Lets Talk About The Medical Benefits Of Marijuana. A Discussion For All!!

  • Thread starter Newtogrowing
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Of course I started out using as recreation when I was a teen. but come to find out ,I was actually medicating for my depression that I didn't even know I had at that time.
I always new that something was wronge with my mood swings prior to smoking,and now not so much..
I only really have problems when it's not around, that's when I start feeling like I'm a burden on my family,and that's been my main feelings even as a child.
But a little of the Ganja and I'm much better.. I know I'm not a burden but try telling that to my brain at times.

And also my ADHD.. It keeps my from going completely BAZZERKER..
Without it I would just be walking in circles ,cause I could never remember what I was doing.. Like 12 things at once..and none get finished..

Now all of my shit gets done..

Ha ,almost forgot of my back and knee pain. So at the age of 22 yrs old I was too that I had Spineabifica.. Sorry misspelled I'm sure.. I'm actually missing my L4 vertebrae,and I have a ruptured disk just above that. And now I'm thinking another ruptured disk in my upper back,,my arms go numb/asleep a lot.

And I have also been hit with Artheritist in my left shoulder or so the doctor says.

I love da Herb...

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Of course I started out using as recreation when I was a teen. but come to find out ,I was actually medicating for my depression that I didn't even know I had at that time.
I always new that something was wronge with my mood swings prior to smoking,and now not so much..
I only really have problems when it's not around, that's when I start feeling like I'm a burden on my family,and that's been my main feelings even as a child.
But a little of the Ganja and I'm much better.. I know I'm not a burden but try telling that to my brain at times.

And also my ADHD.. It keeps my from going completely BAZZERKER..
Without it I would just be walking in circles ,cause I could never remember what I was doing.. Like 12 things at once..and none get finished..

Now all of my shit gets done..

I love da Herb...

Much thanks my friend @str8smokn !!!


Auto Treacle From the farms own Seraphim19


Of course I started out using as recreation when I was a teen. but come to find out ,I was actually medicating for my depression that I didn't even know I had at that time.
I always new that something was wronge with my mood swings prior to smoking,and now not so much..
I only really have problems when it's not around, that's when I start feeling like I'm a burden on my family,and that's been my main feelings even as a child.
But a little of the Ganja and I'm much better.. I know I'm not a burden but try telling that to my brain at times.

And also my ADHD.. It keeps my from going completely BAZZERKER..
Without it I would just be walking in circles ,cause I could never remember what I was doing.. Like 12 things at once..and none get finished..

Now all of my shit gets done..

Ha ,almost forgot of my back and knee pain. So at the age of 22 yrs old I was too that I had Spineabifica.. Sorry misspelled I'm sure.. I'm actually missing my L4 vertebrae,and I have a ruptured disk just above that. And now I'm thinking another ruptured disk in my upper back,,my arms go numb/asleep a lot.

And I have also been hit with Artheritist in my left shoulder or so the doctor says.

I love da Herb...

I know what your talking about. I have real bad nerve damage in both my legs but worst in the left. Talk about arthritist, (spelled that wrong) Wow!!! lol. There's times when I can't feel my toes. Going in 2 1/2 weeks for the new pump and cath. Medical wonders...


Hi there. What a great thread. My mj use is for severe pain and nausea. I'm very sick at the moment. Just had major surgery. Couldnt cope with the pain without mj despite being on morphine. I start radiation treatment on the 14th of this month. I'm hoping my mj will help me thru all this. Iv been told I may be very nauseous after each treatment so I'm hoping some of my harvest in 10 days will help with this. Iv never eaten mj and iv been told this may be better??
It's really nice to be able to come on here and talk to others going thru so much too. I don't feel as alone. Your all awesome!!


Hi there. What a great thread. My mj use is for severe pain and nausea. I'm very sick at the moment. Just had major surgery. Couldnt cope with the pain without mj despite being on morphine. I start radiation treatment on the 14th of this month. I'm hoping my mj will help me thru all this. Iv been told I may be very nauseous after each treatment so I'm hoping some of my harvest in 10 days will help with this. Iv never eaten mj and iv been told this may be better??
It's really nice to be able to come on here and talk to others going thru so much too. I don't feel as alone. Your all awesome!!
My heart goes out to you.. Always keep a positive mind, never let any negative in. I hope this tread takes off!! Its great to talk about these things that are on your mind. As I'm typing right now I have a pump on with chemo in it. I have to have this pump for 46 hrs. Believe me it sucks.... I have to do chemo for the rest of my life. But with the cannibis its makes life much better. Never give up and remember!! There's always someone out there to talk to.


Hi there. What a great thread. My mj use is for severe pain and nausea. I'm very sick at the moment. Just had major surgery. Couldnt cope with the pain without mj despite being on morphine. I start radiation treatment on the 14th of this month. I'm hoping my mj will help me thru all this. Iv been told I may be very nauseous after each treatment so I'm hoping some of my harvest in 10 days will help with this. Iv never eaten mj and iv been told this may be better??
It's really nice to be able to come on here and talk to others going thru so much too. I don't feel as alone. Your all awesome!!
Imo edibles give you more of a body buzz then a head high, but it should all help with nausea. I hope you find something that works for you!
420 lyfePpP

420 lyfePpP

Med benefits. ... First and foremost I'm alive. Serious ptsd which sucks . But I'm a stroke survivor with a head injury and degenerative back disease . Tryin with a wheelchair but I don't really go anywhere. Just mandatory things . Been beat pretty bad and the pain and anxiety effects me pretty bad . Hate living this way . Been having seizures alot lately and just hate it . Mmj helps exist even if it's in a small house better than a small cell.


