Mt. Everest Challenge

  • Thread starter fishwhistle
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There are 52 fourteeners in colorado?Thats freakin amazing.Chicken,ive backpacked most of the pacific crest trail from the mexico border to oregon in pieces over the years but now i stick to the sierra stretchs with backcountry lakes,going to make a try for golden trout again this year.



Ill bring the pot, you can carry the beer.

The wind doesn't usually pick up until late mornings, but at 14,000 ft it's a rare moment that's calm at all..

Of course, give me the heavy stuff! Hahaha! At one beer per climber, I'll accommodate a party of 6. You're on your own for water!

I'll see what's good. Estes park is fairly central; there's a few in the area. I'll check my notes and offer up some suggestions when I have a few minutes.


Longs peak is in the Estes Park area. I haven't done this one but my brother has, it's simple but a haul. If it doesn't quit snowing none of us are going anywhere. Got about 9" on the grass and more coming.

FW wish you were near, hard to find a backing buddy. There are ton's of high mountain lakes around and I have camped at dozens of them over the years. Still have all the shit just can't find anybody willing to rough it any more. All my old buds want beds now.


Lol,your buddies are probably smart.Ill sacrifice to be in the middle of nowhere,its my church,on the ocean or in the woods the less people the better.


Whitney's the highest peak in the contiguous 48. Pretty surprising given the Rockies and all. I'll be interested to hear more about that brawl. All the Tenzig Norgays said it was the foreigners (unnamed nationalities) who started it.
and the lowest spot is 90 miles away in death valley
what the hell the climbers and sherpas fighting about????


As a former rock climber and alpine climber (Mt. Rainier), much respect.


Living dead girl
No peaks for me, unless they're at the end of a road that can be driven. :(
and the lowest spot is 90 miles away in death valley
what the hell the climbers and sherpas fighting about????
I'm still waiting to find out.
sky high

sky high

Been a few years since I dug out the backpacking stuff. A lot of it has been pilfered by the boys....but it would be good for the soul to get out there on the trail again, for sure. I have a good buddy in FoCo who usually accompanies me....we used to do a yearly trip of no less than 5 days as well as a number of shorter treks. Rawah, Holy Cross, Hunter-FryingPan, Zirkel, etc. Have definitely had some memorable trips and days upon days without seeing anyone else.

At the very least we should plan a car/base camp kinda gig and do some day hikes.


I pretty much take a two hr hike/jog 3 or 4 times a week. Great cardio work out. Going today as a matter of fact. There are some great places to hike west of Denver. If anybody ever wants to tag along I usually leave around 1:00 in the winter and early in the morning during the warmer months.
Sky, there are some lakes due south of you that I always wanted to explore. Tough climb but no peeps for sure. Don't remember the names but it's near where the plane and missiles were lost about 10 years ago.
I know I say this every year and it's hard to get a group together but we should have a farmers jamboree. Good lakeside location with fishing, hiking and lots to smoke. Probably never happen but fun to think about.
sky high

sky high

I've been toying with the idea of setting up another Farm weekender. I have access to a private campground and a few rental cabins owned by our HOA near Leadville.... and while it isn't a real boonie spot, there are 2 stocked lakes, bathrooms/showers and electrical hookups at the camp area. With some planning we could probably reserve the entire campground. There are also 3 cabins available for rent if folks want quasi-modern "rustic" accomodations. One is fairly close to the camp area. Just haven't put it out there 'cus of the ongoing brain-fuckin-damage and daily fun(k)....but it's something to ponder. If it rained/etc we could always bail to my cabin up on the hill and fire up the woodstove.

Lotsa lakes up high in the Holy Cross. My favorite hike...which I've done 2X with my up Missouri Creek to Missouri Lakes...over Missouri Pass.....and down, down, down, Cross Creek to the Tigiwon area. Takes 2 cars.....or someone dropping tyou off and picking you up......and it's 22 miles en total........3.5 up the creek and over Missouri Pass....and about 19 miles down the CC drainage. Just FUCKIN INCREDIBLE. Gotta allow 3 days...and that's humpin it....especially if you wanna do any side trips to Harvey Lake or bag Holy Cross. (never taken the time with 22 miles before us)

Could always shoot up and we could do a day hike on this side. A bit more crowded usually....but with it only being 10 mins to the trailhead from the house.... um...yeah...can't complain.:D


Just tell me what you need and I will give you all the help you need. Pretty much a central location. And just maybe we could raise enough smoke to be seen by a govt drone. I have to remember I am not as young as I used to be, 22 miles with a pack would kick my ass. No side trips for me....I would be licking my wounds.
sky high

sky high

The Missouri Lake/Cross Creek hike is a great way to work on the tan...'er..burn and lose about 10 pounds, for sure. Technically/overall those last 19 miles are downhill but there's plenty of variety and it's one Hell of a long walk. Been over 10 years since I did it so they'd probably be Medivac'in me out...LOL. For sure the last time I did it I had a nice bottle of narcs for apres hike.... not so these days.

