Just a small time grow - many strains

  • Thread starter miko
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yeah, good point. I pulled domes yesterday and half died on me.. so I know I am missing some steps..
Big Buddy

Big Buddy

Hey miko, for the mites a great thing to use is mite rid, organic systemic, even sprayed in flower, 0 dead pistils, great stuff.


1. You gotta have healthy lush green stem's"purple stems clones are always a Nono in this house" only cut clones off healthy fast growing plants because a sick mom produces sick babies.
2. Sterilize everything! Trays inserts domes, then you can decide to do this sterile"I choose sterile for clones" or bennificial bacteria.
I start by soaking rockwool overnight ph 5.5-5.7 and 2 ml per gallon of Dutch zone making a sterile medium for the babies:)
Drain the rockwool but do not squeeze them you want that moisture.
3. Place rock wool into inserts and poke down into thrm with scissors for easier insert of the clones.
4. I use hormex root hormone because in 15 years of growing it. Works best for me. Cut clones on opposite side of node 45degree angle. Usually take about a minute in the hormex before u can see the hormex sealing off the clone. Will have a whit/pink ring around where you cut.
Then place in gently with out smashing the tender tissue.
5. Put the dome on when tray is full and have both vents closed.
6. This part can be tricky,I don't use a heat mat but my veg room is warm usually in the high 70's, too cold they take forever to root and to hot and they will moosh.
7. After 24 hours remove dome for 5-10 minutes. Put dome back on and open 1 vent.
8. Next day take dome off 10-15 minutes. Put dome back on this time keep both vents open.
9. Day three take off dome for 15+ minutes. (At this point if your confident they don't need the dome anymore then leave it off) or put dome back on both vents open and put the dome on with one edge propped up just a bit.
10. By day 5 take the dome off there is no more need for the dome. By now the stems should be swelling in the medium,and the rockwool should be drying out. So lift tray lift tray everyday and water all clones same time with a 300 ppm nute solution snd again 2 ml per gallon of Dutch master zone. Make sure your trays have holes in them so your rockwool is not sitting in the water.
11. Now you will have to water the clones every 2-3 days or else they will dry out to fast because your not using the dome anymore.
12. Ass the clones root you can pot them up the more roots the better. And I always mix my coco with mild nute solution and zone to the desired wetness so I don't have to water right after potting up. As your cups dry out the then you can water just make sure your not water logging them.
Thats all I got for now feel free to ask questions in something doesn't make sense.


1. You gotta have healthy lush green stem's"purple stems clones are always a Nono in this house" only cut clones off healthy fast growing plants because a sick mom produces sick babies.
2. Sterilize everything! Trays inserts domes, then you can decide to do this sterile"I choose sterile for clones" or bennificial bacteria.
I start by soaking rockwool overnight ph 5.5-5.7 and 2 ml per gallon of Dutch zone making a sterile medium for the babies:)
Drain the rockwool but do not squeeze them you want that moisture.
3. Place rock wool into inserts and poke down into thrm with scissors for easier insert of the clones.
4. I use hormex root hormone because in 15 years of growing it. Works best for me. Cut clones on opposite side of node 45degree angle. Usually take about a minute in the hormex before u can see the hormex sealing off the clone. Will have a whit/pink ring around where you cut.
Then place in gently with out smashing the tender tissue.
5. Put the dome on when tray is full and have both vents closed.
6. This part can be tricky,I don't use a heat mat but my veg room is warm usually in the high 70's, too cold they take forever to root and to hot and they will moosh.
7. After 24 hours remove dome for 5-10 minutes. Put dome back on and open 1 vent.
8. Next day take dome off 10-15 minutes. Put dome back on this time keep both vents open.
9. Day three take off dome for 15+ minutes. (At this point if your confident they don't need the dome anymore then leave it off) or put dome back on both vents open and put the dome on with one edge propped up just a bit.
10. By day 5 take the dome off there is no more need for the dome. By now the stems should be swelling in the medium,and the rockwool should be drying out. So lift tray lift tray everyday and water all clones same time with a 300 ppm nute solution snd again 2 ml per gallon of Dutch master zone. Make sure your trays have holes in them so your rockwool is not sitting in the water.
11. Now you will have to water the clones every 2-3 days or else they will dry out to fast because your not using the dome anymore.
12. Ass the clones root you can pot them up the more roots the better. And I always mix my coco with mild nute solution and zone to the desired wetness so I don't have to water right after potting up. As your cups dry out the then you can water just make sure your not water logging them.
Thats all I got for now feel free to ask questions in something doesn't make sense.

