More Evidence Proving 'Dubbya' was 'Worst President Ever!'

  • Thread starter ttystikk
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I always thought the federal reserve was a part of the government. I remember one time when Bernanke was talking to congress and saying that it didn't matter to him how much debt the usa was taking on and that it wasn't his concern how the US would pay the money back. The more I learn the less i want to know lol Now i get what Ron Paul was talking about. Great video Kolah!

TY..the video should be called "Private Central Bankers 101 for newbies."


if u guys really think obama is worse then bush ur either ignorant or racist. now dont get me wrong they both suck and dont care about the citiz:ens but bush was the reason we went to war with iraq, the reason for the patriot act and just made us as a country look fucking stupid. ya they elected obama cus hes young and black and he lied his ass off about gay rights, med marijuana raids, and gettin us outta war. but he hasnt really put us in any new shitstorms imho and he is dealing with those cocksuckers tht r on the rep side now tht will vote against or fiilabuster anything he wants to do without even giving it a readthru.
i drive up north from the bay and see all these impeach obama signs and it really makes the people look like dumb hillbillies really. the country has been going to shit since i dont even know when, probably since they gave control to the banks and big corps, but to say obama is the reason or worse then bush is just fucking dumb u sound like a racist retarded motherfucker tht shulda voted for rick perrys dumb ass. really who wuld u of voted for mitt or mcain? cmon really obama is in office cus he is the less of the evils and if u think mitt or mcain woulda fixed this country u need to be on crack farmer not thcfarmer


ya thats what i said. most people make up a reason to dislike obama more then bush and ya to me if ur tht blind u must have something other then policy to dislike. is it tht he is black idk really but most people who dont think he was born in america or tht think he is muslim ya they r dumb as fuck and probably r racist. and guns dont kill people the gov does is jus some hillbilly redneck shit too. there should b tougher gun laws, where im from everybody has a gun youn 13 yr olds have guns its easy as shit to get a gun and thts not cool. maybe in cali it is but you gotta remember cali is its own country in the way tht its nothing like the east coast or other west coast states it is way less violent and way more layed bak. there is a murder every 24 hr 10 mins where im from and thats a fact. now u can try to make me sound dumb by tryin to simplify my message by anyone tht diesnt like obama is racist but u just sound dumb. wat i said was if u dont like obama cus u think he is ruining the country u have to look at facts and the facts say obsma is no worse then bush or any otherv president in recent history, we as a country are just gettin more and more fucked up


So anybody who doesnt like obama is a

Too funny, typical liberal tripe.

i said if u think obama is worse then bush ur either ignorant or racist, if u dont like obama then ur just like me or damn near everybody on this forum. if you think obama is worse then bush then ya u are probably racist cus there is no comparison u know it.


ya thats what i said. most people make up a reason to dislike obama more then bush and ya to me if ur tht blind u must have something other then policy to dislike. is it tht he is black idk really but most people who dont think he was born in america or tht think he is muslim ya they r dumb as fuck and probably r racist. and guns dont kill people the gov does is jus some hillbilly redneck shit too. there should b tougher gun laws, where im from everybody has a gun youn 13 yr olds have guns its easy as shit to get a gun and thts not cool. maybe in cali it is but you gotta remember cali is its own country in the way tht its nothing like the east coast or other west coast states it is way less violent and way more layed bak. there is a murder every 24 hr 10 mins where im from and thats a fact. now u can try to make me sound dumb by tryin to simplify my message by anyone tht diesnt like obama is racist but u just sound dumb. wat i said was if u dont like obama cus u think he is ruining the country u have to look at facts and the facts say obsma is no worse then bush or any otherv president in recent history, we as a country are just gettin more and more fucked up

Oh fuck.....hahahaha

I gotta ask you, do you think tougher gun laws will prevent 13 yo kids from buying guns?

I dont think their going thru the background check at the gunshop. I am absolutely positive there are more guns per capita in my area than yours, without even looking up any stats. There hasnt been a murder where I live since 1999.

You wanna know why, because we raise our kids to have respect for others, and the whole community holds them to a high standard. If my kid is fucking up and im not around the neighbor lady will whip his little ass, with my full approval. Our kids dont wear their pants half down their asses, they work mostly on farms and family businesses, they say thank you and maam, and most all of em are drug to church on sunday. And their parents generally buy them a gun on their birthday or xmas when they are around the age of 5.

Seems to me youd like the govt to save us from the fuckups of the world, well we dont need their help, in fact fuck their help, were all armed so dont shoot at us or we will fuck you up.

On this hillbilly shit, what the fuck is that? does that mean people who strive to have the moral fortitude of their elders, as opposed to this progressive mumbojumbo shit that gets made up as we go along.? Those that go to church? Folk who wear overalls? Chew copenhagen? Get pissed off and put signs in their yard? Dont live in some shithole of a city? Have a farm?

If it wasnt for hillbillies youd be eating dirt like a samolian man. They dont make food in the back of the supermarket, hillbillies grow it and rub their dirty asses on it, then send it to the city.

