Mushroom thread

  • Thread starter 1diesel1
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That's awesome. I'm honestly a bit of a weeny when it comes to hunting... I got a pretty wicked case of Lyme disease that went undiagnosed for way too long, so I pretty much stick to a familiar ovoid patch that doesn't take me through much tall grass in the thick of tick nymph time.

But yeah, big ol' shrugs to why libs don't bruise.

I imagine we'll probably be seeing more concrete explanations sooner than later.
Or maybe it's just magic. I'm definitely okay with that.
I think that research just came out last year, which seems kinda late for what, essentially, people had surmised for decades.
But there's obviously a difference between being like,
"Y'know... deers eat it, trip balls, and know not to eat it again."
As opposed to identifying the mechanics of phosphate groups and such.

My chemistry knowledge is high school at best, so I struggle through that shit anyway. Just lots of correlation and reading summaries.

You wont find these in long grass. They might be there, but you wont find them. Theyre tiny and short. Golf courses, soccer fields, parks... Thats where they be.

I find them on fairways at the golf club, usually, where fairway transitions to rough. in the off season the grass on the fairway is about 1.5" and the rough is 2.5" tall. Shorter than your average lawn.
Best places are where water pools in the spring and winter. Our club borders a lake so the entire length of #9, 6 and 8 fairway along the rough is a money spot. It stays wet and swampy from Oct to April, and never fully dries out in the summer from the irrigation.


Theyre so tiny, they only take about 45 min to an hr to dehydrate.

Here is todays find on my nesco. Not bad for stumbling onto them and a 5 minute pick.

And they add up. Ive been finding about 3x this many a week for the last 3 weeks without even going looking for them. But the main flush is on now, so i think i'll spend a couple hrs this week hunting them down.

This has been my main shroom supply for the last 12 years. I can usually find a few oz a year no problem. One bumper year i found half a pound in one week.

20201109 174144


Back in the 70's and 80's people used to boat over to my island from Vancouver at night specifically to pick mushrooms at this golf club and one of the local farms. The gulf coast islands in BC are some of the best places for wild mushrooming in Canada.
The landowner said he used to see them from across the lake, sometimes there would be a dozen people wandering around with flashlights in the dark thinking they were being Theyd all head down to the warf and bugger off back across the straight to vancouver lol.

We also have Psilocybe cyanescens here too, My buddies finds them quite often. I dont as much, but i dont really go looking for any mushroom besides chantrelles. Mainly cause these ones are just so easy for me to find. They flush in pretty much the same spots every year.


What does 20 acres wooded go for?

Hard to even find that. The whole island is only 15km long and 5km wide.. lol
But it depends, 20 acres treed away from the water, probably be looking at 200k-300K

The average house is on an acre lot and average price for a 3 bedroom 2 bath is about 500K


We used to get liquid that one drop was a fully encompased 24 hr trip in the 80’s. But i always felt healthy and the good shit you could sleep on and wake up still tripping.

The paper acid later was proven by a chemist friend of mine to not be quite the same chemical. Hence the speedy rough effects.

Mushrooms have always made my belly sick for the ride. A nice tea made from them helps with the sickness.

I wouldnt take what they are calling acid today.
I tried taking about 14 gms of dried P Cyanesis (sp?) once while on vacation at the beach. I remember the liquid acid of the 80s, but the mushroom trip was 1000X more intense than any acid trip I've taken. Once I reached a certain plateau, I was fine but until then it was something that simply couldn't be described. That was the last time I took shrooms... 30+ years ago. I'm getting pretty old to be taking much of that stuff anymore, although I've wanted to find some old school MDA (or MDMA if MDA isn't avail anymore!)


We also have Psilocybe cyanescens here too, My buddies finds them quite often. I dont as much, but i dont really go looking for any mushroom besides chantrelles. Mainly cause these ones are just so easy for me to find. They flush in pretty much the same spots every year.
Those totally blew my socks off. It isn't often that you see true hallucinations like that. Stranded on a black onyx cliff that reached 1000 miles straight up and down... reminded me later of a Led Zepplin album! It was too much for this old timer.


Cyanescens are pretty wild. I actually think liberty caps are a bit more potent personally, but yeah they send you off into space for sure.


What about muscaras? Probably spelled it

Ya'll ever been to the shroom festival in colo? Though im sure theres a bunch up and down the westcoast states


I gotta ask what is it like doing mushrooms lol never tried only weed and booze
It’s like a rocket ship going into outer space.............
Or a ice cream cone with all of the sprinkles.........
Or a rainbow ride on a unicorn..........
Or ?
Seriously though if you’ve ever done LSD
Take it down 5 notches,
Shroom high = 5-8 hrs of containment
LSD high= 8-12 hours of madness
Just remember to come back when your done for the day:)


It's very dose dependent. And very personal to the individual.

For me,
Micro amounts <300mg might see me more calm, clear-minded, and energized. My body loosens up some. Anxiety relief. Almost like a potent experience from a B Vitamin complex.

