How To Pass Drug Tests

  • Thread starter Munchy
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This is how i passed drug tests when I was on probation for a year. I stopped smoking and drinking. 100% success rate. :)

Jobs are a different story as I've used "potions" plenty of times. Lol.


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
@Munchy solid thread man thanks for the contrubution! @delae632 solid sticky, that certo cranberry mix is old school classic mix I remember using to pass probation tests my senior year( circa 98) . I thought the new tests check for masking agents I.e. Certo.

And @ronvmpc good for u man but some ppls RISk tolerance /passion for smoking runs deeper than urs man. 2 each is own. IMO.



Gotta take a test for a hospital job, in the next week to 3 weeks so I think I will go the synthetic route since nobody will watch me pee. Very informative, thanx for taking the time to put this out there.


This is how i passed drug tests when I was on probation for a year. I stopped smoking and drinking. 100% success rate. :)

Jobs are a different story as I've used "potions" plenty of times. Lol.

good work bro, probation isn't somethin ya wanna fuck around with!



Urine luck from spectrum labs always works for me!!! Just follow directions!! I subject to DOT testing which is always send to the labs and this stuff works!!


Yes love this thread I have only used synthetic urine about 4 times always worked 100% only for jobs just make sure your temp is on point, and if you buy that belt strap thing wrap it around your thigh not your waist they caught my buddie like like asking him to pull up his shirt and saw part of the white belt so they failed him. I put the synthetic in to the jar screw on the cap then piss all over the jar just to fuck with the tech hahahaha my favorite part is handing it to them nice and wet. They always made me empty out my pockets and I always got to close the door and do my thing super easy put very stressful waiting in the lobby for the results good luck farmers dont let drug testing ruin your life


Synthetic piss for the job, quit if your on papers. I always just looked at it like, if I get caught im going to be sober and in jail, atleast if I quit ill be sober, going home eatting a good meal and banging my chick, instead of being whistled at by a hairy dude named pam who wears m&ms as lipstick...
Aladeen OG

Aladeen OG

Haha if you pulled a stunt/job and got caught, then proceed to do the exact things they tell you not to, well you're not cut out for a wise future.... Lmao


Drug testing is most commonly done by urine analysis, but sometimes they test hair follicles, or saliva from a mouth swab. There are two basic kinds of urine drug analysis tests, EMIT dipstick & GC/MS lab tests. The EMIT test is often used first, and if that indicates possible drug use, then they forward your sample to to the lab for the more thorough test.

When it comes to urine drug testing, there are no real magic pills or potions to make you pass, but there are plenty of scams and misinformation. If you ignore all the "guarantees", common sense should tell you that any method of detox or dilution is a gamble, and simply won't work for everyone. Some methods may even seem to work for a majority of those making such claims, but if you don't want to take your chances or risk any failures, and you would rather be 100% sure to pass... then aside from complete abstinence from THC for a couple of months, substitution of synthetic urine is clearly the best way to go for unobserved tests like for pre-employment. What's your test for? Probation & pre-employment tests are completely different in terms of privacy and consequences. If it's observed like for probation, don't risk trying to sub or anything, just follow all the steps for the dilution method below, especially including getting some home THC tests, and checking your 1st void of the day, practicing the method, and retesting yourself after to make sure it works, then repeat on test day. or if it's just unobserved, like for pre-employment, then you can use the dilution method as a backup plan, and go with substitution as your primary method.

How soon you can get clean or succeed with dilution depends mostly on how often you've been smoking during the past month. 30 days is probably about right for daily smokers to get clean, but it does vary widely based mostly on a person's metabolism. Some young skinny guys who can eat as much as they want without gaining a pound could be clean in 2-3 weeks, while others with slow metabolisms can take a couple of months, and fat older guys could take even longer. Also some people who exercise regularly can cause themselves to test dirty even longer, until they stop burning fat, and get their body into a fat-storing mode.

