Kush Con.. Who's going?

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Karma Genetics

the HTCC in the US is called the High Times MEDICAL cup, the amsterdam one will be there to stay they make to much money on it.

I am looking at the treating yourself one in June, thinking of hopping over the pond for that one
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

the HTCC in the US is called the High Times MEDICAL cup, the amsterdam one will be there to stay they make to much money on it.

I am looking at the treating yourself one in June, thinking of hopping over the pond for that one

I think that will be a much more respectable event! Thanks for popping in over here! BTW, Curbie told me to say whats up!


Green Morpho said:
meh...politicians=business men...all of em, even the "good" ones...

So business men are what? Evil or something?

This is not a factual statement - at best it's an ideological one - I mean this is only true in-so-far as one would choose to believe it.

Jared Polis has started like a dozen companies and is worth more than a hundred million dollars. He's in the US House. He's only 35. This guy is a major leader of the country.

If you don't think people like this - let alone every major name in the MMJ movement from the entire state - as well as some of the big Cali names - can give an MMJ event "legitmacy" - then you're just being blind/hating for some obstinate reason.

Green Morpho said:
Your realize that a memo was sent out to all the vendors with a booth informing them to not have any "gratuitous sex or strippers, etc.".

Four different vendors had to remove stripper poles from their booth after getting the memo.

So what?

You're proving my point Green Morpho.

Out of the whatever 400 vendors you're saying four of them planned booth babes that we're slightly too risque? And the conventions' organizers made sure they were at least passably tasteful *beforehand* ?!?

You know this trade show is for potheads and pot dealers right? You know that?

WTF was KushCon supposed to look like exactly? A fucking trade show for office furniture? How about an insurance conference? Everyone in suits and ties with name tags? Would that have been buttoned-down enough for you Green Morpho? Surely a dress-code would have been more appropriate huh?

Anyway - have you ever been to a car show? A poker tournament? A casino in Vegas?

Booth babes are a longstanding tradition at public trade shows - so I really dunno WTF you're talking about. I mean - honestly - do you have that big a problem browsing bongs and grow-trailers while girls in tight dresses walk-around?

I think this says alot more about you than KushCon.

Green Morpho said:
WTF could be more legit?

Green Morpho said:
I think that will be a much more respectable event!


Given the subject of the event and that it attracted tens-of-thousands of people and generated millions of dollars in economic activity as well as apperances by several nationally known musical acts and dozens of major, major names within the movement and industry? Millions of dollars with of products on display across multiple niche industries?

It was pretty fucking legit dude. By even the most conservative of definitions.
sky high

sky high

My problem with these types of events is that I don't feel that MMJ was intended to be a public event/spectacle.

I mean...Do we have conventions for Oxycontin users where the intent is to glamorize Oxy and sign up more folks to use the drug? Or Viagra conventions? (OK, strippers would be welcome for this one!)

Do we celebrate any other medications/associations/conditions/PRIVATE medical information in such a manner?? Why do folks feel the need to publicize/glamorize/advertise MMJ (other than greed)??? WTF do strippers have to do with folks being SICK?

To me, such a showing does little to promote the medicinal aspects of marijuana. It may be "legit" as a "pot convention"...but again...I feel such a showing only opens up MMJ for further scrutiny and bad press. What is being forgotten here, IMO...is that many, many folks in our society have yet to make the break/distinction from "pothead" to "medical marijuana user"....and shit like "KushCon" only perpetuates such stereotypes.

If it looks like a fuckin' duck and it quacks like a fuckin' duck....... um...... DUH.

wot a mess...

s h


the HTCC in the US is called the High Times MEDICAL cup, the amsterdam one will be there to stay they make to much money on it.

I am looking at the treating yourself one in June, thinking of hopping over the pond for that one

They are planning on having it at the Exdo. They tried to have it at The Fillmore...and it was kicked around for awhile (I can't believe Live Nation even thought about it for a few weeks...the times they are a changing), but corporate finally decided against it.
true grit

true grit

Preach on Sedate...i feel ya.

I've been to numerous trade shows in my day working for my family. And believe me, there ain't nothing out of the ordinary or "off" about KushCon. Its the same ol two step folks....and its in every industry.

Think people are bit butt hurt about these type of shows. And guess what folks, the people that know this show is there, already assume everyone is pot heads...its don't take any build up or a show like this to further that stigma.

