Is Anyone Using Oco Labs' Superc Co2 Extraction Machine For Cannabis?

  • Thread starter CannaOilGirl
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Hello all. I hope I’m not spamming the thread. I decided to scale my operation and won’t be needing my Super C. It’s listed on eBay and would be willing to sell for less than I payed for it.


This thread has been very useful trying to get results with a SUPER-C down in Central America. Thank you all. I ran my first batch yesterday, 30 mins with 70@3000 psi, and 60 mins with 60@3000 psi. I wanted to keep it simple, but I started with temperature too high thinking that the real temperature would be around 10 degrees lower, but I guess that was a mistake. I need to get a radiation thermometer. Well, all I got was wax, no useful oil. My material was well ground in a coffee grinder, but I did not press it in to tight. I have a long way to go guys... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


This thread has been very useful trying to get results with a SUPER-C down in Central America. Thank you all. I ran my first batch yesterday, 30 mins with 70@3000 psi, and 60 mins with 60@3000 psi. I wanted to keep it simple, but I started with temperature too high thinking that the real temperature would be around 10 degrees lower, but I guess that was a mistake. I need to get a radiation thermometer. Well, all I got was wax, no useful oil. My material was well ground in a coffee grinder, but I did not press it in to tight. I have a long way to go guys... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I would think the BHO extraction is not extracting everything, or is destroying something important (because of its toxicity). BHO is poisonous to life, so I like to avoid it.

As for the different effects from methods, I have read that the various cannabinoids interact with each other, so getting more compounds with CO2 can affect the way we experience the whole of it. For example, I read that CBD, CBDA, THC, and THCA all interact to give the patient a moderated experience, with all of the medical benefits. The combination of all of them change the perceived effects of all of them. If you want strong THC, don't use an extract with a lot of CBD or CBDA, as I have read that they temper the effects of the THC (reduce its psychoactive effect). I think it all boils down to what effects you are looking for, how the extract was produced (solvent used, stripping all or targeting some compounds, etc...), what compounds the strain contains, and what compounds are targeted for extraction.

I love this machine for just that reason. I can customize each batch for the particular needs of each patient -- giving them the components that will help them the most, excluding the components that cause the patient problems (THC for example), and by extracting the plant's own natural tempering compounds along with the active ones.

I haven't figured out how to do that with BHO or ethanol. I can customize each CO2 extraction.

As for terpenes, BHO/ethanol destroys them completely. With CO2, you can get them in very small (short extraction times), weaker amounts or very large (longer extraction times), powerful amounts, depending on length of time targeting terpene-extraction. Once you figure out how much Terpene is "enough" for you, you can get that amount by monitoring the time of extraction during the Terpene-phase. Most BHO extractions add an arbitrary amount of terpenes back, probably not even extracted from the same plant as the medicine. My CO2 process starts by extracting just the terpenes and if the extract is too flavorful, I can reduce Terpene extraction from, let's say, 45 minutes to 15 minutes and the result will be less flavor. (I've noticed that the dryness of the source material also affects the quantity of the terpenes. If it starts dry, there are less terpenes available, but if it's wet, I'll get a lot of terpenes, but then the cannabinoids don't come off as well [water interferes with the later CO2 extraction-phases, I am told]. This is my ongoing challenge, for now.)

Gosh, there really is a lot involved in doing this, huh? :)

A great post... if I was a bit younger I might consider playing with one of these, although for now I'll bely on someone else's expertise. One question I have is what the CO2 oil tastes like without the terpenes being r-introduced? In the 70s we got stuff called honey oil. I'm not sure how it was made but it was a honey colored and same consistency, but was potent as hell and perfectly clear, although yellow/gold. It had a unique taste and we usually smoked it out of an oil pipe...looks a lot like a modern meth pipe. Anyhow, the oil had a unique taste, which is very similar to BHO or alcohol extracts. All of the CO2 oils that I've tried were either flavored (Ugh!) or had terps re-introduced... sometimes with a Pine-Sol effect, depending on what was pumped back in. I just wondered what unflavored, straight CO2 oil tasted like? Would it taste like the Honey Oil of days past?


...I ran my first batch yesterday, 30 mins with 70@3000 psi, and 60 mins with 60@3000 psi. ...I started with temperature too high ... I need to get a radiation thermometer. Well, all I got was wax, no useful oil. ... was well ground in a coffee grinder, but I did not press it in to tight. I have a long way to go guys... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Arjuna,

Welcome to the group! I've not had much luck running the temperature above 60C nor the pressure above 3000psi. Whenever I run higher than those numbers, I get chlorophyll (green) and wax, like you said. Did you read the entire post? I think you'll find some helpful set-points scattered amongst the discussion.

