My first grow

  • Thread starter kolah
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Living dead girl
Thanks for all the help.

I have 5 IFO's (Identififed Female Objects!). I moved them over to the female side of my GH and am keeping a steady watch on the others. I am betting they are males.

Finding hermaphodites must be a huge bummer. I have seen a few pictures of what they look like, (ie fuzzy pistils and ball sacs) but is there a sepcific time period in which they show up or can it be anytime. My reason for asking is that I'd like to keep a steady look out for them so they do not spermiate my ladies. Is this a big concern?
It can be a big concern, yes, but if you're diligent you will see when the male flowers emerge. Opening and release of pollen takes a little while post-emergence, so you likely will catch them long before they do that.

I just pulled a male that hermied on me. His ball sacs were a bit widely spaced, but I was waiting for a friend to come over and give me his impressions on scent profile (my own scentses are lacking due to a snake bite coming on 10 years ago). Then, checking through them after transplanting and moving to the other side of the house but hidden right in plain sight, I see PISTILS popping out from between this one guy's sacks. All have been releasing pollen (I've got close to a dozen males right now, this is the first time I'm not going to do an open pollination, I'm going to try to choose best males... (FUCK! the cat just caught something he's doing that meow, yesterday it was a bird and I was moments too late. Fucking cat!) (HA! All he has is the lizard's tail. I hate it when he catches birds and lizards instead of rats, moles, squirrels and mice)

What was I saying? Oh yeah, I now feel almost confident enough to do selective breeding this year, so am using techniques shared by a friend who manages to make some INCREDIBLE crosses. He manages to not get ladies pollinated, and what he does is put the males on the other side of the house, according to wind direction. I've found that pollination rates are affected to a great degree on wind direction and proximity to females. Hopefully I didn't wait too late this year!

Hermies can show at any time. The only 'acceptable' ones (this is for me) are those that express at the very end of flower. A male that hermies early on in the season is to be tossed, again IMO, because I don't know what traits are sex-linked, and I don't know how recessive or not the hermy trait is, etc. Same thing with a female plant, I wouldn't breed with it if it hermies early on, because I've found via direct experience that those girls that hermy early on, not making bananas but full on male flowers (they're actually very delicate and pretty), that it's not worth the water it takes to keep it alive. It won't serve well for bud AT ALL, because bud production stops completely and you can't keep up with plucking the sacks.
I will dislike killing the males. I am thinking about planting them off far away(guerilla style) and sacrifice a female to be planted by them and just let them go off on their own.
Native-stylee, like the yards and fields that I've seen pix of in Afghanistan, Pakistan. I like it. Or, label the males, collect the pollen, wash yourself, then go selectively pollinate the lowest branches of your girls, and be sure to label those. Suddenly, et voila, you've kept yourself in seeds. Clones are great for quick, but seeds are best for future.
My clones are looking good, getting lots of hairs and branching out everywhere. My new females are looking super healthy as well and catching up to the clones. I have used no liquid nutes. I just planted all of them (clones and seeds) in Happy Frog soil and water with my well water. I want to stay organic and avoid all synthetic chemicals.

What would be a good organic flowering additive should I need it?

I'll post some pics tonight.
Any high P/K product or combination of products, but right now is I think too late to use most rock dusts. I'd have to look at the numbers, but kelp meal and bat guanos could (should?) do you in this regard. Top-dress, and with specific regard to manures and guanos BE ABSOLUTELY SURE to not let it become caked, especially up near the plant stalk. Make certain it's well mixed into the soil above the roots to avoid this. Otherwise you risk rotting problems.

Also, what about your native dirt? What's it comprised of? Do you have an ag extension that discusses general soil profiles in your locality? I ask because I often use my native "dirt" (it's actually rocks and clay posing as dirt, but damn if plants don't grow in it) to help add minerals and local soil microbes back into the medium. I know it doesn't add much in the way of calcium, but it does have a lot of iron.


Thanks SM.

