Kush Con.. Who's going?

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Beasters X Haze

The wook store was bangin, they had all the club banger sweaters! I had a great time, met True Grit and got a nice handful of new chicks on the list


Heyyyyy, not all of us chicks on the list are whores! LOL



Im a medical necessity patient, and I look "young, healthy, and tatted" by most standards, but im not.

Here, HERE Gritty baby! I'm right there with ya. With the exception of a noteable lack of breasts, no one would ever know I'd even had a brush with cancer, much less be considered terminal. ;) I'm thinking some cannabis has a tiny something to do with that ... ;)

At least the oil does ... and speaking of which, has anyone seen TK around these parts? Haven't heard a peep out of him since the first of this month. Is he OK, does anyone know? Hasn't answered PMs and have been trying to get hold of some of his oil ... but can't raise him anymore. He's OK, isn't he? Hoping just busier than hell being Santa! :)

Let's hear it for us ill folks who, for some strange reason, don't look ill! :)

true grit

true grit

SH- My med card was based off numerous qualifying ailments under Am.20 not the fact im bipolar. And med necessity (not edible recs) is determined between the patient and doctor, and if the doctor is willing to stand up for it- then yes bipolar can be used. In fact, there are now psychiatrists that are writing mmj recs based on mental health. I will be getting that additional info with my rec renewal. And believe me, im sure any logical person would agree that cannabis is healthier for me than lithium or prozac. mental health is a real health issue and im willing to stand up for it and my right to natural medicine from it.

What restraint are you talking about? I don't see anyone dealing drugs out of homes, i dont see any open gardens, I don't see any more crime associated to mmj, I don't see houses burning down due to grows, I don't see any more mmj in childrens hands, I don't see dispensaries buying from CG's or patients....what are people needing to restrain from? Grows that no one around them knows about? Private personal medical grows? No one is outta control, blowing things outta proportion. These arguments for higher numbers are on principal for rights of patients simply SO THAT THERE IS NO GREY AREA. You give a base limit if necessary, and an exception limit...its that easy. And eliminates CG's milking cards, excess patients, abuse of the system, and ANY GREY AREA. Don't like 99? then pick a decent reasonable number, but guess what then theres a grey area between that number and 99.

Beasters- Hell ya, nice to meet ya bro...and indeed homie was getting teh mack on! maybe i need to learn to wield a torch! lol.

Melizzard- most definitely! If i didn't have my cannabis, i most definitley would not be looking as healthy as i do!
sky high

sky high

We'll see how folks fare who are licensed under unapproved ailments when they go back in for renewal and the Registry isn't backed up with 60K cards. Folks who were on the list pre-2009 KNOW that any ailment not listed...or listed specifically as not being covered..would never have passed the test before the chaos hit en masse in Fall 2009.

I mean...when my buddy can't get on the Registry for PTSD as a Vet from Desert Storm and then I hear of a dispensary owner here who has a card for fuckin psorasis and sleep apnea (neither is covered)...I gotta believe something just isn't right and LOTS of cards went through unchecked while others were scrutinized. Many folks just got lucky!

time will tell.....but with SB109 and websites devoted to checking to see if the doc who signs yer card is truly legal in CO to do so...I gotta believe a buncha folks are gonna be getting bad news once they go back for renewal. Time will certainly tell.

of course...most folks who are challenged/rejected will just drop off the Registry and do as they please...kinda like they are doing now WITH a card. LOL.


wot a mess...

s h
true grit

true grit

Well you're friend needs to go to a different doctor, cuz PTSD is being signed off for on cards. Especially since there are now studies linking teh significance to of mmj to helping soldiers with PTSD. Oh an psoriasis is covered, its part of chronic pain/hereditary chronic ailments (wide range of interpretation, doctor validity must be important)- mmj is anti-inflammatory and those with psoriasis (myself included) must use heavy topical steroids which can be avoided with use of mmj and mmj topicals. Again find a doctor worth a crap who is going to stand up for the medical use by patients are you/he will be fine.
sky high

sky high

I have no doubt that a person can >always< find a doctor to sign off on just about anything for a MMJ card if they are willing to take that chance and pay enough money. Happens all the time. That's why there are 120K patients @ present. I mean....have you ever heard of anyone going to a dispensary doc or a doc at a "cannabis lifestyle convention" and being told they don't qualify after paying their $$$?

Hell no...>everyone< who pays their cash to a doc in that situation gets a card.
The newspaper here sent in 2 19 year olds...completely healthy...nothing wrong with em at all...cept a few aches from snowboarding the day before...and they got a card.....no med records..no nothin. The newspaper was all over it.... and rightly so.

but hey...they'll be sick >>someday<<...right? LOL.


Well you're friend needs to go to a different doctor, cuz PTSD is being signed off for on cards. Especially since there are now studies linking teh significance to of mmj to helping soldiers with PTSD. Oh an psoriasis is covered, its part of chronic pain/hereditary chronic ailments (wide range of interpretation, doctor validity must be important)- mmj is anti-inflammatory and those with psoriasis (myself included) must use heavy topical steroids which can be avoided with use of mmj and mmj topicals. Again find a doctor worth a crap who is going to stand up for the medical use by patients are you/he will be fine.

