More Evidence Proving 'Dubbya' was 'Worst President Ever!'

  • Thread starter ttystikk
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Ohhhh man...

Do NOT make me go all Dr. SUESS on yo' ass, y'heah me? Boahhh?
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Very interesting, ............for those interested. :) red pill or blue?
I took the "Red" pill @ an early age and have been down the Rabbit Hole and saw for my self many times. That rabbit has been busy because the "Hole" keeps going deeper! Funny how people think "Bilderberg" is conspiracy and the Federal Reserve (Group of private investors that control monetary policy of the U.S. and influence world market) is Legit. Once again... That is by all definition, A Contradiction! Great post kolah...
dirk d

dirk d

I always thought the federal reserve was a part of the government. I remember one time when Bernanke was talking to congress and saying that it didn't matter to him how much debt the usa was taking on and that it wasn't his concern how the US would pay the money back. The more I learn the less i want to know lol Now i get what Ron Paul was talking about. Great video Kolah!


"The most difficult problem in the universe to decipher and unlock is the US income tax code."
I quote-Albert Einstein


I find it hard to understand why people pick sides or defend one party against the other.
To me that is part of the maze they want you to run in little mouse.
It has become clearer and clearer; to me anyway, that neither party is better than the other.
They both do similar things and fool the people in similar fashion, to perpetuate the agenda for power and financial gain. Until more people realize that there is a game of cups being played in front of them to keep them distracted and hating one thing or another , then we will not be able (as a the true power in the country as its citizens) to stand fast and force reform of the structure, government, political & economic structures.
The presidents keep getting worse... the politicians get more corrupt and the power of the people and its freedoms continue to be stripped away.
There are only a few things we as humans have a "Right" to;
Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness. Beyond that you r on your own.
Quit the entitlements, quit the big government and its bloated budgets.(IE: stop the bass-ackwards way of budgetary cuts by eliminating the things that are needed like medication for cancer patients in leu of keeping the bloated salaries and vacation funds of government officials...because its easy to get the people to vote back the money for cancer cause it will piss people off to take it away . People wont be so gracious to do so so Obama or GWB can go on a world wide golf binge in air force one for 3 months.)
Slim everything back to basics, remove lifetime politicians and force the political machine to eat the same plate of food they serve the rest of the populous.
Of course there are alot more things but u get the gist of the idea.
I am just as frustrated as the next guy, but being a divided nation is part of the ploy to keep your hamster on the wheel. We all must be willing to be held accountable for ourselves and get over the glutton and laziness of our own. Get off the government tit and fight to rebuild the foundation thats being eroded away.

Anyway ill step off the soapbox for now. thats my nickel worth.

SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Nice post dirk d, Eyes Wide open... :wideyed: The one that surprised me the most in kolah's posting was the fact that all federal land and the resources on that land, that is held by the U.S. government, is used as collateral for our deficit borrowing because the ability to repay that debt is slim to none in the eyes of the lenders. That would include all State parks, Forests, ANWR, everything. That alone could easily explain the reluctance for an energy plan that involves federal land and the reason that the energy production that is happening within the U.S. is occurring almost solely on private property... Makes that uncontrollable Federal deficit spending A little more problematic when you know the collateral that is being held by foreign interests don't it?... Once people put aside the political division that was created by Big Brother and realize that politicians from either party are not acting in our best interests the focus will be solely on them and the tide will turn. Until then we are just lap dogs along for the ride.
sky high

sky high

That alone could easily explain the reluctance for an energy plan that involves federal land and the reason that the energy production that is happening within the U.S. is occurring almost solely on private property... Makes that uncontrollable Federal deficit spending A little more problematic when you know the collateral that is being held by foreign interests don't it?... Once people put aside the political division that was created by Big Brother and realize that politicians from either party are not acting in our best interests the focus will be solely on them and the tide will turn. Until then we are just lap dogs along for the ride.

Don't worry SoCal...they are quickly fucking up some very beautiful private, state, and Federal land here on Colorado's Western Slope as they bulldoze roads/pipelines and natural gas well drilling pads farther and farther into the forest where no development has ever occurred previously. Wyoming is taking a similar hit, as is NM and Utah.

