Mikado Geneology

  • Thread starter FlyinJStable
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@FlyinJStable wow mate, absolutely stunning! I'd be stoked to have them too!!
@Nitetroller I reckon you may be right about the single leaf pheno being a revegged clone taken in flowering, I've only ever seen it the same way too. Your leaves look very sharply jagged too, mine have a softer, more round edging...should be interesring to see!!


After checking today I found a few leaf mutations, no calaxes coming out of the leaves yet but these are only 23 days into flowering so maybe soon I'll have some shots of that to show the farm. Also pulled the mikado beans out of storage, gonna put 2 in the dirt tonight. Good mikado vibes!!
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Wow man, I don't recall ever seeing leaves like that before, pretty cool I must say! I winder if mine will change through flowering.
Good mikado vibes coming your way @Nitetroller :-D


wow mate, absolutely stunning
I do appreciate the Great Vibes Bro they Help This Veteran More than you will ever know.
See I come here on the Farm for My health, recovery, and to share the passion of the Grow.
My PTSD and other ailments Only require the Meds and the Farm
ITS GREAT ! so thank you Broski! ! !

I found a few leaf mutations
Dang NiteTroller That is Normally seen Only on the Very top end GSC or there was one other one I had only hearing about so its your Mikado cross or a Strait Mikado to Have this Trait?
Still, this type of ellil (Not sure of the spelling) in the Strain may be a big Deal..... In a Good way
Going to add them to the Library of Fan leafs Bro You Rock

pretty cool I must say! I winder if mine will change through flowering.
Great to see ya swing by EZ
IDK but if ya do document that fer the Group fer sure.

Bro To be poppin More Mikados ....... WAY BAD Azz Cool Beenz
Coming from the HAZEMAN you know its going to be the Bomb. Its the one Set I didnt use I wished I had so its great you are doin up from the start PLEASE feel free to share your Grow from lil squirts to The DANK.

I want to post more Pics But Dont want to over do it with um so I will post some this weekend.
Peace And super Mikado Grow Vibes


@FlyinJStable these leaf mutations are on my raspberry pheno out of that same pack from hazeman. I wanna say I got that pack 2-3 years ago. I've never ran GSC before but I do have a cherry pie from an unknown source. Not sure if it's the real cherry pie but it is super dank and overpowers my carbon scrubbers. I don't have much experience with cherry pie so I don't know if it's real or a fake or an s1. I've never ran a grow log on the farm but since this is a mikado genealogy thread if you guys don't mind if I log the new seeds progress in here. I don't want to hijack but it may be easier for everyone to have all the mikado info in one thread. Peace Nite-T


Feel free to post here Bro
every one who wants to talk Mikado its all about the Knowledge so if its Mikado share it
I will be posting the Crosses I do with her
I have a few Idea's but thats for later
Yes post away My friend If you would like
MIKADO info United.
Peace Farmer


Great thread FlyinJ...Love the look of this strain.
Anyone have any experience with the Mikado from Alternative seeds? They say it's a back cross of Federation stock.


I dont Sorry bro
But I will say
If I was going to get Mikado Beans
I would stick With @Motarebel cross
and or the ones from HazMan's
Thats not to say Alt seeds arnt the real deal its only that with Mota and Haz
I have some experience with and can speak on there gear as being of the Highest Quality.
Good Luck with your Run Puff and feel free to share here,
The more we Know and learn the better we all can help right right
Givin out the grow Vibes


Don't know that I'm gonna grab any Mikado, I've got enough seeds to last me five years easy but this thread got me looking and the ones from alternative were the ones I found in stock.

Really do like the look of it though, so you never know.


This is amazing I am @ day 40 I count the moment the lights go on the 1st day of the Flip and the 3 Mikado's are starting to turn Pistols Golden, I spent 3 hrs looking through each and every branch in flower to make sure I didnt have a Male sack popped or a Herm hanging out in the room with all the Ladies. . . . .What a Pain in DA AZZ ! ! ! !! But the room is clear, I do have a larger than normal amount of lower Nugs that have gone to the final stage of finishing and I can see where the top buds are showing the tail tell signs of It too . . .
Can it be that early of a finisher ? ?
I will get some close close shots at lights ON tonight
Peace Farmers.
FWIW Anything with Bushy ol Grower genes will be DANK o Lish Thats the case I want some LoL


@FlyinJStable, yep they are that fast! Mine look done at 45 days. I let them go 56ish because they seem to firm up alot the last 10. It's definitely a nice change of pace to the 65-70 day hybrids of today. It reminds me of a throwback to the early 90's northern lights, super skunks,and afghans with those quick flowering times. I really miss those old indicas. Seems everything has a fair amount of sativa in it nowadays. Not that it's a bad thing, I just miss the really good skunks of yesteryear. It seems that we are losing those strains at an alarming rate. I never thought I'd see the day where you couldn't find a good old fashioned skunk/afghani.


Better maturity time by pistills when turn not trichs are cannabis indicator s, for me 50 - 75% for strong, clear effect... amber trichs are over ripe and degrading...


Nitetroller , I got an rare Hawaiian indica on the truth, nuttin' like it, real old skool , but the kushes out today seems rather commercial and modified than the real true, ...I've seen the real true from Afghanistan, pebble sized seeds, glazed with resin and hard as a stone. Need sativa for yin/yang balance...


Its not hard to believe when the budz are stairing me in the face and I see Golden Pistals and Rock solid Hand sized Buds
I an not kidding this is ONE WICKED plant.
6 17 2015 UD 2

Looks like some great phenos and I imagine the smells are incredible as well
Hey bro I am happy that you found it Yea I am getting SWEET fruity goodness every where in the Stable
The Real Raspberry is a very special girl to me now as are the two others BUT given my limited space only one Mikado is going to join the Ranks Privat 1st Class Mikado... Next to Chief Petty Officer Dank-0-Budz and Yo-Mang Yeti E-10

Hazman has um for sale and I am hopeful to have a few in my hands
You will be Mass Pleased with the gear from The Haz the Genetics he breeds with and the attention to his projects is Top shelf. Please feel free to share here with your Grow.

As for when to Chop, I decided to start the flush w/pure 5.9-6.0 last night and will give um till day 50-52
I have my Magnifing lens out and getting all stoked fer the sample bud to be ready Friday... yea,...... I had to LoL
6 17 2015 UD 3
6 17 2015 UD 4

Peace Farmers

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