I'm not sure why you would need an additional thermometer as the unit seems to do a good job of regulating the temperature around the set target temp. Remember that we're dealing with nature, so the targets are only suggestions. If you are struggling to keep tight control of the temp and pressure, please relax a bit -- I drove myself crazy trying to be precise during my first several extractions before I realized that absolute precision isn't even part of the machine's design. :)

When preparing the tube, I always remove as much stem material as I can and put the remainder in a tobacco shredder. I think your coffee grinder would have the same effect. I go for the recommended particle size (about 2mm) and I usually pack around 35 grams of material into the tube very tightly (I bounce a wooden dowel in the tube after each few scoops of material). It works best if there is no space between the pieces of plant matter. The tight packing requires the CO2 to stay in contact with the material, so extraction can be more complete (and efficient) With a loose pack, the CO2 can "go around" the plant material and not pick up anything.

Good luck, and keep us informed of your progress.

Take care,

... One question I have is what the CO2 oil tastes like without the terpenes being r-introduced? In the 70s we got stuff called honey oil. I'm not sure how it was made but it was a honey colored and same consistency, but was potent as hell and perfectly clear, although yellow/gold. Itpipe. ...the oil had a unique taste, which is very similar to BHO or alcohol extracts. All of the CO2 oils that I've tried were either flavored (Ugh!) or had terps re-introduced... sometimes with a Pine-Sol effect, depending on what was pumped back in. I just wondered what unflavored, straight CO2 oil tasted like? Would it taste like the Honey Oil of days past?

Hi Jimster,

Great to hear from you! In my experience, the oil doesn't really have much of a taste (when vaped) on its own. Putting a drop on your tongue isn't something I'd recommend making a habit of though. The oil is bitter, and coats the inside of your mouth for far too long (in my opinion). :) <snicker>

I'm not sure what that was in the '70s you were getting into, but it sounds years ahead of its time. I agree with you about the terpenes -- commercial oils are ruined by the added terps, liquifiers, clarifiers, and what-not additives. I opened a commercial package and in less than a second, people standing five feet away reacted to the sudden perfume-like smell. It was awful.

Often, the terps are not even from the same plant as the oil. I'm familiar with the Pine-Sol effect -- usually that's from a Sour Diesel or similar sativa. Using the Super-C, I extract about 0.2mls of terps from a batch, but I don't separate it. That amount is then mixed into the full extraction (usually about 4-5ml of oil) and then I decarboxylate the whole thing. The terps permeates in a lovely way and give just a light after-hint of something pleasant. I tried a bunch of different techniques, trying to get the best of both worlds, and this is the one I liked the best.

I hope this helps.


P.S. - I made it to the Hollywood Bowl shows last week. Our boys were amazing as always. Are you making any shows this trip? (Answer in a private message -- I don't want to derail the thread with music-talk, but I had to address your awesome avatar.)
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Hi Arjuna,

Welcome to the group! I've not had much luck running the temperature above 60C nor the pressure above 3000psi. Whenever I run higher than those numbers, I get chlorophyll (green) and wax, like you said. Did you read the entire post? I think you'll find some helpful set-points scattered amongst the discussion.

I'm not sure why you would need an additional thermometer as the unit seems to do a good job of regulating the temperature around the set target temp. Remember that we're dealing with nature, so the targets are only suggestions. If you are struggling to keep tight control of the temp and pressure, please relax a bit -- I drove myself crazy trying to be precise during my first several extractions before I realized that absolute precision isn't even part of the machine's design. :)

When preparing the tube, I always remove as much stem material as I can and put the remainder in a tobacco shredder. I think your coffee grinder would have the same effect. I go for the recommended particle size (about 2mm) and I usually pack around 35 grams of material into the tube very tightly (I bounce a wooden dowel in the tube after each few scoops of material). It works best if there is no space between the pieces of plant matter. The tight packing requires the CO2 to stay in contact with the material, so extraction can be more complete (and efficient) With a loose pack, the CO2 can "go around" the plant material and not pick up anything.

Good luck, and keep us informed of your progress.

Take care,

Hi Jimster,

Great to hear from you! In my experience, the oil doesn't really have much of a taste (when vaped) on its own. Putting a drop on your tongue isn't something I'd recommend making a habit of though. The oil is bitter, and coats the inside of your mouth for far too long (in my opinion). :) <snicker>

I'm not sure what that was in the '70s you were getting into, but it sounds years ahead of its time. I agree with you about the terpenes -- commercial oils are ruined by the added terps, liquifiers, clarifiers, and what-not additives. I opened a commercial package and in less than a second, people standing five feet away reacted to the sudden perfume-like smell. It was awful.

Often, the terps are not even from the same plant as the oil. I'm familiar with the Pine-Sol effect -- usually that's from a Sour Diesel or similar sativa. Using the Super-C, I extract about 0.2mls of terps from a batch, but I don't separate it. That amount is then mixed into the full extraction (usually about 4-5ml of oil) and then I decarboxylate the whole thing. The terps permeates in a lovely way and give just a light after-hint of something pleasant. I tried a bunch of different techniques, trying to get the best of both worlds, and this is the one I liked the best.

