Indoor 600W Organic Soil - Dispensary Blueberry Bagseeds

  • Thread starter 2DogWalker
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Cut the top off a milk jug and wash it thourally and use it, cheap and you can cut out the bottom when she's bigger and stick her outside even.


Heavy Feed

YELLO Peeps,

Whats up, hope all is well in your gardens!

Neo, I had a bunch of 1 gal pots from my buddies store and I just cut one of them down and am going to turn it into an experiment (After getting thru the first 25 pages of shady's 4th round/perpetual thread - I'm feeling experimental to say the least! - Thanks Shady, if your lurking) - I went to visit the parents of all my clones and this Blueberry and its mom are just nutrient whores, so I am going to use this as an ongoing experiment and maybe just give her to mother nature come spring and see what she does.

Building Updates:

Well I have completed many steps in completing my first grow area today.
I added a fart fan to the top of the mom/clone chamber, along with some passive vents thru the veg station which cycles air from my basement from the lower portion of the cabinet to the upper and back out to the top of the basement thru the exhaust. - Seems to be working keeping a even temp between 74 - 78 depending on temp of surrounding basement. I am going to veg and clone on 24/7 to maintain these conditions. - Pics below - sorry I can't do as good of a job as some making their updates or taking pictures, but my gf has a DSLR im stoked to use for flowering.

Also I added a computer fan (2 more coming) to vent the flower room, as well as, bought all the equipment to make my self draining earth boxes so I can do a 20% run off watering and it will flow right into drain from each box (updates to come, I think this is my best idea to date for room).

I also made a little watering station in front of my sink run off goes directly to drain.

Feeding Update:

Well after shady's thread today, I decided I wanted to learn how hard I could push these little ladies before they'd BURN. I know....KISS, my professors used to tell me the same thing, but I'd still usually get the right answer my way....:character0029:

I have attached some pics of my construction updates as well as a few pic of my nutrient line up for today, and the girls waiting for their food to heat up in the flower room, well construction was disturbing the veg room.

PH 6.45
PPM - Start w/ Well Water - 425, after nutes & ph down 1148 w/ .5 conversion.

Fox Farm Grow Big & Big Bloom at recommend rates
Gen Organics - CalMAG 5ml/gal
Humboldt Roots - 2ml/gal
Maple Syrup - 5ml/gal - I know kinda expensive compared to molasses but not for me. So I figured why not be different!

Yell and Jump up and down if I did something really ignorant, but the more I learn the more fun it seems.

Can't wait to get these damn clones (2nd to last pic is of a tray of Blueberry Clones for a fellow caregiver) out of the top station so I can pop those KARMA WHITE OG'S!!!!!!! But, I don't mind learning more before I do, so patience is a virtue (usually not my strongest).

Thanks for stopping by.

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Thanks much, trying to make it fun...
Learning so much from everyone else, figure its worth putting up some info on my specific situation to get whatever feedback I can get.



A good morning for a drop :)


Not much has changed. I had to put the axe to a few of the smaller plants as I found out that the plant they came off from becoming a Herm. Cull them well they're young!!

Transplanted Clones - Only 2 of 6 took root (they were all really small tops - so I wasn't to optimistic) - So I placed in solo cups this morning to see if I can't get them ready & rocking for the sun!

Construction Updates:
Finished Door/Curtain for Flower Room & Ventilation system w/ Computer fans, directly under the light it reached 82.7 degrees on the thermo after 12 Hours of lights on....(will def. need a bigger fan for summer - Although ambient temp shouldn't rise more than 8 degrees.) Now all I need to do is finish up the drain system for the 3 earth boxes I have, and I haven't decided If I am going to make 2 krusty buckets or just order another earthbox (it would fit perfectly - as was the design)....See pics with Curtains Open and Curtains Closed (Pretty happy - have zero known light leaks into flower room - Dark Brown Curtain on right in pics - HPS Shining)...Any criticism or compliments would be greatly appreciated :harvest:

Grow Updates:
Threw a few pics of the plants in the veg room currently - thinking about flipping them once the last earth box is in place just to get the rooms full and on to the new genes...

Blueberry #2 - have 6 of them (Healthier looking one in the pics on the right hand side) - seems to lean more sativa then other. First Individual Picture.

Blueberry #1 - have 2 of them This plant seems to need an amazing amounts of nutrients. I just can't keep the leaves on her happy - seems to be a Indica Leaning pheno to me. Second Individual Picture and the Sickly leaf!

