Mimed’s Perpetual Thread

  • Thread starter MIMedGrower
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i think that is what its called too,im looking for a even balance around 6.5 in a 18 gal tote in dry form ,im cook over winter,but cant find any info what the ideal balance is and how much per mineral,i just got a pound of manganese yesterday,soil test shows none at all in my soil,im looking for dry form that want cost me a nut hahahh

Earth juice is liquid in a bottle. But jacks and other powdered nute companies have a micro mix.

But you need organic inputs no?


So I realize @Aqua Man and @oldskol4evr I didnt put up the rest of the pics. The plants are in different stages of hunger and lockout now that i tried different water only or light feeds. They were watered 3-6 days ago.

Watered only. Still 2.0ec and the fan leaf damage had barely started when I watered.
Red stems. Reddish blotching to necrosis. Phosphorous. And some calcium spots along with it. I think
AABD9F8C C41D 4691 BE76 FB40885B8E96

This plant has improved but I believe is 6 days dry now. 1.4ec. Did not need more water yet. Looks hungry now instead of hurting. Love how they keep making buds while I tey to kill them. Lol
0FC3AB71 A439 48D1 9B39 CC6ECD935D36

Thats all I got. Fans dead and gone on the farther along Heri Jack. And the almost ready for harvest critical mass is greening up now that she should be done and growing bigger buds. Amazing plants despite human interference. ;-)


Ok. But rather than ammending the soil. And i understand where youre coming from bro. You reuse your soil cause its rediculously expensive. I know that. But i look at this differently. I want fresh great draining soil that grows great veg plants from seed or clone with only my well water for as long as the nutrients last. Then i switch to Pure Blend Pro fertilizer for the rest of the cycle. Others are counting on my harvests.

So if i have too high ec but with an imbalance of nutrients and possibly wet roots I never got all the way dry during the lockout it would affect phosphorous uptake for sure. And likely calcium. Even if it is a lack of micro nutes. Which i have never seen with a new bag of ocean forest with my deep well water i think I know my course of action.

I rarely run more than a gallon or two through the 3 gallon pots. I need to flush more with a few gallons of maybe 10ml mix of pure blend pro grow until i see around 1.2 -1.4 ec and 6.5 ph or close. Then my soul grow transfers to a soiless fertilized grow and i continue from there.

Which is what I have done in the past and it corrects itself in a few days to a week.

I have not been thinking clearly while rehabbing my back and leg from the pinched nerve for sure.
ive used the botanicare pro blend ,i use it outdoors too,thats why i dont understand it either,which keep throwing my mind back to micro nutes,the stuff is great,almost got a jug for this grow but didnt want a gallon sitting around if i couldnt do the container garden this year,bottom garden aint happening,but that said thats why i mentioned feed the organizm in your soil they will make the soil work over time cause really you cant do much else,unless you pull whole plant and put in some fresh ocean in bigger bucket,ive done it damn plants went buck ass wild on me like as in un controlable,they went to the roof hahahah ,which will fix this round ,but as you mentioned happen before ,same here several times ,like it peters out right around 5 or 6 weeks in.
that was the whole idea behind sub cool recipe for them last few weeks,if you got the cash try some of the soil cutter starter from kelp4less ,good shit,im not paying that for it though,you can put it right in your soil you have add a little perlite and let sit for couple weeks and use nothing but water in it all the way.
answer this question,does your plants do this alll year or just winter months? im asking about your well,mine in winter is about only time my water comes out clear ,when it cold out,rest of year every month im changing filter,mine is 7.2 and 315 ppm ,really high,i feed it to outdoor plants just fine with just water i rarly ever feed the veggie gardens.
im using it on my medicine this time ,believe it or not with the humbolt secret stuff,after i mix it up,and im using low end of it,im getting 832 ppm and ph 6.5,so it drops my ph and im positive i have more than enough calcium in this water hahaha,but seasons effect my well big time ,during summer if it rains the aquifer will send a lot of calcium and lime down my way,i live on a rock and limestone base for many miles around