If it's possible, a little abstinance from the herb can make a big difference. If you smoke or consume cannabis on a daily basis, then if you can stop for at least 4 or 5 days, your THC levels will begin to drop dramatically, and then much more so, if you can go for 7 or 8 days. But if you only smoke 1 or 2 days per week, then you could possibly get mostly clean naturally within 2 or 3 days, so following that tactic can also be very beneficial. Lowering your levels through abstinance, can greatly help you succeed with the dilution method. Also note that the amount you consume during each given day, isn't nearly as relevant as the number of consecutive days which you have consumed or not. Your body refreshes itself while you're asleep, so if you've consumed any cannabis that day, it can only strive to restore your level to nearly that of the previous day... the success of which would vary somewhat depending on the amount consumed, but each day that you do not consume cannabis at all, your sleep period can make real progress in lowerg your level, instead of just treading water. Also note that simply getting more sleep, or a solid 8 hours, each night can be highly beneficial. There is a neat little program call the THC Calculator, which I'd recommend downloading and trying out, that illustrates the effects of taking some days off from consuming cannabis. It's not really very accurate, but at least it's in the ballpark, except that it seems to take some people even longer than the maximum time indicated to get clean. It illustrates nicely how smoking daily or just a few times a week can really affect things, and it can account pretty well for when someone smokes and abstains and smokes again at odd intervals. Of course it can't take the place of a real at-home thc test, but at least it's fun to play with, while teaching the value of periods of abstinance, and can help give all those who are wondering where they stand a pretty good idea to begin with.

If you have less than two weeks until your test, it can be counter-productive to exercise or try to burn fat by any means, But if you do have 2 weeks or more to work with, increasing your metabolism and burning off some fat is the best way to speed up the process of getting clean and to help insure that you won't become one of the unlucky exceptions. That can be done by various means, but it's best accomplished through exercise and a diet of fat-burning foods... and since it takes a few days for such as program to really start working, then you want to work it for a good week or two to get some results, and then you must spend a few more days afterward getting your body into a fat-storing mode before your test... so you'll need to get started asap as such a plan requires at least 2-3 weeks to complete. Too many people make the mistake of trying to burn fat within a few days before their tests, and just increase their chances of failure.

The benefits of fat-burning foods, such as apples, berries, fresh citrus fruits, soybeans and garlic oil are detailed in the quote at the end of this post. Any type of roughage type food is good up until a few days before your test, while eating fatty foods and laying around is probably the worst thing for you at this point. Instead try to eat fiber and low fat foods; good choices are eggs, peanuts, bran, low fat turkey, chicken, salads, fruits and vegetables, cranberry and other fruit juices, wheat's, liver, soy, proteins. Things to avoid include greasy foods, high carbohydrate type foods, white breads, high sugar foods, candy, chocolate, and the like. Sure this seems more like a weight loss diet, but the goal here is to consume foods that will force your body to break down fat reserves and turn them over into new cells, thereby removing the THC metabolites that collect in the lipid tissue. Fiber, for instance, causes more fat cells to be excreted through the feces; cranberry juice helps to excrete more toxins into the urine stream. There are many ways to clean out quickly, but these are tried and true methods. Combining this with a good exercise regimen, you are arming yourself with two very important factors to a faster detox time. Working out with weights is important as building muscle mass will replace stored fat and increase your metabolism. 20 to 30 mins of cardio exercise, 5 days a week is also quite important, such as brisk walking, swimming, exercise bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainers are all good. Also getting plenty of sleep, like 8 hours each night, is helpful.

