My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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The Beast Slayer
hope all is well with you and your side does not hurt to bad.



I'm doing better. Like you said stopping those pills helped me eliminate some of the pains. The rest I will have to just hope go away.

It is no longer holding me back at work though. Which is the most important thing.

I wish I could smoke, but alas the jobsite got the random mobile u/a truck.

So a few of our guys may get kicked off lol.

I asked them " am I the only one who can pass a drug test here?":cry:

It's ironic cause I'm the biggest pothead of them all. But the universe told me to clean up. I listened and I will be rewarded by keeping my job

The universe always looks out for me as long as I listen :)



Here's 2 pics, closeups of male and female parts.

Here's a female. Notice the shape, elongated, with 2 white colored pistils extruding from the end. They usually have 2, this calyx only has 1 pistil. More than likely died off after being brushed during pollination.View attachment 699927

Now here's one of a male, notice the shape shorter rounder, almost "spade" shaped. When detected early they will be circular in shaped, as they mature slightly "domeing" like the end of a football. Most of the time you can just wait until you see pistils extrude then you KNOW you have a female. But some males are stubborn and take forever to show sex, I've had to force flower just to get him to show.
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Hope this helps you and others visually. Once you get familiar, you'll never coNeuse the 2 sexes.

thank you. it will just take a little pratice.. ill get this stuff figured out. here is a shot of the 93 afgani. laughs. its reaching for the sky so what the fuck.. if turns out to dow aht the last one did, i think im gonna put it in a little pot and just keep it alive on my desk. hah

but im not giving on her yet..
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it is growing.. juts kind of weird. heh. i guess growing up with its tap root facing up.. fucked up its mind. hah.



The Beast Slayer
thank you. it will just take a little pratice.. ill get this stuff figured out. here is a shot of the 93 afgani. laughs. its reaching for the sky so what the fuck.. if turns out to dow aht the last one did, i think im gonna put it in a little pot and just keep it alive on my desk. hah

but im not giving on her yet..
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it is growing.. juts kind of weird. heh. i guess growing up side fucked up its mind. hah.


Just remember my runt/mutant. She took a lot of nursing but eventually turned into a beast.

That Afghan may do the same if you give her time
Farmer P

Farmer P

Yeah, keep it going. What've you got to lose? Maybe its just sensitive to the nutes and will snap out of it when the levels drop, or it gets big enough to handle it. I have a sherbert now that was really sensitive to the feed at first, but now it's got the best bud formation of all my plants. I thought about culling it but I'm damn glad I didn't.


i was able to get my table cut down. i had to prove my point which i knew i would. so i took a scrap piece of wood cut it in half scarf jointed it, and doweled it.. glued up.. and told them try to break it at the glue joint. once they could not, they approved of cutting my own fucking table. hah.
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hah out of control.. few days ago.
anyhow, i can reach my plants now.

my T5 arrived so i put it in my 2x2 tent.
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i popped a 93 Afghani and put it in the 2x2. the fucking thing came up backwards with the tap root reaching for the sky. so i had to flip it around, remove the slimy seed hull that was stuck to the cotyledons but they got wasted so its basically taproot,first set of leafs.. no light so the damn thing was starting to rot,. hah. anyhow, its reaching for the sky now.. we see if it goes anywhere or another dud.

its alive and i think its gonna grow. its taller than yesterday. hah. not by much.. but its the first old seed iv had do anything besides tease me. so im staying positive.

1993 Afghani
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3 months ago i could not of saved that seed or at least try,. i was not mentally capable or had the needed motor skills. pills really do fuck you up it would seem.. im sure not the same person i was.. but damn man.. i have so many brain cells i need to wake up.. laughs.

so im posting because my bother in-law is coming over to help me water tomorrow.. im gonna ask him to help me setup the tent or at least get some of it up.. and finish it up in a week when my help arrives. the problem is iv never set a tent up yet, and he is your typical academic, my sister is the man in the house. hah. or they be paying to have every thing fixed.. i raised her right. be smart and and capable to use your hands.
anyhow, so im posting because i maybe flowering ( next weekend) other wise i would not be.. i can be damn stubborn on shit..

for example i got accused of being a pill popper at a local grocery store, so had to go through bunch of paper work cause a pharmacist judged me. anyhow i will never shop there again. my family look at me like im nuts but whatever.

could you post a picture of your tents please.
( here is my tent as of now, you can even draw using paint. my paint skills are on par with the best, laughs :D stick figures for eva )
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i have a can can 400cfm fan, and a phresh filter, light proof ducting, etc. so i think i have everything.. but dunno.