Small <1g amounts give that plus a clean body high and maybe some amplified perception of lights/shadows, smells, and sounds (mild distorting effects). Things will be brighter, colors more vivid, and shadows more contrasted. Senses are heightened and sometimes I perceive things differently - for example, the smell of something I normally like might be off-putting. Or maybe more mouth-watering.

Moderate amounts <2g is where it starts to get hit or miss with full on psychedelic effects. Very noticeable body high. Walls start to undulate (breathe). Introspection starts to get more internalized and the voice in your head louder. Set and setting start to become very triggering - discomfort comes easy, but so does euphoria.

Psychedelic amounts <5g is where I might start seeing colorful patterns appear in surface textures and behind your closed eyes. The "domed" shape of the earth becomes apparent. This is where hallucinations, as opposed to psychedelic visuals, start to become possible. Literally seeing or hearing what is not there.

Existential amounts 5g+ is where I'm sent into another world/realm. Full on hallucinating. Pretty much physically incapacitated in a comfy, low-lit place while your perception leaves your physical identity. Describing these experiences is hard to say the least. Sometimes it's very tangible, sometimes it's like running through the fabric of reality guided by some unknown force/entity. Like an orb holding your hand through a Mandelbrot set. This is that ego-shattering stage. Not for everyone.

These amounts are for P. cubensis. The most popular 'magic mushroom'.


It's very dose dependent. And very personal to the individual.

For me,
Micro amounts <300mg might see me more calm, clear-minded, and energized. My body loosens up some. Anxiety relief. Almost like a potent experience from a B Vitamin complex.

Small <1g amounts give that plus a clean body high and maybe some amplified perception of lights/shadows, smells, and sounds (mild distorting effects). Things will be brighter, colors more vivid, and shadows more contrasted. Senses are heightened and sometimes I perceive things differently - for example, the smell of something I normally like might be off-putting. Or maybe more mouth-watering.

Moderate amounts <2g is where it starts to get hit or miss with full on psychedelic effects. Very noticeable body high. Walls start to undulate (breathe). Introspection starts to get more internalized and the voice in your head louder. Set and setting start to become very triggering - discomfort comes easy, but so does euphoria.

Psychedelic amounts <5g is where I might start seeing colorful patterns appear in surface textures and behind your closed eyes. The "domed" shape of the earth becomes apparent. This is where hallucinations, as opposed to psychedelic visuals, start to become possible. Literally seeing or hearing what is not there.

Existential amounts 5g+ is where I'm sent into another world/realm. Full on hallucinating. Pretty much physically incapacitated in a comfy, low-lit place while your perception leaves your physical identity. Describing these experiences is hard to say the least. Sometimes it's very tangible, sometimes it's like running through the fabric of reality guided by some unknown force/entity. Like an orb holding your hand through a Mandelbrot set. This is that ego-shattering stage. Not for everyone.

These amounts are for P. cubensis. The most popular 'magic mushroom'.
Man, that’s deep:)


So, I don't ever want to come off as condescending. I just like technicalities and I think people have the right to know them. I also think people are generally more competent than they give themselves credit for.
One of these points that may seem a bit condescending that I will find important to correct people on is...
'Strain' vs 'Variety'. Here's a little blurb to help you understand:
Why 'Race', 'Variety 'and 'Subvariety' are Often More Accurate Terms Than 'Strain':
When discussing different types of cubes in general, let's use the words 'Race' or 'Variety' instead of the word 'Strain'. Cubes, like humans, come from all over the world... and like humans, there can be some variety from one cube patch to another. It is time for some racial tension here in the world of cubes. Most cubes are named after the place where their original wild spore specimen was discovered... so Race is a logical (if imperfect) word to use when describing these different types of cubes. At the very least, it is more accurate and far less confusing than the word 'Strain'.

In this thread, the word 'Strain' in quotation marks means something different than the word Strain without quotation marks. The word Strain refers to living dikaryotic mycelial tissue, the word 'Strain' refers to commercial spores.

The fungus known as Psilocibe Cubensis is a unique mushroom SPECIES. Shiitake is a unique mushroom species. Azures are their own species. Amanitas are a species... etc. It would be almost impossible and incredibly expensive to use two different fungus species and create a hybrid of the two. It'd be like successfully mating a human with a gorilla. However, a Caucasian human can effectively mate with an Asian human. Similarly, spores from one cube race can mate (or be mated) successfully with the spores of other cubensis races.

In the world of mycology, every single time a single spore's mycelium mates with another's to become dikaryotic, a unique Strain (no quotation marks) is created. Like baby humans, living cube Strains are each unique, and they tend to resemble their 'parents'. Each single viable spore print can produce thousands if not millions of unique strains. Most of these strains will produce mushrooms that look remarkably like the mushroom that produced the print from which they came.

The term 'Strain' is often used to describe the type of spores on a spore print or in a syringe filled with spores. When used in this context, the word 'Strain' is simply NOT ACCURATE (hence the 'Quotation marks'). It is a word used by vendors (who cater to hippies) in order to make magic shroom spores sound like different strains of marijuana. It is a word that suggests cubes are more varied from 'Strain' to 'Strain' than they actually are.

