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I'd really like to know the reason behind the comment. This kind of advice doesn't do me any good without an explanation. Just leaves me scratching my head...along with others that might be following along.

I'm pretty sure the tubs will work, maybe not near as well as a much wider res but it's got to be better than a 5 gallon KBS bucket! It's still RDWC with everything else being the same except for the tubs. I can't imagine the whole setup being shit now cause of the lower bucket.

Now, if DDS said it won't work, i'd accept it as fact and go with it. It's a system he's been perfecting for a long time and I value his experience.

Boots Sugarleaf

at $12 they are well worth it, they are strong, stable and they look good

I hope JK chimes in again...


I have a bunch of them already, just need new lids. Can't beat the price! They're the toughest tubs i've seen that you can buy at the stores. I'd love to have the marine storage tanks but they are $150-200 a piece.


Perhaps he is concerned about the res size. I know DD's is looking at going to bigger resses so the mini res size might have alot to do with it (drip line). Perhaps not. I dunno, but im guessing thats what he is getting at.

Sorry if Im jumping to conclusions here. :)


I'm 6'3 225lbs if my big ass can jump on them and not break, they are the toughest and cheapest tubs out..

Jalisco Kid

It has nothing to do with the object but how it is used. You have gone away from from a free flowing sys and you are basically in a krusty bucket format without his design.
It will work,might give you your biggest plant. It will not give you what dd, mine or krusty's would provide. Just because there are design flaws does not mean it will not work. A 175 dollar tank does not work better then a simple home made as long as they have the same design.
My thinking was if the bigger ones were not that much more I would go with a larger container.
I have been in hydro for a while there is no system I have not run more then once. Does not mean I can't learn a lot more. I can not see where the roots go having to do anything. I ran a system about 6-8 years back called Wally aero I believe. It was 8" pvc pipe. The roots would run down 8' or so then into a 12" collector that dumps into a huge rez. The rez would fill with roots that were 8'+ long. Or a 5' x 5' 260 gal. Plants do not get bigger in any of those compared to my gm. JK
Rcdwc was around in CW days.

Boots Sugarleaf

You have gone away from from a free flowing sys and you are basically in a krusty bucket format without his design.

How is in not free flowing? I don't know the krusty bucket so I will research it, but in these tubs the water is constantly on the move and constantly getting air....

It will not give you what dd, mine or krusty's would provide.
what does yours provide?
--and I think this is all based on DD's plans, just he is using round tubs in this go instead of square or rectangle....maybe I am missing something here
sky high

sky high

Heya guys.

easy....I saw your mention of using a coco mat in the bottom of your mesh pot to keep the hydroton from falling through and though I'd offer another option.....

this is made from 2 peices of plastic mesh "gutter screen" I found at Casa De Pot. Since I put one of these in the bottom of each mesh bucket I've not had a clog or found a single pebble of hydroton in the (wimpy 1/2") tubing of my system.

Coco mat works....I used it before these for one grow.... but it isn't reuseable and I think it takes extra time for the roots to penetrate through it.

either way....thanks for the thread. very informative.

s h


It has nothing to do with the object but how it is used. You have gone away from from a free flowing sys and you are basically in a krusty bucket format without his design.

I'm confused with this statement. Also, what are these design flaws you speak of? This is based off DDS's mpb system.

I do appreciate your input, JK but I'm not sure how you relate mine to KBS. There's almost 6 gallons (22.7 liters) of solution for the roots to swim in. DDS runs about 5 gallons (18.9 liters) in his tubs. The water level is about 7 inches at the drains (1.5" above bottom of net pot) and the surface area is twice as wide as it is tall. The only difference is my tubs are round. Maybe the photos are misleading? These things can't be compared to a 5 gallon bucket.

I've read up on the KBS system before. Lots of different opinions and seems like a lot of attitudes over what is best. Totally turned me off as it was annoying as hell! I can care less to get involved in silly online battles over things that aren't that important to me. Growing isn't my life so that could be a factor.

I like Doubleds mpb system as there are fully laid out plans with pictures and test grows to boot. Probably something we'll never see of your system, though you love to brag about it :) lol

From my readings, it would make no sense for me to go the kbs route. That seems like going backwards. It's a system that has many so-called flaws but still works fine for the tons of people that are using it.

