How do you plan to protect your outdoor grow this year?

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Kyle mccall

Kyle mccall

Oh and murder is to kill another person to plan a murder is premeditated murder.


IG @delae_632
Fake flowers attached to my plants has always worked for me. Camouflage is your best friend. If it's got flowers on it people don't even look at it (if weed is what they're looking for). I had a good friend (and fellow grower) over a few years back and asked him to tell me how many cannabis plants he could find in my yard...He found ZERO out of 28 chest high plants. Go to the craft store and hook your bitches up with some fake flowers. It's cheap and tricks even a growers eye.....Don't get me wrong though, I'm not about flowers and faeries, I WILL bust out the AR if anyone is stupid enough to set foot on my property, to fuck with my livelihood and puts me and/or my family in danger. Dog's, motion lights, cameras, motion chimes, fake flowers....add AR when/if needed.



I would sweep the fuckin leg.

Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

RABBIT EARS GODDAMMIT!!! fuck yeah. That shit aint no joke. My arm got caught in some vines one night in a boat when I was spotlighting....I had both the ears back and the gun got caught by some vines (snake gun in the bayou)...the boat didn't stop moving and both barrels went off..... Both barrels went off!!!! ( and I didnt drop the fucking thing is a miracle, hell I couldn't let it trigger gaurd peeled the skin off 2 fingers down to the bone. Scarring el permanente'

nice dog, btw!!!

Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

since when is discussing protecting my family and goods with FORCE , if need be, a taboo subject I should be careful about?

Fuck that noise.

Anybody else in the USA can protect themselves with deadly force it they feel their life is in danger....why not MMJ farmers?

If you are INSIDE my house with my family....stealing.....its not a far leap to imagine that you will do ANYTHING. And I get scared.....for my life and my wife.

I dont know what I would do...fur shure....but I have a safety plan. I think I would stick to my plan...and hide. If they got past the dogs and still wanted me.....they would have a hard time getting me in the "safe" room. If the DID come into the 'safe' room....well.....


Oh and murder is to kill another person to plan a murder is premeditated murder.

yes, murder is a killing that was premeditated, but just because you killed someone that does not make it murder. Hypothetically: Somebody jumps my fence and is taking plants from my backyard, I yell at him to leave, he pulls a gun on me, so BOOM I killed him, thats not murder.


delae632 has a geat idea when growing outdoors, put fake flowers on your plants. I'm going to Lowes right now to find some :)


Well-Known Farmer
In the US there are 4 types of murder 1st degree is pre-meditated, 2nd degree is not pre-meditated, 3rd is neglect(such as a drunk driver) and 4th degree is Lawful such as defience of one`s home, family or self. There is also special circumstances such as using ammo that is deamed more likely to kill ,such as wad cutters, sluggers or poisened loads. Property is not a defience for killing ,nor is outside your home(castle defience). You must be in fear of your life and that fear must be backed up by the perps ability to carely out some danger to your life or limb. A fake gun believed at the time to be a real gun would work ,or a cutting devise that could be used and was consieved at the time to be a real threat to your life,ect. I did go to college/ law school ,just never took the State Bar test.


Well-Known Farmer
OK do Zombies have a right to life? Would a normal person feel that a zombie poses a treat to life and limb in it`s self? Would you be discriminating against a minority to asume a zombie is a threat without other means or deductions? What consitutes being a zombie under the law? Are you qualified to make a determination as to who is a zombie and who is(was) not? Is there any case law to support the lawful killing of a zombie? Can a body be tested to determin a zombie state prior to temination? Do zombies even use cannibis? Does cannibis cause a person to become a zombie, and is that a perminent physical or mental state? Can you apply for zombie hunting tags from your local fish and game dept. ? What about bigfoot in your garden? Many unanswered questions arise when thinking of protection of one`s medical garden! such as is there an organic spray for zombies?
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

my wife says dogs can turn into that true?

I think it would make Pinky chill out.


In the US there are 4 types of murder 1st degree is pre-meditated, 2nd degree is not pre-meditated, 3rd is neglect(such as a drunk driver) and 4th degree is Lawful such as defience of one`s home, family or self. There is also special circumstances such as using ammo that is deamed more likely to kill ,such as wad cutters, sluggers or poisened loads. Property is not a defience for killing ,nor is outside your home(castle defience). You must be in fear of your life and that fear must be backed up by the perps ability to carely out some danger to your life or limb. A fake gun believed at the time to be a real gun would work ,or a cutting devise that could be used and was consieved at the time to be a real threat to your life,ect. I did go to college/ law school ,just never took the State Bar test.