I hope this helps.


P.S. - I made it to the Hollywood Bowl shows last week. Our boys were amazing as always. Are you making any shows this trip? (Answer in a private message -- I don't want to derail the thread with music-talk, but I had to address your awesome avatar.)


Thank you very much COG!
I have been reading the complete thread like you suggest. I have learned a lot from you guys.


Does anyone have a used SuperC for sale? Thank you. Sara in California


Does anyone have a used SuperC for sale? Thank you. Sara in California

Has anyone been working on the SuperC? I just became eligible to work on one. How clean of a separation between CBD and THC is possible?


If we decarb before starting the process ...dont care about preserving terps...... would I be able to minimize thc extraction of.high.cbd hemp.. thinking about adding this front of my etoh. Any thoughts?


Hey, I finally registered to post here, LoL. Are you folks still in this thread? I bought a cobbled-up Super C with exp rack and finally got it mostly working. I found a very comprehensive paper about SFE. It suggests that the optimum run is 4 hrs at 2600 psi at 40C. Has anyone played around with that lower pressure / temp? I tried my first run yesterday before I found this. Tried running close to CG's temp/press settings, but I don't have the AutoPilot, so the pressure varied quite a bit. The end stuff that came off at higher pressure was kinda "green" tasting. I think it probably had a lot of chlorophyll.


Is anyone selling some spare parts from Super C? It is impossible to reach someone from the company these days. I am looking for gauge and for pressure sensor that goes with autopilot. If anyone can sell these to me please contact me ASAP


Is anyone selling some spare parts from Super C? It is impossible to reach someone from the company these days. I am looking for gauge and for pressure sensor that goes with autopilot. If anyone can sell these to me please contact me ASAP
Did you get the email from the company? They are going to discontinue the extractors and selloff the remainder at 50% off. They will still sell parts, but they cut staff and only respond via email. You should still be able to order parts through the website.
Once those run out, or if the company just liquidates, you may be ale to find some parts through McMaster-Carr. The pressure sensor is a Gems 31R45CPS08B000. Looks like Gems has dropped that one, so you likely need to go up to the 5000 psi sensor. I was also able to find what looks like a compatile one on DigiKey. You need a 1/8" 27NPT fitting on it. Something like this:|307133,405|358594,1989|0,1989|7,-8|512,144|236625&quantity=&ColumnSort=0&page=1&stock=1&pageSize=25
but I don't think the output is fully compatible. You might need to feed it 5 VDC instead of 12 VDC, which would involve cutting a trace and bridging on the PCB inside the controller.


Pressure gauge might be something like this:
But I have not taken mine apart to see if it's a 1/4" NPT.

Here's the relevant info from their announcement:
"Additionally, in an effort to continue to operate, we are reducing the price of all extractors by 50%. As of March 30, we are supplied to build around 35 more SuperC’s, and once that inventory is exhausted, we will not be building any more in the foreseeable future.

"We will continue to offer spare parts for as long as that inventory lasts. If you anticipate needing a large amount of spare parts or require specific parts, we recommend that you stock up while they are available. The inventory on the webstore is not the totality of the stock in our manufacturing facility, so please bear with us as we work to keep those amounts updated. If a part appears out of stock and you are in need, please email [email protected] to confirm whether that item is in fact unavailable."


Yeah thanks I already oredered the gauge but unfortunately the Gems sensor is not to find anywhere the serial number is 3100R45CPS08B000


Yeah thanks I already oredered the gauge but unfortunately the Gems sensor is not to find anywhere the serial number is 3100R45CPS08B000
Yeah, you need to find a 1/8" 27 NPT sensor with 12V supply and 0-5V output and a range of 4500-6000 psi. The actual range and calibration doesn't matter that much. The software in the controller just maintains whatever the value coming from the sensor is when you push the button.


Thanks a lot in the Gems they told me that it would not work with another one.


Is anyone interested in a better controller for the automatic pressure controller? I've been working on one that controls pressure. temperature, and the motor all in one device. It's not an easy plug-n-play replacement because some wires are soldered in and the thermal sensors and heatling elements are wired into the PID controller(s). However, I'm using a microcontroller that has WiFi, so it can report the current status of the system. I've set it up so you program in the full sequence, eliminating the need to change the temp and pressure settings each time you want to step to a new pressure / temp setting.

Right now, that temp / pressure / time profile is programmed into the prototype and you can't change it (unless you know how to use Arduino IDE). So it would perform the same run every time.

I don't know how many of these systems are out there with the AutoPilot add-on and how many people are actively using them. If there were enough interest, I'd consider designing a custom device and maybe upgrading the WiFi interface to allow remote programming from a web page. The custom devicecould also be designed to use other pressure sensors and parts to replace the ones no longer available through OCO Labs.

Thoughts? How much would you be willing to pay for something like this, recognizing that you would have to do some re-wiring yourself, or send it to me to be re-wired at additional cost.
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