Last Pic is of some OG Kush (supposedly - pretty frosty - tasted like hay) w/ some seeds I found - figured they were at least worth saving (I try to take a pic of finished product for storage with seeds in the freezer)

Well well well... Thanks for stopping by!!! This cold weather SUCKSSSSS....:rollj:

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Not much has changed. I had to put the axe to a few of the smaller plants as I found out that the plant they came off from becoming a Herm. Cull them well they're young!!

Transplanted Clones - Only 2 of 6 took root (they were all really small tops - so I wasn't to optimistic) - So I placed in solo cups this morning to see if I can't get them ready & rocking for the sun!

Construction Updates:
Finished Door/Curtain for Flower Room & Ventilation system w/ Computer fans, directly under the light it reached 82.7 degrees on the thermo after 12 Hours of lights on....(will def. need a bigger fan for summer - Although ambient temp shouldn't rise more than 8 degrees.) Now all I need to do is finish up the drain system for the 3 earth boxes I have, and I haven't decided If I am going to make 2 krusty buckets or just order another earthbox (it would fit perfectly - as was the design)....See pics with Curtains Open and Curtains Closed (Pretty happy - have zero known light leaks into flower room - Dark Brown Curtain on right in pics - HPS Shining)...Any criticism or compliments would be greatly appreciated :harvest:

Grow Updates:
Threw a few pics of the plants in the veg room currently - thinking about flipping them once the last earth box is in place just to get the rooms full and on to the new genes...

Blueberry #2 - have 6 of them (Healthier looking one in the pics on the right hand side) - seems to lean more sativa then other. First Individual Picture.

Blueberry #1 - have 2 of them This plant seems to need an amazing amounts of nutrients. I just can't keep the leaves on her happy - seems to be a Indica Leaning pheno to me. Second Individual Picture and the Sickly leaf!

Last Pic is of some OG Kush (supposedly - pretty frosty - tasted like hay) w/ some seeds I found - figured they were at least worth saving (I try to take a pic of finished product for storage with seeds in the freezer)

Well well well... Thanks for stopping by!!! This cold weather SUCKSSSSS....:rollj:


Please let me know if you solve your leaf problem. I have the same exact problem on mine doesn't seem to hurt them though. I was leaning towards a calcium deficiency and I have them extra but they haven't cleared up yet. I am subbed. Love the Berries nice work.


Bubblehaze response


well I would post up some pics but I have to go do some real work today sooner than later...But I think I have solved the leaf problem. (Think being the imperative word)....

If you read through you can see I had many issues with water quality from the onset. ANd, I still am thinking an RO is in the future as why not have complete control.... But even with the hard water I seem to have the issues starting to clear up. (I also had a test plant that I did some EXTREME testing on to determine what my problems were).

I must first say I found a thread on root aphids that is worth everyone with similar problems looking at as well! Ill post a link.

But after a day of looking at the illness symptoms and some testing on poor "expy" I determined I thought I had magnesium def. which just like when I grow corn, I used epsom salt to get the green back in the leafs etc. 1/2 tsp per gallon for me foliar feed, and have added the same to normal watering routine to balance out the calcium due to my hard water...... Hope this helps - Check the link out below (next post) also if your not sure! I bought spectrazide or however its spelled...



Link to root aphids article

Thanks for the info I know its not root aphids but that is some good info. I didn't know you could foliar spray with Epson salt that would help. I have an r/o but having 2 uc's it takes to long to gather the water needed to maintain them so I had to use tap for a minute I am getting a high volume r/o today. since I wrote that they seem to have picked up I used and accelerated amount of cal-mag and it seems to have worked at least some so far. Happy Growing and thanks man


Diggin the setup bro, sorry for not findin ya earlier, sub'd, continued good vibes my friend, Peace SSP



That must be an awesome setup with 2 UC's. I am looking at expanding my medical grow room, and have looked into them (I just dont feel I have the head room to justify) can def. put out some trees....
Some of those high speed r/o's can be expensive I have a Large Scale one at my "real work", you can get them for good prices online if you choose your model then search for a good deal. Membranes for us are a fortune! But they more than pay for themselves where I am using them.

Thanks for stopping by brah, welcome anytime, good vibes reverbed right back at cha...

Update: The earth boxes I had from outside were found to have some small holes in the res. area so I patched them up with silicone & Tire patch kits just to be safe.

My Final Decision was made to use the earthboxes with a promix/perlite/Light org soil blend with perlite in the res.

For this run I am going to only flower the 6 Blueberry #2s I have in the veg room currently (in three earthboxes), and I dont know what I will do with the Blueberry #1's. I just decided 8 in the room would probably result with the same amount of final product (or close) as with 6, and those Blueberry #1 Plants were whores....