This is awesome buddy. I am going to try this method. I was wondering if you did some slow guidance to the lower humidity.. thanks again.


Blue Tara Experiment 001 -

Container , 55 G Trash Can. Soil, Fox Farm. Trellis will be a simple ¾ PVC with some rope for support when needed.
Approx age from clone at start of experiment, 3-4 weeks.
Plant notes: great , dense buds, powerful, fan favorites. Plant is hearty, usually requiring no supports, easy to clone. Easy to feed.

Experiment Goals, product large but manageable plant producing 5+ ZIPS.
Time line- open, but hoping 90 days in Veg from onset of 11/1.


This is awesome buddy. I am going to try this method. I was wondering if you did some slow guidance to the lower humidity.. thanks again.
I hope it helps took about 25 minutes to write out, once you get it down you will never think about an expensive clone machine again.:D


Veg plants are looking happier. Been giving them more room to breath and larger pots before flip, so they don't experience any transplant shock in flower and can just focus on flowering.

Some shots from VEG Room, notice the much larger plants.


Same with Flower room, notice how much space I am giving them now, and plants even on small side newly flipped are about double what they used to be at flip.. Trying to space them so no leaves touch.. not sure if that is a good rule, but way better than before. I pulled 3 zips on 2 GSC plants, which is a great sign for things to come.




Are those fluorescent lights your vegging with? If so I would suggest upgrading to t-5's, you will get a ton more growth in veg.
Oh and I love the security monitor in the veg room lol


I respect the fact your will to do organics as well! How much weight do you average per light?


Are those fluorescent lights your vegging with? If so I would suggest upgrading to t-5's, you will get a ton more growth in veg.
Oh and I love the security monitor in the veg room lol

yeah, had those lights quite a while, like how they perform, but you really think upgrading lights would make much
difference? I have 4 , 4 foot T-12s above all vegging lights.

Oh, yes, the security cams are nice , thats my trim table so I spend a bit of time there and nice to see people coming up.

I don't measure per light per say, but pull 3-5 units each month and the grow is perpetual. I have about equivalent of 7, 1000 Watt HPS though if that helps (5, 1000 w HPS and 6, 315 W, LECs).
My goal is 5 consistently each month, but hard to do when you run into problems..

Organics have done me pretty well, I wasn't very good at chemical salts, so maybe I don't notice a lower %. :)


Are those fluorescent lights your vegging with? If so I would suggest upgrading to t-5's, you will get a ton more growth in veg.
Oh and I love the security monitor in the veg room lol

DUH!.. I do have T-5s... lol. forgot the fixtures could run either, so I went with those. :)


My folks used to always tell me, if you could distribute and not burn up all your profits... you would do very well.
Well, I can't recall the last time I burned one... so maybe they were right.


Unknown farmer
Thanks brother. Just experiences I need to become better. If it was easy, every stoner would grow and guys like me would be shit out of luck. :)
man I think a couple small adjustments could improve your yield a lil bit.


Unknown farmer
My folks used to always tell me, if you could distribute and not burn up all your profits... you would do very well.
Well, I can't recall the last time I burned one... so maybe they were right.
I just burned one ..so im beat lol


Unknown farmer
What you thinking boss? Always open to improvements, its my middle name these days. :)
im thinking your pot size may be off a lil for plant size. this is just me so don't kill the clown lol..you could keep your plant count where it is and veg your cuts a lil longer. or go to a lil smaller container and raise your plant count.
more veg time may cause you to lower or rase things tho


im thinking your pot size may be off a lil for plant size. this is just me so don't kill the clown lol..you could keep your plant count where it is and veg your cuts a lil longer. or go to a lil smaller container and raise your plant count.
more veg time may cause you to lower or rase things tho

I like this idea and it is exactly where my head is been. Most all Veg plants are in 4 gallon pots and before just 1 gallon pots.
My grow buddy thinks 4 gallon is fine into flower and wont need to move up to 10 or whatever, so I am going to try some runs with 8-12 plants per light in flower and get some much bigger plants.... less counts like you say and more yeild per.

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