Motherlode's first UC run with White Fire #3 - come on in, the waters fine!

  • Thread starter motherlode
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The more i look at your girls the more i want mine to get here so i can get started... Hopefully you dont put me to shame with those prettys.


yeahhh!! looking forward to the buds.

Midas approves :)

gtd, 3 part gh vs gold. You ever even tried the gold?

Have you ran a uc with both?

If not then how would you know?
Midas touch1722


you guys rock!

Nice! Looking good! I need to join the UC bandwagon, you guys are killing it. My RDWC is doing awesome, but the roots in 5 gal buckets are filled to the brim, I need more space for 'em!

well hell mang no reason you cant DIY your own setup with bigger bucketsess

beautiful! can't wait to see how this turns out for you.

thx BF - me either

Excellent update buddy! The girls look great and ready for the flip... Any thoughts on the lower screen? I just finished setting up my system and will fill it with water tomorrow (been busy harvesting my current round) and I'm trying to figure out the best use of one or two screens since the growth rate on the UC is incredible and my buckets are spaced much closer than yours... :thinking

lower screen is working out - though with such small holes Im constantly pullig branches through - though after I do my final big trim up during week three anything left thats still under that net will get the chop

Hey Motherlode. I got to thinking about that, because I still want to use this method of mixing.

What I think DM meant by not mixing the two was a simple pre-cautionary.

I figure when introducing bloom nutes into ANY medium, you're going to be getting a mix of BLOOM and GROW nutrients, until the GROW leaches out of the medium... This would be the case in soil, rockwool, coco, etc.. so why can't it be done in RDWC?

Introduce bloom nutes into the top off res for flip, once the the top off res empties into the UC, you'll know they have already drank all there GROW nutes, and the BLOOM nutes that were previously filled in the TOP-OFF will now have filled your UC system...

They will gradually eat threre veg nutes as they transition into bloom.

That is how I believe I would like to do it, and probably will as well. I want to go an entire run without a water change.

keep up the excellent work!! I cant wait until you flip those bitches its gonna be nugs galore!

yeah that makes perfect sense bro - good having you along for the ride

looks perty good man
the gh3 part and the schedule i shared with you>>would work even more better in that UC system:) Is there any reason why you switched?

just my 2 cents:passingjoint:


well trust me GTD I would have used GH had I not read so about much bad results with it and rdwc - lately though Im starting to hear some positive things so maybe next run, unless Im totally stoked about my results after this one and then well you know - dont fix what aint broke

your 2c is always welcome bro

I don't think they could look any healthier, nice work.

ps, I hoped you flipped them when you took that picture. :) Those ladies got alotta junk in their trunk.

yeah buddy I flipped emn - I went in there and I was like FUCK - what am I waiting for? lmao

dont worry I beat them back with a big stick after I posted the pix - one of these days Ill show what they look like after I abuse them - its amazing how much you can beat them up and the next day its like it didnt happen

Nice work they look greta sir looking forward to your blooming updates peace

word up bro - thx for the + rep bro - good to hear your up and walking more

is that the pot version of the EZ button? lol

So now the fun is really going to start.....Im strapped in lets roll.....still so sweet and clean there Motherlode........and sounds like you have a great piece of history your living whole area/backyard is a wonderland of gold history and fun, so much to explore and prospect so little time, they say only 20% of the gold was ever discovered back in the 1st gold rush days.....I'll be building a prospecting rig this spring and summer to find that other 80%!!!LOL

word man - wish you could still dredge the river here - thats the way to get the gold

dam those girls are beastin motherlode!

lol beastin is right bro!

The more i look at your girls the more i want mine to get here so i can get started... Hopefully you dont put me to shame with those prettys.

I hope your right mang - I like to see people succeed! just keep it simple and clean and you should do fine

yeahhh!! looking forward to the buds.

Midas approves :)

gtd, 3 part gh vs gold. You ever even tried the gold?

Have you ran a uc with both?