Med benefits. ... First and foremost I'm alive. Serious ptsd which sucks . But I'm a stroke survivor with a head injury and degenerative back disease . Tryin with a wheelchair but I don't really go anywhere. Just mandatory things . Been beat pretty bad and the pain and anxiety effects me pretty bad . Hate living this way . Been having seizures alot lately and just hate it . Mmj helps exist even if it's in a small house better than a small cell.
Thats what I'm hoping from this thread, is that more people like you are willing to talk about their disabilities. (I think I raped that word) lolol. Yea Its hard to get around on one of those things. I've had 12 lower back surgeries, also so much hardware was put in there too. My last surgery I was on the table for 7 hrs. Talk about a rush!! lolol. I think I've done everything to help with back pain. The pills, stimulators, morphine pump. I've been there done that. Marijuana has helped me in different ways. Pain, nausea, panic attacks, and believe me or not. THIS SITE!!!! The people on this site are fantastic!!!! I've met more people here that are caring and understanding. Don't give up keep fighting and always keep a positive mind never let any negitive in. When I see people that are negitive I move right away from them. Also the main thing is trust in the LORD.... I'm not a preacher!! lolol. But I do believe in him.


My heart goes out to you.. Always keep a positive mind, never let any negative in. I hope this tread takes off!! Its great to talk about these things that are on your mind. As I'm typing right now I have a pump on with chemo in it. I have to have this pump for 46 hrs. Believe me it sucks.... I have to do chemo for the rest of my life. But with the cannibis its makes life much better. Never give up and remember!! There's always someone out there to talk to.

Ah thank you for such a positive response. Yes chemo does suck big time doesn't it. I don't know where you are but my hospital is The Christie (there's 3 of them) . All cancer hospitals. Our chemo chairs are double booked so it's an awful wait. There is lots of cancer in my family unfortunately. Hereditary cancer. We can't take a full chemo run. None of us. So radiation is the only real option. 3 chemo treatments aren't enough and no one has got past that. We have strange blood. It's only really the females in our family with this issue. Plus we burn badly from the radiation but what choice is there?
I couldn't imagine having chemo for life.One of my aunts is on tablet form chemo for life but it's slowly killing her because of our issues. Catch 22 literally.
I was going to refuse all treatment but then i realize people here need me and it would be very selfish to give up.
But some days.....
Coming on here I love because I don't get out much and I love to chat lol can you tell?
Sending positive vibes to you. I know what your going thru.
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Thats what I'm hoping from this thread, is that more people like you are willing to talk about their disabilities. (I think I raped that word) lolol. Yea Its hard to get around on one of those things. I've had 12 lower back surgeries, also so much hardware was put in there too. My last surgery I was on the table for 7 hrs. Talk about a rush!! lolol. I think I've done everything to help with back pain. The pills, stimulators, morphine pump. I've been there done that. Marijuana has helped me in different ways. Pain, nausea, panic attacks, and believe me or not. THIS SITE!!!! The people on this site are fantastic!!!! I've met more people here that are caring and understanding. Don't give up keep fighting and always keep a positive mind never let any negitive in. When I see people that are negitive I move right away from them. Also the main thing is trust in the LORD.... I'm not a preacher!! lolol. But I do believe in him.

I get you about coming on here. I mean there's a few arse holes but the rest are the best.....ooooh that bit rhymed lol
My sister is so negative. I don't talk to her. Staying positive is the key.


Ah thank you for such a positive response. Yes chemo does suck big time doesn't it. I don't know where you are but my hospital is The Christie (there's 3 of them) . All cancer hospitals. Our chemo chairs are double booked so it's an awful wait. There is lots of cancer in my family unfortunately. Hereditary cancer. We can't take a full chemo run. None of us. So radiation is the only real option. 3 chemo treatments aren't enough and no one has got past that. We have strange blood. It's only really the females in our family with this issue. Plus we burn badly from the radiation but what choice is there?
I couldn't imagine having chemo for life.One of my aunts is on tablet form chemo for life but it's slowly killing her because of our issues. Catch 22 literally.
I was going to refuse all treatment but then i realize people here need me and it would be very selfish to give up.
But some days.....
Coming on here I love because I don't get out much and I love to chat lol can you tell?
Sending positive vibes to you. I know what your going thru.
I've had those days where u want to put a bullet in your head because you have had enough of the pain and everything that goes with it. But then I look at my life (I'm 60) and everything that I have been blessed with. Three beauitful children and two gorgous granddaughters. I want to be here to watch them grow and to give them things that I never had. These are the beautiful things that keep me going and I'm happy to wake up in the morning and say lord!!! Thanks for another day. To me this life is everything but when its my time I can say that I will go in peace. I go to a better place where there is no pain or nothing. Please keep smiling!!! One more thing, I've been doing chemo for almost 3 yrs. now and this smile never leaves my face. I hope and pray this reaches alot of people.
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