I will transplant the outdoor plants in a hole in the ground with 3-4 gallons of Happy Frog per plant.

I think I'' pick up some batpoop and kelp and topdress my females for the flowering stage as they are kicking in now. I have a pretty good grow supply shop about 45 miles from me.

I have been experimenting and about 3 weeks ago I put 2 plants in native dirt...its pretty clayish but has some dark soil in it as well. They are doing pretty good, so far. :)

Today I transplanted one girl in a 55 gallon drum of half topsoil (cheap stuf) and half Happy Frog and will watch to see how that turns out. It's outdoors too.

Thanks for the help. I am hoping to get a small heater to keep things warm in the GH. The GH stuff are my bread-n-butter crops.


So far, from my beans I got 7 females (oo-rah) and 5 males (boo). I decided to just chop the males and bury them to RIP. That was tough.

I still have two plants which haven't shown their sex yet. From the looks of them I would bet they are males but I shall wait a few more days. If they are females I will donate them out.

Overall, I am very happy with the %-age of females I got.

I planted one girl in a large trash can and two gals outisde on a hillside just to see how they do in comparison to the others in my greenhouse. The biggest risk with be critters and hail. It looks like a few grasshoppers have munched the two on the hillside a bit but not too bad. I'll let mother nature dictate.

Lots of hairs starting to pop up and it's starting to smell nice. My clones (DJ Blueberry, Skunk 1 and Elephant Bud look divine). My G-13 strains (from seed) are fastly growing and have super thick stems. So far so good, for my first grow.

I decided to stay within the CO legal limits, 6 are mine and 6 for my neighbor.


On another note, visited a different MMC shop to get some Elephant Bud ( a indica strain I really enjoy). It was my first time there, mind you. I bought a few grams of it. Got it home and found out it was not even close to being dried (therfore not even cured). Buyer beware huh? Next time I will inspect it closer and use tongs to feel the buds for dryness. It smokes harsh and not a very good buzzer.

This pissed me off almost to the point where I thought of returning it but I already left it out on the table to dry out just to smoke it. The fucking shop never dried it out and therefore it had no cure time and all the good quality that comes along with proper curing....not to mention the buds weigh heavier when fucking wet. I could go back and raise a stink but fuck it, I can't be bothered. I just won't go back and wherever I go next time I will be a bit more cautious. I have had great sucess with weed from Strawberry Fields in Colorado Springs..I should stay with a place I know I can trust. I can't wait until I can grow my own and avoid this kind of crap.

To MMCs and other growers! Cure your fucking weed! or at least let buyers know you just pluncked it off your trees, shoved it in a jar and threw it up for sale. Rant over.


Living dead girl
I would let them know, at the very least. And then I would name the shop. Naming the good shops is helpful as well.

But, we all already know why it wasn't cured, or even dried. That would cut into turnover rates, which cuts into profits. There you have it (as though you didn't already know, eh?).

I would like more pix, please. Anything you like.


Two of my plants I planted on a vacant lot close to my 27 acres. Well, yesterday some cityslickers :hunter:came looking at the property thats been for sale for years. After they left I went to see my plants and saw footprints around the plants. :sweating Dammit. :sign0065: I had to pluck them out by the roots. One was male and one female and I hoped to use them for seeding. Anyway I replanted the female and put her in the GH and destroyed the male (buried it in my mulch pile) . I am not sure if the female will come back to life. I gave her some water and after 2-3 hours the entire plant was drooped over. I got a spray bottle and misted the shit out of it. This morning the bottom half has sprung back up. Hopefully she'll perk up.:bandit

Seamaiden, I'll take some pics today and thanks for your help (and others).


