Independent growers in colorado

  • Thread starter SweetIslandFunk
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And then there's the folks like 2 of my 3 patients who would NEVER step foot in a disensary because they have too much too lose job-wise/reputation-wise as professionals and want to have thier Identity protected. There are A LOT of folks out there like this. They are patients but they aren't letting their friends/co-workers know for obvious reasons. these folks will always be looking for a caregiver set up over a dispensary set up.

I also expect to see patient networks forming....places where folks can let others know they can "help". From there, it all goes off board and folks do what they do. Win-Win. Cheaper prices, no exposures, good weed and genetics being shared/etc.

hang tight. This isn't over yet!

s h

Bringing the scene back around to where it was before 09. That's the REAL medical scene SH.

Kuz, growers are here to stay. It's a quality war being won by the most competent growers. The market wants quality and most folks who run dispensaries don't know what dank is. Most people who go into dispensaries don't know what dank is either, they just know it smells, looks, smokes, and does the job better than beasters.
Dr. Evil

Dr. Evil

Growers didn't go anywhere, they are as strong as ever and if the truth be told they are running a good part of the scene right now from the rear with the gear. I know alot of very very talented growers that just morphed into the current rules and regulations in cooporation with or as a despensary or edibles manufacturer. trust me, growers ahd alot of leverage the last few months as despensary owners scrambled to figure out if they could even stay in the game. talk about having an unfair advantage over the lot of them, pretty tough to get to upity if ya don't grow and the entire industry is based on growing the dank first and formost to compete. Your crazy if you think even a small percentage of the product being produced in the many many offsite cultivation is actually being handled directly by, trimmed, harvested, whatever by his or her the owners hands, most don't even oversee the offsite operations in detail.

The retailer for the most part is still just the retailer, behind the scenes its the offsite grow facilities and their players that pretty much control the show right now. Depending on the affiliations you may actually see alot of the quality in specific locations go up and up, believe me these growers are not trying to push out inferior or subpar product for the sake of a marketing, time, or whatever else..these are growers, there are braggin rights involved in the circles and rest assured everyones egos are still runnin full tilt with their hair on fire,that part never changes.

Most despensaries secured huge offsite grow facilities and have turned around and broken that space up for many many specific growers, you would hope that a few badass growers teamed up with your local despensary and can now kick out their gear without fear or hassle of roaming around trying to offload it all over town diluting the market for their specific brand of dank..

I think the quality, variety, and availability on the street is going to be way more adversely affected than the despensaries will be.




Good to see growers in control, especially the "hair on fire" passionate ones. Once in a lifetime opportunity seized for some.

The way to regulate supply should of been restricting commercial growers to wholesale. Not the opposite. :icon_dizzy:
But its done, i'll shut up or jump in.

1284 is so twisted that it does lend some support to legalize.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Growers didn't go anywhere, they are as strong as ever and if the truth be told they are running a good part of the scene right now from the rear with the gear. I know alot of very very talented growers that just morphed into the current rules and regulations in cooporation with or as a despensary or edibles manufacturer. trust me, growers ahd alot of leverage the last few months as despensary owners scrambled to figure out if they could even stay in the game. talk about having an unfair advantage over the lot of them, pretty tough to get to upity if ya don't grow and the entire industry is based on growing the dank first and formost to compete. Your crazy if you think even a small percentage of the product being produced in the many many offsite cultivation is actually being handled directly by, trimmed, harvested, whatever by his or her the owners hands, most don't even oversee the offsite operations in detail.

The retailer for the most part is still just the retailer, behind the scenes its the offsite grow facilities and their players that pretty much control the show right now. Depending on the affiliations you may actually see alot of the quality in specific locations go up and up, believe me these growers are not trying to push out inferior or subpar product for the sake of a marketing, time, or whatever else..these are growers, there are braggin rights involved in the circles and rest assured everyones egos are still runnin full tilt with their hair on fire,that part never changes.

Most despensaries secured huge offsite grow facilities and have turned around and broken that space up for many many specific growers, you would hope that a few badass growers teamed up with your local despensary and can now kick out their gear without fear or hassle of roaming around trying to offload it all over town diluting the market for their specific brand of dank..

I think the quality, variety, and availability on the street is going to be way more adversely affected than the despensaries will be.