ive used the botanicare pro blend ,i use it outdoors too,thats why i dont understand it either,which keep throwing my mind back to micro nutes,the stuff is great,almost got a jug for this grow but didnt want a gallon sitting around if i couldnt do the container garden this year,bottom garden aint happening,but that said thats why i mentioned feed the organizm in your soil they will make the soil work over time cause really you cant do much else,unless you pull whole plant and put in some fresh ocean in bigger bucket,ive done it damn plants went buck ass wild on me like as in un controlable,they went to the roof hahahah ,which will fix this round ,but as you mentioned happen before ,same here several times ,like it peters out right around 5 or 6 weeks in.
that was the whole idea behind sub cool recipe for them last few weeks,if you got the cash try some of the soil cutter starter from kelp4less ,good shit,im not paying that for it though,you can put it right in your soil you have add a little perlite and let sit for couple weeks and use nothing but water in it all the way.
answer this question,does your plants do this alll year or just winter months? im asking about your well,mine in winter is about only time my water comes out clear ,when it cold out,rest of year every month im changing filter,mine is 7.2 and 315 ppm ,really high,i feed it to outdoor plants just fine with just water i rarly ever feed the veggie gardens.
im using it on my medicine this time ,believe it or not with the humbolt secret stuff,after i mix it up,and im using low end of it,im getting 832 ppm and ph 6.5,so it drops my ph and im positive i have more than enough calcium in this water hahaha,but seasons effect my well big time ,during summer if it rains the aquifer will send a lot of calcium and lime down my way,i live on a rock and limestone base for many miles around

My water is clear. It stays at .3ec year round. However much like you suggest at the end of seasons going in and out of winter is when i have trouble. And i suspected the water but i really think its a drainage issue based on temp. Very variable temps and humidity here. And my open basement is not insulated much. And its just a wood floor over it the plants are sitting on in the spare bedroom.

I am at fault. Not predicting what the plants will need between waterings. Which is the challenging part of my grow out here.

If i stop getting hurt and heal some i wanted to set up a tent with a heater in the basement. More gradual shifts between seasons down there. And cheaper to air condition. I could add a 3rd light to the 4x8.

And take my spare room back. Lol. Im sure it will be Mrs. MMG’s spare room.


Earth juice is liquid in a bottle. But jacks and other powdered nute companies have a micro mix.

But you need organic inputs no?
i need what ever it take to get my numbers up to 6.5 across the board,my macro nutes are off the chart not even on the page that much,so i can cut that down with peat moss to get in range,i have no mangnese,very little sulfur,copper or boron,was just gonna start over until i seen the price of pro mix,i love my veggie garden but not 85 bucks a bail worth hahahah,so i looked at kiss organics,build a soil,kelp4less,none provide just a micro mix,all there lines are designed for macro nute mix,build a soil are crooks,no shit each thing you buy you pay shipping on ,they wont bundle,i might just have to feed the bottle stuff for a season and see what the outcome from a whole summer does for the soil after the heat is gone,that how i knew i had some kind of problem,plants be beautiful from day break to around 10 am,from 10am to about 6or 7 pm ,they look like melted wax,even giving a drink mid day did nothing for it,so sent 2 samples in,one reg garden,one potato soil,neither were registering hardly and micro nutes,and neither had mangnese at all which i was told cause the wax look ,luckly it didnt cause toxicity


My water is clear. It stays at .3ec year round. However much like you suggest at the end of seasons going in and out of winter is when i have trouble. And i suspected the water but i really think its a drainage issue based on temp. Very variable temps and humidity here. And my open basement is not insulated much. And its just a wood floor over it the plants are sitting on in the spare bedroom.

I am at fault. Not predicting what the plants will need between waterings. Which is the challenging part of my grow out here.

If i stop getting hurt and heal some i wanted to set up a tent with a heater in the basement. More gradual shifts between seasons down there. And cheaper to air condition. I could add a 3rd light to the 4x8.

