for over 20 years.

I'll wait til he harvests but it aint GDP.


Sorry everyone but the pics on the this last page are not a GDP! leaves are too dark green and GDP(or Cali purple strains) has never foxtailed on me for over 20 years.

I'll wait til he harvests but it aint GDP.

I thought leaf color has to do with nutes and ph.
Not strain.
Wow you must be good too be able to say that with such certainty from a pic.

I can make my GDP foxtail by putting it too close to the light or letting it go to long.
And I can also make her grow balls with a little PH stress.


That bottom one is def pre 98. I bet it has a musky coffee smell to it.

The top one is also some type of bubba. I don't know if its 98 or not, but it all looks bubba to me. :)


I take it back on the top one.. Thats some really funkey foxtailing.. Katsu Kut?

Trebla's pics looks GDP, but I haven't really ever seen a foxtailing GDP, or 98 bubba for that matter and I've grow a bunch of the 98.


Sorry everyone but the pics on the this last page are not a GDP! leaves are too dark green and GDP(or Cali purple strains) has never foxtailed on me for over 20 years.

I'll wait til he harvests but it aint GDP.

I thought the same thing at 1st then I put into consideration that these plants were grown in coco and perlite plus I had high temps in flower the whole 60 days. Also I need a new portable A/C in there, temps get up to 95 sometimes or at least lately, Im getting a new a/c soon so no worries here..

Also when purpleblockhead sent me these cuts he sent 2 grams to sample. It was dank. The plants im growing smell exactly like his GDP samples exactly, just my buds grew different.. He is one hell of grower. PBH uses a different medium . And uses 2 A/C's in his grow. I have yet to grow her in all soil or soilless. I have only done coco so far.

I like this girl but I might be letting her go ...I still dont know...I will report back soon after a month or two.


I take it back on the top one.. Thats some really funkey foxtailing.. Katsu Kut?

Trebla's pics looks GDP, but I haven't really ever seen a foxtailing GDP, or 98 bubba for that matter and I've grow a bunch of the 98.

This statement proves that is my growing enviroment that caused this...

I am growing both GDP and Pre98Bubba and both of them are foxtailing the same way, only thing is gdp is foxtailing more. Long foxtails... Check out the pics I will post in a second...


That bottom one is def pre 98. I bet it has a musky coffee smell to it.

The top one is also some type of bubba. I don't know if its 98 or not, but it all looks bubba to me. :)

Naw bro, both plants smell like gdp, I got bubba and it does smell like choclate coffee to me, 2 totally different smells but I will admit in coco the buds are looking a lil similar.


Since all of this discusion on temp and purple colors.
I decided to do a test.
I harvested 3 GDP yesterday. They hardly turned purple at all.
They were grown in the same temps as the dark purple ones from the previous harvest.
The only thing I did different was the flushing.
Normally at the start of weak 7 I flush with clearex. Followed by about 15 gallons of water though a 3 gallon pot.
Then each time they get thirsty they get another 10 gallons of RO .

This time I did everything the same exept minus the clearex.
And there is hardly any purple on them.
So IMO this shows that a good flush is more important for colors then temp's.
Just thought I would share.

Good eye bossman, I noticed the same thing , I flushed my 1st gdp with clearex of course and sure enough it starting purpling but the one I had not flushed had not turned any purple at all except for the tips of the buds. Then I flush and now all the fan and a lil more of the buds turned purp. But none of the lower buds have any color. Just that same dank grape candy smell.

Clearex really does do something to the plants when flushing. Ive seen this happen on other strains too..


i might be way out of place here, cause i havent been here long, but i can say that all my gdp or purple kush has always purpled on me with little to no temp drop. Last summer i had the darkest purp ive ever had in a room with temps 85- lights on 75 lights off! i think too many peeps just wanna distort your reality just cause theres aint right!


This is the same Kens cut from the pics shown here before. I am dialing in her growth habits and I must say she is not hard to grow but sure loves alot of attention. Give it to her and she will produce for you :heart

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