Lotsa shorter hikes around the Holy Cross area as well. Fancy Lake, Whitney Lake, even some of the hikes like Booth Creek in the Eagle's Nest are close-by. Booth Falls is only a few miles in and is a decent hike. People...but hey.... such is life in the 'burbs of Vail...LOL. Another crowded but amazing place is Hanging Lake. Ever been up there?

Buttloads of places to go for short day hikes. (that will wear yer ass out..LOL) Early on in my time here/before kids/etc we were out every weekend hiking >something< and camping >somewhere< so I've been up a lot of these trails...but not for 20+ years on some of em. Wow.

I need the push to get out. The last 2 years have been hard on my body and I've never been so out of tone/shape/kilter...both mentally and physically. Just insane....


Been to Whitney, had a 70llb pack. Was carrying stuff for my wife and daughter. Never do that again at least to Whitney. Straight up hill, forget how far but it kicked my ass and that was over 20 years ago. I like the flat tops, have been all over that area as well as the northern part of the state. Seven Sisters is nice as well.
My favorite is to 4wd into Mackinaw lake and a five mile hike to Deer lake. That is near Trappers Lake in the Flat tops. Lots of beautiful lakes up there and they are (used to be) full of cutts.
Like you I used to run cross country in HS. Ultimately to long of a distance for me so I dropped back to the 880. Ended up breaking the school record and that got me accustomed to backpacking. Best 2 mile 10:36 as a sophomore and 2:02.7 was my best half.


I'm chompin at the bit. I'll carry what you don't want to and we can make the miles. If the 'best dog in the world' is allowed to come, she carries another 10lbs as well. Usually water.
sky high

sky high

LOL. I guess i should be glad my wife has never wanted to go. Homey don't play that game tho....:D

Flattops is beautiful but unless you seek remote areas you'll see horses and pack trips and dodge horseshit all damn day. Did a crazy fuckin trip once in my younger years to the Emerald Lake area. Just the drive in was a complete mindfuck. 12 miles of wicked 4-wheelin'....and lots of beer of the headliner of the truck. Deeps ass We had no idea when we went in what it would be like....and it was so tight that there wasn't really anyway to turn around. We made it..much to the amazement of a Jeeping Club that was already at the top. The guy said "nobody does that trail alone...much less without a winch". LOL....all I could say was "We did". Anyway.... in the next drainage is Island Lake...and I've never seen such HUGE trout in my life..... you fisherguys would shit.......... stood 25 ft above the water on a cliff and you could see em swimmin below... all as long as yer forearm or better. Just a bitch to get to tho............

All that runnin in HS and skiing in my 20's-30's...and digging as a landscaper is what trashed my knees/back/etc. Even so....I go through the pain for stuff like this. fuck it. Gonna hurt anyway....but at least this is a >good< hurt....LOL.

fuck...should start another thread. Major hijack. Apologies!


I'm chompin at the bit. I'll carry what you don't want to and we can make the miles. If the 'best dog in the world' is allowed to come, she carries another 10lbs as well. Usually water.
Mans best friend is always welcome. You will carry what I don't want to???? Ok, I have a backpack belly boat, fins, chest waders with boots and fishing vest. All together about an extra 30lbs or so. lol


LOL. I guess i should be glad my wife has never wanted to go. Homey don't play that game tho....:D

Flattops is beautiful but unless you seek remote areas you'll see horses and pack trips and dodge horseshit all damn day. Did a crazy fuckin trip once in my younger years to the Emerald Lake area. Just the drive in was a complete mindfuck. 12 miles of wicked 4-wheelin'....and lots of beer of the headliner of the truck. Deeps ass We had no idea when we went in what it would be like....and it was so tight that there wasn't really anyway to turn around. We made it..much to the amazement of a Jeeping Club that was already at the top. The guy said "nobody does that trail alone...much less without a winch". LOL....all I could say was "We did". Anyway.... in the next drainage is Island Lake...and I've never seen such HUGE trout in my life..... you fisherguys would shit.......... stood 25 ft above the water on a cliff and you could see em swimmin below... all as long as yer forearm or better. Just a bitch to get to tho............

All that runnin in HS and skiing in my 20's-30's...and digging as a landscaper is what trashed my knees/back/etc. Even so....I go through the pain for stuff like this. fuck it. Gonna hurt anyway....but at least this is a >good< hurt....LOL.

fuck...should start another thread. Major hijack. Apologies!
Island lake, both upper and lower is on the way to Deer. You were within 2 miles. You have been around dude.


and the lowest spot is 90 miles away in death valley
what the hell the climbers and sherpas fighting about????
There is some kind of marathon that goes from death valley to Mt. Whitney i beleive,lowest to highest points in cali,crazy mofo's!
I heard the sherpa fight was because some english and australian hikers did not listen to the sherpas and started climbing ahead of the group and caused a rockslide almost taking a couple sherpas out,super easy place to die if you dont listen,there are bodies strewn all over that mountain!
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