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the training is a convoluted mess. hah.. i had to snake them branches around and every day i keep pulling leafs down.

so i got the net ready order 2 more. i doubt 1 is enough.
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anyhow. thank you for your help.
Looking like a Lamborghini in there!! Nice work my friend:)


i hope to flip tomorrow.. i was not happy with how my phresh filter was hung.. so i went to harbor freight and purchased a set of cinch straps ( not the ratchet type.. about 4.00) and now its balls to the wall.

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transplanted 3 of them to 5 gallons, left #6 alone.. since its a male but ill let it go a bit longer i want to see what happens.
the roots are strong in these bitches. laughs.
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i moved kids which could be flipped today to the clone tent.
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solo cup is on its death bed but no fears.. solo 2017 the return from hell is germinating on top of my T5.. now i know what to look for in a cal-mag lock out.

i was lucky to get what i got done today.. im told tomorrow ill get my help to finish.. im tired of holding my breathing.. so we see.

stuff to finish this tent:
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im doing ok.. just fucking with my brain cells.
bowl up,


get high and lets go on a mental journey my friends. ( when i get healthy ill deaf come back to this track for a mushroom/peyote or whatever experience. that will be a fun mental brain fuck. hah )

00:00 Celestial Medicine
07:20 Blinkers Removed
15:20 Tara
23:47 Harmony Of The Universe
32:30 Black In White
38:25 Calm With Me
46:20 The Continuum
53:58 Shadow Of Breath

if you cant understand his spoken words do to his accent here are the lyrics.


Than for the first time you look around
And the beauty nature is revealed
Then you listen to the harmony of the universe
The symphony of the stars
Than everything starts to become more and more beautiful
Layers and layers of beauty are revealed
You eyes have a penetrating force
Wherever you look
You go deep
Even in rocks
You feel flowers blossoming

What you are
In this vast universe
Not even a small cell

If you listen to the ego
The ego will put you again and again
On a neurotic path
The path of being somebody

For your real being no competition is needed
You are already that
The highest

But man is very egoistic
He cannot feel at ease
Just to be himself
He wants some great mission
To be attached to his ego
I don't see any
The whole may have something
But no individual has it

Life you can live, as if you are in a hypnosis
That is how 99% people live
Or you can live with intensity, awareness

If you live life with awareness
You mature
A Mature ones, never dies
Because he will learn even through death
Even death is going to be an experience
To be intensively lived

Everything that is, is now
Everything that is alive is now alive
Now is the only time
The only eternity

Darkness does not exist
It only happens to be
In fact it is just an absence of light
Light exists
Remove the light
There is darkness

This moment is all
And my insistence is this
That you are already that which you are searching

A child is energy
Sheer delight and energy
Just jumping for no reason
And so happy
That even if you reached to the paradise
You will not jump like that
And he is jumping for nothing
Or he has gathered few collored stones
And is simply mad with delight

Be like a child
And always retain
The purity

Life is a river
A flow
A continues
With no beginning
And no end
It is not going somewhere
It is always here

Enlightenment is not something that you have to choose
When there is no choice
That which remains is enlightenment

The ego is afraid
It is saying
What are you doing
Loosing yourself

Listen to the gaps
Between the words
Listen to the emptiness
Between the lines
Listen to me not what I say
Then an understanding will arise
And suddenly like a flash of lightening
You will be able to see me
And the original that is right now happening before you

Music does not mean much
In fact it doesnt mean at all
Just sounds
But music gives you something of the unknown

Life seems just a shadow of breath
when breath disappears
Life disappears
So this phenomena of breath
Has to be understood

This is the way to live
One moment
Be in it
But be in it so totally
That nothing is left be to carried in another moment
Never carry on things from the past, it is gone
Every moment, be rid of it
Solved or not solved
Nothing can be done about it
Drop it off

Why this constant inquiry
What to do
Can't you allow life in any way

You can waste your life easily, with comfort
You can live comfortably
And you can die comfortably
With me, there is danger
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i hope to flip tomorrow.. i was not happy with how my phresh filter was hung.. so i went to harbor freight and purchased a set of cinch straps ( not the ratchet type.. about 4.00) and now its balls to the wall.

View attachment 700151

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View attachment 700153

transplanted 3 of them to 5 gallons, left #6 alone.. since its a male but ill let it go a bit longer i want to see what happens.
the roots are strong in these bitches. laughs.
View attachment 700149

i moved kids which could be flipped today to the clone tent.
View attachment 700150

solo cup is on its death bed but no fears.. solo 2017 the return from hell is germinating on top of my T5.. now i know what to look for in a cal-mag lock out.

i was lucky to get what i got done today.. im told tomorrow ill get my help to finish.. im tired of holding my breathing.. so we see.

stuff to finish this tent:
View attachment 700152

im doing ok.. just fucking with my brain cells.
bowl up,


get high and lets go on a mental journey my friends. ( when i get healthy ill deaf come back to this track for a mushroom/peyote or whatever experience. that will be a fun mental brain fuck. hah )

00:00 Celestial Medicine
07:20 Blinkers Removed
15:20 Tara
23:47 Harmony Of The Universe
32:30 Black In White
38:25 Calm With Me
46:20 The Continuum
53:58 Shadow Of Breath

if you cant understand his spoken words do to his accent here are the lyrics.