Your describing a wet dream right there.....guess your not really dreaming anymore though......:party0036::anim_19::love0018:
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Livin the dream my

sky high

sky high

I still say "Hang tight", kuz/etc. The folks with their hair on fire now will have ring burn in the future from their cell mate because (a) the FED will shut this down soon (b) even if a doesn't happen a buncha folks will run amuck of the law because they've ALWAYS been outside the law and that "side' money is gonna look real good after having to report "seed to sale" records and weights and pay taxes on the entire gig...which you KNOW folks were never doing before.

then there's the CAMERAS. Once all of that is in place folks from the grow to the retail sale are gonna feel like they're on THE WORST episode of BIG BROTHER ever imagined as thier privacy is invaded and their every move recorded. Ah...."success"! Step right up...let's get a count to see if there are enough beds at Canon City.....

yup...gonna be a BOOM for the State coffers all the way. Licenses, Taxes, Court, Fines, new inmates $ Federal $$$

And the bans and county/city regulation isn't over yet. November will be brutal. A LOT of folks who are set up now may find that it only takes a vote of a few folks to ruin their whole investment/game.

all things must pass.... this current model is no different

s h
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Damn why ya gotta be like that Sky High....your always pissin on my parade!!!! LMAO! just playin bro.
sky high

sky high

Just lookin' at both sides of the street on that thar parade route, DWB!

Anybody else waiting for a reality show to arise from all of this? I mean...before long you'll ALL be stars on closed curcuit State-owned TV and there will be NO shortage of footage to pick from! Did anyone check to see if there's a clause where they own (somethin other than yer ass) yer image, maybe? After awhile folks will forget they are there....uuuhhhummm.

And what about autographs?

yup..just playin'. OK...all but being serious that "someone' is gonna get the starring role of "Colorado MMJ Scapegoat" in this new series very soon....

B well

s h


I'm actually in contact with an interestd production company...To many safety issues tho


The releaf center has some security camera bloopers on youtube.


Thanks for the link SH! She does have a point, not everyone wants their kids to play in front of a grow house. be discrete and use carbon filters. What she didn't know wasn't hurting her, but some indiscrete dipshit who lives close to her ruined MMJ once again. Just more people being weeded out. We can expect to see more blowback because of the actions of a few idiots.

Indiscrete idiots used to end up in jail, now they just bring the scene more regulation. what a shitty paradox.


Thanks for the link SH! She does have a point, not everyone wants their kids to play in front of a grow house. be discrete and use carbon filters. What she didn't know wasn't hurting her, but some indiscrete dipshit who lives close to her ruined MMJ once again. Just more people being weeded out. We can expect to see more blowback because of the actions of a few idiots.

Indiscrete idiots used to end up in jail, now they just bring the scene more regulation. what a shitty paradox.

Yes and no. She is equating a grow house to a meth lab. I bet her yard is sprayed with far worse shit than anything I'm going to use for something I consume. Perhaps I should run her out of town because I don't want her shit she sprays getting near my pets?

She got on this campaign because someone got popped with 70 plants near her. While that sounds like a shit ton, come on, she doesn't really understand how it works. You can have 5 or so moms, a dozen in flower and a dozen others vegging, and a 2 dozen fresh cut clones just to keep something sort of perpetual. It's not like someone had the damn amazon next to her.

While I agree about the 'be discrete' bit, I don't think a damn witch hunt in the city is called for either.

She just didn't 'realize' what 'nice young man' was doing next door.


I should sell carbon credits from my grow to the city of denver. What a paradox.
sky high

sky high

Just think folks, had he been a few months later all he would have had to do was waltz downtown and buy himself a State dispensary/edible/optional premise license and a big ass warehouse full of lights and plants (wait, is that the Superman theme song I hear?) then the DEA/Fed couldn't have done a damn thing to him...

uuuhummmm.... I fear his case will look like a cake-walk very, very soon. If they took him down for 225, they aren't gonna let folks with 3000 go unpunished.

Armed DEA bustin down factory-sized THERE'S yer >>>reality<<< TV show.

more balls than sense. yup.

Rollo will like that.


And this charge is messed up:

"leasing any place for the purpose of manufacturing, distributing or using controlled substances"

So by renting my place and smoking pot in it (so I don't do it in public), I can get a few additional years?

Wow. Because they didn't have you on possession already...

That's like getting busted for murder, then them tacking on, "using a gun in the commission of a crlme" and "purchasing a gun for the purpose of committing a crime."

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