Home THC tests are very useful and important, and quite dependable... even the ones that only cost $1-2 on ebay. You might want to try this link and then sort them by lowest price first: drug test&_armrs=1&_from=R40&_ipg=
I'd suggest getting at least a 5-pack, for the same cost as a single test from a retail store. Then you can use a couple of them on your first voids of the day during the last week or so, and still have a few left to use for the dilution method if you need to... one the morning before your test, and if that's positive, then do another after practicing dilution, and save the last one for the next day, again after dilution, right before the real test. Unless you're coming up clean with the first or second home test, you'll want to prepare to follow the dilution method detailed below carefully and do a practice run to make sure it works. You'll probably want to stop by GNC for the vitamin B2 (50mg)and some creatine which needs to be taken for the last few days before a test so they can't tell if it's diluted. Also pick up some Tums or Rolaids, Gatorade and regular Bayer 325mg aspirin, which has been lab proven to help cause false negatives on the EMIT prescreen tests. Again, be sure to stop the exercising and switch your diet to fatty foods for the last few days to get your body into a fat-storing mode in time for your test. Fast-food like McD's or KFC is good for that, or pretend it's your birthday and have some cake and ice cream... and red meat like a nice thick rare steak or prime rib can help supplement your creatine, as can some flavors of Sobe's which come loaded with it too, which is a good option for vegetarians. For breakfast on the morning of the test, a cheese omelet can provide a riboflavin (B2) boost.
Drug testing is most commonly done by urine analysis, but sometimes they test hair follicles, or saliva from a mouth swab. There are two basic kinds of urine drug analysis tests, EMIT dipstick & GC/MS lab tests. The EMIT test is often used first, and if that indicates possible drug use, then they forward your sample to to the lab for the more thorough test.

When it comes to urine drug testing, there are no real magic pills or potions to make you pass, but there are plenty of scams and misinformation. If you ignore all the "guarantees", common sense should tell you that any method of detox or dilution is a gamble, and simply won't work for everyone. Some methods may even seem to work for a majority of those making such claims, but if you don't want to take your chances or risk any failures, and you would rather be 100% sure to pass... then aside from complete abstinence from THC for a couple of months, substitution of synthetic urine is clearly the best way to go for unobserved tests like for pre-employment. What's your test for? Probation & pre-employment tests are completely different in terms of privacy and consequences. If it's observed like for probation, don't risk trying to sub or anything, just follow all the steps for the dilution method below, especially including getting some home THC tests, and checking your 1st void of the day, practicing the method, and retesting yourself after to make sure it works, then repeat on test day. or if it's just unobserved, like for pre-employment, then you can use the dilution method as a backup plan, and go with substitution as your primary method.

How soon you can get clean or succeed with dilution depends mostly on how often you've been smoking during the past month. 30 days is probably about right for daily smokers to get clean, but it does vary widely based mostly on a person's metabolism. Some young skinny guys who can eat as much as they want without gaining a pound could be clean in 2-3 weeks, while others with slow metabolisms can take a couple of months, and fat older guys could take even longer. Also some people who exercise regularly can cause themselves to test dirty even longer, until they stop burning fat, and get their body into a fat-storing mode.

If it's possible, a little abstinance from the herb can make a big difference. If you smoke or consume cannabis on a daily basis, then if you can stop for at least 4 or 5 days, your THC levels will begin to drop dramatically, and then much more so, if you can go for 7 or 8 days. But if you only smoke 1 or 2 days per week, then you could possibly get mostly clean naturally within 2 or 3 days, so following that tactic can also be very beneficial. Lowering your levels through abstinance, can greatly help you succeed with the dilution method. Also note that the amount you consume during each given day, isn't nearly as relevant as the number of consecutive days which you have consumed or not. Your body refreshes itself while you're asleep, so if you've consumed any cannabis that day, it can only strive to restore your level to nearly that of the previous day... the success of which would vary somewhat depending on the amount consumed, but each day that you do not consume cannabis at all, your sleep period can make real progress in lowering your level, instead of just treading water. Also note that simply getting more sleep, or a solid 8 hours, each night can be highly beneficial. There is a neat little program call the THC Calculator, which I'd recommend downloading and trying out, that illustrates the effects of taking some days off from consuming cannabis. It's not really very accurate, but at least it's in the ballpark, except that it seems to take some people even longer than the maximum time indicated to get clean. It illustrates nicely how smoking daily or just a few times a week can really affect things, and it can account pretty well for when someone smokes and abstains and smokes again at odd intervals. Of course it can't take the place of a real at-home thc test, but at least it's fun to play with, while teaching the value of periods of abstinance, and can help give all those who are wondering where they stand a pretty good idea to begin with.