Most of the gas is shipped overseas. Nobody's gas bill in Colorado has ever gone down. It's a huge scam that will destroy the American West as we know it.

But to listen to the TV commercials, it's just more "Clean 'mericun energy that will fuel our homes and cities and..."

Sad shit. A total smokescreen that the Sheeples are falling for hook, line, and sinker.


Sky High... It might be destroying nour beautiful landscape, but look at the up side:
The Natural gas boom has given way to new methods for shale oil drilling which will result in a new huge US oil boom that will rival that of the industrial revolution. This will cause all kinds of ecological issues and pressures that our great president will then use to bolster his approval rating forcing him into a 3rd term and even 4th. while the only people to get rich are those who know and see this coming enough to position themselves in emerging markets and the Government who will rape the oil companies and their support systems for billions in permits and licensing. This will give a huge boost to the economy and help save this country from certain fiscal oblivion, again bolstering Obama's approval and helping him to a 3rd and maybe 4th term. Where he will continue to compound and excelerate the socialistic dictatorship giving way to the fall of our democratic union and the ushering in of the new order.
However Im sure G-Dubyah and his boys will be some of the first to make a few billion as he quietly shakes Barak's hand as they sit back at the private club sippin on cognac and firing up a fat joint of your great yet confiscated meds.
Amen allah snackbar.. the end.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Nice Pancho-N- Lefty, not exactly the way I was going to put it but close enough. I pay about $45 A month if that during the winter for heating and less than $20 to heat water and A Gas clothes dryer during spring and summer (your mileage may very) Pretty cheap if you ask me. Fuel for the cars different story here than the rest of the U.S. WTF! My comment was more loosely based on foreign interests holding federal land as collateral and what they could do if they lay claim to that land (owned by China? and no longer controlled by U.S. Gov.) that actually belongs to the citizens of the U.S. but the fact o the matter is life as we know it takes energy. To produce that energy something has to burn, weather it is coal, oil, plutonium rods or natural gas.
sky high

sky high

Either way, the destruction going on west of us in Garfeild County/etc. is a sad sight. (via short sight) This land will never be the same and when they are finished raping it, they will simply walk away.

and for what? 3X the profit for export to the UK?

Roan oil drilling


Sky High... It might be destroying nour beautiful landscape, but look at the up side:
The Natural gas boom has given way to new methods for shale oil drilling which will result in a new huge US oil boom that will rival that of the industrial revolution. This will cause all kinds of ecological issues and pressures that our great president will then use to bolster his approval rating forcing him into a 3rd term and even 4th. while the only people to get rich are those who know and see this coming enough to position themselves in emerging markets and the Government who will rape the oil companies and their support systems for billions in permits and licensing. This will give a huge boost to the economy and help save this country from certain fiscal oblivion, again bolstering Obama's approval and helping him to a 3rd and maybe 4th term. Where he will continue to compound and excelerate the socialistic dictatorship giving way to the fall of our democratic union and the ushering in of the new order.
However Im sure G-Dubyah and his boys will be some of the first to make a few billion as he quietly shakes Barak's hand as they sit back at the private club sippin on cognac and firing up a fat joint of your great yet confiscated meds.
Amen allah snackbar.. the end.
Well then you do not mind well water contamination, AG ground water/aquafier contamination, buying your drinking/cooking water, and like being able to light the water from your tap with a bic lighter like we can here east of Greeley. Currently, Greeley has 9 times the Co2 levels as Houston Texas with Houston being having a population 10 times that of Greeley. So, if those are the kinds of things you think improve quality of life So Cal, then yes maybe you are right about oil and gas mining in people's back yards making America a better place. How would like 200 to 250 semi's rolling down the dirt road in front of your house at 50 and 60 mph every day that use to have maybe 20 or 25 vehicles use it? How about 3 and 5 hundred foot drilling towers 200 feet from your house with 10,000 watt halogen lights blairing so bright you can sit in your living room and read a book with the lights out at 2 or 3 am? Come and get some of the oil and gas nonsense you think is great and lets force your kids and family to live in it and drink the water and then you can tell me how great the unabated insane oil and gas mining explosion In Colorado is sooooo goood.
The Literal Choking To Death On Oil and Gas Fumes, dead or mutated by drinking showering bathing in poison contaminated water, or run over by a semi Bluzboy.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Hey I have an idea, Lets sit in the dark, freeze our asses off and stop driving in cars. I'm sure you would like to lead by example?
Some politician that "Runs" the show in Greeley has failed you if the co2 levels are 9 times that of Texas and you can't blame that on Texas. Their stats are impressive to say the least and their water don't light on fire. Ever consider relocation? We have oil production / wells in Ca smack in the middle of residential properties on some of the most valuable and desirable land in the nation... Look it up... Here is A link>>>