I'm gonna run these round tubs first go and see what happens. I'm not gonna lose sleep over the decision lol! Plenty of time for refinements. If it doesn't come out so great, i'll change things up. I've got plenty of time to experiment. My income doesn't rely on my grows so I can do it for fun. Who knows, it might surprise us...but what do I know, i've never done hydro before and i'm still a relatively new obsessed grower :)

Thanks for chiming in, Boots! Much appreciated, bro :)

Yo sky high, good to have ya over here! Thanks for the screen idea. Originally, I wanted to keep coco from falling into the res. I have some girls in coco pots that I wanted to run in the system. I found a simpler solution and that was just to put the girls in little coco baskets. I'm holding off now as i'm not gonna be running those plants. Waiting for my mom to get big enough to pull enough clones.

Stick around, bro. I hope to put on a good show or completely bomb lol


i'm gonna grab those gutter screen and run the 3gal pots with much larger holes in the bottom of them. I picked up those 10net pots but they are alot smaller than the 3 gals so i would have to fix the holes on the tubs.


I have a bunch of yellow lids with bucket size holes I can't use. I'm gonna try to get those spare lids they have at home depot. I haven't had a run with hydroton yet but I did notice a lot of small pieces coming out when I was washing it. I can see the perfect size piece cloggin up a line. The net pot holes are pretty small though but things could still slip through.

Since dds mentioned going to a bigger bottom res, i've been on the hunt for a low profile tank that's square in size. Haven't had much luck other than the ones that are around $250-$300 each. They look nice though and could fit the bill. 36"x36"x13" They are blank tanks so you can cut whatever holes you want in them. Gonna see how this system works the way it is before I invest more money into it. I suppose I could use a res and make a hard lid for it. Will still cost a good chunk of cash. Maybe even a grow tray and have the netpot sit really high up. Just tossing some ideas around for the run after my first round with the round tubs.


i worried aobut the balls cloggin stuff up too, but i noticed they all spill out the overflow drain then end up in the res, and i use to boom mics on all my pumps so i they can get sucked thru. i just grab them when i drain. i think these tubs are the shit dude, i wouldnt worry about droppin $300 when u can make one for $15. you gotta figure DD did it with a smaller res then we're rocking


haha forgot you are using the 10gal tubs its boots and lost with the tubs, but still, it'll be epic. i think its more about the principle than the hardware


I agree with ya, bro. It doesn't need to get all technical and complicated. I'm thinking down the line as some tweaks that might work. Getting way ahead of myself, again. And I can't justify spending that kind of money on those expensive tanks. Only when i'm thoroughly convinced this method is for me, will I even consider the purchase. Of course, i'd only do one at a time. And it will only be for experimenting, anyways. The yellow tubs will most likely be in the run after next. I could do it this run but i'm so curious how the round tubs will work. If it's not a success, it's more proof not to use round tubs! :)

Boots Sugarleaf

I think these home depot 27 gallon ones will stay with me for a long time...I can not see a reason they won't be as efficient as any other larger size would be production wise, and larger tubs would probably just be more inefficient nutrient and water wise--IMHO


That's the catch there, bro. Nutes/additives/electricity are expensive for this setup and larger res's are just gonna cost you more to run. Gotta factor this into the equation to see if it's even worth it to ya to run. A single crop failure could mean thousands wasted in electricity, nutes, supplies, etc. Gotta be able to afford the loss.


Its true that these tubs require a bit of water so that alot of nutes.. Right now Im running about 80-100 gallons for 2 plants. That being said, i am changing the res every week and a half instead of every week. I think that it all comes down to you have to put in the money in nutes and lights (a/c), for this system to shine and when it does, the amount you put in for nutes elec and a/c is pretty small compared to yield :)


Thanks dhf, good to have your input on everything. It's great to get some wisdom from veteran growers from the day. You guys have been there and done that and the least we can do is learn from it.

We have a good bunch of guys with great attitudes working together on our little adventure. And each and everyone has something good to contribute. At minimum, it has been a boat load of fun and a pleasure to be working together with you guys. DDS, Northone, Dizzle, Lost, Boots, and anyone I might have missed, you guys rock!

Jalisco Kid

I will just point this out one last time. You equate your buckets with dd's in nute holding capacity,but their are other big differences. JK

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