Here We Go!!!! White House Signals Looming Crackdown On Recreational Marijuana

  • Thread starter jumpincactus
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Hes really getting under your skin isnt he xavier?dont let it start turning you orange with envy..

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Had the Democrats used Sunny D as a prop during the debate instead of that stupid star wars line they would have killed it.


Remember "TANG" the astronauts took it to space. Unfortunately the Russians have invaded the country. All is lost. What will you do now?
IMG 1788


Obama tapped Trump in the rump... lol
Only one difference between Obama and Nixon.. Thats why he'll be free. He can do what he wants . Watching the democrats disintegration is unbelievable


Let's see we have the most scandalous presidency of all time and people still can't stop demonizing Obama. Let's get this straight, forget the news and everything else let's just count quickly the number of things trump supporters will excuse from Agent Orange but would have crucified Obama/Hillary over:
1. Imagine obama being caught on tape claiming that he "grabs women by the pussy". Seriously, imagine the backlash towards him for that, he never would have won election nor reelection nor had any future in politics whatsoever, had obama said this people would claim that he is a sex offender, but with Trump it's just "locker room talk".???
2. Imagine Obama had five children from 3 different women. What would that narrative be? With Trump it just means women like him, but with Obama he would have been labeled a dangerous womanizer, right?
3. What if Michelle Obama felt like she was "too good" to live in the Whitehouse and us taxpayers had to fork out millions of dollars every month over her living in a separate state than the President.
4. Imagine Obamas attorney general claiming that he "liked the black Panthers until he found out they smoked pot", either Holder or Lynch would have got killed on that one.
5. Now let's imagine Hillary had won the election and all of the same stuff coming to light about Russia and Trump was actually Hillary and Russia working in unison to take down Ttump, that may have caused a civil war.

The double standards are thick and sure they exist on the other side as well just not this gnarly. President Obama was the best thing to happen to cannabis legalization yet, if you don't know this than you're either too young to remember the good old days of Bush 1 and 2/Bill Clinton or are just in denial of the monumental progress our industry achieved during the Obama era.
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Obama racism is the creation of Trump. Obama holds the record for most deportations and Dispensary bust.

what are the key differences in these Presidents


Answer one of these guys gets away with Watergate type treason. POS rite there folks, POS


In regards to Obama vs Trump feud....I have a feeling we will be learning more about the Libyan Fiasco on Twitter soon enough. This alone should keep Obama and Clinton awake at night and for good reason. Where is Gaddafi's gold anyhow? 143 tonnes was it?
Frances arm sales have recovered well. Sarkosy and gang are criminals for their actions and should be dealt with accordingly at the Hague.
Libya was not a third world country until Obama and Sarkosy changed that and made it a haven for ISIS with their backed rebels in Al Qaeda garb.
I challenge anyone to learn more about the Golden Dinar and the truth behind the assassination of a leader and his plan for putting Africa on the gold standard (which would have crushed the Euro in 2011 and the real reason for the push to war).

Thank you Sydney Blumenthal for the intell. The staged bodies and viagra intell was bogus but that didn't stop Obama and Gates.
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Premium Member
What's the over/under on trump just losing his damn mind from not being able to handle the stress of the job?

More crazytown made up shit...tell us about your yuuuuge inauguration crowds again Don.

That's not how it works though. The burden of proof is on the accuser, shouldn't trump have to offer a tiny piece of evidence to back that up?

Let's go with an example. I think you bulldog are shooting gamma rays at me from the moon and reading my mind to steal my top secret pizza sauce recipe. Can you disprove that...or should it be on me to show a bit of evidence that this is the case.

Yea, cause that's remotely close to sane...........
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Sad day as most wht Americans started to let go of race hate, then comes obama and now we're almost back to the 60's race riots and we already got the Street Riots,,, Poor minorities just cant get a break, finally get a leader and he fucks it up., I'm mixed race and many of wht homies will never vote for anyone but wht again.. They get mad at me cause I voted for Obama 1 time as i still try to create race peace... Yea I bought into that "we all love each other crap"... we see the truth now... We now see that not all of us let go of racism... i just cant see how anyone can buy into Obama racism. The whole family scouls with hate in their expressions..

Sneaky Mo Fo,,, hey you guys come meet my Russian Ambassador,,, Obama has the ambassador tapped like a snitch to visit the opposing party just after he imposes sanctions knowing that will be the topic,, sneakyyy... Then ruskys start fly buys on our ships... Trumpster realizing he got burned like a set up - drug deal gone bad , Memeber Trump saying Cintons and Obama aint so bad , I wont prosecute... Trumpy is now a President... He just got the Obama Tap!


Obama racism is the creation of Trump. Obama holds the record for most deportations and Dispensary bust.

what are the key differences in these Presidents


Answer one of these guys gets away with Watergate type treason. POS rite there folks, POS
Yeah I knew someone would chime in about dispensary raids. How many dispensaries were there between 00-08? How difficult was it for the many people who tried and got wrapped up in California during that time period? How many states had a legal mmj system before obama? 1. Oregon, Mt, Wa, and others had laws on the books but nobody was taking the risks to open up, why? Because Bush was serious about stopping the mmj growth. It wasn't until October of 09 that the Ogden memo got the ball rolling. In many of these places the dea were career holdovers and acted without a top down approach from the president, until of course the cole memo was released and further allowed the dispensaries to take off. The fact that Obamas justice department took such a hands off approach is why we are here today: not because of Trump, not because of the almighty reporting of Alex Jones, and certainly not because of the Republican Party who tries to dismantle all of our progress every time they get the power to do so. Do you really think Jeff Sessions would have been a friend to marijuana? Our only hope is that he resigns for lying under oath and our old,racist, orange grandpa finds someone better.


Sad day as most wht Americans started to let go of race hate, then comes obama and now we're almost back to the 60's race riots and we already got the Street Riots,,, Poor minorities just cant get a break, finally get a leader and he fucks it up., I'm mixed race and many of wht homies will never vote for anyone but wht again.. They get mad at me cause I voted for Obama 1 time as i still try to create race peace... Yea I bought into that "we all love each other crap"... we see the truth now... We now see that not all of us let go of racism... i just cant see how anyone can buy into Obama racism. The whole family scouls with hate in their expressions..

Sneaky Mo Fo,,, hey you guys come meet my Russian Ambassador,,, Obama has the ambassador tapped like a snitch to visit the opposing party just after he imposes sanctions knowing that will be the topic,, sneakyyy... Then ruskys start fly buys on our ships... Trumpster realizing he got burned like a set up - drug deal gone bad , Memeber Trump saying Cintons and Obama aint so bad , I wont prosecute... Trumpy is now a President... He just got the Obama Tap!
So obama is the racist and Trump is fighting for equality? What are you smoking cause it's got you upside down my friend, and I would like to try some.


Dems meeting with the Rusky to set up Trump family...


Begging , and looik above at the Rusky expression....


So obama is the racist and Trump is fighting for equality? What are you smoking cause it's got you upside down my friend, and I would like to try some.
So far Obama hold the records, but we see that Trump on pace to tie him in deports,,, but thus far Trump is way behind Obama in Cannabis bust,,, Obama had bout 50 bust by this time in his carrer. Trump a cpl busts
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