Or you can do your own search via Google Images... Plenty there to verify my statement...

Some Texas stats that can't be denied...

• Texas is a fiercely independent culture. It has already been its own nation, the Republic of Texas, from 1836 to 1846.

• Texas is the only state with its own independent power grid.

• Texas can grow more than enough food to feed itself (and trade with neighboring states).

Texas is the energy empire of America, with massive resources of natural gas, petroleum, solar and wind. It contains the largest untapped oil reserves in North America, save for Alaska.

• Texas has physical possession of America's oil refineries. (Key strategic resource!)

Texas has abundant technology and telecommunications. It is the "silicon valley" of the South.

• Texas has the basic infrastructure of a space program. The Apollo program, after all, was based out of Houston.

• Texas has a ready labor force.

• Texas has abundant natural resources, including water, soil, sunlight and seeds. There are 15 major rivers that run through Texas.

• Texas has manufacturing know-how and a "can-do" culture of practical people who know how to solve problems.

• Texas has multiple shipping ports and international airports, allowing high-volume international trade with other nations.

• Texas has the capability of defending itself against threat of invasion or military force. Tens of millions of firearms are already owned by well-skilled farmers, ranchers and military veterans. Any attempt to occupy Texas with a military force would be far worse than trying to occupy Afghanistan.

• Texas has a world-class university education system.

• Texas has a history of independence from tyranny. It's part of the Texas DNA.

• Texas has diverse ecology, with 10 climatic regions, 14 soil regions, and 11 distinct ecological regions.

• Texas is a state with tremendous citizen pride. More than in any other state, Texans identify their state as a source of strength and independence.

• Texas citizens have a sense of ethics and morality that's simply missing from many other areas (most notably the Northeastern USA). In Texas, people generally know the difference between right and wrong, and they typically seek to do the "right" thing.

• Texas has Ron Paul! (Need we say more?)

Energy will come from somewhere weather you want to lay that blame on me or not. I suggest you write your congressman and voice your concerns regarding Greeley to them and what your alternative energy plan to run the entire nation without drilling or burning something to produce electricity will consist of? I"m sure if your plan can stand on it's own merit it'll Make you Famous and maybe Obama will implement that via. executive order tomorrow? Probably get you farther than criticizing me for having A view that is based on reality rather than some fairytale plan that is both nonviable and would not sustain the energy needs of the U.S. in any way shape or form.

I thank you for your criticism though... Have A great day Bluzboy...
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Born and raised in Ca. I'm not the one that made the comparison to Texas if you are attempting to marginalize my statement? Although I do have twin nephews in Texas from A failed marriage on my Bros. side and we are seriously contemplating selling of everything and making that move... Better overall economy than almost anywhere in the country, if you did some research you would see that for your self instead of me having to point that out for everyone as A reply to someone's statement / criticism / comparison ...


Either way, the destruction going on west of us in Garfeild County/etc. is a sad sight. (via short sight) This land will never be the same and when they are finished raping it, they will simply walk away.

and for what? 3X the profit for export to the UK?

View attachment 304712

That pic is no uglier to me than a drive thru the mountains, where forests are clear cut for ski slopes and there is a house on every hill.
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