And take my spare room back. Lol. Im sure it will be Mrs. MMG’s spare room.
oh i feel you on the back,i took my pre filter off exhaust fan yesterday,cleaned it and dried over night,hell i thought i was gonna die putting that bitch back on today,how i managed to get it on without taking it down,who the hell knows,hahahahh


i need what ever it take to get my numbers up to 6.5 across the board,my macro nutes are off the chart not even on the page that much,so i can cut that down with peat moss to get in range,i have no mangnese,very little sulfur,copper or boron,was just gonna start over until i seen the price of pro mix,i love my veggie garden but not 85 bucks a bail worth hahahah,so i looked at kiss organics,build a soil,kelp4less,none provide just a micro mix,all there lines are designed for macro nute mix,build a soil are crooks,no shit each thing you buy you pay shipping on ,they wont bundle,i might just have to feed the bottle stuff for a season and see what the outcome from a whole summer does for the soil after the heat is gone,that how i knew i had some kind of problem,plants be beautiful from day break to around 10 am,from 10am to about 6or 7 pm ,they look like melted wax,even giving a drink mid day did nothing for it,so sent 2 samples in,one reg garden,one potato soil,neither were registering hardly and micro nutes,and neither had mangnese at all which i was told cause the wax look ,luckly it didnt cause toxicity

Have you asked a greenhouse or local farm n feed store about ammendments? Or even garden soil by the yard.


Have you asked a greenhouse or local farm n feed store about ammendments? Or even garden soil by the yard.
i got a soil and stone a mile from the house,most the soil i have i made from there yard,i get a yrd of garden soil for 45 bucks and compost same prices and combine them,only problem is there mix is mainly sawdust and peat.
has all the good stuff but not were i can use it for a full season without re amending it,they have a more expensive compost with all kinds of the really good stuff for 85 yrd,nope i make it myself and know what i got in there,the main reason i built that big ass corn bed and tore my whole bottom garden down was because when it does rain here ,it comes in flash floods and wash all my shit away,damn neighbor should thank my ass hahahah


That really looks like root to me. Bugs, temps or damage. I don't get that over watered feeling it's just not uniform enough over the whole plant. It's not bad just off a bit I would kinda lean to temps. Stuff a thermometer in there maybe? Or check the temp on the bottom with an IR temp gun?

Just thinking out loud brother
I've been thinking about mimeds issue, I've got a few leaves doing something similar and I know miMed has it dialed in too so I'm thinking what I have going on and likely what you have is what Aquaman said about root Zone temperatures causing a little bit of an uptake issue

My root Zone temperature lights on is 70°, but this is a fairly warm day at 27°f right now, unlike the next few days that's going to drop to single digits (thanks to the Grand Solar Minimum) I'll monitor and report my root temperature when the lights are off and the reptile heaters go on later today
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I've been thinking about mimeds issue, I've got a few leaves doing something similar and I know miMed has it dialed in too so I'm thinking what I have going on and likely what you have is what Aquaman said about root Zone temperatures causing a little bit of an uptake issue

My root Zone temperature lights on is 70°, but this is a fairly warm day at 27°f right now, unlike the next few days that's going to drop to single digits (thanks to the Grand Solar Minimum) I'll monitor and report my root temperature when the lights are off and the reptile heaters go on later today

The latest plant still like week 2 and on well water just started showing calcium spotting on upper leaves. She is a day or two from watering but she is very green still.

Her ec was like 2.8ec after last watering but had only been in the fresh 3 gallon final pot like 8 days.


My issue starts with my oldest fan leaves prematurely yellowing like when I'll fade a plant the last few weeks before Harvest

Are you getting spots first and then the issue, or are you seeing an overall leaf yellowing first and then the death of the leaf?

Edit: I'm going to check &/or water within the hour, will post a few necrotic leaf pics in natural light then
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The latest plant still like week 2 and on well water just started showing calcium spotting on upper leaves. She is a day or two from watering but she is very green still.