Finally, got some new pics. My 3 clones are flowering nicely and seeded gals are a bit behind them. I have all females in the GH. On the left is an experiment of a ECSD and Deep Hash strain planted in a trash can. On the right is Dj's Blueberry which is inside the GH and looking very nice.
Dcp 3366
Dcp 3375


All these girls are using Happy Frog soil and I just started using General Organics Bloom fertilizer. Thats Skunk#1 on the top left, shes really flowering away. Thats Elephant Bud on the top right. Lower left and right is more ECSD/Deep Hash strain.
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For my first grow, it's nothing special or 'Wowing" but I am quite pleased so far. The short bushy ones are G-13/Pakistani. I hope to get some good tomatoes too.
Dcp 3372
Dcp 3373


Living dead girl
LOVE the pix, the girls are looking great! I am still so envious of the greenhouse and the flat ground to put it on. I think I'm gonna go snivel about it by myself for a little bit.


Heres my attempt to show the new bud growths. My older digital camera does not take good close-ups. There lots of "fuzzy doddles" starting though. Maybe I will try taking some pictures using my camera and a magnifying glass.
These 3 were clones and had a head start on all the rest which I planted from beans.
From top, Skunk #1, Ele Bud and DJ BB. The Skunk seems to be the most vigorus and is popping out buds everywhere. I think Skunk 1 really likes the climate and outdoors here and all the Colorado sunshine. I'd love to try to grow Superskunk next year.
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Fear Not!
looks nice and healthy Kolah

Good work!


Thanks Ken, I hoped to get some pics up sooner...for SM and others.

But yeah so far, so good.

My neighbor was just diagnosed with cancer. I called him over and told him he can have any two plants of his choice. He picked out two really nice ones, a G13/Paki and a ECSD/G-13. I will tend to them and he can help and hang out and watch them grow. The harvest from his two plants are all for him. :)


LOVE the pix, the girls are looking great! I am still so envious of the greenhouse and the flat ground to put it on. I think I'm gonna go snivel about it by myself for a little bit.

Thanks SM and thanks for all your help. I think next year I will put my soil right in the beds so I get a deeper rooting sytem but the buckets are doing fine.

The nights are in the 50's here and I just ordered a small propane heater.

Is the cold nights slowing down bud growth. How much actual growth happens at night and in the cold. My guess is that it will take longer to mature if I don't get the nighttime temps up. Plus the CO2 from the heater will help, correct?


Living dead girl
Nights are in the 50s here as well, I've never manipulated outside growing conditions, so I can't answer what would happen if you heat them up and such. What I do know is that they're just beginning to get buds well set, so now I can start stripping off the bad bud sites (stuff that'll just turn into larf at best), take whatever I'm going to take for clones, and start spraying with Bt and Spinosad to prevent caterpillars in my buds. By September they're going to start leaning and looking weighed down, so the Hortonova needs to be applied by then. Late September I can expect rains, gotta continue spraying and watching for weight, and we're all done with it by mid-October.


Heres my "native grow" that I tore out of the ground by the roots as it was spotted by some people. I saw footprints (that were not mine) by it so I had to yank it. I felt bad, as it was a girl and quickly transplanted it. It was droopy for 2 days but sprang to life except at the top. I gave it a clipping and shes taking off again. I have a thing for rooting for the underdogs.
Dcp 3382


Living dead girl
She. Looks. Mahvelous! That's the one that was on the property that's for sale, right?


Yes, SM, there were two. I destroyed the male and buried it for mulch. They had roots like octopus tenacles..huge!

On odd thing to record. My females all revealed their sex way before the males did. In all my readings, I read that the males show first. It didn;t happen here unless my eye is not trained well enough to distinguish earl males. I looked at a bunch of pictures of early male pre-flowers but saw none on my plants.


My simple 10x12 GH, cost me about 700-800 bucks to build myself. It's built to withhold 60-70 mph winds up here at 9300 ft above sea level when winter can get ugly.
Dcp 3385
deep buddy

deep buddy

looking great! are you gonna leave them in pots? they will do best in the ground. what el. are you at? that is gonna be some superb smoke there! makes the MMj shops stuff look silly. but seriously a simple amended soil or raised bed in that greenhouse will give you some monsters. i can suggest alot of really cheap organic amendments. wish i had me a greenhouse this year!

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