Whats more detrimental to the public eye is the lack of organization by the "political" side. Those folks are the ones shaping things and none of them can get their shit together...believe me, i was on that side for years and that side that is actually fighting but not organized is the one the hurts public view IMO. people already think mmj patients are stoners and having some legit "medical only" conference would not change that public opinion in the slightest.

I mean c'mon folks, there are medical conventions, porn conventions, random sex conventions, alcohol conventions (which have tons of strippers)....what do all these promote? Getting drunk, having sex and taking meds....pretty sure ours at any age is safer than all those.

sh- lol at the viagra strippers.. that would be funny.


My problem with these types of events is that I don't feel that MMJ was intended to be a public event/spectacle.

I mean...Do we have conventions for Oxycontin users where the intent is to glamorize Oxy and sign up more folks to use the drug? Or Viagra conventions? (OK, strippers would be welcome for this one!)

Do we celebrate any other medications/associations/conditions/PRIVATE medical information in such a manner?? Why do folks feel the need to publicize/glamorize/advertise MMJ (other than greed)??? WTF do strippers have to do with folks being SICK?

To me, such a showing does little to promote the medicinal aspects of marijuana. It may be "legit" as a "pot convention"...but again...I feel such a showing only opens up MMJ for further scrutiny and bad press. What is being forgotten here, IMO...is that many, many folks in our society have yet to make the break/distinction from "pothead" to "medical marijuana user"....and shit like "KushCon" only perpetuates such stereotypes.

If it looks like a fuckin' duck and it quacks like a fuckin' duck....... um...... DUH.

wot a mess...

s h

I was at the convention center a month ago for a few days in regards to Liver medications. Big money was spent on the booths. HD panel walls, HD screens everywhere, interactive touch screen kiosks. Very expensive. Very...well...not the Pot Bubble Clown Ship I witnessed this weekend.

Night and day.

Of course, big pharma has billions and billions to make themselves look fancy.


Sky, take a look at the kushcon pictorial posted up on westword this morning. It brings whole new meaning to the phrase 'unwashed masses'. It looks like the organizers would have been better served passing out soap and vouchers for haircuts and showers.

I must admit the photos of the hookers were nice, but if they 'mingle' with the pictured attendees, im sure they smell like feet.


Thanks kush magazine for making Colorado a better place to live.


So business men are what? Evil or something?

This is not a factual statement - at best it's an ideological one - I mean this is only true in-so-far as one would choose to believe it.

Jared Polis has started like a dozen companies and is worth more than a hundred million dollars. He's in the US House. He's only 35. This guy is a major leader of the country.

If you don't think people like this - let alone every major name in the MMJ movement from the entire state - as well as some of the big Cali names - can give an MMJ event "legitmacy" - then you're just being blind/hating for some obstinate reason.

So what?

You're proving my point Green Morpho.

Out of the whatever 400 vendors you're saying four of them planned booth babes that we're slightly too risque? And the conventions' organizers made sure they were at least passably tasteful *beforehand* ?!?

You know this trade show is for potheads and pot dealers right? You know that?

WTF was KushCon supposed to look like exactly? A fucking trade show for office furniture? How about an insurance conference? Everyone in suits and ties with name tags? Would that have been buttoned-down enough for you Green Morpho? Surely a dress-code would have been more appropriate huh?

Anyway - have you ever been to a car show? A poker tournament? A casino in Vegas?

Booth babes are a longstanding tradition at public trade shows - so I really dunno WTF you're talking about. I mean - honestly - do you have that big a problem browsing bongs and grow-trailers while girls in tight dresses walk-around?

I think this says alot more about you than KushCon.


Given the subject of the event and that it attracted tens-of-thousands of people and generated millions of dollars in economic activity as well as apperances by several nationally known musical acts and dozens of major, major names within the movement and industry? Millions of dollars with of products on display across multiple niche industries?

It was pretty fucking legit dude. By even the most conservative of definitions.

It's a start. As an eternal optimist, that's what I'll give you.
sky high

sky high

I hear ya, grit. After 2 years of the circus bein' in town the cat is well out of the bag that MMJ in Colorado has become a sham and no convention on MMJ will change such a perception @ this point in time.

So hell...why not rub it in their faces a bit more? That'll help things..... kinda like we've been helped over the last 2 years as folks have chosen to make up their own rules (aka loopholes) on all of this!!

