Led poll!!!

  • Thread starter LEDhead
  • Start date
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Choices Choices Choices

  • Stealth Grow 602 (Bloom)

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Magnum 357+

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Blackstar 900w

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Penetrator 189X-Pro

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • E.Shine 126x3w

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Apache Tech AT120RB

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ever after

Ever after

the sour is most likely sour flower its an old school sativa or your talking about sour D also known as sour deseil only theres a new york veriosn that is indica and a califronia version that is sativa
Ever after

Ever after

magnum plus 2 LED's are the best hands down only the light called the diamond series XML 350 seems to be alot like the magnum plus 2................ only one is cheaper the diamond series XML 350 is 995 and the magnum 2 is 1500ish. i think right now verything is at a moot point its worth buying leds just lot the very best yet as the very best top of the light newest light seems to the the only ones worth getting only they cost alot of money so it seems the best solution is to wait till around febuary and the lights should all be about the same tech and be way cheaper and china will have its own version of the magnum 2 for much cheaper right now is just led limbo land in a couple months the leds will finally be good most likely by next summer the market should have worth while led lamps to even buy. untill then i would stick with your tried and true they still have not made led's cooled by ducts like the plasma lights have and why not make an led plasma light as then you could get full spectrum from the plasma or sun and intense yields from the led's yeah led's are moot for the next 6 months after that they will be awesome untill then find something else to waste your time thinking about


I have a question on led panels what distance from canopy should the light be .I have heard to close and it stunts growth so what is ideal .I have a 900 watt panel i picked up on ebay from a chinese manufacture it is 8 spectrums we tested it in a small tent with 2 plants and it did well very tight nugs .I have put it in a grow with 2 mag induction 420 and a kessil 150 and things are looking really frosty for 5weeks I am keeping the panel about 18 in. from top of canopy anyone know if it is to close or should it be closer .
Ever after

Ever after

par does not exist in led god damn read about light you baby or go to school

get real and stop spamming apatche tech LEDs you posted so many times about them about you just go use them and stop ranting about apatche tech you spammer troll nobody cares and from other posts you have posted it doesnt sound like you have ever used one. its ok ti have hype about stuff just get a life man or a therapist. or stop spamming unless you work for apatche tech and are making money spamming thcfarmer and from the looks of it your a spammer tags 420
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