Mitt Romney Marijuana Views Echo Long Progressive History Of U.S. Drug War

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Premium Gardener
Reagan must have been pro-pot, because there were no medical marijuana dispensary raids under his presidency. :confused:



I always wonder how the hell people argue against the left when it comes to a pro-pot standpoint. There is no question who has been pushing for MJ legalization for years--its been the left.

You can thank the left for the existence of ANY legality WHATSOEVER in this country as it regards MJ.

If you're a fiscal conservative, or you believe in christian family values being codified into law--that's fine. Vote Romney. Those are good reasons to vote for him.

However, do not--ever in your life--call yourself a pro-pot activist if you vote for a single republican congressman, senator, or president. You've got to be kidding me.

That's like if I vote a republican into office and call myself an anti-gun activist.

That shit is crazy talk.

Flat out bat shit crazy.


All this just proves one thing squiggly...You are to educated to admit when you are wrong.
I am sorry but what does this mean? That the more educated somebody is the more difficulty they have in admitting being wrong? What evidence do you have for this?


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You can thank the left for the existence of ANY legality WHATSOEVER in this country as it regards MJ.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats in any state can claim responsibility for the medical programs in those states- the voting public did that based on education and experience, not party lines or affiliations.


Neither Republicans nor Democrats in any state can claim responsibility for the medical programs in those states- the voting public did that based on education and experience, not party lines or affiliations.

You realize that the legislature has the ability to block those laws, and to even block the votes for them if they want to go hard enough. They must also be ratified, and codified

You can look at the lawsuit in Arkansas if you want a live demonstration.

The reason you have that ability is because your government stood with you. If a politician is on the left, there is a 90% chance that they stand with you now--as your natural right to put whatever the hell you want in your body is under attack.

Its under attack from the right--it has been for, lets see 2012-1934 = 78 years.

Politicians on the right have a 90% chance of thinking you're a drug addict.

I'm from Illinois, here's a fun read:


I think it's pretty hilarious myself, you know--the way you're wrong.


The following document should make clear to you that what you said (no state can thank senators for MMJ laws) is flatly untrue. At the VERY LEAST, CT can thank their lawmakers for the ability to treat their illness as they see fit.


Also read, california senate bill 420.

You know what, no--I'm not going to go through and look up every single state for you and prove to you that state legislature is part of the legal process in any state and as an absolute precondition has to play ball for an MMJ policies to see the light of day.

You can just pretend it isn't that way if you want to--but you'd be wrong.

I can't name the number of voter propositions which have been legislated into dust in this country, its in the thousands over our history.

I think I'll just stick to chemistry--at least then I can rightly call people idiots when they're being idiots.

All I have left to say is educate yourselves, its very obvious which side of the aisle has been pro-pot and which one has not. Your brain is asleep if you think otherwise--the republicans very openly deride the use of marijuana regardless of any medical utility it might have (which they absolutely deny the existence of).

Wait, hold on. Let's parse this out.

1. Something exists (legislative power to control state interests including MMJ policies).
2. You say that it doesn't, despite clear evidence.

Are you a republican? This would all make so much sense if you were--because they have this thing where they constantly say things don't exist that do, and that things do exist that don't.

It's this weird, sort of, being wrong all of the time thing that they do.


Who are you talking to??? I guess since you talk in circles you must be talking to yourself.

The govt is broke, all politicians are on the take and they disagree so profoundly that nothing gets done. Marijuana will be legalized by the will of the people not suits in Washington. It is just going to take some time to accomplish this. Look at how far we have come since the mid 60's. An individual that smokes mmj today in the privacy of his own home really has little to fear from leo it's the greedy trying to get rich that should be worried who comes through their front door.


