Here's what I do .... any comments?

  • Thread starter TheTommyK
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Hello All,
I hope this is an acceptable place to post this.

I just wanted to describe what I am doing to see if anyone who has a similar room or situation can make improvement suggestions, as well as demonstrate how to have a micro grow for those who are on the fence and think that they don't have the resources.

First off, I have some general gardening experience in out door gardening as well as starting seeds indoors. I started gardening 420 indoors out of necessity. I have been in and out of work for the last 5 years, but I likes me pot ...... soooooooo. I got some seeds from a HQ I had bought .... and gave it a try.

I own a house with a cold room under the porch, as it is a building requirement for homes in my area. It is a 7'X8' fully cement room with one window and an electrical outlet. I have the added bonus of the wooden form used to create the ceiling of the room (or the floor of the porch) is still there. This allows me to be able to screw things to the ceiling for mounting. HUGE BONUS. It is subterranean which is why it is called a cold room, so I actually heat my room with a small block heater to keep it in the 70deg to 80deg range.

I have both my veg room and flower room in the same room .... separated by 3 layers of curtains (I bought some god awful sets from the Salvation Army ....6$!)

My veg room contains my mommies and my kidletts. The curtain wall is 2' from the 7' foot wall .... making my veg room 2'X'7. I have 3 shop lights (2banks of T4 florescent lights 15$ each at Home depot) on a set of 3 foot wide steel shelves for my mothers .... I currently have 4 juicy Fruit, 5 Bubba Kush, and 2 Sativas (of which I am not sure the strain) For my Kidlets, I have another set of steel shelves beside the mommies, which is separated into 2 sections; upper is for Clones, and the lower section is a 24" high section for vegging. It holds about 36 4" pots at once. I bought the pots at my local dollar store for $1.25 for a pack of 8 (so much for being a dollar store!) I created a 3 foot bank of CFL fixtures on a 6" piece of plywood for my clones. I have VERY recently bought a set of lights for my veggin stage ($36 each .... but they are supposed to be HO and the full spectrum of light). I haven't used them yet, as I have the awesome opportunity to re set up my room .... in the past I have used the shop lights.

My flower room is the remainder of the room, so 6'X8'. 5'X6' is useable because the door opens into the room. I have a raised table (plywood and milk crates purchased at midnight building supplies, they have prices in my budget right now). I have 2 600w MH lights. Theses were acquired from a friend who replaces lights in businesses like gas stations. The canopy lights above you when you pump gas ..... those ones, as well as pole lights in parking lots. Around here, in the winter time the snow plows seem to knock down a few each year ... the bulbs are no good ... but the fixture and guts still work ....
More to come .... I gotta run ...


In the past I have grown using the SOG method, flowering 6 plants weekly, which I have enough room to do 36 total. So I have a few weeks without. I think I may try 36 at a time and see how it goes. any comments on that? I have 5 weeks before i start a flowering cycle again .... so I would love to hear the arguments both for and against SOG vs. Full grow.

It works best for a strain that has an 8 week flowering time .... I also have a 9 and 10 week strains .... which throws a wrench in the works when SOGing, but its manageable. Timed right, it actually can be rewarding (planting the 10 week one and the 9 week the week after and then the 8 on the third week .... has them all ready on the same week.
I use 10" pots I bought from the dollar store (its a great resource people ....) as well as a miss-mash of other containers (I am on a budget ..... so when I see a 4L tub of Ice cream on sale ... I see Ice cream AND a new pot!!)

I use Pro Mix Mycorrhizae as a grow medium, and A/B DNF fert for both veg and Flower. 18/6 timer on my Veg and 12/12 on flowering. I vent out air with a 4" fan from Home Depot (laundry room fan 15$, 8' of flexible duct $7) it is plugged into the same timer as the veg lights (18/6) and that keeps the humidity at 45-55% depending on watering days.

This set up has taken me a long time to get to as I was trying to do this on very little info ..... I was/am scared of the repercussions of people finding out what I'm doing. SO ... trial an error. But now that I am reading more forums and whatnot .... I am finding that this is a standard micro grow set up.