If you have less than two weeks until your test, it can be counter-productive to exercise or try to burn fat by any means, But if you do have 2 weeks or more to work with, increasing your metabolism and burning off some fat is the best way to speed up the process of getting clean and to help insure that you won't become one of the unlucky exceptions. That can be done by various means, but it's best accomplished through exercise and a diet of fat-burning foods... and since it takes a few days for such as program to really start working, then you want to work it for a good week or two to get some results, and then you must spend a few more days afterward getting your body into a fat-storing mode before your test... so you'll need to get started asap as such a plan requires at least 2-3 weeks to complete. Too many people make the mistake of trying to burn fat within a few days before their tests, and just increase their chances of failure.

The benefits of fat-burning foods, such as apples, berries, fresh citrus fruits, soybeans and garlic oil are detailed in the quote at the end of this post. Any type of roughage type food is good up until a few days before your test, while eating fatty foods and laying around is probably the worst thing for you at this point. Instead try to eat fiber and low fat foods; good choices are eggs, peanuts, bran, low fat turkey, chicken, salads, fruits and vegetables, cranberry and other fruit juices, wheat's, liver, soy, proteins. Things to avoid include greasy foods, high carbohydrate type foods, white breads, high sugar foods, candy, chocolate, and the like. Sure this seems more like a weight loss diet, but the goal here is to consume foods that will force your body to break down fat reserves and turn them over into new cells, thereby removing the THC metabolites that collect in the lipid tissue. Fiber, for instance, causes more fat cells to be excreted through the feces; cranberry juice helps to excrete more toxins into the urine stream. There are many ways to clean out quickly, but these are tried and true methods. Combining this with a good exercise regimen, you are arming yourself with two very important factors to a faster detox time. Working out with weights is important as building muscle mass will replace stored fat and increase your metabolism. 20 to 30 mins of cardio exercise, 5 days a week is also quite important, such as brisk walking, swimming, exercise bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainers are all good. Also getting plenty of sleep, like 8 hours each night, is helpful.

Home THC tests are very useful and important, and quite dependable... even the ones that only cost $1-2 on ebay. You might want to try this link and then sort them by lowest price first: drug test&_armrs=1&_from=R40&_ipg=
I'd suggest getting at least a 5-pack, for the same cost as a single test from a retail store. Then you can use a couple of them on your first voids of the day during the last week or so, and still have a few left to use for the dilution method if you need to... one the morning before your test, and if that's positive, then do another after practicing dilution, and save the last one for the next day, again after dilution, right before the real test. Unless you're coming up clean with the first or second home test, you'll want to prepare to follow the dilution method detailed below carefully and do a practice run to make sure it works. You'll probably want to stop by GNC for the vitamin B2 (50mg)and some creatine which needs to be taken for the last few days before a test so they can't tell if it's diluted. Also pick up some Tums or Rolaids, Gatorade and regular Bayer 325mg aspirin, which has been lab proven to help cause false negatives on the EMIT prescreen tests. Again, be sure to stop the exercising and switch your diet to fatty foods for the last few days to get your body into a fat-storing mode in time for your test. Fast-food like McD's or KFC is good for that, or pretend it's your birthday and have some cake and ice cream... and red meat like a nice thick rare steak or prime rib can help supplement your creatine, as can some flavors of Sobe's which come loaded with it too, which is a good option for vegetarians. For breakfast on the morning of the test, a cheese omelet can provide a riboflavin (B2) boost.

They have a plant that only grows down here in Texas called Palo Azul. If you boil it into a tea and drink it the day before your drug test you'll pass!! Trust me! My boyfriend is a pothead and uses it every month...hold on here's the link


This is the most legit guide I've found. I was notified 6 days in advance of the drug test. I started to workout and sweat like crazy for the first 2 days since I thought that was the best idea. Now that I read your guide I realize I was doing the wrong thing. With the 4 days left I will stuff my face and try to add on new fat cells like you suggested. I will also follow what you said to do on the day of the test (i already bought b-2 and creatine and aspirin). Once I take the test on Tuesday I will post my results....