Neither Republicans nor Democrats in any state can claim responsibility for the medical programs in those states- the voting public did that based on education and experience, not party lines or affiliations.
I am sorry homie but this is wrong. I am from Montana and until the 2010 elections that put the Tea Party radicals in our state legislation we had the most thriving and growing medical cannabis community out of any state. Now just like Ca and CO there surely were mistakes made on the side of those who desired to only profit off of the industry, that aside the Republicans ripped apart the voter approved initiative (which by the way was the most approved mmj initiative at that point) and we were left with a law that was all but a repeal of the mmj act. It was disgusting to see first hand the effects of democracy on the people of MT, what I mean is we really paid the price for switching up our legislature so much and to the right. There was a legislator who was an ex- FBI agent and made sure that part of the "new" act would include a F.B.I. registry that all caregivers would have to abide too, before this any mmj raids went down without the help of the F.B.I., but since they have been included in every one. Montanans are extremely libertarian at nature, shit there was no speed limit when I was growing up until the fed gov threatened to take away highway funds, that is what the majority thought they were voting for in the Tea Party....less government, its been anything but that in practice though. It really does matter which party we have in office if we want this mmj/mj movement to rock on! Hope all is good today fellow farmers, I am about to hit up some grapeitty grapefruit and make my day much better!
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

I live in Ca. and can say with out A doubt, that peoples support for mmj and the shear numbers of them have indeed trumped Federal Law and legislation in Ca. to the point that local law enforcement polices have changed for the better under almost every circumstance and polices dictated by federal gov. are not enforced here to the letter by any mesure or view. The "people" here are responsible for setting that bar on the mmj front that All other states lagged far behind and that is A fact and I can guarantee that every person involved in that positive movement for mmj is neither Dem. or Rep. Natural Therapy's views would seem to support the circumstances in Ca. @ least... more than yours, but alas, to each their own...


I live in Ca. and can say with out A doubt, that peoples support for mmj and the shear numbers of them have indeed trumped Federal Law and legislation in Ca. to the point that local law enforcement polices have changed for the better under almost every circumstance and polices dictated by federal gov. are not enforced here to the letter by any mesure or view. The "people" here are responsible for setting that bar on the mmj front that All other states lagged far behind and that is A fact and I can guarantee that every person involved in that positive movement for mmj is neither Dem. or Rep. Natural Therapy's views would seem to support the circumstances in Ca. @ least... more than yours, but alas, to each their own...
California is much different. It is the 6th largest economy in the world I think, and surely the largest economy in the U.S., federal interference is kept to a minimum here most of the time it seems. You are right about the people in CA changing local laws, but even here its democratic governors and legislators that are standing up for mmj, from Newsome to Pelosi......I don't see Issa or any of the CA republicans touting states rights over mmj here, at least from what I have seen.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

No governor or legislator has ever led California to date on mmj issues. I would suggest that they pander to the people that in the face of federal law planted their feet and demanded to be heard. Newsome / Pelosi could care less about mmj, what they do care about is popularity among voters that keep them in office, nothing more.

P.S I had to come back and add to this after trying to imagine Nancy Pelosi standing up in front of A large crowd and explaining why she is A true advocate for the reform of Marijuana law... L.M.F.A.O. Like lipstick on A pig bro... Thanks for that sanvanalona ;)


I'll take that over people who are overtly against it, no? Newsome did great things as mayor and made many open statements in support of mmj that is why s.f. had so many more dispensaries in his term than today.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Guess it's just because of where i'm at and the things I personally see. One of my long time friends partnerd up with someone and they have mutiple dispensaries. Not my thing but we laughed at how far things have come since the old days and literally crack up at the fact that he opened A third dispensarie on the main street of the city 1/2 block from the police department that we stand outside in front of swapping stories. That closed after about A year without any penalties what so ever and they moved straight down the same main street and still opperates today along with the others they own. The city code enforcement has contacted them once stating things were "Hot" but code enforcement only opperated from 9-5 so they switched to evening hours to avoid static. They have been given the green light since and now opperate 9-10pm. I stand by my view that people drive the mmj issue more than politicians.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

"Breaking News" Pres. Obama does complete reversal of previous views on medical marijuana and is photographed by TMZ at the Democratic National Convention takeing huge pull off of the presidential "Alien Genetics" blunt to steady nerves before his most important acceptance speach in modern history...

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All bullshit and politics aside I would not be doing what I am doing if not for what he said.
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