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First shot is of my clone and veg shelf ..... upper is some of my newest ..... the plants on the lower level are outdoor flowers for my around my house
second and third are close ups of my newest little ladies.
Forth is mommies
fifth is another one of mommies showing more of my lighting and room set up ... notice the curtain wall to the left.


Sorry a few more things:
I pH balance my water to 6.0 and I also use DNF Bloom Fortifier from week 2 until flush week during flowering. yes, I flush.


The size of your room is incredible. I would suggest ordering some black & white poly film for the dividing wall. It is relatively cheap for a large amount and is pretty light resistant. Link is below for details. The thicker the better. film

Are you ONLY using DNF Soil A/B nutrients?

If so, I would also advise adding a few more nutes to your line up. My suggestions are listed below.

Roots Organics:
  • Buddha Grow 2-.25-1.5 (Organic veg. nutrient)
  • Extreme Serene 0-2-2 (Liquid marine kelp extract) ROOTS LOVE THIS STUFF! Also a fantastic foliar feed.
  • Ancient Amber 0.1-0-0 (Natural nitrogen nutrient source)
  • Trinity Bio-Catalyst .1-.5-.25 (Formulated of complex carbohydrates and soy protein extracts, encouraging plant vigor while reducing stress.)
House & Garden:
  • Roots Excelurator - amazing root inoculant - derivative of ammonium nitrate and potassium hydroxide.
  • Magic Green - (FOLIAR) Used once a week during growth. Derivative of ammonium nitrate, nitric acid, potassium oxide, and phosphoric acid.
  • Drip Clean - A MUST HAVE! Used at each feed, it will aid in removing a majority of salt and other unwanted particles from your soil in order to maintain OPTIMAL nutrient uptake. FUCKING GREAT STUFF!
  • Top Booster OR Shooting Powder - These additives basically tell the plant, "hey beautiful, you have got a few more weeks to make your flowers and thats it!" Therefore, the plant focuses solely on flower productions rather than vegetative growth. In MY experience, I DO NOT recommend using both in conjunction with each other.
Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt Silicon:

  • 0-0-3 Liquid supplement supplying high levels of potassium and silicon to help your plants build stronger cell walls. (Strength in cell walls will determine susceptibility to pests and fungi)
  • Improves heat, drought, and cold tolerance. A must have for me since temps. in my area can reach as high as 110F, and can drop below zero.
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mark is that incredible good .... or Incredible bad (? (size of room comment?)
I am super grateful for your suggestions

I have tried to keep my nutes simple, but I think i am at the stage where i can start doing more for a better yield. I did post a little later that i use DNF Bloom Fortifier from week 2 until flush week during flowering. I use that as well as the A/B bloom DNF during flowering.

i am going to start experimenting with FIM as well.

As for the room .... I use Styrofoam on the wall for insulation as well as reflectiveness .... I need to heat my room so the Styrofoam helps. I have not had a chance to do that yet. still in rebuild stage. I will consider hanging some BW polly for the curtain wall. Good call.

Thanks for the information and suggestions ... they are very much appreciated.


The size is incredibly good! I'm stuck with a 4ft x 4ft x 7' tent space for now, but would fight for a space as large as yours.

Styrofoam is a good alternative. I remember seeing or hearing something about Mylar coated styrofoam being sold at Home Depot, which would definitely help light distribution.

Your clones will benefit vastly from some kind of root inoculant. Whether it be Roots Excelurator or another brand.

Mycorrhizae is key, I forgot to mention that. It is a type of fungi, can be bought in a liquid or powder form, that builds a microbial defense system in the roots.

Another good pest prevention additive is insect frass. Insect frass is just another name for bug shit. When you add this your medium, your plants recognize that additive as what it is, insect poop, making them think they are being attacked by those insects. Now, the belief of whether these amazing plants actually do THINK is another thread on its own. Haha. Back to the info. Now that your plants think they're being attacked, they begin to build a defense system against those pests. Further adding to your prevention of unwanted bugs.

As far as FIM, I wouldn't recommend 'experimenting' with this type of "topping". If not done correctly it can induce a great amount of unnecessary stress on your ladies. There's marginal differences between topping and FIMing. I'm not 100% fully educated on the matter, but I do know that there are better ways of increasing yield and/or quality, whichever be your concern.