Than for the first time you look around
And the beauty nature is revealed
Then you listen to the harmony of the universe
The symphony of the stars
Than everything starts to become more and more beautiful
Layers and layers of beauty are revealed
You eyes have a penetrating force
Wherever you look
You go deep
Even in rocks
You feel flowers blossoming

What you are
In this vast universe
Not even a small cell

If you listen to the ego
The ego will put you again and again
On a neurotic path
The path of being somebody

For your real being no competition is needed
You are already that
The highest

But man is very egoistic
He cannot feel at ease
Just to be himself
He wants some great mission
To be attached to his ego
I don't see any
The whole may have something
But no individual has it

Life you can live, as if you are in a hypnosis
That is how 99% people live
Or you can live with intensity, awareness

If you live life with awareness
You mature
A Mature ones, never dies
Because he will learn even through death
Even death is going to be an experience
To be intensively lived

Everything that is, is now
Everything that is alive is now alive
Now is the only time
The only eternity

Darkness does not exist
It only happens to be
In fact it is just an absence of light
Light exists
Remove the light
There is darkness

This moment is all
And my insistence is this
That you are already that which you are searching

A child is energy
Sheer delight and energy
Just jumping for no reason
And so happy
That even if you reached to the paradise
You will not jump like that
And he is jumping for nothing
Or he has gathered few collored stones
And is simply mad with delight

Be like a child
And always retain
The purity

Life is a river
A flow
A continues
With no beginning
And no end
It is not going somewhere
It is always here

Enlightenment is not something that you have to choose
When there is no choice
That which remains is enlightenment

The ego is afraid
It is saying
What are you doing
Loosing yourself

Listen to the gaps
Between the words
Listen to the emptiness
Between the lines
Listen to me not what I say
Then an understanding will arise
And suddenly like a flash of lightening
You will be able to see me
And the original that is right now happening before you

Music does not mean much
In fact it doesnt mean at all
Just sounds
But music gives you something of the unknown

Life seems just a shadow of breath
when breath disappears
Life disappears
So this phenomena of breath
Has to be understood

This is the way to live
One moment
Be in it
But be in it so totally
That nothing is left be to carried in another moment
Never carry on things from the past, it is gone
Every moment, be rid of it
Solved or not solved
Nothing can be done about it
Drop it off

Why this constant inquiry
What to do
Can't you allow life in any way

You can waste your life easily, with comfort
You can live comfortably
And you can die comfortably
With me, there is danger
Looks like your running out of room in your tent bro. They look like their enjoying it though.


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( i need a elbow and my tent will be setup, assuming the titan thermostat thing is plug in play, err turn the dial. lets hope my tent help follows through. )

transplanted babys, had to cull one no fucking room.
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humid day here.. did not help i watered.

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trained and watered. they look like shit, they still show signs of si damage. hah.. but growing out of there funk.

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3 affgani babys.. my help knock #1 over and i had to dig through dirt to save it.. hah.. the tap root is about 2 1/2" long and 3/4" wide. if anyone maybe wondering.. should be ok tho.. did not dry out.. for all it knows a fucking earth quake rocked its world.

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if the T5 close enough?

hope you all are having a sweet afternoon.
all goes we;l i flip tonight. crosses fingers.



View attachment 700386 ( i need a elbow and my tent will be setup, assuming the titan thermostat thing is plug in play, err turn the dial. lets hope my tent help follows through. )

transplanted babys, had to cull one no fucking room.
View attachment 700387

View attachment 700385

humid day here.. did not help i watered.

View attachment 700388 trained and watered. they look like shit, they still show signs of si damage. hah.. but growing out of there funk.

View attachment 700390

3 affgani babys.. my help knock #1 over and i had to dig through dirt to save it.. hah.. the tap root is about 2 1/2" long and 3/4" wide. if anyone maybe wondering.. should be ok tho.. did not dry out.. for all it knows a fucking earth quake rocked its world.

View attachment 700389
View attachment 700390
View attachment 700391

if the T5 close enough?

hope you all are having a sweet afternoon.
all goes we;l i flip tonight. crosses fingers.

Good to see ya back at it Jipp! Bowls up bro! This ones for you!

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