My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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I overwaterted my kids! Used a weird planter i really dont like!
ill never use random pots again lol


Dont worry about humidity unless its over 75%. Clones need humidity because they dont have roots yet so they need humidity to survive on. Were talking 80%.Im not saying you need 80, im just saying that its not uncommon for it to get that high in the cloner. Watch out using a seed mat, I actually put mine on a timer... 30/30 on/off... Seedlings dont need that same humidity. But a higher humidity can be helpful during seedling stage. I actually run 60 rh and bring it down slowly over several weeks... Air flow is key to dealing with rh, and high temps... Low temps will cause plants to stunt, regress, or even die... Put a space hater in there to just keep it above 68. Wont cost much to run and it runs when lights are off, so not to much amps on the circuits... Dont get carried away with micromanaging your grow.. Kiss,,, keep it simple stoner....


morning hope everyone is having a good morning.

day 5 critical kush.
will be 48 hours for the seeds at 3pm today. i should plant the one with the larger tap root and let the others ride yeah?

Is your rh like 15% or something? I see your cup and your seedling all wet? That and high temps is what will cause you mold! If you want to mist the seedlings, which i personally am against, then mist in the air a couple feet above and allow the mist to fall. Also know that every bead of water is the same as a magnifying glass on your leaf from the light...
You better get in the habit of watering that cup correctly and the let in dry completely or your gonna have problems... I wouldnt worry about anything but watering correctly... And if you are watering correctly, then i feel that misting is not needed...
Remember that seedling can survive on not much of nothing right now...


Dont worry about humidity unless its over 75%. Clones need humidity because they dont have roots yet so they need humidity to survive on. Were talking 80%.Im not saying you need 80, im just saying that its not uncommon for it to get that high in the cloner. Watch out using a seed mat, I actually put mine on a timer... 30/30 on/off... Seedlings dont need that same humidity. But a higher humidity can be helpful during seedling stage. I actually run 60 rh and bring it down slowly over several weeks... Air flow is key to dealing with rh, and high temps... Low temps will cause plants to stunt, regress, or even die... Put a space hater in there to just keep it above 68. Wont cost much to run and it runs when lights are off, so not to much amps on the circuits... Dont get carried away with micromanaging your grow.. Kiss,,, keep it simple stoner....
I ran a 4 inch blue whisper inline fan from the heater to the room!


Dont worry about humidity unless its over 75%. Clones need humidity because they dont have roots yet so they need humidity to survive on. Were talking 80%.Im not saying you need 80, im just saying that its not uncommon for it to get that high in the cloner. Watch out using a seed mat, I actually put mine on a timer... 30/30 on/off... Seedlings dont need that same humidity. But a higher humidity can be helpful during seedling stage. I actually run 60 rh and bring it down slowly over several weeks... Air flow is key to dealing with rh, and high temps... Low temps will cause plants to stunt, regress, or even die... Put a space hater in there to just keep it above 68. Wont cost much to run and it runs when lights are off, so not to much amps on the circuits... Dont get carried away with micromanaging your grow.. Kiss,,, keep it simple stoner....
Sorry i answered like 3 different post in that. so some was for some and others were for others... I dont want anyone thinking im just spatting shit off the top of my head lol!


Lnao when i first went online to canna websites i prob pushed 98% of folks away with my responses back then! Had no filter and no patience to thoroughly read posts and TRULY understand the posts meaning. Most times id read it wrong and flip out needlesly! Im much better now! I really enjoy learning here


well i took the bag off the baby, ill leave it off.. so ill just do the plastic bag for 5 days.. seem to work fine.. now i will water it using weight.. 71grams dry, its at 150grams now ithink.. so plenty of moisture in the dirt.

and if this is wrong, the next one that pops up ill keep the dome on longer then ill know which way works best.

i also lower the light couple of inches.


Trial and error will serve you well!
View attachment 676971 mindy says hi chris. We hope your feelin better!

thank you bro. mindy is a sweetie. i look forward to getting a pup this summer once im feeling better.

who knows maybe he can be my seeing eye dog. i plan on getting another dobbie.
but i wont lie, this going blind in my left eyes is fucking with me.. hah, no good for withdrawal depressions.. just builds up.. how much can one take before yo snap, i dunno.. i have a lot more in before i snap.. but shit adds up yeah. hah.

life goes on. rock on my friend.


well i took the bag off the baby, ill leave it off.. so ill just do the plastic bag for 5 days.. seem to work fine.. now i will water it using weight.. 71grams dry, its at 150grams now ithink.. so plenty of moisture in the dirt.

and if this is wrong, the next one that pops up ill keep the dome on longer then ill know which way works best.

i also lower the light couple of inches.
See ppl have to adapt to their surroundings, and that is why some ppl, say do this, and some ppl say do that. A lot of ppl give you advice on what worked for them, not taking into account that your environment and theirs could be quite different. What i can teach you and you have to learn for yourself, is how everything related to each other....
For instance, when you take the bag off of the plant its now less rh. But you also said your gonna lower the light which will increase temps closer to the soil, and cause soil to dry quicker, and cause even lower rh. Now im not saying anything is wrong, im just trying to help you understand how everything works in correlation of each other..

Also when taking the baggie off your moving that seedling from one environment to another(without bag) and that can be a lil shocking, just like drastic changes in temps can kill fish in an aquarium.. Any changes you make should be 1 at a time and give the plant timer to adjust before giving it another hurdle to over come...
I think you believe you did something wrong last time you germed, and i believe you really just had new growers bad luck and now your trying to over compensate at each corner, to guarantee you success, and that may be driving you crazy...
It happens.....


here is my exact recipe...
Put seeds in fridge! Very important, dont skip! 24 hrs or 48 even
put in glass of ro for 24 hrs..
put in wetted paper towel, set in sandwich bag, with top flipped over but not sealed..
Set on wash rag on heat mat on timer for 30 mins on, and 30 mins off
now soak rapid rooters in ro water for 30 mins, take out set to the side. Do not wring out!!!!!
Open bag and place every seed thats pooped in to rapid rooters.... Stick the rooters in a clone tray WITHOUT dome on with heat pad underneath, on same timer...
Dont touch,, dont water... There is enough water in that rooter to last at least 5 days..
After 7 days place seedlings in soil of your choice.
Easy peasy 100% success! or seeds are bad!


yeah, let alone all the other shit in my head.. you be correct and it can drive ya nuts.. learning to think again i am.. so over thinking shit is gonna be the norm for a while.. till i get good herb to knock my mental ass out. hah.

i will check the plants before i try to sleep make sure its not to dry. as i did move the light down 3" or so.

thanks for the help. i bitch and moan but i do appreciate it, from you @EventHorizan , and everyone else..

lets bowl up.. have some shit distrib herb to pretend im smoking good stuff with. hah.



so over thinking shit is gonna be the norm for a while.. till i get good herb to knock my mental ass out.

I hear you loud and clear....

We will smoke to this one day and laugh.. I say," man u think you so good, i remember back around the turn of the century when you killed almost every seedling... "

And you will reply," Come on event, wheel your fucking wheelchair over here and share that fucking joint... "
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