You are fucking welcome.

PS......... keep your undisciplined kids in the city, we dont want them.

PSS...........bush and obama are just faces for the machine.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Plenty of fuckups in the hills. Just that when you have a population like a city does your odds go up for having some outliers(bad folks) and when you live in a rural town with a couple hundred folks or less the odds of crazies go down by shear population. But don't think shitty folks live just in cities.

I do agree with pretty much a lot that you wrote but the undisciplined aren't limited to cities, imo
sky high

sky high


While it all sounds very rebellious and outlaw-like.....with big talk about standing tall without the Gov't's help, the county you speak of averages a handy 30-40 million a year in Gov't farm aid subsidies and has received over $550 million in Gov't aid since 2001. With only 8000 people in the entire county, that averages out to almost 5K per person, per year.


You have the wrong county............. our population isnt that high. I moved man.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

So anybody who doesnt like obama is a

Too funny, typical liberal tripe.
Straight from the Democratic Cookie Cutter Play Book mendel... They're doing the same thing with
Dr. Ben Carson, A Fucking Brain Surgeon (like any of the people here can say that, or the people that criticize him for that matter) for reals and he's Black dude... Give it up. They eat the food, drive their cars, turn on the power, and use gasoline just like the rest of us and complain about it from their other face... If they really wanted to back their play they could just not eat the food, don't turn the lights on, use no gasoline, stop driving their cars and that would speak volumes, but "We' all know that's not going to happen, Actions speak volumes. Live by the sword or Die by the sword! Right???


You are fucking nuts SoCal 420.
That's my final contribution so....trying to convince me of anything further is just jerking yourself off with a keyboard frankly.
The Bluzboy Abides
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

You made my point for me and I have nothing to add, If it aint broken, don't fix it... LOL ;)


ur fuckin retarded my man, wen i say hillbillies i mean people that are ignorant to think tht the way they live is the way everybody lives. just cus u live in some little pussyhole town doesnt mean tht your towns laws fit for the whole country. for you to say yo boys makes you sound fuckin dumb and old as shit so your aged ass opinion for what works in this country now is outdated and u need to hurry up and die like all the other old hard headed ignorant fucks tht keep the public opinion from moving forward. i say public opinion because public opinioñ doesnt and never will dictate the manner in which the country is run. but havin u gun totin bible poundin pro life assholes still picitin signs and talkin shit we as a country wiol never move on to a better place.


the only thing i agree with is tht bush and obama are just faces of the machine. other then tht u can shove ur yard signs and overalls up ur ass and church is another face for the machine church is definately a problem in society not a solution. waste ur time in church if u want to dummy


I dont go to church. I dont live in town. Im not old. I dont wear overalls. I dont worship the federal govt as the new god, who will make life all better by imposing more laws. I dont have any signs in my yard (anymore).

America was founded by gun totin bible pounding pro life assholes, and was later subverted by socialists and bankers.

It seems ironic that loving caring liberals are so fucking hostile, even to the point of telling someone to go die.




im not a liberal im a realist and if ur not old ur just ignorant. i live in the real world all of it not jus a little shit biblebelt town. this country was founded by people tht wanted freedom of religion not bible pounders, pro choice and life wasnt even an idea back then and im all for guns we should b able to have watever kind or calibrr, but u need to b realistic about who can get their hands on em. if u give ur kids guns at five and think thats a good idea for every family in america then my personal opinion is people like u should hurry up and die off fuck how u feel about it


Nobody here wants to impose any rules on you, and we sure as hell arent interested in your rules.

The founders werent pro-life you say, id have to disagree. One of the complaints sent to the british crown was the involuntary pressing into servitude of american sailors.

But I agree, there are too many evil babies in the world. We kill the evil babies and dont kill murderers, just warehouse them, thats a great plan. I gotta better idea, if you cant feed em keep your fucking knees together.

I promise not to buy your kid a gun.

Its finished snowing so I have to go shovel 3" of global warming off my patio.

best regads, mendel
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Land -of- the Free...

My "personal" weapon of choice...



Girls carrying guns israel jew 01

How the ladies "Roll" in Israel...

Tumblr m6mx43CBaE1qjqifso1 1280


IMAG0127 1
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
These pictures with the slogans are killing
Shot anything cool lately?
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Why yes I have... Zeroed @ 200 yards and drillin A dime with 6.8mm Spc Hand loaded Ammo. Range runs out to 300yds. but sometimes if the right guy is there I can run out to 500yds. BLM land where I used to shoot went out to 1500yds and have used every bit of that with A Barret 50cal. Waiting for A new Vortex range finding scope and A BoBro's quick detach scope mount with instant return to zero (take it off, put it on and scope is still @ zero... Guaranteed. One of the best rail mounting systems on the planet) My AR is A custom build that I assembled with the upper rail system and receiver from Seekins Precision. Custom made and some of the best money can buy. The girls in the photos were from shots taken in Israel in recent average flea market / public settings, No Joke. The blond is one that my friend sent over... I think you know the other dude.

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