Her ec was like 2.8ec after last watering but had only been in the fresh 3 gallon final pot like 8 days.
While I was writing that message I didn't see the above message you posted; so you're getting the spotting before the overall yellowing, so it's different than what I have going on symptomatically


While I was writing that message I didn't see the above message you posted; so you're getting the spotting before the overall yellowing, so it's different than what I have going on symptomatically

Calcium spots on mid to upper fan leaves with dark green fan leaves. Then phosphorous already advancing from the bottom up. Its very subtle at first.

Then when i feed the first 5 ml of PBP the problem gets worse fast. So I tried water only an extra week from normal and that yellowed and made them deficient more.

I am going to properly flush next time try for a medium feeding like 1.2ec.

These are definitely picky genetics. Chem, diesel and thai hybrids mostly.


Calcium spots on mid to upper fan leaves with dark green fan leaves. Then phosphorous already advancing from the bottom up. Its very subtle at first.

Then when i feed the first 5 ml of PBP the problem gets worse fast. So I tried water only an extra week from normal and that yellowed and made them deficient more.

I am going to properly flush next time try for a medium feeding like 1.2ec.

These are definitely picky genetics. Chem, diesel and thai hybrids mostly.
Okay completely different: I'm nearly positive I'm showing premature but typical leaf fade. Going to start feeding heavier during transition as per that recent post in the beach house regarding my nutrient schedule

This is the leaf issue I'm having:
first overall yellowing
20191217 073536

followed by some spotting
20191217 073547

and then death
20191217 073559
Normal fade just a little early because of too low PPM during stretch but totally different than what you have going on; I wasn't sure about root Zone temperature but now I think that I'm okay at 70°

the only thing I can see that you've changed is the perlite, I've never heard of perlite causing issues like that but maybe put some in a cup and taking readings on it?

Edit: also sorry if I missed it but what are your root Zone Temps?


Okay completely different: I'm nearly positive I'm showing premature but typical leaf fade. Going to start feeding heavier during transition as per that recent post in the beach house regarding my nutrient schedule

This is the leaf issue I'm having:
first overall yellowing
View attachment 921389

followed by some spotting
View attachment 921390

and then death
View attachment 921391Normal fade just a little early because of too low PPM during stretch but totally different than what you have going on; I wasn't sure about root Zone temperature but now I think that I'm okay at 70°

the only thing I can see that you've changed is the perlite, I've never heard of perlite causing issues like that but maybe put some in a cup and taking readings on it?

Edit: also sorry if I missed it but what are your root Zone Temps?

Root zone was likely in the low 60’s when the problems started again. But i have corrected that. Keeping floor at 68 or higher now.

And your problem resembles mine more than not.

But my ppms were high when the deficiency started. And it is apparently happening whether i feed in transition or not.

It really could be the 2 bags of ocean forest were old or something. As the problem has gotten worse over time.
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

@MIMedGrower found an article that I feel covers what we are talking about. Been looking into this as an opportunity for me to gain some knowledge on soil interaction with nutrients as most of my applied knowledge is in hydro.

Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Excess calcium I'm thinking and likely a bit higher soil ph. That would explain the P and calcium issues.

Depending on time of year the amount of calcium may differ in your well?

High K like I though could also decrease calcium availability.

PBP is higher in K no?

High ppm and salinity fucking up CEC on top of K
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Root zone was likely in the low 60’s when the problems started again. But i have corrected that. Keeping floor at 68 or higher now.

And your problem resembles mine more than not.

But my ppms were high when the deficiency started. And it is apparently happening whether i feed in transition or not.

It really could be the 2 bags of ocean forest were old or something. As the problem has gotten worse over time.
I kind of thought it did initially when I saw your pictures too?! but mine starts 100% as Leaf fade w/ no spots until well into the fade, maybe ten days - 2 weeks, and my PPM wasn't that low, like 500 instead of the 900 I'm using going forward so IDK but I do suspect it's because I wasn't feeding heavy enough during the stretch and these are the very leaves that I would fade first and drop off anyway so I'm kind of leaning to that

in a few minutes I'm going to go check my root Zone temp during dark with both reptile heaters on and will post reply
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