As thankful as I am for this guide, i highly doubt it will work for me since I have been smoking 6-10 times a day for years on years.... i doubt 6 days is enough to clear it out.... but I decided to try this to give me SOME hope....


This is the most legit guide I've found. I was notified 6 days in advance of the drug test. I started to workout and sweat like crazy for the first 2 days since I thought that was the best idea. Now that I read your guide I realize I was doing the wrong thing. With the 4 days left I will stuff my face and try to add on new fat cells like you suggested. I will also follow what you said to do on the day of the test (i already bought b-2 and creatine and aspirin). Once I take the test on Tuesday I will post my results....

As thankful as I am for this guide, i highly doubt it will work for me since I have been smoking 6-10 times a day for years on years.... i doubt 6 days is enough to clear it out.... but I decided to try this to give me SOME hope....

Get ya some urine luck or a urinator


I have been smoking everyday for the past two years usually a bowl or two a day. So I quit Aug 11 and had to test for pre-employment Aug 29. I was supposed to test Sept 2 but they changed it on me at the last minute, I only had a few hours notice before going in for the test. I didn't get my long holiday weekend to fatten up which would have helped me tons. However here's what I did within those three weeks (exactly 19 days), now after reading this thread I learned a lot but anyways. I haven't gotten the results of the test yet so I'm just praying, waiting, and hoping that I did enough in the amount of time that I had to pass this test. I have read every possible thread, forum, chats, you name it I read it. But the fact that I didn't know until a few hours before may have totally screwed me over.

1. I quit of course
2. Drank lots of water
3. Took green tea extract pills and drank peppermint tea almost everyday and lots of coffee straight black as well no sugar.
4. I worked out so much that I lost about 15 pounds in two weeks did nothing but cardio an hour of cardio a day for two weeks then my third week I switched to weight training. I'm about 5'5 and 170 pounds, muscle body because I lift weights as well. I've always worked out so I don't know if that helped me or hurt me.
5. Completely changed my diet. Ate liquid egg whites and peanuts, fruits, a banana everyday(I read that the potassium helps)! Low-fat Greek yogurt everyday.
6. The last week I would drink a bottle of water in the morning with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
8. Everything I cooked were extremely spicy ( I read somewhere that spicy foods help so hey why not)
9. I was taking vitamin B-12 everyday during those three weeks I had.
10. I wasn't working so I slept at least 11-12 hours a day maybe even more! ( rest helps the body).
11. I also had a electronic hookah stick that I was using just for fun. So I don't know if that helped or hurt me.
12. I did not take cranberry pills but had cranberry juice maybe the week before my test drank a bottle throughout the week. While drinking water.

Now, a few days before I took the test I randomly decided to buy a few home drug tests and passed both but it was later on in the afternoon so I was nervous. But here is where I think I could've gone wrong.. The last week instead of eating more fattening Foods I actually just started to eat real food like brown rice, ground turkey, and sausages with my eggs. Buts that's it and I continued to work out. Even the night before the test I worked out because I didn't know I would be going in the next day at 10 in the morning.

Morning of the test I did my normal routine drank two bottles of water, and then my tea. Had a good breakfast eggs and sausages. And then boom I got the call can you come in now I had two hours. I peed so much but thank goodness I took my vitamin b-12 with my tea that morning. So my urine was still a little yellow. When I got to the testing site I drank another bottle of water, I don't know why, but I did a few minutes before taking the test. Said a pray and peed my little life away into the cup. I tried catching it mid stream and the rest went into the toilet, but it's easier said then done to get the timing right. But I think I managed .I will be devastated if I fail this test. I want this job so bad. I will let you guys know if I passed or not. But I'm nervous as hell, people have failed after three months of not smoking and I find it crazy! But I'm hoping that my body worked a miracle for me!


I got lucky and they did a saliva test on me. A week after they told me I passed... So much cleansing of my pee for no reason......
I hope you passed though! Seems like you did good except for burning so much fat so close to the test maybe.


