My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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Hey, looks like that mutant is coming along, the big droopy one is def growing to, I'm at a loss as to why it's doing that tho
The tent is looking good man, can't wait to see some flowers
yeah im waiting for some buds i want to see how they grow.. sure would help me understand training a bit better.

tonight, i clean up all ( all is a bit of a extreme word i guess to use. a lot of the shit that would not do anything but uses energy for nothing. ) the under growth making sure not to touch any of the bud sights..

not sure what is gonna happen with this grow, but one thing is for sure its been quite the adventure, laughs.



In any growing guide for fertilizing any plants 150 ppm is the the base suggested to properly buffer the water for stability when nutes are added or it is added to a medium.

The amount of calcium in the water (alkalinity) determines how your medium reacts over time.

I don't know why mixing ro water with hard tap is not discussed as it is common greenhouse production practice. And again in every good pot growing book as well.

The forums propogate hydro store bullshit like ph'ing in a limed soil mix and using flushing products.

Growers of our food supply do not add acid to their fertigation tanks unless the water is very very hard.

Search alkalinity and watering plants.
Does that mean you want he base 150 to be of calcium?


Chris I went ahead and did it. What I was looking for opinions on was would it be ok to keep it dark longer. The reason was they needed watering and fed, But if I let the lights come on at 2:00 and could not water until later that would have been stressful because the room is hot and them needing fluids would have made it worse.

It was 6:00 when I turned lights on and started work. I may have dead plants by morning as I increased nutes due to what I think the plants were telling me.

The 2nd room got there first nutes. They were flipped on the 21st. That room is Hot. most will have just 6 colas and I might cut it back to 4 on some. They get the HD bulb traded out for HPS tomorrow or I guess its today lol

I posted some pics of the first room with flash on.
20170527 201009


Most of the ppm in tap water is calcium. And next is usually mag so 150 ppm is the baseline I keep reading everywhere. Pretty sure it is more of a general rule.

But I think the plant likes to see 100ppm calcium. And the rest would be magnesium and other minerals.
Ok, so would you think to use a ro/tap mix (not knowing tap contents) to 150? Or use some sort of calcium magnesium supplement on zero ppm ro water?


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it did slow there stretch down some by defoiliage.. i did go light and just removed all the young shit that was inside that should of been removed during veg, and some petioles from here and there staying awake from bud sights.. probably will only get a 1/8th of bud a piece. with all the burnt tops ill probably get. but what the hell.. as long as i learn from my mistakes and my next grow is better its worth the effort. to bad these genetics were to good for my first grow. hah.. or maybe it was for the best as bad as i beat them to hell.

live and learn,


I might have an unorthodox idea for your grow. If your certain your going to run into your lights could you tilt the plants on an angle and let their growth climb towards the light ? Kind of Supercrop without the bend or stress?


Then the next trick would be watering lol. Just trying to make sure we don't miss a solution. I hope I don't run into the same problem. if I do I will cut the drywall ceiling and put the lights between the rafters.


Good to see the flowers that should slow the stretch some I hope. Ask someone with more knowledge than me, but you may want to give them the bloom nutes as soon as you can. My thinking is if the plants are spending their energy on flowers it could slow upward growth. But ask someone who is not a noob like me.


Good to see the flowers that should slow the stretch some I hope. Ask someone with more knowledge than me, but you may want to give them the bloom nutes as soon as you can. My thinking is if the plants are spending their energy on flowers it could slow upward growth. But ask someone who is not a noob like me.
they get bloom/veg food next, err probably tomorrow night along with micro tea.

just following the advice of my friend who uses this plant food :D
but in reality they have been getting some K+ from my tea it has bat shit in and other good stuff for the plant.



That maxsea grows them big if you can bend them away from the light a bit you might get some more lateral growth. keep the nutes half and half next feeding,i think the stretch is done. I grew those under a net and they more than filled it at 80% full when i flipped the light. I gave mine a tea 4 times the second half of flower consisting of worm casings,molasses & budswell,those teas bring out the resin.


That maxsea grows them big if you can bend them away from the light a bit you might get some more lateral growth. keep the nutes half and half next feeding,i think the stretch is done. I grew those under a net and they more than filled it at 80% full when i flipped the light. I gave mine a tea 4 times the second half of flower consisting of worm casings,molasses & budswell,those teas bring out the resin.

thank you for the input. hmm, not sure what i could use to prop them away from each other some.

also what were them wires called? they are made for training a plant? you mention it before but i forget now, old age sucks hah.

hope all is well my friend. im trying to do your plants justice.. thank you for letting me grow them.

i probably would of just walked away if i got the stargate ogs to pop from what iv been reading about ogs being picky?

hell im amazed im even here to be honest.. its nuts to think back only 3 months.. crazy what i let happen to me.. damn doctors.. sigh.


ok i have a confession.. these two plants are fucking with my head. :drunk:
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there tropisms are so different. really fucks with you head.. the Afghani i can only think its what was breed out of it for indoor growing. recessive gene maybe?

and the jalapeno plant goes from a one extreme to the next with its phototropism.

now iv been reading, and i sorta know why.. but it still fucking with my head.

plants, the mind fuck of all mind fucks.
no never mind my asshole logic teacher, hah.

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