Kush Con.. Who's going?

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true grit

true grit

yeah its nuts, so we just told everyone we didn't smoke pot, and they left us alone. :)


piggybacking on mopho, they had 2 separate "dr referral" operations going on opposite sides of the show that i saw walking around. way to make it look legit: welcome to kush con, sign up for weed over there, just make sure u walk with a limp. obviously a scam, who the hell brings medical records to a con like that and what dr is actually going to examine a douche at a weed convention and say "i really dont think u need it, no". there goes all the business, er money, they would have
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

oh and cannagirl was pissed just being there and would of looked way better in a skinny outfit than any of the "Kush Bunnies", IMHO.........I think 1/2 those girls didn't even smoke pot, they were just waiting on their Russian coke dealer to arrive....
true grit

true grit

I love it...every hooker dressed up thinks that THIS is their big OPPORTUNITY! and they work it..LOL.


dont u know this is where all models get discovered for everything?


fucking waste of time, space, and money....Kushcon is a big fucking stupid sideshow that only makes our industry seem less legitimate and less respectable...

Agreed! Did you guys meet Tim Tipton or any of the other scumbags that put this type of crap on? Events like these get much more media exposure than legit meetings as this type of crap gets more viewers on TV. The news is as money grubbing and corrupt as it can get so don't feed it.

Kush convention is put on by an LA based magazine, how much can you really expect from it? It's a big so-cal douche/CO wannabe so-cal douche convention.

Way to shit in my sneaker, Kush..
sky high

sky high

"con" said it all to me.

Hey, at least it lived up to it's name.

wot a mess...

s h


Just got back from that shit show. At least I got in for free. I also noticed that they were confiscating my patient magazine at the door.

Did not see Timmy there, but saw plenty of hookers and one 14 year old looking one. I can't believe people by those grow trailers. The big one was $70k!!! The local news coverage makes this industry look terrible.

Can't wait til the next one in 6 months. What a racket.
sky high

sky high

I saw a comment on another forum where someone said they didn't see any nute companies/hydro companies at this event....

There's good reason. The hydro industry has ALWAYS distanced themselves from the "weed" side of this game even though THEY MAKE ALL OF THEIR PROFIT FROM WEED GROWERS! Until pot is legal, you will never see the weed side and the hydro side combine in one place....and any vendor who does decide to advertise/set up a booth/promote their product at a cannabis event will see themselves blackballed from the mainstream hydro industry. Look at how Sunlight and Hydrofarm and Max Yield have pushed AN out of the "expos" for proof...and they are not alone.

FWIW....the Max yield show is coming to DENVER 3-31 to 4-3, 2011. this show will have none of the cheesy weed shit goin on...just product for growers and shit tons of FREE samples and shit. Should be fun!

s h
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

FWIW....the Max yield show is coming to DENVER 3-31 to 4-3, 2011. this show will have none of the cheesy weed shit goin on...just product for growers and shit tons of FREE samples and shit. Should be fun!

s h

I've been to 2 Max Yield shows in SF.....they are better than Kushcon by far, especially for us growers....but I don't think they are amazing either, all just commercial promotion. 90% of the products they are pushing and giving away samples of at the Max Yield show are bullshit, and its hard to pick out the real deals! Best part of Max Yield is SF was metting people out on the dock and having a good smoke session while over looking Alcatraz. I hope it will be equally acceptable at the Denver show!
sky high

sky high

>Any< show that is put on with such magnitude is gonna be all about commercial promotion, morpho. In the end, most of these folks aren't playin the game out of the goodness of their heart!!

Cali MMJ is different than CO in that the Cali law doesn't prohibit you from lighting up in public wheras CO MMJ law does. For this reason alone I would be surprised if there's much tokin goin on at the event.

then again...where there's a will..there's a way.... LOL.

s h


Me and my boy went with my friend from High Times and his boss. We lost them early to go look around as they were talking business with a handful of people (the only ones that looked serious).

10 minutes into our walk around, my friend turned to me and said, "This is a fucking clown show". I asked him if that made us clowns. "I guess it does".

We stopped for a few minutes to talk to the SSV guy (High Times friend introduced some months back and he gave me a free personalized vaporizer). He gave me a holder for the bowl/wand. He wanted to give it to me for free. I told him that because he had GIVEN me the vaporizer, the least I could do was pay for the holder. He told the girl collecting money to just charge me $4. I said, "fine...20 bucks it is.". He gave me this weird look when I said it. I looked at him when I handed her the twenty bucks and said, "Man I really suck at this negotiation thing", winked at him, and said goodbye and thank you for the vaporizer before she could give me change.

After that we bailed.

I have been attached to a lot of conventions in my life (that's as far as I can go into what I do). This one didn't feel like a convention...

it felt more like a flea market. So low rent. I'm embarrassed to be attached to an industry that thinks that THAT is acceptable for a convention.

If there is any doubt we are still on the ground level of this industry...a 5 min walk through the place removed any doubts.


FWIW....the Max yield show is coming to DENVER 3-31 to 4-3, 2011. this show will have none of the cheesy weed shit goin on...just product for growers and shit tons of FREE samples and shit. Should be fun!

s h

This is the show I'm excited about. Looking forward to checking it out.


Green Morpho said:
....Kushcon is a big fucking stupid sideshow that only makes our industry seem less legitimate and less respectable...

So KushCon sucks because a dispensary owner tried to sell you product?

Events like KushCon generate massive amounts of cash, foot traffic, media interest - all staged in one of the nicer convention centers around - these kinds of things give KushCon a huge amount of legitimacy.

You realize Jared Polis was there right?

WTF could be more legit?
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

You realize Jared Polis was there right?

WTF could be more legit?

meh...politicians=business men...all of em, even the "good" ones...

Your realize that a memo was sent out to all the vendors with a booth informing them to not have any "gratuitous sex or strippers, etc.".

Four different vendors had to remove stripper poles from their booth after getting the memo.

WTF could be more legit?


Don't know if u guys heard yet but the High Time Cannabis Cup is going to be in Denver. YES THAT CUP! The one that has ALWAYS been held in Amsterdam.

Entries need to be submitted by Feb I think. See you there.

KC was not the 'nicest' Expo this year. That honor belongs to the Plant Medicine Expo. In the Downtown Sheraton w/ full free buffet & drinks, & with more classes going on then you could possibly attend. Sadly, only 15-50 ppl attend the second day - and the event cost the .org $150,000.00
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

Don't know if u guys heard yet but the High Time Cannabis Cup is going to be in Denver. YES THAT CUP! The one that has ALWAYS been held in Amsterdam.

Entries need to be submitted by Feb I think. See you there.

So it will be just as rigged as the ones in Amsterdam? He who brings the most money, wins the cup! Of course, only dispensaries can enter, right? Not seed breeders or caregivers? Lets see, hmmm...first place breeder's cup goes to THSeeds, second place goes to DNA....no shit!?!?!


Went and had a good time. The 27th floor of the Hyatt will never smell the same. We fogged it up with a little growers after party there. Surprised the smoke alarm never went off.

It's cool to see equipment manufactures and such, but most of it is a waste.

Did get a good deal on that Pink SSV for the woman... got some hero points out of the whole gig anyways.
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