If not then how would you know?

me too - my flower room has been bare way too long - not that Im running out of meds or anything - but I am out of white fire


Premium Member
yeahhh!! looking forward to the buds.

Midas approves :)

gtd, 3 part gh vs gold. You ever even tried the gold?

Have you ran a uc with both?

If not then how would you know?

>>My biggest tree's where grown in my modified recirculating bucket system that I ran in 2005/06<<<
Still the same GH 3part nutrient recipe that I use today on top of a few things ive added that weren't made back then:)

I never tried the gold or would>>no need to fix what aint broken>>i shared my nutrient gimmick with motherload he is a good grower and knows whats doin:)



Premium Member
That is sooo nice. You got em' looking great too. Nice Job!

I'm gonna hang around for sure.



Premium Member
Great Everything

The whole thread is awesome, those plants just add the finishing touch. Can't wait to watch them bud



>>My biggest tree's where grown in my modified recirculating bucket system that I ran in 2005/06<<<
Still the same GH 3part nutrient recipe that I use today on top of a few things ive added that weren't made back then:)

I never tried the gold or would>>no need to fix what aint broken>>i shared my nutrient gimmick with motherload he is a good grower and knows whats doin:)


yeah I may have gotten caught up in some hype, but shit is looking good so far Im very happy with the DM gold - lke I said new info is starting to trickle in - so we'll see

That is sooo nice. You got em' looking great too. Nice Job!

I'm gonna hang around for sure.


heya Fred, long time brotha - lol

The whole thread is awesome, those plants just add the finishing touch. Can't wait to watch them bud

thx mal - its friends like you that make this place - glad your here for the show!


Premium Member
cuz motherload is the man and grows that wicked killer herb :) keep up the great work homie. i am impressed ~SMF~


>>My biggest tree's where grown in my modified recirculating bucket system that I ran in 2005/06<<<
Still the same GH 3part nutrient recipe that I use today on top of a few things ive added that weren't made back then:)

I never tried the gold or would>>no need to fix what aint broken>>i shared my nutrient gimmick with motherload he is a good grower and knows whats doin:)


haha buckets, gimmicks, 05/06 ow the memories.

know a first time grower run dm gold and hit over gpw. No gimmicks, no bud boosters, no high yielding hemp strains, Just dank.

Motherlode knows what he is doing, that the fact jack!

up yours

No you the man alright unless hmm. It all looks great brother keep it up it inspires my madnees to grow more and better


Hook it up on some clones you have a killerpheno great work


haha buckets, gimmicks, 05/06 ow the memories.

know a first time grower run dm gold and hit over gpw. No gimmicks, no bud boosters, no high yielding hemp strains, Just dank.

Motherlode knows what he is doing, that the fact jack!

No you the man alright unless hmm. It all looks great brother keep it up it inspires my madnees to grow more and better

haha you fuckers are gonna jinx me man!

Hook it up on some clones you have a killerpheno great work

thx bro

theyre gonna lift that whole trellis thing off the ground, you should bolt it down

actually lol

it is bolted to the ground - I drilled holes through the elbows and ran screws into the floor - Im a clutz and my prosthetic leg can be hitting something and I dont know it


Nice....wish I woulda caught this one sooner. Im definately tuned in now.


Happy New Year Brothas and Sisters!

Beautiful progress and setup, good vibes my man, Peace SSP

thanks man - appreciate you dropping in!

Sunnyvale Trailer Park........I love it !

what up JoeDirt? Vern is that you? - lmao

Nice....wish I woulda caught this one sooner. Im definately tuned in now.

nah son your just in time - veg shots are soo booooring

thx all for making my thread a chill place - really appreciate (man I sound like a broken record huh) all your comments and people taking the time to read the thread!

wishing everybody green grows and stinky nugs in the new year!

be safe tonight everybody - Im going to a bonfire party, gonna be cold as fuck but I think tray of brownie treats and a bottle of tequila should leep me warm! best part about this party is its in walking distance!

fuck you 2010 you are old news, bring on 2011!!!!!!!

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