I'm of a firm belief that had folks stayed on that quiet path we were on pre-July 2009 and had taken the time to go through the channels needed to foster change in the law...however badly they suck...rather than to "blow it up" and basically ignore the laws....the "political" side of this coin you speak of that is now lacking would never really have been needed in such a capacity.

Action=Reaction. Same as it ever was....same as it will ever be.

wot a mess...

s h


Thanks for keeping it real Sky!

If you wanna go kush con go right ahead, just don't call it medical. you're only fooling yourself, it isn't medical!

Doc's at the show doing recs! If you want to stick your finger on the one thing that made kush con a complete and utter shit show that's it. NOTHING legit about a rec doc at a weed convention. Just because you can get away with it doesn't mean you should do it! Think of the repercussions rec docs at a weed show could have. That is some serious leverage for the opposing side. Don't give them a reason to fuck with the scene, that's how CO MMJ has made it this far! you're just ASKING for more rules and regs when you pull shit like that!

I would rather have people smoke in public and hide the rec docs!
sky high

sky high

Sky, take a look at the kushcon pictorial posted up on westword this morning. It brings whole new meaning to the phrase 'unwashed masses'.

Without a doubt, my friend! I can honestly say that I've never seen so many sick, tatt'd folks gathered together in one spot!

true grit

true grit

I hear ya, grit. After 2 years of the circus bein' in town the cat is well out of the bag that MMJ in Colorado has become a sham and no convention on MMJ will change such a perception @ this point in time.

So hell...why not rub it in their faces a bit more? That'll help things..... kinda like we've been helped over the last 2 years as folks have chosen to make up their own rules (aka loopholes) on all of this!!

I'm of a firm belief that had folks stayed on that quiet path we were on pre-July 2009 and had taken the time to go through the channels needed to foster change in the law...however badly they suck...rather than to "blow it up" and basically ignore the laws....the "political" side of this coin you speak of that is now lacking would never really have been needed in such a capacity.

Action=Reaction. Same as it ever was....same as it will ever be.

wot a mess...

s h

Have to disagree there my friend. The political side is whats lacking, has been lacking, and why the laws are now shaped the way they are. the same with every state. If the political side could pull their shit together, laws like we have currently would not be on the books. Believe me. But instead, since no one can agree, we end up with politicians pushing the buttons on all the laws...and folks with deep pockets helping.

Folks need to understand it was not "blowing it up" that brought all this. It was Obama opening the gates, and the natural course of a market expanding. Period. Ive said that from the beginning- all of this was virtually inevitable and will be inevitable in any state no matter how tight the restrictions. Its just business. But sadly, when the political side can't get their shit together, it makes for all the "loopholes" and allows people to have "wild west" until the lack of agreement ends in political/social uproar being reigned in by uniformed politicians and LEO.

I mean c'mon- Denver was the first city in teh nation to decriminalize, the boom in industry just facilitated this kind of conference faster.

And i have to say i still stand by the fact that Colorado had plenty of time between 1995-1999 to look at Cali's med structure and avoid all of the "loopholes", but they didn't. Instead they let self serving lawyers set themselves up for more business in teh future and put an incomplete law on the book that would lead to what it did...

And since folks are mad about an open MMJ conference...hate to say but this was not being called a MMJ convention- its was being dubbed-
A Cannabis LIFESTYLE Convention...which is far from medical and more geared toward social cannabis users IMO...

I mean hell- even in Texas we have 3-4 big pot conventions a year that are that big...some indoors and some out. In Austin we had one of the largest striaght up "smoke outs"...i mean hows that different, people don't complain there and its illegal as shit.


sputnik said:
NOTHING legit about a rec doc at a weed convention.

I counted three at KushCon.

Yea . . . that is pretty cheeky I'll admit . . . of course there was no actual ganja for sale so . . .
sky high

sky high

A non-medical convention with medical doctors writing recommendations for recreational smokers, huh? Nah....no problem there.

...or possibly...just possibly....could those docs have been issuing the new Colorado "Cannabis Lifestyle" license?

Yeah...that must be it...being that the convention wasn't about MMJ...


1 thing I learned at KC that you all will LOVE....

An unlimited plant count for exceptional circumstances is going to lobbied for. And, yes the areas that banned will be exceptional circumstances - or that is what every1 believes.


1 thing I learned at KC that you all will LOVE....

