What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
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It can still get tricky finding the balance but over all yea, it def helps. What’s outside of your tent will always matter greatly…central air vent near your grow area? Extra bonus. A window unit close by? Make sure the intake is facing that direction ect.Im hoping I'll have a whole lot more control with the new exhaust fan to be able to run it 24/7
All of these tiny adjustments can seem nit picky, but you have to try and maximize your grows potential in every aspect.
To me, it’s all about maximizing the grow, but my little slice of heaven, it’s more about maximizing the risk. More of all of it bc I’m a pirate. But it will start click man, all the littlest things will start popping in your head at weird times.
Always make sure your timers are set, that plugs aren’t warm, that air is flowing and man, you don’t have a crazy huge rig, but try to split the voltage load between breakers if you understand that kind of stuff. Growing weed in doors is a proactive game. Think ahead, wack all the moles eliminating all the possible variables.