Lets Grow Some Herb!

  • Thread starter jipp
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i was talkin fish and next thing ya know....we gettin a fuckin History lesson....his fault lol
bull to the shit,,called me a old timer,lmao this is what i meant the other day when i was explaining,i never know were im at,,happened about at 20 yr old mark 7 yr ago,lol


figure out that button box lol
this lap top does me just fine,,them phones and such yall can have um,,just got my ass chewed a while ago,,bought something on the internet and mama ,ya do this ,do that,punch in these numbers,boy learn how do this shit,lmao damn new wave women folk,they mind,oh ya they do,lmao


I have a theory about males and environment i think higher temps and under watering causes more males
i do too,but you will think im nuts,,im not going to say heat,,cause outdoors no control,heat cause them to transpire and send out the defenses,,but humidity in veg means a lot in my opinion,also feeding in veg,,im a believer in not giving them shit till they ask for it,usally by purple stems and droop after a day you watered them,,that i believe changes a lot of things,kinda like shoving a steak in a baby mouth with no teeth,,just my theroy,,there was a dude on another site i was on,,i swear 9 out of 10 of his plants were male,,he swore by ag-lime and peatmoss,,the lime is nuetral and maintain a even 7.0,,with peat moss and promix ,which ever you want to call it,it does need the lime,but not at a regular feed,,every strain of weed ive grown,every strain indoor or outdoor has grown its best at a ph level of 6.5,i tried to tell him to off set the water to 6.0 with all the lime in the mix,he refused to even hear it


well another fucking male. SBD, and also i think a CGL is a male too.
girl,,what im gonna do with you,,just try something and see if it works for you like it does for mama,,look at bottom of them seeds,find one with a deep hole like a pussy in it,plant that bitch see if it a female,,no shit my girl does that shit and only twice out of about 100 seeds have been males


if could run 75 prob would help...idk ....just luck of the draw like poker i reckon....but ya ur ready for some fems fer sure...sorry but it does happen ....it will come back to u
i will for sure test that theroy,im running these clones in forced air,and it stating right about 85 in tent,had them inside and they didnt like 75 at all ,they were alive but like in a frozen state,threw them bitchs in the heat in that tent and over night they grew a inch ,no shit

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