I got lucky and they did a saliva test on me. A week after they told me I passed... So much cleansing of my pee for no reason......
I hope you passed though! Seems like you did good except for burning so much fat so close to the test maybe.
Bet you feel better eating all those healthy foods though


Pain management doctor is testing me for mj and prescribed opiates. Does anyone have experience with using pectin for mj "cleansing" and how does it affect other tests. I stopped mj 16 days, 3hrs. and 12 min. ago. I am (was) a heavy vaper of oils. I have had back surgery and am suffering from neuropathy. The Neuropathy pain is excruciating and now know the fact that mj is very effective on nerve issues. The doc says I have to test clean of mj to keep my opiates. I have to test prior to my next appt. in 14 days. If I come up dirty for mj I don't get my meds. If I don't get my meds I will be headed straight to the streets for H. I have been on opiates (so much that I won't even mention) for 7 years plus. If you met me you would not have any idea. I work every day and make over 6 figures. Pls. don't respond with any moral or health comments. If you had my pain issues you would understand.

Thanks for your understanding.


Pain management doctor is testing me for mj and prescribed opiates. Does anyone have experience with using pectin for mj "cleansing" and how does it affect other tests. I stopped mj 16 days, 3hrs. and 12 min. ago. I am (was) a heavy vaper of oils. I have had back surgery and am suffering from neuropathy. The Neuropathy pain is excruciating and now know the fact that mj is very effective on nerve issues. The doc says I have to test clean of mj to keep my opiates. I have to test prior to my next appt. in 14 days. If I come up dirty for mj I don't get my meds. If I don't get my meds I will be headed straight to the streets for H. I have been on opiates (so much that I won't even mention) for 7 years plus. If you met me you would not have any idea. I work every day and make over 6 figures. Pls. don't respond with any moral or health comments. If you had my pain issues you would understand.

Thanks for your understanding.

Just keep not smoking and you will be fine. I am 80% sure that the 16 days that have passed along with the 14 other days you have left will be enough to cleanse the THC out of your system... the 20% of unsureness I have is only because every single person is different when it comes to this... Good luck stickyIcky, i will spark one in the name of u passing your test.


Thanks KushNDabs, I have some home tests and tried one after 14 days and failed. I will try again at 21 days and see what happens.

This whole testing for mj is bullshit. I have been with this doc for 6 yrs. and this is the 1st time they are testing for mj. I want to remind them of the fact that I have never signed anything giving them the right to test me. But, I also don't want to raise any red flags. I need to pass this and be done with it. Can't wait for that 1st vape though. This is the longest I've gone without in probably 30 yrs.

People dying from MJ over the course of history = 0.0

People dying from opiates over the course of history = 100,000,000,000,000 and counting


I had my doctors appointment and was honest with her. I told her I had stopped almost a month ago and after using a home test I am still dirty. She was happy that I was honest with her and said wait to do the test until december. December? I guess she wants to try and keep me as clean as possible. She did give me my meds.

She began to explain the difference between a person smoking cannabis and a person smoking cigarettes. Lungs of the person smoking cannabis are more damaged than the person smoking cigarettes. I was tempted to tell her that I only vape oils. I did not want to get into it with her any further. I plan to pass this test as soon as possible and continue vaping. I should not have to test for at least a year. At that point I will tell her that I am vaping and see what she says. After being without my oil for 39 days there is no doubt it is very effective for nueropathy. The pain I am having is worse than it has ever been and my sleep has been horribly affected. Also, there are clinical studies that show the effectiveness of cannabis for neuropathy pain. I tested last night and after 38 days I am still dirty. I guess I am the worst case and maybe will go over 45 days. I can't take much more of this horrible pain.


When I had to stop, I started smoking some pure CBD oil made all from cannabis. I don't know how much you know about CBD oil, but it might give you some of the medical effects of the oil you usually vape without making you fail a test. I would recommend trying some, it really helped me with my pain...


First of all, this information is absolutely fantastic. Thanks to all who have contributed and provided all of these great details.

I will say that most of the products online are an absolute waste of time and money. I found some information on two products to be helpful on . They also provide some useful details on how the follicle drug testing works.

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