Have started some Afghan IBL seeds I got from a bag from an OL Friend. As well as, OG Kush seeds shown above. This is mainly to get a little practice before I pop the Karma WHITE OG (still get excited like a little kid), and the alien bubbas and purp. pygmy. And see if the I will use rapid rooters or a mix between DJ's method and Raskals.....

I am excited about the Afghan IBL seeds to actually couldn't believe the hash they put off through the screen. Seems hardy and nice too. Thinking of making my own little Hindu Kush / Afghan IBL Cross with my HK #2 clones that I replanted to use as mothers...

HK#2 - Tall Hindu Pheno - Not great node intervals but pumps out the crystal. So far this has been the best pheno from the seeds I created. ( think the seeds were originally from sensi or nirvana - It was a long time ago.....I remember came in a little bag with a green pot leaf (Ice and Hindu Kush Seeds) packaged in a santa claus hat...( I was young and DUMB). And this is the one I currently plan on using to mother a few runs for some other caregivers, and possibly my next if Og's haven't had a mom selected....

Well once I make the flip to put the plants from veg to flower rooms I will update w/ Pics.

The blueberry #2's average about 14" going into flower - What Should I anticipate for strech???.....They can a height of 48" without needed training....

Thanks for stopping by, karma to all!



My Boys Grow

Hey just wanted to post up these pics I took today, must say I am pretty happy with the quality even though I can't figure out the white meter I read soo much about lol... oh well.

I won't call out who's garden it is, but they are welcome to stake claim to it! Just thought I'd Share. Then I'll run an update on my room(s-soon to be!!!) tomorrow.

I think he said this was his 7th week of 12/12 and he was going to run the room for 3 more weeks then a 2 week flush

First Plant is the Hindu Kush #2 I talked about earlier in the log...frosting up nicely. Love it, smells like KUSH... Pic 1 & 5

Aurora Indica #1 Plant - Super Dense Smells citrus with a little pine I would say..Pic 2, 3 (My Favorite), 4 few bud shots

Blueberry #2 - covered with white pistols, long colas, smells like a fruit bomb. Pic 6 & 7

Rest of the pics just overall garden pic - Also Contains Hindu Kush #4, HK unlabled, Blueberry #1, Aurora Indica #2

Let me know what ya'll think the gardener himself will be reading as well. So any advice is appreciated...
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600W Update and the next plan


I hit a little road bump and due to some family issues I won't be going to Jamaica in March..... But this allows me for expansion ASAP - My life has never been perfect, gotta search for the:harvest: good light sometimes!

Expansion Plans: I have a 12x8' room that will be framed out - Drywall/Wiremesh on living side, plywood on grow side.. Until I can get another 100 Amps of electricity - I can only add about 20000 watts of TOTAL electricity comfortably so For now I am going to get this space prepared and pop in 2 tents 1 at 8' x 4.5' x 7' hgt and one approx 3x3x7.

The large tent will flower - 6 Aurora Indicas and 2 Hindu Kush - Using 5 or 7 gallon pots or bags (haven't decided) and maybe the 2 new earthboxes I have also... These are the new plants shown in the 3 gallon grow bags under the floro....(2 small pots are soon to be MOM's - Hindu Kush #2)

It will have 2 Dig. 600W w/ I think easycool6 hoods with 6" Fan and filter - little worried about temps in here, but I can just make sure the room they are in stays COLD if its a problem....

The small tent - I am thinking I will pop the 2 Blueberry #1's that didn't go in to my first flower room, and just finish them off under my 250W

This will also open up my whole veg/clone cabinet to start experimenting w/ seeds...Not great results from my first try, I popped 6 seeds 4 days ago in rapid rooters - soaked on seedling mat - none have popped up yet - Merr....

Grow Update:

I transplanted the 6 Blueberry #2 into the earthboxes (made rolling carts) and a drain system so I can drain to waste 20%...and placed these under the 600w light (which I am slowly lowering to proper height) I have them on 18/6 plan on switching to 12/12 monday......

I then took out the Auroras and Hindu Kush and Put them in the veg cabinet in the 3 gallon gropots (the idea is good - can't say how well they work)...

Pictures will explain a million words..... Please leave any advise, comments or feedback as it is all valued and appreciated. Good karma to all. Thanks

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Are you aerating the water in the earth boxes ? They have standing water right ? You should try the Groudan cubes mixed with course Perlite one time the small ones they are 1/4 in x 1/4 in. My plants that I used this are twice as big as my soil mix. I am using the root pots as well 5 gallon. I hooked up a drip system for under 50 bucks. looks good to me the plants will fill that space well.