Thats what I was saying, remember this quote I said "Somebody jumps my fence and is taking plants from my backyard, I yell at him to leave, he pulls a gun on me". Now I have the right to shoot or shoot at him because I am in fear of my life and he is on my property, I never said somebody jumps my fence then I shoot them in the back, that is obviously murder. I never went to law school and I'm sure you know more then me about the law, but I am very familier with gun laws. Granted every State has there own gun laws, but when it comes to killing somebody, there all very closely related. Check this out, I just wanted to show the difference between murder, manslaughter and justifiable homicide.

Sorry to everyone for changing the subject, I just wanted to show ya'll that not every killing is murder.

First degree murder is any murder that is willful and premeditated. Felony murder is typically first degree.[5]
Second degree murder is a murder that is not premeditated or planned in advance.[6]
Voluntary manslaughter sometimes called a "Heat of Passion" murder, is any intentional killing that involved no prior intent to kill, and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed." Both this and second degree murder are committed on the spot, but the two differ in the magnitude of the circumstances surrounding the crime. For example, a bar fight that results in death would ordinarily constitute second degree murder. If that same bar fight stemmed from a discovery of infidelity, however, it may be mitigated to voluntary manslaughter.[7]
Involuntary manslaughter stems from a lack of intention to cause death but involving an intentional, or negligent, act leading to death. A drunk driving-related death is typically involuntary manslaughter. Note that the "unintentional" element here refers to the lack of intent to bring about the death. All three crimes above feature an intent to kill, whereas involuntary manslaughter is "unintentional," because the killer did not intend for a death to result from his intentional actions. If there is a presence of intention it relates only to the intent to cause a violent act which brings about the death, but not an intention to bring about the death itself. [8]

Modern codifications tend to create a genus of offenses, known collectively as homicide, of which murder is the most serious species, followed by manslaughter which is less serious, and ending finally in justifiable homicide, which is not a crime at all. Because there are 53 jurisdictions, each with its own criminal code, this section treats only the crime of murder, and does not deal with state-by-state specifics.


I think a warning shotgun blast and the sound of pumping another one in the chamber might do the trick quite nicely. No need to kill, and it would be quite entertaining to watch the sonofabitches high-tail their asses outa your your garden.

BUT!... just to keep ya thinking,..... what if THEY have a weapon? How might that go down?
Shit happens fast when weapons start getting involved. If you kill or wound a thief coupled with today's ass-backwards laws you'd probably end up with murder changes and a free pass to the big house complete with "low-riding-crack-revealing ass pants."

One good watch dog is all ya need, IMO. Keep it simple.

lol@ the Nam' bamboo traps with poison shit on the tips..LMAO


I think a warning shotgun blast and the sound of pumping another one in the chamber might do the trick quite nicely. No need to kill, and it would be quite entertaining to watch the sonofabitches high-tail their asses outa your your garden.

BUT!... just to keep ya thinking,..... what if THEY have a weapon? How might that go down?
Shit happens fast when weapons start getting involved. If you kill or wound a thief coupled with today's ass-backwards laws you'd probably end up with murder changes and a free pass to the big house complete with "low-riding-crack-revealing ass pants."

One good watch dog is all ya need, IMO. Keep it simple.

lol@ the Nam' bamboo traps with poison shit on the tips..LMAO

Your right, these ass-backwards laws can get somebody in prison for a looooong time, but there are so many factors involved when your State DA decides whether or not to charge you with felony. There is a HUGE difference between the local pigs at the scene of the crime charging you with a felony and the DA/SC charging you with a felony. I'm not gonna get into details because it would take me forever, but, like you said kolah, you could kill or wound a thieve on your property and 90% of the time the local pigs will charge you with either 1st or 2nd degree murder/homicide. Once the DA looks over ALL the evidence they will most likey give you justifiable homicide, based on the facts.

I've been in jail a few times (nothing I'm proud about) and let me tell ya'll what happened in my 2nd arrest, long story short. I got in a fight with a store clerk, he hit me 1st and when the cops got there they looked over the recorded camera and took me to jail charged with Battery (punchng somebody), and a few other stupid misdemeanors. Now I sat in jail for 2 months, when my court date arrive ny Public Defender got a deal from the DA, this is the deal, I plead guilty to trespassing and spend 45 days in jail, now I already had oer 3 weeks before my courtdate so that counts toward my total incarceration time.

The point is the cops looked at the video and accused me of being the "bad guy" or "aggressor", thats why I ended up in jail, but after the DA overlooked the case and video evidence they saw I was NOT the aggressor and thats why they dropped it to trespassing. Now if it was thhe local pigs decision I would of ended up in jail for 6-10 months.

So kolah, your right about pigs charging people with the most severe crime available at the point they arrive on the seen, but the DA in the majority of the time will look over all evidence and they decide what happens with actual charges, so ass long as you dont go crazy and start commiting felonies, most of us should be fine ;) I enjoyed this conversation kolah, and I agree with you 100% when it comes to piggy popo :D


dont mean to bust in,im new and i know my place,nothing but respect 4 u og's here,i am but a grasshoppa,lol

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