Marijuana is a plant, cubes are a fungus. Cubes come from SPORES, marijuana comes from SEEDS. Cubes breathe OXYGEN and produce CO2 as a byproduct (like animals). Marijuana, like all plants, breathes CO2 and produces OXYGEN.

The misuse of the word 'Strain' is widespread, and only encourages vendors to sell as many different 'Strains' as possible in spite of their obvious similarities. When people talk of commercial cube 'Strains' this leads to confusion and misinformation. Vendors (especially the shady ones) thrive on this misinformation.

An African, an Asian and a Caucasian are all undeniably human but there are obvious differences between each race. Even on a smaller scale... every single town (and sometimes neighborhood) in Great Britain features a slightly different dialect... and yet, there is still room for great diversity from one person to another in said towns... even though, when compared to a different race, most Brits tend to look alike.

Still, the world of genetics is often a funny thing, and sometimes spores will produce some surprisingly unique and unexpected strains... strains displaying recessive genetic traits and mutations that nobody could predict... again, just like humans.

These unique cubes can be selectively bred until these unique traits become common, even via multispore inoculation. This new, unique cube may be marketed as a new 'Strain' but it is really just a unique 'Variety' of cubensis spawned from its original race. Still, many vendors market each unique variety as a new 'Strain'. In general, every single commercially available cubensis 'RACE', is actually a domesticated VARIETY of the original specimen. Domesticated cubes contain intentionally limited genetics in order to increase the likelyhood of achieving the desired results, sort of like dog domestication and subsequent breeding.

Over time and multiple generations (spore to fruit to spore) a cubensis Variety can become genetically limited by inbreeding. This means results from multispore inoculation can become more consistent, and the likelihood of accidentally stumbling upon unique traits reduces. If a commercial cube's genetics become too limited, the inbreeding can produce undesired effects. In general, when it comes to life, too much inbreeding will eventually lead to problems.

Annother classification for different types of cubes is the 'Sub-variety'. For example, by using spores from each variety of cube, Workman crossed PF Albino (Probably a variety of the Matias Romero race) with Penis Envy (Probably a variety of an Amazonian or Columbian race) and produced the Albino Penis Envy. Albino Penis Envy is both a sub-variety of PF Albino and Penis Envy.

Since all this 'Variety' and 'Sub-Variety' talk can get very confusing, go ahead and use 'Race' if you prefer, even though it is not entirely accurate. It sure beats saying 'Strain'. There are racial differences between mushrooms, often due to natural selection based upon where they first grew... and sometimes varietal differences due to unnatural selection performed by mycologists.

Finally, there are different 'Brands' of cubes. A Sporeworks Brand syringe full of Penis Envy spores may have a slightly different ethnic diversity than a Ralphster Brand or Hawk's Eye Brand syringe of the same cube.

All of that said, vendors use the term 'Strain'... and n00bs learn the term from vendors. This incorrect term is SO widespread, it is even used in the same way by Paul Stamets. I'd love to use the proper terminology, and will do so from now on... but this will be an uphill battle. Most people recognize the incorrect term, and not the correct ones.

It seems the misuse of the word 'Strain' is only widespread in the world of magic mushrooms, but not in the rest of the mycological world. The fact that so many magic mycologists use incorrect terminology, further reduces our credibility in larger mycological circles. The misuse of this simple word can make our work seem illegitimate in the eyes of science.
Note that 'race' is also highlighted here. While it was once commonplace, I believe the scientific community as a whole have deemed the term obsolete because of the social connotations and the actual incorrectness of the term. 'Variety', I believe, is almost (if not already) in consideration to be another branch on the tree of taxonomic ranking below subspecies. So.. I use that term with high esteem. Now you know!

Makes me wonder how awful I sound when using "landrace"....🤔


I gotta ask what is it like doing mushrooms lol never tried only weed and booze
In addition to what was said above I feel like it highlights the separation of mind and body while also distorting your perception of time. You may only trip for six hours but it will feel a lot longer. To me it kinda feels like a reboot, any baggage you have is set aside while tripping and you see and experience things in a new light, mostly untainted by past thoughts or feelings.

If you want you can choose to look into your personal issues and will likely find some helpful insights or you can ignore them and completely lose yourself in a movie and experience it more deeply than you thought possible. Live music can become an elevated experience too but I recommend this only once you are confident that you can comfortably handle yourself on mushrooms in public.


Mushrooms for me.. I find they lower the veil of bullshit in the world and let me see things for what they truely are.

Nothing can make you abandon feelings of blind patriotism faster than a strong dose. I quickly stopped giving 2 fucks about politics, wars, bullshit news media...

A profound sense of understanding the connections all around us, the symbiosis and interplay between all living things. Trees and plants almost become as alive and interactive as a human being, breathing, growing, communicating in their own way. You see that everything, EVERYTHING is connected and means something.

Its so incredibly hard to put into words. Ive always felt that the world would be a far better place if every human did at least one heroic dose in their life. Ego is whats holding us back as a species.

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