Nice looking op bro! If you're thinking about moving to a RO system, be prepared for A LOT of wasted H2O...those suckers end up giving you about a 1/3 of what you put into them. If you have other plants or a lawn or something to use the waste water in, not as much of an issue. Love that you are going soil, that's all I've grown in and I will tell you now to invest your funds into worm poop and bat poop rather than the expensive nutes. Google "subcool supersoil" and you will get a good idea of what you should be putting into your soil. The man grows his start to finish with just this soil and some water and has some serious experience to back up his method. The nutes will do the job, but if you're trying to stay natural with this I would spend your hard earned cash on better equip rather than the newest nutrient line. Soil will take longer but man does it pay off in taste overall quality. IMO it's as close as you'll get to mother nature indoors and you can feel it and taste it in the product. I've been outside with my grows up till recently so am learning how to duplicate some things that the sun and sand took care of for me in the past, but looks like you got a good start at it buddy!



Nah I am not aerating water as the res is full of perlite, I just thought the bubbler may be futile with the perlite. I was definitely thinking about rocking the aerators... I am totally down with the cubes and drip system for the next run...
I would like to set up a drip system for the 3 gal gro pots shown in the veg room once I put them in my new flower set up (thinking about popping them in 7 gal gro bags with ProMix BX) have the money spot for res. and everything, I will pm you some ?'s for sure, thanks bro!

I have 2 more earth boxes too so I will definitely rock the perlite and grodan cubes in them (Could I transfer the two smaller pots with dirt/perlite/promix mixture into the cubes and perlite no problem right???? & put aerators in resovoirs - new designed earth box too so I am going to set them in basically a 3'x3' flood table - Could definitely set up drip with drain system....


Yeah I am leaning towards hydro/soiless - (growth rates) on the indoor spot for now, but will definitely be giving mother nature a chance to work her magic in the dirt too... I think I will be doing some subcool in large grobags this summer:harvest::harvest::harvest:......




Nah I am not aerating water as the res is full of perlite, I just thought the bubbler may be futile with the perlite. I was definitely thinking about rocking the aerators... I am totally down with the cubes and drip system for the next run...
I would like to set up a drip system for the 3 gal gro pots shown in the veg room once I put them in my new flower set up (thinking about popping them in 7 gal gro bags with ProMix BX) have the money spot for res. and everything, I will pm you some ?'s for sure, thanks bro!

I have 2 more earth boxes too so I will definitely rock the perlite and grodan cubes in them (Could I transfer the two smaller pots with dirt/perlite/promix mixture into the cubes and perlite no problem right???? & put aerators in resovoirs - new designed earth box too so I am going to set them in basically a 3'x3' flood table - Could definitely set up drip with drain system....


Yeah I am leaning towards hydro/soiless - (growth rates) on the indoor spot for now, but will definitely be giving mother nature a chance to work her magic in the dirt too... I think I will be doing some subcool in large grobags this summer:harvest::harvest::harvest:......


yes you can mix them some of my soils have them when I ran out of perlite. way more air to the roots. With perlite you are right waste of time, Good luck man you are on your way to trees.


yo yo,

Well after shoveling out of the snow, and doing a bunch of grow room building yesterday (went to big box store night before so I could be prepared to keep my ADD havin ass home all day) I figured I would do a little update on my 600W Room.

Flipped switch in the flower room 12/12 on February 1st.

I am going to rock fox farms all the way through this and my next grow as I have all the solubles and stuff so why not. Seem to be treating the girls well so far. Everything is looking pretty green and healthy IMO, epsom salts seem to level out the MG and get that stabilized as well as proper PH levels of inputs.

Well I will throw up explanations for the pics in my next post....err frustration

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Pic Explanations:
#1 - Clone Room
#2 - OG Kush Seedling 2nd Sprout
#3 - Veg Room
#4 - Hindu Kush #2 - Selected for a mother - One in promix one in soil mix - shows little difference to this point.
#5 - 2 Aurora Indica Phenos (2 on right side) and another dank Hindu Kush #4 Pheno...HK #2 is definitely the keeper for me though on quality.
#6 - Picture of Earthbox removed from flower room - Now on day 2 of flower.
#7 & * - Flower room pics - FILLING UP FAST...

Thanks for looking peeps, good karma to all. Please post any thoughts, concerns, things that I am doing wrong etc... Thanks again



Chillin' in the Shade...
Sup brah! Very healthy ladies and a packed room... Looking forward to the show and the first preflowers... :cool

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