An unlimited plant count for exceptional circumstances is going to lobbied for. And, yes the areas that banned will be exceptional circumstances - or that is what every1 believes.

that's bad news if you ask me. Unlimited plant counts aren't good, caregivers don't need them nor should they have them. unlimited plant counts and patients is what blew CO out of control. I don't care if I had 30 patients with EC, I would keep my count under 99. I doubt you'll see a caregiver allowed more than 15 patients even with exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional circumstances in ban areas has already been addressed by the CDPHE, and it's a go. The CDPHE considers the distance a patient lives from an MMC when deciding on granting an exceptional circumstaces.

How does an exceptional circumstance and unlimited plant counts even coincide with each other? How is that being lobbied?
true grit

true grit

A non-medical convention with medical doctors writing recommendations for recreational smokers, huh? Nah....no problem there.

...or possibly...just possibly....could those docs have been issuing the new Colorado "Cannabis Lifestyle" license?

Yeah...that must be it...being that the convention wasn't about MMJ...

Just because there was a few doctors out of HUNDREDS of booths does not mean this was billed as a medical marijuana convention- it wasn't (and compared to teh last one, they weren't even doing shit). Not every group has the same ethics, so lets not blow it outta proportion. I didn't say having doctors was right- i said it wasn't a med convention. It just so happens that many of the booths were purchased by MMC's. They are part of teh business too. And yes, at other conventions drug companies DO buy booths and push samples- its NO different...except at these they CANT hand out samples.

Don't believe the hype SH- papers don't show the whole story. Come down to one of these and you'll see its just a bunch of blown smoke. Not very medical in the least and more geared towards stoners- as it was advertised- not patients. I've been to actual MEDICAL conventions in other med states- and this is NO WHERE near a med convention.

Like i said- there are stoner conventions everywhere. This was one of them, folks need to come off the high horse. And this WASN'T even a good stoner convention, cuz unlike stoner conventions- you can't even smoke. So all in all it was not even a good representation of either- hell it was MORE responsible than ANY other stoner event I've been to.

I mean if we were in Texas would you guys all be bitching about the wide open smokeouts with 10-15,000 people down town? Would that be bad for the movement too? lol.

that's bad news if you ask me. Unlimited plant counts aren't good, caregivers don't need them nor should they have them. unlimited plant counts and patients is what blew CO out of control. I don't care if I had 30 patients with EC, I would keep my count under 99. I doubt you'll see a caregiver allowed more than 15 patients even with exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional circumstances in ban areas has already been addressed by the CDPHE, and it's a go. The CDPHE considers the distance a patient lives from an MMC when deciding on granting an exceptional circumstaces.

How does an exceptional circumstance and unlimited plant counts even coincide with each other? How is that being lobbied?

Unlimited plant counts under 99 are where it should be. The government nor doctors have the right to limit plant counts, and I think teh correlation there is the fact that they are trying to limit CG's, so if so they need to open up the rights of individual patients. Whether ANYONE thinks a patient can grow enough with a lower plant count or whether CG's "need" unlimited is a moot point. Its not up to anyone to determine whats adequate for any patient other than the doctor and the patient. And if you are not violating federal law, then the state should not have concern. Cali has done away with plant counts, and thats for the better of the patient.

Im a medical necessity patient, and I look "young, healthy, and tatted" by most standards, but im not. And if med necessity is up in the air for legitmacy, then yes I do believe there should be unlimited so folks like myself can grow what we need without fear. You cant SEE that I'm bipolar, or that I have numerous hereditary immuno disorders/diseases- so why should I be stigma'd or punished because i try to take care of myself in every other way possible and i dont "look" like im dying? Give the rights to the patients, not the state.
sky high

sky high

Yeah...let's go to 99. I mean..we don't YET have full bans on residential grows..so fuck...let's take this to the hilt and MAKE SURE folks freak out at a local level all over the State....cus shit...I guess 36 JUST ISN'T FUCKING ENOUGH?? Amazing.

We're gonna be LUCKY to retain the right to grow our 6 IN OUR OWN HOME if folks don't start using some restraint. (I know many of you will just move to another med state if the going gets rough, so it doesn't really matter to some of you..but it DOES to me)

And c'mon...>Everyone< here knows the game being played with 99.9% of the "edibles"' cards. (it's called dope dealing)

Such a facade may fool the State but those who grow...KNOW.

when will enough...be "enough"?

And hey bro....I woudn't advertise that I got a card for bi-polar cus bi-polar isn't covered under A-20...

wot a mess...

s h

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