Hello, I'm planing on starting a grow room. Im still trying to figure out what ac I should use. I've have my eye on the Senville mini splits. I've seen in the description that they have built in dehunidification. Is this enough as a dehumidifier or am I still gunna need a dehum?
i don't know this brand. will probably work fine but try to stick to well known brands .. toshiba or mitsu are great .. panasonic are cheap and very good too, tthats my choice usulaly, and they have nice options like " mild dry" too cool the room at start without dehumidifying much, too avoid the slow start/slow rooting by having 10/15% more rh ..
all AC dehumidify by cooling the room, its a physical process
the temperate air comes in contact with the cold copper inside the indoor unit ( 1-4 degree celsius) and the vapor inside this air will reach the dew point and condensate on these copper. thats how the AC's dehumidify the air
but you need a separate dehu because a ac will always cool the air to dehumidify it. even with the option " dehumidify" that you will find on the AC , which is just a cooling option optimized for dehumidification with the less cooling possible
the dehueys are basically just AC's with both exchangers (condenser/evaporator) in the same unit, so they dont cool the room when then run ( in fact they heat it a bit, good thing if you live in cold climate like us)