There are legal states that have PTSD listed as a legal qualification, but not Colorado. Colorado rejected it based on lack of evidence (which is total bullshit). So that does still make it unapproved in this state ... are you then in affirmative defense land like I am with my 25-plant rec? The dr knew I was using oil as a cornerstone of my cancer tx. But I ain't skeert of no affirmative defense .... I think I'm pretty damned affirmative! LOL



Right Sky, doc's are selling tickets these days. This is where the unlimited problem lies. A doc will write you a rec for 100,000 plants if you pay him enough. It's not medical necessity anymore, it's financial gain with a medical excuse. Don't let money blind you to the situation at hand, greed will cause the entire MMJ program to go completely to shit.

It's gonna take a few docs getting their asses handed to them in court to quelch the excessive plant rec problem, and yes it is a problem don't fool yourself. I've seen a doc who would reccommend 200 plants. Who the FUCK needs 200 plants for their self! 200! Yea, let that fly. just buy some acreage that borders a national park and put all your 200 plants outside.

We used to show restraint in this state and it kept us safe and free from excessive regulation for many years. Work with what you've got. Shit, you'll be able to have 96 or so bonafied medical plants if you live in a ban area for exceptional circumstances as a caregiver. What more do you need (and I mean NEED not WANT!!!) You've gotta play the game in this state and stay within your GENEROUS boundaries or we'll have another HB1284 hit the books before you can blink!

If you're not happy with the MMJ laws in this state but you moved here because you liked the MMJ laws in this state feel free to return home this christmas and bitch about not being able to grow as many marijuana plants as you want in CO and see who gives a fuck, who laughs, and who tells you "I wish I could grow a couple of plants for myself in my closet and be able to sleep at night."

You're lucky to grow, now don't push your luck!
sky high

sky high

I see the argument for 'more' being won by someone like Mel should she (God forbid) end up having to PROVE HER NEED. However, for someone like myself...merely a "pain" patient...or anyone else who hasn't been diagnosed with cancer, AIDS, cachexia, etc...or who is banking on an ailment that isn't approved by the State, my attorney advised me that such a defense (plant variance) is highly undefensable in most of the situations out there and could very well be a ticket to a felony charge via the disallowance of a medical defense. (Ask Chris Barkowitz if he's heard anything about such a situation for proof)

No doubt, Sputnik.....restraint has been lost..compassion has been lost...the intent of the voters/original Amendment has been lost (OK, 'ignored'). Now what we have is a buncha folks misinterpreting the laws over and over...time and time again....and like a "story" is created over time...each time the tale is repeated the >allowances< under amendment 20 are given more and more berth and travel farther and farther from the written intent of the Amendment. After awhile...what was once conjecture is now, amazingly, "fact".

wot a mess...

s h


sky high said:
The hydro industry has ALWAYS distanced themselves from the "weed" side of this game even though THEY MAKE ALL OF THEIR PROFIT FROM WEED GROWERS! Until pot is legal, you will never see the weed side and the hydro side combine in one place....and any vendor who does decide to advertise/set up a booth/promote their product at a cannabis event will see themselves blackballed from the mainstream hydro industry

Right - but there is a reason for this - it's against Federal law to sell a otherwise legal product that is *intended for illegal use* - and since marijuana is illegal any-which-way . . .

I actually didn't even realize the total absence of nute vendors - with all grow trailers and thousands of bongs and shit . ..
sky high

sky high

Fer sure, sedate. I hear folks on the boards comment from time to time what a "dick" the hydro store guy was when he made them leave his store because they were blatantly talking about weed...but what folks don't realize is that the hydro industry and all of the major wholesalers make each store sign an agreement that says they WON'T talk of, or allow talk of, marijuana in their store. If they do and the supplier gets wind of it, the next time you try to order you will be told to go elsewhere

Someone asked me recently "how would they know?". Easy. the hydro gig today is SO COMPETITIVE that a friend of mine running a store had folks who wanted to open a store nearby coming in and trying to entice him into speaking about growing weed so they could report him to H-Farm and Sunlight. he didn't take the bait...but even so...they called Hydrofarm and made up a story that he WAS speaking about weed... and the next day he was getting drilled by his rep and his rep's boss @ hydrofarm. They then made him sign ANOTHER agreement that said he wouldn't deal with the "Centers". Of course, he still does...but again....lotsa restrivctions are hanging about....

yup..."Conspiracy to Manufacture a Controlled substance". Same charge every person (even loosely) associated with a Center will recieve if the house of cards ever falls....

fuckin grow trailer.... now if THAT isn't obvious, I dunno what is. What a joke.


fuckin grow trailer.... now if THAT isn't obvious, I dunno what is. What a joke.

We were laughing about the trailers.

"Excuse me sir. But why have you parked a 53' trailer on the street in front of your house...and what's with the Whisper Watt generator?"

Just put up a giant neon sign on your roof:

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