LST or Low Stress Training is another technique used, as well as being the one i use more and more often.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. My knowledge is only as good as the people I share it with.



Thanks for the encouragement. I have been complaining my room is to small..... I guess I will stop!!! Lol


Lovelly space man. You defo WANNA add some boosters like to max it out. My sugestions would be. Advancad nutes big bud, over drive. And of u can BIOBIZZ top max. THAT works nice together. Good luck man.. .


COMPLAINING ABOUT SPACE. COMPLAINING? . :-) LOL you got it locked dude. I sleep with my girls. :-) well a small ass appartment limits me somewhat .soo i use my 1.2m2 grow tent man lol. PRETTY shitty i know. Nu tv, it keeps me WAAYY HAPPY. And on meds. So good luck man. N pour loadsa LIGHT on em PLANTS bro. Looking killer man. :-)


So I am going thru this as well as some of the posts on the Nutes and Ferts forum ....
I am looking to keep things super simple. So is there, a recipe list .... for us newbies to follow? I am really looking for a list of nutes to mix together so I can add it to the water. Can all these be mixed together into one solution so I can mix that solution, with water?

I am using DNF A/B for Veg and then DNF A/B Bloom as well as a DNF Bloom Fortifier for bloom. That is simple enough; I just read the long list of additives, and it seems a little daunting? or am i being a baby about it?


Ok so here is a cool chart that may help .... not exactly what I'm looking for ... but similar


If you're referring to AACTs, it is a great way to feed your girls. There's a vast amount of recipes floating around on the web. It's best to start with a good organic base:

Marine kelp
Alfalfa meal
Bone and blood meal
Worm castings

Your reservoir size will determine the proportions in which to mix. Aeration is key in tea making. Throw some air stones and get your mix bubbling up for at least 48 hours. I go a little over 72 hours when I brew.

Different organic compounds can be added to your tea as you figure out what your plants love best.

A few are listed below:

Humid acids
Corn syrups
Sugars (unprocessed, un bleached, organic)
Fish emulsion


Living dead girl
Aye, compost teas and organic feeds are great, but if you try to get microbial populations going you'll kill them if you drop chemical salts onto them unless you go with super low amounts.

For newbs, I'm revisiting a product line that an online friend saved my ass by suggesting--Super Plant Tonic by Blue Mountain Organics on eBay. They now have a full 'nutrient' line, made the way I'd want an organic liquid fertilizer made. Use and rates are stupid simple and stupid easy, and I don't think anyone could kill a plant with them if even if they had them sitting in a bottle of the stuff. While it's not OMRI listed or NOP or other program certified, I've used it and it's a very good line of products. I stopped using them because once you scale things up it was no longer practical to use.

My rooms are made with the white Styro sheets, but I had to do a double layer when the first wasn't sufficient to keep things warmed up, and then I had to layer on black plastic because light was penetrating. No such problem with the Mylar-backed Styro. VERY inexpensive.


Interesting ... I get Tea now. I am guessing that this is controlled alot less quantitatively.
something to try for sure ...

OK new question;
I have the space to house 48 ladies for bloom. In the past, I have don SOG with 6 weekly. I am growing a set that takes 8 weeks of flowering ... So I could do, 6, weekly, perpetually, or should I do 48 at once .... or even 24 every 4 weeks?
The reason I ask is that I had been doing 6 weekly ... and the down side to that is that if 1 or 2 of the plants were moderate bloomers ... the yield was weak. I am wondering if this evens out with larger numbers or at very least "lessens" the blow.

I am leaning towards 24 a month.



Give the BIOBIZZ a go man
.its EASY and organic liquid aswell. The soils are cool .You don't need the WHOLE line. IE the bioheaven is a gimmic
.the root juice is good like. And the grow, if you need IT .Bloom. and topmax . MAYBEE SOME A. N BIGBUD AND OVERDRIVE. NOT ESSENCIALL BUT IT WILL GIVE YOU MORE :-). ITS REALLY EASY TO USE. AND I. M. H. I IT KICKS ASS. :-)


Oh and maybee greatwhite. Mycos. Or another product with Mycos, a and trichoderma. Greatwhite is DEAR LIKE so u may know of another similar product that works great. Good luck brother .. :-).
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